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Ultra Cool Member
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Darthfett said:
2. Setting up "security levels":
a. Will determine how far the King is allowed to travel away from the Palace.
b. Determines how many guards are on-duty
c. Determines how far guards will patrol.

Higher security means the king goes less far away or more far away?


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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Less far away. So the assassins can't get to him as easy, since the throne room has the best protection.

>>can i have a list for items thst need to be made?

Right now, we don't have a list, as it's not going to be a major role to the map. Basically we'll need a custom item table for the creeps to drop, and some items for sale in the shops.


Ultra Cool Member
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Darthfett said:
3. Setting up the ActionBook abilities:
a. Thievery (Assassins) - Will cause security to go up a tiny bit, gives money, and can only be used on villagers.
b. Swim (?) - Will allow the unit to swim through the water. (We may not use this, so if you set up the actionbook, do this last.
I'll do this. Is this all the abilities you want me to make for the ActionBook?
Darthfett said:
b. Swim (?) - Will allow the unit to swim through the water. (We may not use this, so if you set up the actionbook, do this last.
Besides it wouldn't be very useful with how little water there is on the map. :)


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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Evan1993 said:
I'll do this. Is this all the abilities you want me to make for the ActionBook?

Besides it wouldn't be very useful with how little water there is on the map. :)

Well so far I haven't thought of any other abilities, so you can add other abilities if you want. The swim ability was partially for the moat, so Assassins wouldn't always have to go up to the gate, and go around the walls. Make sure the swim ability makes them pretty slow. :p


Ultra Cool Member
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I was making it so you have to be behind the target before you can rob it. Is this good or am I wasting my time?


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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It sounds good. :) If you could, could you make it so you can do it at night from any angle?

I'm having a bit of trouble with the Auto-Reorder Code though, so I'm still working on it. Noone seems to be responding to it though (In the JASS Help Zone), so I don't know if i'm going to be able to get this finished. :(


Ultra Cool Member
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I’m done with rob ability.
Want me to send you the map, or wait till I’m done with the ActionBook?
Also, maybe we should just remove the normal command icons and not bother with making the ActionBook abilities in a Spell book. Just a thought .

Here’s some more abilities that I could make:
Both Sides:

- This only would work while walking. The faster you were walking the farther you would go.
For climbing up the ivy on the castle walls :p
For taking a swim in the moat.

For un-locking locked doors that we don’t have....
Not sure about this one...
If used on a drunk guard (or low paid?) He will tell you were the king is

Makes old tracks re-appear so you can see were the enemy
If used on the right people they will tell you were the assassins base is.
Authority(or something like that.)
When you walk past guards you can control then until your too far away.


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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Evan1993 said:
Want me to send you the map, or wait till I’m done with the ActionBook?

Wait until you're done with the action book, so I can import it in all at one time.

Evan1993 said:
Also, maybe we should just remove the normal command icons and not bother with making the ActionBook abilities in a Spell book. Just a thought .

We'll need those abilities. Imagine playing a fighting game where you didn't even have an attack :p (You can't make the units do any of those abilities without having them on the units)

Evan1993 said:
- This only would work while walking. The faster you were walking the farther you would go.

How about having some sort of range put on the ability, and how high up you go depends on how far you are from the target. That way we wouldn't have to do any sort of fast-slow walking calculations and such.

Evan1993 said:
For climbing up the ivy on the castle walls
For taking a swim in the moat.

For un-locking locked doors that we don’t have....
Not sure about this one...


These sound good, especially if you can get the Track ability to work (it sounds like some really complicated JASS that would take a while). The Un-Lock ability would probably be called Pick Lock.

I'm having some hero ability ideas, though.

I'm not sure if it's been made before, since I see very few custom abilities in maps, but maybe a ramming ability, where you target a unit, and your hero instantly starts rushing towards the target, slow at first, but constantly speeding up (until it gets to an uber fast speed), and then it smashes its weapon into the target. The damage would probably have something to do with how fast it is going, and it would be good for guards to catch up to assassins, and dealing a heavy blow. Maybe you could add some sort of stunning effect to the smash at the end, to add an even more dramatic effect.

Also, maybe some sort of tentacle could be summoned in an area, and whenever units get close to it, it will attack them, and create some sort of entangling roots type effect on it. (Should be sort of like nature, with maybe a vine-like skin for the tentacle).

