Warcraft 4: The Awakening - |Map of the Week #10|

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Evil always finds a way
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Alright, well put. I think that's what we all want here. This is a damn slow process between all of us posting repeatedly though. The Helper should have like a live chat system or something, that'd make things move along a lot faster.

The helper has that. If I recall correctly, then to use it one need over a certain amount of rep, something between 25-75. I don't remember the exact amount either:p


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Ok now I'm going to join this chat, I read the whole thing today and will probably look back for more things.

Going way back:
  • Archer double attack seems really strong, dull down second hit maybe?
  • We need more units besides undead, undead are easy to think of cause anything that was previously alive could be undead. I say we need to add orc units, like take some of Rexxar's stuff and do a take on beasts and training. Will try to add to others too.
  • For lore discussion: lore is law, but lore can be messed with. If Illidain dies, just do a sacrifice of naga or bring him to humans so pallies can resserect, etc. Powerful characters don't have to stay dead forever. It may be more complicated but ya know, Illidain is one of the top five most powerful characters in lore, and you all know pallies have ressurection ability!:p
  • LOLS just thought of this in last post. Make a priest that can change undead to same tier human unit. (ghouls->footies) Really long cooldown and defence spells/aura to back them up (or sacrifice themselves, etc.)
  • Make a new race, or take some creeps and make a race. Gnolls would be easy, could side with orcs or make bonus campaign (awesome). Dragonlings, bandits, golems, heck, you could make one up yourself!:thup:
  • Running out of good ideas, wait, how about to go along with weather, do farming optional, which gets less gold and only a certain amount of maximum income, and rises and falls with seasons.
  • Make one scene where all four come together for a free for all battle, out of confusion, madness, chaos, anger, possesion, what have you. It would just be great to have them all fight and then side up against the person ultimatly winning (e.g. Undead) in one battle.

All I got now, lore thing is just my opinion, but I'm not lore fanatic so thats how I look at lore. Everything is just opinion, feel free not to use it, just ideas. I am not suggesting using all or nothing, just pick and choose the best ideas. May post more later.


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A lot of that is well put, lore is law, but the fact that you can mess with it is true, as long as you justify your reasons. Also illidan isnt one of the most 5 powerful beings by far (stronger than him: arthas, alexstrasza, old gods and there are 4 or 5 of them i cant remember, the pantheon which im not sure how big it is it is the ruling class of the titans, kiljaeden, all the dragon aspects, sargeras, and im sure there are more). also about the new race thing, making one up would be absurd, unless you have very good reasons (the naga were made up in WC3, and had good justification), and the new race should have major reason to be a new race. The Forsaken are a possibility; and also let me say that there doesnt have to be blood elves back on azeroth if you were thinking that. warcraft III depicts them as all leaving with kaelthas (there would be for sure a still left behind of course) so thats up to you what happened.


Evil always finds a way
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A lot of that is well put, lore is law, but the fact that you can mess with it is true, as long as you justify your reasons. Also illidan isnt one of the most 5 powerful beings by far (stronger than him: arthas, alexstrasza, old gods and there are 4 or 5 of them i cant remember, the pantheon which im not sure how big it is it is the ruling class of the titans, kiljaeden, all the dragon aspects, sargeras, and im sure there are more). also about the new race thing, making one up would be absurd, unless you have very good reasons (the naga were made up in WC3, and had good justification), and the new race should have major reason to be a new race. The Forsaken are a possibility; and also let me say that there doesnt have to be blood elves back on azeroth if you were thinking that. warcraft III depicts them as all leaving with kaelthas (there would be for sure a still left behind of course) so thats up to you what happened.

Amen to that:D
I must disagree on one thing tho.
Alexstrasza and the dragon aspects, you could leave that to just the dragon aspects since she is one of them

Nozdormu the Timeless One
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder
Ysera the Dreamer
Malygos the Spell-Weaver
Neltharion the Earth-Warder(now known as Deathwing, he made an appearance in warcraft2)

Those alone are enought to put illidian out of that list.

Even tho there is a slight thing you forgot.
Skull of Gul'dan, the item that Illidan got his imba powers from, it is a quite powerfull item, I for one even believe that it can match the powers of frostmourne and even top them. But not the full powers of the lich king.

