What it is like to move into the u.s after 7 years of living in a 3rd world nation.


Missy wants blood!
Reaction score
You have a good way of thinking... what with the idea that constantly talking to her would make you a friend, talking to her occasionally (but often enough to be friendy) would make you seem more attractive to her. Hmmm. Maybe I should try that technique... though I guess msn isn't quite the same.

Also I'm gonna assume that's not your real cell number :D

King TonGoll

Reaction score
Also I'm gonna assume that's not your real cell number :D

........ thanks for that........*edits last post's....*

---------------------day two week 4-------------------
I start the morning, and decide to put a small paper on my back, made the letters big and made it say "Hug's for free! No limit, forever whenever!" Today I got 17 hugs. Both Guy's and girls, well, until this one ass hole came and tore it off my back ripped it up and threw it away and started cracking up. I walked towards him, he circled his friends, they said," Are you gana hit him HAH!" and i said "no congratulate him for being able to steal it from me" *hold out hand. When he came to shake it i kicked him in the balls. he was pissed, bell wrong and we walked away from LUNCH. Walking down the hall with my friend and a smoothie flys right behind me. completely missing, guy threw a smoothie at me, my friend was wearing a 300$ red sox shirt and he said if it had hit us he would kill him.

Who the **** throws a smoothie? Well, all the girls felt bad that he ripped it up *leet win?* and one of his friends who is all so my friend told me "he would have fought if he didn't just go to the dentist"........... I think he is just a arse bandit. So, I used this hugs for free to sap hugs out of a certain group of girls. *yes, You can tease if you want too* next school day I have all ready made three "Free Hugs" signs out of cardboard. I plan to use them all, hand out two and keep one. doing this for fun, a teacher said it was fine as long as i don't force hug people. *Me thinks star wars!*

The friend/bad ugly girl, Is like pissed off at me now, I am going to make her not hate me. if she hates me then i can never settle into there group and would be pulling her away from her friends all the time. This is going to be hard, but I am going to try and pull my location to there location slowly. my friend thinks they are crazy, and he is a cool guy. I learned that she hates the skaters, some of witch i am friends with, but trust me they must be retarded. *at least these guy's, i used to skate, and I inline skate now, these guys are retarded* So I should make it clear to them that I am going to transaction myself to her slowly and that No one tells me who i can and cannot be friends with. *they don't like her that much.*

back to the friend, she attacked me verbally in the morning, scarry shit. WHY DID YOU SAY THAT????? WHY DID YOU TELL HER THAT?, those words will ring in my ear for a while. I would rather Die then suffer with that person, but i will have to do the impossible and become her friend..... get along.

another reason behind my plan of the Free hugs, is to meet people in the school, If i do that then I can decide who to be friends with and who to not be friends with. gain knowledge and full fill a plan i had from half the year back. a plan for whatever high school i went too.

I detest drugs, I want to be the biggest drug snitch in this schools history, and I want to do it without them knowing it was me. but first I have to find comrades, and will have to be friends with the stoners at the same time. If you think I should not do this, my mind is made, I will pay the price.

p.s this is the longest journal i think i have ever kept.
And thanks guys for the support, Private Messages etc! Really thanks!

DM Cross

You want to see a magic trick?
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When did we become a blog site? o_O

King TonGoll

Reaction score
What if someone of ur school goes on this site and read this , then know all your plans?

like hell that has happened, but i removed all content I didn't want them to know.

I have been suspended from school for 5 day's. Some one started a fight, he thought i was gay for giving hugs to everyone. *me and three other guys where giving hugs, but they didn't get invoulved.*

I'll post the entire thing on the 14th.

A smoothie and water, few hits to the face, no big deal. these cawordds ganged up lol.

P.S we scorred 90 hugs befor


Missy wants blood!
Reaction score
If someone want to beat you up and not fight fairly then they will have a gang. In fact, regardless of the circumstances, they will be in a gang.

I got about 15 attacking me once just for eating a ham sandwich, which apparently was against their religion. Which incidently claims not to condone violence. Go figure :nuts:

Still, being the evasive little guy I was I slipped out of the way before trouble really started.

Sir Gordon

Decent User (I'm as good as you)
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I really like to hear such things (not gossiping).

>I'll post the entire thing on the 14th

it is 14th, I think...not updated :p


ITS OVER 9000!
Reaction score
:eek: you're right!

The free hugs thing is brilliant, my school has a football game tonight so I think bringing a 'Free Hugs' sign is in order.