I'll probably put in some more ideas later. :)


New Member
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lmao. rofl. lol.

I thought that "Track" ability thing sounded pretty cool, so I went ahead and made it. The funny thing is that I didn't even think about what I was doing. I didn't realize how dumb I was being until just before I tested it.

What it does is keep track of every unit in the tracked group's path, which you can show by setting a global boolean to true.
constant function TrackPathId takes nothing returns integer
  return 'hpea'

function HandleTrackingPath takes nothing returns nothing
  local unit current
  local unit new = udg_NewTrackedUnit
  local unit e
  local group cycle
  local integer id
  local integer last
  local integer index = 1
  local string leftpath = "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Other\\IllidanFootprint\\IllidanSpawnFootPrint0.mdl"
  local string rightpath = "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Other\\IllidanFootprint\\IllidanSpawnFootPrint1.mdl"
  local string uid
  local real x
  local real y
  local real cx
  local real cy
  local real angle
  local real offset
    if new != null then
      call GroupAddUnit(udg_TrackedGroup, new)
      set udg_NewTrackedUnit = null
       set id = H2I(new)
       set uid = I2S(id)
       set x = GetUnitX(new)
       set y = GetUnitY(new)
        call StoreInteger(udg_TrackingCache, uid, "last", 1)
        call StoreReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid,"1", x)
        call StoreReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid, "201", y)
       set new = null
      set current = FirstOfGroup(udg_TrackedGroup)
      call GroupAddUnit(cycle, current)
       exitwhen current == null 
       set id = H2I(current)
       set uid = I2S(id)
       set last = GetStoredInteger(udg_TrackingCache, uid, "last")  
       set x = GetUnitX(current)
       set y = GetUnitY(current)
       set cx = GetStoredReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid, I2S(last))-x
       set cy = GetStoredReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid, I2S(last+200))-y 
        if last >= 200 then
          call StoreInteger(udg_TrackingCache, uid, "last", 1)
         if SquareRoot(cx * cx + cy * cy) >= 80 then
           call StoreReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid, I2S(last+1), x)
           call StoreReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid, I2S(last+201), y)
           call StoreInteger(udg_TrackingCache, uid, "last", last+1)
         if udg_ShowTrackingPath then
          set udg_ShowTrackingPath = false
             set cx = GetStoredReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid, I2S(index))
             set cy = GetStoredReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid, I2S(index+200))
             set x = GetStoredReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid, I2S(last+1))
             set y = GetStoredReal(udg_TrackingCache, uid, I2S(last+201))
              set angle = 57.3 * Atan2(y-cy, x-cx)
               if angle >= 180 then
                 set offset = -10
                 set offset = 10
              set x = cx + 25 * Cos((angle + offset) * 57.3)                  
              set y = cy + 25 * Sin((angle + offset) * 57.3)
               set e = CreateUnit(Player(15), TrackPathId(), cx, cy, angle) 
                call UnitApplyTimedLife(e, 'BTLF', udg_TrackCasterLevel * TrackDurationMultiplier())
               set e = CreateUnit(Player(15), TrackPathId(), x, y, angle)
                call UnitApplyTimedLife(e,'BTLF', udg_TrackCasterLevel * TrackDurationMultiplier())
             exitwhen index == last
              set index = index + 1
        call GroupRemoveUnit(cycle, current)
      set current = null
      set e = null

It does what it is supposed to. The thing is that I kinda forgot I was using units for the path model (I just made the peasant have the Illidan footprint model). I didn't even test it because I know that it can't be used. This will lag tons and tons and tons.

Forgive me, I am really tired and not thinking straight.

The only thing I can think of now is to just rip out it's guts and use the skeleton for an ability. If you cast track on a unit, then for whatever seconds you can see the unit's footprints.


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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corvusHaunt said:
lmao. rofl. lol.

I thought that "Track" ability thing sounded pretty cool, so I went ahead and made it. The funny thing is that I didn't even think about what I was doing. I didn't realize how dumb I was being until just before I tested it.

What it does is keep track of every unit in the tracked group's path, which you can show by setting a global boolean to true.