I would say, that with the titans out of the picture and still counting the dragon aspects and demigods, he would atleast be among the top twenty;)

Edit: Not to mention that the skull of Gul'dan was used in warcraft 2 by Kadghar to close the dark portal, wich makes it pretty powerfull to me:D


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I realize that the Skull of Gul'dan is immensly powerful, but Frostmourne is still stronger. In case you forgot, Arthas defeated Illidan with Frostmourne, before he was part of the Lich King.


Evil always finds a way
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I realize that the Skull of Gul'dan is immensly powerful, but Frostmourne is still stronger. In case you forgot, Arthas defeated Illidan with Frostmourne, before he was part of the Lich King.

Luck and power is not the same thing:p
Frostmourne is a weapon, skull of Gul'dan is not.
Their power's can't be compared like that.
And Frostmourne was just a beacon or reciever for Nerzuls powers when he was trapped in the frozen throne, don't forget that. Without nerzul, the blade would be just a cool but ordinary sword:p


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Luck? Nah. Frostmourne was there before Ner'zhul was the Lich King. Frostmourne is one of the - or is the - most powerful runeblade, and has the power to consume souls. Kil'jaeden gave it to Ner'zhul when he made him the Lich King, but the Lich King devised his plan to get Arthas to get Frostmourne, and he cursed the blade so he could whisper and corrupt it's bearer.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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wow so much discussed in one day. First a few things:

1. For the person who asked for a demo, ive nearly finished a very early alpha which only adds new units and replaces a few, no new upgrades, near to no new replaced units. If you would like me to release it, i could, but it seems better to wait until beta when all the units are finished.

2. On a new race, the campaign will have 3 new races, The Forsaken, and two others i shall not mention (because of spoilers of course). The Forsaken will have a completely new building method, this way they are not too much like the Undead, the units will be completely different, Nerubians aren't with the Forsaken anymore since the Lich King used nearly there whole army (with the new Crypt Queen, Nerubian Guard, and special upgrades for all Nerubian units). They will have a small campaign and no it is not a bonus campaign. It is right after the Humans campaign. This small campaign will have about 6 missions, with the Forsaken as a whole new race to play. If your asking, no the other 2 races are not playable in the campaign.

3. Archer double attack upgrade is high tier, and is likely to not see the light of battle, but if you ever get that long in game it can be very useful.

4. @Bradleo: I have already done nearly all new orc, nightelf, and human units. I just haven't had much time to put it up on the front. Also the priest idea is very nice, im adding it! :thup:

Here are some lore and gameplay updates:

1. The Archsorcerer is getting completely revamped, she will now be the master of time and space.

2. And lastly on the intro cinematic (this is kinda a spoiler) to the Night Elf campaign, the last phrases are:

"They... Come from the stars... "
*Light flashes in the sky and it is raining bright, light engulfed water"
"They're coming to get back what is theirs..."
"They are Awakening..."

:) Discuss

Off Topic: i just realized this thread has the most posts on the first page, i guess all the lore discussion is the reason xD


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Cool stuff I admit I'm excited. I wish my thread got this much activity. I like all your ideas except the Archsorcerer... call it a Chronomagi! Also, let me say, that in Warcraft III:ROC/TFT each hero in the races was used in the campaign. Who is this Archsorcerer/Chronomagi (if you use my name)?


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Im not sure yet, atm im just using the Jaina model until i get a new one but until i get into the human campaign i cannot say much about her. The Night Elf campaign is going to be by far, the most epic campaign ever made. It will tell you the truth about warcraft, the wars with the humans, the orcs, the undead, and the Night Elves were nothing, like the last words on the intro said, "They are Awakening...".

EDIT: Chronomagi is nice, but i need something different that states it's a girl hero, but Chrono definitely needs to be in it.
EDIT2: Oh also, im not working on One War for a while, so One Wars project is on pause atm. This means production will be alot more smoother and an earlier beta is possible.


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For the Chronomagi thing, I need to know more about the char for a better name. If you want to you can pm me about it.

So are the guys that are awakening new guys you created? Are they from azeroth? Or are they from the twisting nether?


Evil always finds a way
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1. For the person who asked for a demo, ive nearly finished a very early alpha which only adds new units and replaces a few, no new upgrades, near to no new replaced units. If you would like me to release it, i could, but it seems better to wait until beta when all the units are finished.

