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> but how does this in any way qualify for its own forum?


> [Author] who had initiative

I must insist on that. Initiative. Who ever asked us for a forum? Nobody recently.

> who probably deserves it more.

But he never asked.

> all that really means is "he's friends with people in high places"

He's the only one who asked recently.

Anyways, this topic is about the map itself. Please keep such comments elsewhere.


Ultra Cool Member
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Could you find some other model instead of Circle of Powers, because I feel that they look retarded in the middle of nowhere.


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Could you find some other model instead of Circle of Powers, because I feel that they look retarded in the middle of nowhere.

mhmm, I'll take that into thought. Thanks for the input.


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Ooooh. Another AoS type map. Competition, competition, competition...

Can you explain more about the lanes?
What's the function of each one?
And morale, how does that work?

Control points huh. I never liked things like that, mainly because they took the focus of the map off the lanes, leaving all the players scrabbling for the bonuses in remote corners of the map rather than directing their energies at pushing.

Good idea about the supply convoys though, I like it a lot. Brings all the heroes together once in a while for a big battle. Also promotes good strategy and teamwork if done right.

I'm not sure about the creep captains, are they like the mercenaries of DoE, patrolling and defending the base? Or do they go out and fight with the creep waves? Either way, they can hardly be as good as the human players, even with awesome AI, and so they would serve only as a distraction wouldn't they? They can't take part in any kind of strategic manuever either.

Oh, and, in the screenshots, the buildings look funny, doesn't really fit the foresty theme. Unless you're switching them off of course, I know they're old screenshots.

Off topic: I've always wanted a forum for my own project some day, I hope these project forums receive some activity so they won't disappear. o_O

Sir Gordon

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>Control points huh. I never liked things like that, mainly because they took the focus of the map off the lanes, leaving all the players scrabbling for the bonuses in remote corners of the map rather than directing their energies at pushing.
That's where I would insist, too. Nice catch.


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Dark Priest

Unit Name: Dark Priest

Proper Name: Krin

Primary Attribute: Intelligence

Skill 1
Health Funnel
Transfers HP of the caster to a target friendly unit

level 1: Heals 20 HP, drains 10 HP from the Dark Priest
level 2: Heals 40 HP, drains 20 HP from the Dark Priest
level 3: Heals 60 HP, drains 30 HP from the Dark Priest
level 4: Heals 80 HP, drains 40 HP from the Dark Priest

Skill 2
Mana Greed
On each spell casted there is a chance, that a 50% of the used mana will be returned.

level 1: 10% chance
level 2: 20% chance
level 3: 30% chance
level 4: 40% chance

Skill 3
Aura of Necrohealing (hate this name:banghead:)
If a friendly unit dies under effect of the Aura it will heal other units that are under the effect of the Aura.

level 1: 25% of the max health of the dying unit will be spreaded among the other friendly units which are under the effect of the Aura
level 2: 50% of the max health of the dying unit will be spreaded among the other friendly units which are under the effect of the Aura
level 3: 75% of the max health of the dying unit will be spreaded among the other friendly units which are under the effect of the Aura
level 4: 100% of the max health of the dying unit will be spreaded among the other friendly units which are under the effect of the Aura

Demonic Bloodrain
Causes a rain of blood to pour down in a large area, healing friendly units and damaging enemy units. Lasts 35 seconds.

level 1: Healing friendly units for 20 HP per second and damaging enemy units for 10 HP per second
level 2: Healing friendly units for 40 HP per second and damaging enemy units for 20 HP per second
level 3: Healing friendly units for 60 HP per second and damaging enemy units for 30 HP per second

Description: The Dark Priest was once a proud member of the Alliance, but his obsession for Dark magic got him banished. His curse became his blessing, as he now is the most powerful healer the Undead has ever known. Can learn Health Funnel, Mana Greed, Aura of Necrohealing and Demonic Bloodrain


I have published this hero before, but this version is based on an acolyte instead of a necromancer. You find this spellpack on this thread: Spellpack

This spellpack also contains custom icons.
I have replaced the health funnel icon from the thread to this one:

I hope you like it and i hope you use it in this game :)
Give Credits if used
If you want more info or the demo map:
MSN: [email protected] or send me a private message.
(cuz im not sure i will check this thread that often :))



I will work hard tomorrow
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Depends where you place the control points. In Fields of Stained Snow (you don't need to know that), everything capturable is along the creep lanes and it works very well.

>"are they like the mercenaries of DoE"

You mean AotZ.

Yeah, those pink Draenei buildings don't fit at all.

What's "Morale"? What's a sepcial creep lane?