Just as a side note, I did student council earlier this year. For my slogan I said I was hot (my RL name rhymes with it) for days afterword random people called me hot xD. Needless to say I won. I think I could get away with the free hugs thing because of that :D.

Keep posting these, I'm sure someone is turning this into a script and gunna make some money off of this xD.

King TonGoll

Reaction score
:eek: you're right!

The free hugs thing is brilliant, my school has a football game tonight so I think bringing a 'Free Hugs' sign is in order.

Just as a side note, I did student council earlier this year. For my slogan I said I was hot (my RL name rhymes with it) for days afterword random people called me hot xD. Needless to say I won. I think I could get away with the free hugs thing because of that :D.

Keep posting these, I'm sure someone is turning this into a script and gunna make some money off of this xD.

They are all doing it! every one started free hugs!!!!

but i am not ther to see ot.... only told about it....


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
Reaction score
I really enjoy your writing, it's fun to read lol.

And yeah, names and hugs work :D My myspace is "Secksy (My Name)" and at school they call me secksy.
but yeah, I've been in your situation, except from the US. to a third world country school, and a lot smaller :p

King TonGoll

Reaction score
Okay, this should be a big update. more then one day, a lot of days.
Directly following the last post, the next school day I had was a Thursday. I got suspended for punching some one in the face, the skaters. Notice I disregard the word fight, this was not a fight. A fight is long, and painful. I felt no pain nor was it long, it was a max of 5 seconds during lunch. The group had called me over, began calling me a fag, queer, asking if I wanted to kiss them, pushed me then *my left, his right* slapped me open hand to the face. I then raise my right hand and punch him twice. While at the same time the guy with awful aim with the smoothie was with them and threw another smoothie at me *he hit do to being really close* and another bud poured water on me. Now I was pulled away, but there was no need, I walked away at the same time. he was slow, before he could punch back i grabbed his right fist and prevented him from doing so. I am not claiming to be a good fighter, but I have been in a lot and i can say this guy was way to open and to slow. slow may be power but speed can kill the power you may gain. While there entire table was cracking up everyone in the lunch room had noticed or something, it seemed that they where all standing up and talking above tone. While walking away, while some girl said i was so stupid, i felt proud. Just like I had won, or rather I did win but thats to me. If he thinks he won then he won. if he didn't i won, ether way I don't care what he thinks or anyone who believes what he say's. I don't have to.
After the walking away, two seconds after, a staff member had begun asking if i was all right then the 10th grade dean, the ninth grade dean was missing, toke me to his office. Made me sit and write out what had occurred. I had explained that in the morning The guy who threw the smoothies had punched me in the face breaking two of my chains *Fixed now, neck chains, you know.... the bling bling type,only mine is a jolly roger and the Bleach skull*. There was one girl as my witness, sent in by some one.... I will get to that in a moment. That is later down the line. Ok, so after that they allow me to change my shirt and then force me to sit without speaking. but I talk to this girl who went to diciplin due to having been receiving threats from some other girl, she cracked at how i smelled like a berry.
They question me on what i had written and then after another long period of time, probably one hour, they move me to the detectives room. Not for more questioning, but for "protection",I sit there by myself for the next 4 hours! But I had no problem with it, I can wait till the end of the world by myself. Spent most my life that way anyway, a man needs nothing more then his creativity and himself, IHad spent the entire time remaking the fight in my head and creating conversations, as well as feeling like shit for making some one get angry and in my view point scarred and freaked out.
They take me out for a second due to a fire drill, The woman they had take me was nice, she liked my story and told me these guys all ways get into trouble, the kid i punched, he alone had over 40 referrals.

They thought I was Gay for doing the Free Hugs campaign in school.
that morning I had brought three free hugs cardboard signs to school as a small joke. Passed out two,got man rapped the good funny way and then these guys where all ready planning to steal my sign. To bad for them, I was surrounded by supporters and then before i they could they where confiscated for promoting public affection. Instead he goes for a punch to the face, I swing back at him and thats that. *sorry if this is out of sequence but whatever*

On to the aftermath of the ordeal, they call my parents, tell them I was "madly swinging at every person near me" *I only hit one guy then walked away....* . I get 5 day's no school, and then my parents pick me up. Now You might think that after they toke my side *The officer, the dean etc all said they think I was the victim to them and know that I didn't want this to happen*, that they would go easy on me. But they didn't, next five days except during night I was forced to do slave ware house box moving work, Fun isn't it?