Is that all I am to you? Just a person? After all we been thru?:(
Not really anything, but still:p I got a nick:eek:

Do you think it will take long? I can wait, but you have been teasing for quite a while now:p

Don't you have any screens? some pictures of the units or something?

I see why it take a lot of time tho, it seems to be a very well organized and "thought thru" project:D

And just for the sake: "You can't rush perfection";)

Edit: @wc3shady: You sure has done your homework, I quess I must surrender, I made some points tho:p hehe..


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Is that all I am to you? Just a person? After all we been thru?:(
Not really anything, but still:p I got a nick:eek:

Do you think it will take long? I can wait, but you have been teasing for quite a while now:p

Don't you have any screens? some pictures of the units or something?

I see why it take a lot of time tho, it seems to be a very well organized and "thought thru" project:D

And just for the sake: "You can't rush perfection";)

Edit: @wc3shady: You sure has done your homework, I quess I must surrender, I made some points tho:p hehe..

Sorry lol it's just so much posts i had to skip through so i didn't see you posted it. xD plus i forgot names easily trust me if you knew me in rl life you'd find me always forgetting what day it is. :D

So are the guys that are awakening new guys you created? Are they from azeroth? Or are they from the twisting nether?

Quote from the intro:

"They... Come from the stars..."

Self explanatory? :thup:


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Ah, your bringing the queen of blades into warcraft:p

LOLz, that would be interesting :rolleyes:

Ontopic though, these guys are from a planet nearby Azeroth, it has only just appeared. Sort of like the outland but this new planet has only just been created, or awoken. :)


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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A lot of that is well put, lore is law, but the fact that you can mess with it is true, as long as you justify your reasons. Also illidan isnt one of the most 5 powerful beings by far (stronger than him: arthas, alexstrasza, old gods and there are 4 or 5 of them i cant remember, the pantheon which im not sure how big it is it is the ruling class of the titans, kiljaeden, all the dragon aspects, sargeras, and im sure there are more). also about the new race thing, making one up would be absurd, unless you have very good reasons (the naga were made up in WC3, and had good justification), and the new race should have major reason to be a new race. The Forsaken are a possibility; and also let me say that there doesnt have to be blood elves back on azeroth if you were thinking that. warcraft III depicts them as all leaving with kaelthas (there would be for sure a still left behind of course) so thats up to you what happened.

As samael said. You can skip alexstrasza since you mentioned the aspects too. I don't really remember the campaign lore. Who's mightier? Archimonde or kil'jaeden? Because i'm quite sure Illidan could beat Archimonde with the skull of gul'dan.

@Kingbdogz: Call it Scourgewagon! The new unit for the undeads.

Also, a good hero for the Burning Legion could be hakkar. Now don't flame me saying he's a troll demigod. Because he was orginally not. There's 2 hakkars. The one I'm talking about, Hakkar the houndmaster: http://www.wowwiki.com/Hakkar_the_Houndmaster and the wow hakkar, hakkar the soulflayer: http://www.wowwiki.com/Hakkar_the_Soulflayer


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Yeah I know it was a mistake (alexstrasza thing).

Also Kil'Jaeden and Archimonde were equal, I always figured, seeing as how they are both equal ranks in the Burning Legion, and were both equals when Sargeras recruited them. Also Illidan couldn't beat Archimonde since they were equals, because Illidan feared Kil'Jaeden.

Call it Blightwagon or Plaguewagon.

I know about the two hakkars, but hakkar the houndmaster died in the war of the ancients.


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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Yeah I know it was a mistake (alexstrasza thing).

Also Kil'Jaeden and Archimonde were equal, I always figured, seeing as how they are both equal ranks in the Burning Legion, and were both equals when Sargeras recruited them. Also Illidan couldn't beat Archimonde since they were equals, because Illidan feared Kil'Jaeden.

Call it Blightwagon or Plaguewagon.

I know about the two hakkars, but hakkar the houndmaster died in the war of the ancients.

Ah, thanks for reminding me about hakkar. I read the trilogy once. I'm rereading it right now. Haven't come there yet. Or wait, I might have. Anyways skip him.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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@Kingbdogz: Call it Scourgewagon! The new unit for the undeads.

Call what the Scourgewagon?

Also am i wrong when i say, isn't the Burning Legion gone? i thought they were destroyed or something. I'm probably wrong. :D
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