And like hulky, I can't see the other 4 lanes. :p


So many apples
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I thought about a caster typ Hero... Well, aggession, support kinda thing. Anyways, Let me explain my Idea.
Unit Name: Abyss Horror
Name: Angelus Diabola

Skill/Spell 1: Darkest Hour: Angelus creates a Void around himself, nourishing it with Evil spirits. Initially deals damage and Blinds enemy Units around him. Any Unit which enters the Void also blinds.
Void lasts 3 Seconds
Level 1: Deals initially 50 Damage in an AOE of 225 around Angelus. Blinds Enemy Units for 7.5 Seconds, with a 33% chance to fail to hit the target on each attack.
Level 2: Deals initially 100 Damage in an AOE of 250 around Angelus. Blinds Enemy Units for 7.5 Seconds, with a 33% chance to fail to hit the target on each attack.
Level 3: Deals initially 150 Damage in an AOE of 275 around Angelus. Blinds Enemy Units for 7.5 Seconds, with a 33% chance to fail to hit the target on each attack.
Level 4: Deals initially 200 Damage in an AOE of 300 around Angelus. Blinds Enemy Units for 7.5 Seconds, with a 33% chance to fail to hit the target on each attack.

Skill/Spell 2: Mental Havoc: Angelus chants a target enemy Unit with a strong De-buff. He transfers Pain onto his Victim, yet delaying the Damage. After a Certain amount of time or if the Damage Quota limit exceeds, the chant releases, dealing damage equal to the damage stored.
Lasts 20 Seconds.
Level 1: Limit of damage stored capped to 175.
Level 2: Limit of damage stored capped to 250.
Level 3: Limit of damage stored capped to 325.
Level 4: Limit of damage stored capped to 400.

Skill/Spell 3: Hate-Breed: Angelus empowers a target by setting rage, anger and hatred free in the target Unit. That unit gains immense powers for a limited portion of time. The buff wears off if the target kills a Unit.
Lasts 20 seconds.
Level 1: Increases Damage. Damage increased is related on the main attribute of the Target.
Level 2: Increases Damage. Damage increased is related on the main attribute of the Target, times 1.5.
Level 3: Increases Damage. Damage increased is related on the main attribute of the Target, times 2.
Level 4: Increases Damage. Damage increased is related on the main attribute of the Target, times 2.5.

Skill/Spell 4 (ULTI): Cyanide Backdraft: Angelus links up to 5 Units with each other. Whenever a linked Unit recieves damage, Enemy linked Units take 10% of the damage dealt, while allied Units gain 10% of the damage dealt (As in HP).
Level 1: 150 Second cooldown, lasts 25 Seconds.
Level 2: 130 Second cooldown, lasts 27 Seconds.
Level 3: 110 Second cooldown, lasts 29 Seconds.


New Member
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1st thread

id like to see this played on northrend im anctious to know what its like buti have not seen it yet :confused:


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mhmm, I'll take that into thought. Thanks for the input.

You *should* look into that. Right now, it's a shame to see a well-terrained map lose its edge because of some wtf-is-this-doin'-here circles of power


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What he means is, he would like to see this hosted on Northrened. (Europe?)

But, the game is not out yet, so he was mistaken.


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Well heres what I'm gonna do. There going to be a structure where the control points are supposed to be that represents their bonus. (Scout tower for Line of Sight increase, etc).

For the weapon placements, you just walk near then and you can opperate them.


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You haven't answered all of the questions. :rolleyes:

Can you explain more about the lanes?
What's the function of each one?
And morale, how does that work?
What about the mercenary captains, how do they work?


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Unit Name: Ghost Spider
Proper Name: Ka'rahz
Primary Attribute: Intelligence

Fear: The Ghost Spider imposes his presence upon the target unit, gradually building up fear and doubt in the victim's mind until it becomes almost unbearable. Decreases attack damage and movement speed. Lasts 10 seconds.

RANK 1: Attack damage is lowered by 2 per second. Movement is lowered by 1% per second.
RANK 2: Attack damage is lowered by 3 per second. Movement is lowered by 2% per second.
RANK 3: Attack damage is lowered by 4 per second. Movement is lowered by 3% per second.
RANK 4: Attack damage is lowered by 5 per second. Movement is lowered by 4% per second.

Venom: The Ghost Spider possesses a slow, corrosive poison, which deals small amounts of damage over a large amount of time. Lasts 20 seconds. (Stacks up to 3 times)

RANK 1: Deals 5 damage per second.
RANK 2: Deals 7 damage per second.
RANK 3: Deals 9 damage per second.
RANK 4: Deals 11 damage per second.

Chaos Spiders: The Ghost Spider creates ultra realistic images of himself, which deal 50% of his damage and take 200% more damage. Every time the Ghost Spider is attacked during the duration of the images, all of the copies switch places, confusing his enemies.

RANK 1: Creates 1 image.
RANK 2: Creates 2 images.
RANK 3: Creates 3 images.
RANK 4: Creates 4 images.