At night though everything changed! You see, remember the girl I was talking about? well I had given my phone number in the letter, she called me and then I got her number and this was mostly three way talking. First Time in my life I had even HEARD of three way talking. I was like what the fuck is going on? They told me before I could ask, and I never told them I had never even heard of it, did say Never done it before though.

After like day three, we where to be honest flirting a lot on that phone, I had asked her out to the home coming and she said yes, and now she is my girl friend. Whoopy me! Now i get all the free hugs I want! That is the summery of suspension time, now onto today week 5 day one and the end of week five at the same time!

I go to school, she told me to meet her in the library, I wait to see her enter the library in a location (she told me she wanted me to sit in a way she could sneak up on me) she would se me first. My back to the entrance zoned into the library. Now we go to the library and then while leaving the same kid I had a row with came up and started asking if i "wanted to punch him". Now If you are asking that, the answer is yes, but I would not do so. my girlfriend pulls me away and starts showing my to people. Thankfully I had all ready met some of them and was able to leave with no balls down my neck threats.

Go threw school, lunch is going on, two of the group, the one who poured the water and the guy I punched thought it would be cool to sit near me for a few seconds during lunch, they are scooping me out, I know they asked if I was a bus rider.I fear them not so I told them that I was, and I am. My friend Steven, among many asked me WTH I was thinking. The answer is simple;
If I Caword then, I would forever be taunted. If I fought then I could make some time to create fear and thus they would leave me alone.

So you see I had a valid reason to fight back. only they knew what i knew about what the son's of the letter A can do.

So my girl friend all so was with me during bus board. And now tonight we go to the football game, the guys who bring war on there backs will probably attend this as well, to this I know only one good qoute.
"Cry havoc, and let loose the dogs of war". But I fight with my brains, I need no pride, I discard it, I need no honor, IT is worthless. forgive me if this post sounds odd, I like talking like this.

*Will update after game.*


This informing enough?

P.S I am planning to go to the mall next sunday to start a FSM *Flying Spaghetti monster* Revolution in the mall, going to spread it in school, need people to do this with.

I all so made a My space, http://www.myspace.com/tongoll add me if you want lol.


I just got a awesome idea, I think I might consider making this into a comic strip.......... but first need to improve art skills.

King TonGoll

Reaction score
Ok Update!
The date turned out to be a two stage thing, first the foot ball game, mushy stuff yea, then the second part had a handful of thoughts on. I am a atheist, and I was brought to a super youth group *party wise, really not all that Christian...* Fuse staff members had it abbreviated on there shirts, F.S.M, flying spaghetti monster.
They contradicted themselves a whole lot, but I think I was one of the few who caught them. *the contradictions* I know some one is going to get all picky that i did not get specific, but i will save you all the pain of having to read all the non super special awesome parts of my blog. *Yea it's that awesome*

Ok, next day of school, today. I forgot i was going to make a Gif out of something today.....

--------------Day 1, week 6----------------

Ok, I get up, do the morning routine, blow up the world, raid publix, then go about running in my boxers, then go to school. On my bus, in the morning I was able to listen to music alone, It was a good day. I guess that was the first trace of my hyper side today. I get to school, and t here are like 50 black girls and 1 white girl stomp dancing, let me tell you, that white girl SUCKED. After watching her awful attempts at trying to stomp dance i started observing and trying to catch the rest failing to catch the sticks thus being hit in the face. Verry entertaining, I even played with some one that next they would have a cordinated sword fight, he said with there cordination it would end up being a real fight.

Ok, my Girlfriend get there, and she steals me from the group, I don't recall much...... but i do remember seeing some one wearing a Domo-kun shirt, i could not find him to give him a compliment, not many know about domo-kun in the school.So she abducts me takes me to eat breakfast, then .... O shit i got to check her myspace she toke some pics of me.... Then I go to first period with her, I use my questioning skills to use the little skater in front of me for help to prevent another fight, and to inform me of what the hell they have been doing, I hear some torment comes from them from my girl friend, I am not amused to say the least. I will have my way, they know not what a child of A can do. *Those who understand that know to keep it shut*

next period is math, i play the pencil stab dropping game with the guy behind me, only pierced the skin two times, he is a wussy, I mean he needs to do it harder! Thats the point of the game, make the other one suffer. But I did not go so easy on him....then we get to lunch, not lunch i am thrown into the lunch line and my GF had taught me how to buy lunch and how to use the line ETC. See, i don't like eating in front of other people, I even hide food in my room, for that and I don't like people stealing my food. You eat in front of them, you look weird and then they want some! But whatever.