It does what it is supposed to. The thing is that I kinda forgot I was using units for the path model (I just made the peasant have the Illidan footprint model). I didn't even test it because I know that it can't be used. This will lag tons and tons and tons.

Heh that's too bad :eek: But at least you bothered to work on the map. :)

corvusHaunt said:
The only thing I can think of now is to just rip out it's guts and use the skeleton for an ability. If you cast track on a unit, then for whatever seconds you can see the unit's footprints.

That's an awesome idea, actually. If you did this, you could probably just use special effects, right? After the showing tracks time is up, just make them fade out really fast in the order that they were created, if you can.


Ultra Cool Member
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Oh, I thought that you would just track heroes so it wouldn’t lag. But making it so that you have to cast it on units is fine.


New Member
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I can do the ability easy. I used units instead of special effects because I was too lazy to add a destruction timer for each special effect (expiration timers already exist =P).

So yeah, the ability would be very easy, and wouldn't lag at all or anything like that. Too bad it didn't end up working on a global scale :(

We need more abilities like this that give the player more interaction in unique ways, and abilities that help you achieve a higher goal other than just killing an enemy. Like this ability doesn't do anything directly, but with a bit of "ingenuity" you can really make it worth something, and make it a higher value ability than just a damaging spell.
(would you rather just kill the assassin, or follow him back to his hideout and win the game)

Evan1993 said:
Oh, I thought that you would just track heroes so it wouldn’t lag. But making it so that you have to cast it on units is fine.
If I used special effects instead of units I could speed it up alot, but it still is a costly function to run so often and keep track of so many things (updates every x seconds, storing the virtual "footprints" of every unit in a certain group, up to 200 footprints for an unlimited amount of units; in theory)


Ultra Cool Member
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Ah, another thing I didn’t get :)
I thought that It would just let you see older then usual tracks not every track that they made.


New Member
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I made it so it would keep track of their last 200 'moves', seperated by 'x' seconds.

So I will make this in ability form, any specifications you'd like Darthfett?


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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Do you think you can make it so hero units have special tracks, while regular units all have regular tracks? That way if there are like 20 footprints leading in different directions, it would be more useful. Are you sure you don't just want to make it as a targetable ability? That way it would be a bonus to stop the Assassins from escaping. :)

Or... are you only doing heroes?

corvusHaunt said:
I made it so it would keep track of their last 200 'moves', seperated by 'x' seconds.

200 moves is still a lot... wouldn't somewhere around 30-40 be good? Also, how many seconds would it be? (2 seconds should be good, right?)


Kinda registered here just to reply here, 'cause this looks pretty exciting. Gl :)



Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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I've been working a bit on a new hero... the Underspider. So far, he has one completed ability, the Spider-bite type ability, and one in beta, that's unfinished.

The one in Beta partially works, but it doesn't do everything it's supposed to, like web the unit, and play ending animations and such.

The Spider-bite type ability is also just a mod off of Shadow Strike, but it will be a bit different, since it is all about the damage over time, the slow move speed, and the slow attack speed.

The other ability causes the Underspider to Rush towards the enemy underground, and spring out, biting the unit, and webbing it, although the webbing doesn't work.

Tell me what you think of them so far! :)

Also, ideas, and bugs that I haven't mentioned, or feedback would be really nice. How do you think it works for a main infiltrating type hero, and a bit of hero-killer?


From the depths, I come.
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Hero Idea - Kobold Tunneler

Ability 1 - Tunnel
The kobold digs underground, letting him move anywhere, even under walls and trees and other units, but making him move very slowly. Higher levels move a small bit faster.

Ability 2 - Rush Tunnel
The kobold begins to dig very fast for a short time, but the tunnel collapses after he finishes, damaging and stunning him and anyone he passed under. More damage and stun and speed each level. (stun will always counter the speed boost)

Ability 3 - Trap Pit
The kobold digs a hole under the ground, near the surface. Any units that move on top of it (except for a flying unit or a tunneling kobold) makes the hole collapse, and become stunned for a time. Hole takes 10 seconds to dig, and the kobold must channel it during that time. Higher levels stun for longer and do damage.

Ultimate - Tunnel System
The kobold digs a very large and stable tunnel, letting other units use them as well. This tunnel takes a very long time to dig, however, and can only be so long. Higher levels allow longer tunnels in shorter times.
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