Despair: The Ghost Spider is adept at creating despair within his enemies through trickery. Deals 60% of the unit's current hp over 20 seconds, but restores it all at the end.

RANK 1: Has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
RANK 2: Has a cooldown of 100 seconds.
RANK 3: Has a cooldown of 80 seconds.

The Ghost Spider should have relatively low attack damage, armor, and hp.


In need of sleep
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UnitName: Panda BrewMaster
ProperName: Chen Stormstout
PrimaryAttribute: Strength
Note: This is a transformation hero, all 3 base skills are transformations that will last an unlimited time, to revert, when the panda transforms give him the revert ability (will transform chen back to brewmaster form) Transformations cannot transform into anything other then BrewMaster

Skill1: Explosive Brew: Transforms Chen into a Fire Panda, in that state he will gain the abilities, Fire Breath and Panda Fire Rocket, each level increases the effects of the two skills below.

Fire Breath: Deals Damage to everything in a cone, afterwards it will deal damage every second. As you upgrade your Explosive Brew, this skills attack power and damage over time attack power will increases.

Panda Fire Rocket: Chen Catches fire and will fly to the targeted point, he will damage everything in his way and will make an explosion upon arrival. The damage of this skill and the casting range of this skill will increase with level.

Skill2: Shocking Brew: Transforms Chen into a Storm Panda, in that state he gains the abilities, Rapid Shock and OverCharge.

Rapid Shock: Chen will summon a few Lightning orbs to shock his target, they will shock fifty times a second and will deal damage based on Chen's int. The number of orbs will increase per level. <they will follow the target, the shocks will jump one time. if the skill is maxed out>

OverCharge: Passive: Chen's brew gave Chen too many volts then he can handle, so every time he attacks theres a chance he will let a small amount out, if this happens the target will be mini-stuned and purged <purge goes away instantly, its just for de-buffs> the damage is based on Chen's Int, Leveling Shocking Brew will increase the chances of Overcharge.

Skill3: Mineral Water: A New goblin invention, but as Chen loves brews, he decides to try it out. Chen transforms into Earth Panda, he gains the ability Growth and Mushroom.

Growth: Chen increases his size along with armor and attack power for a period in time. Each level increases the effects of this skill along with duration.

Mushroom: Generates a Mushroom in Chen's inventory <if there is no room, then the mushroom will be used as a powerup, and its intended effects will target the panda> The mushrooms have random effects, each level decreses cooldown time.

Inflation Mushroom - Increases the size of the target, and decreases its armor.

Posion Mushroom: Inflicts the status "Stomach Ache" to the target, where movement will be slowed and every few seconds, the target will barf.

Red Mushroom - Increases the target's Attack rate, but skills for the target will be disabled.

Edible Mushroom - Heals the target over time, if the target is attacked, then the healing process stops.

SkillUltimate: Experimental Brew: Chen combines all 3 brews into one experimental brew. This Transforms Chen into the fabled Super BrewMaster! Being a Super Brew master consumes energy, and can only be sustained for a limited time. The effects of the Brew is too strong for you to revert back to normal, you must wait for Chen to sober up again.

Bottle Rockets - Chen Fills his bottles full of shock and Explosive brews. The rockets will propel forward while Zapping everything in its path, when the bottle its the ground, the bottle explodes dealing damage to everything in the area along with zapping everything in the area.

Shocking Growth - The effects of your current Growth skill is amplified with lightning! This Grants your the same benefits of the growth skill along with an increased attack rate along with an increased movement rate with a chance of Zapping a unit that is attacking you from your extra electricity.

Fire Mushrooms - Grow your mushrooms with fire instead of sunlight! the end results will be Fire Mushrooms!<if there is no room, then the mushroom will be used as a powerup, and its intended effects will target the panda>

Mircrowave Mushroom - Inflates the target, after a short amount of time, the target explodes into pieces of gold. This can only be used on Units. <if Chen eats this then he will receive the effects of the inflation mushroom>

Burning Mushroom - Sets the target on fire along with inflicting the target with "Stomach Ache". The target will be slowed and periodically damaged and stunned.

Burning Passion Mushroom - Increases the targets attack and movement speeds. Also sets the target on fire, making it deal damage to everything around it including itself.

Well Cooked Mushroom - Restores hp over 1 second. The target will also receive the effects of "Well Fed" which grants the target increased attack and armor ratings.

Description: The Pandarian BrewMaster Travels the world looking for ingredients for new brews, but the Chaos Faction threatens the world's natural goods used in creating such brews. Angrily the panda sets out to stop the Chaos Faction with his three latest brews, the Explosive Brew, Shocking Brew, And a Goblin Brew "Mineral Water". The panda joins The Order in order to protect his precious ingredients.

forgive me for spelling mistakes @.@
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