Then some one comes along and began poking me, I'm a jolly old chap of sorts so i get up and start poking back, Softly but i still poke back, nothing i like more then the game that has started. The war of the odd. Nothing compared to the Jesters game in panama, but still kick ass non the less. I refuse to lose. So he left after stating he did not have a recorder thus not being able to interrogate me. FLUSH ME DOWN A DRAIN I FEEL GAYYYYY! the before was a random part of everything. you will be told why later. Ok so after lunch i drop her off at her stop go to English, get informed on missing work and sit down etc etc. do the assigned work, then start walking out, go to Spanish a lot of people questioned me then, I stated "I am merely a figment of your imagination, thus i cannot have done anything" not those words but some what the idea. deal with that then J.R.O.T.C.
Now we are at the bus stop, i am starting to realize my girlfriend wants me to be questioned by the man who pokes greatly *I know who but i am keeping to not posting real names or full names*. so He states there is nothing to ask, then i ask him if he "Has been touched by his noodle appendage", He said "What??? Wait say that again" i said it again and he said, "maybe, I don't know..." She pulls me away, then when walking back and forth we se him again, he ask what is his position on homosexual relationships, while reaching for what seemed to be a hug. Now see, I'm from Latin america hugging is nature, and I have no problem. not only that, but in my last school I was known to pretend to be gay, dress in really tight clothing like a boy scout shirt from when i was in elementary, ETC ETC. Not only that as a atheist it is my duty to be pro gay. thus my answer to that is, I love gay people, and lesbians.And Pretend to be gay to freak out people some times. Nothing is funner then scarring or freaking out people you see. I get home put on my top hat and some shades go biking do some home work, talk to some people along with my GF and eat ice cream, pap smurf, He man, and now i am typing this. well that is the end of this blog post.
O and I made a FSM poster, Planning on starting a FSM revolution on wensday. along with another free hugs event.

BTW You guys have not left any comments.... I'm sad now.


Missy wants blood!
Reaction score
Errr, what is FSM? Did I miss something?

I also have a friend who pretends to be gay. However, we have a feeling that he probably was gay. As were several others, and also, there is one I know definatly to be gay. Though he is in denial.

Also isn't Wensday spelt Wednesday? Or is that UK exclusive?
Also also, what exactly is scrubs day? Enlightenment, please! :D

King TonGoll

Reaction score
-------------------week 6, day 2.------------------
nothing much has happened, man rapped by few, odd mates who had the row with me gave me straight off looks.and the normal "Pussy/Fag" cat calling. Really, if they want me that bad they can take a picture. O and I went to school wearing a fedora, tie, cub scout uniform, along with a elemtry shirt. all my tight pants where burned in the fire.

I went to some origami class/club thing after school, was invited by "some one" who refused to be seen with me due to being a boy scout. now lets see, we say or dues and then depart I go home end of day, by the way i would take a picture of the origami i made, if it wasn't for the fact that it was completly destroyed on purpose so would never have to see it again threw out my entire life. Yea it was that bad.

p.s "some one" got slightly angry due to that person refusing to be seen with me so i made that person jealous bye accepting a hug by a girl right in front of her. bow chika bow wow? fo shizzle

------------------week 6 day 3-------------------------
Ok, i decide to wear normal clothing today. why? I ran out of the good stuff. Today was a good day. At the start i am forgiven and set free to do as i please, "some one" forgave me for being a boyscout the day before..... ok get threw all the boring stuff lets see..... I was called the free hugs guy again. I crack some jokes with my English teacher, whom I will change one letter of his name and start calling him Mr. Jestor*it's awesome that way*.

Ok, when i am home i get called by my Girlfriend, whom i will now refer to as short cake. and she told me there was a powderpuff foot ball game, i knew there was but i was going to ask short cake out to something else that night, changed to this *rather go to the football game any day of the week then that place, Really I LOVE football games.....There is a lot to do at night in the school, and no not anything you guys think i am talking about. i am talking about the E.T buckle up sign at night.* and we went to the football game. A lot of stuff went on during the football game, And it was a awesome football game. the seniors kicked the freshmen ass though. and there was some vary good moments. that i refuse to post unless givin permission.
after that awesome night i went back home to the boredom of nothingness. and boxes. *evil slave drivers*.

---------week 6, day 4-----------------
today i go to school, during first period, we only worked very little. the rest of the time we where decorating the door, well i wasn't i was messing around. and now i have a nice video on my cell phone, that will never be deleted. and some one asked me if i was emo, that was un called for, i don't dress like one, act like one, or are one. why would he think i am one? and it was not just him, people think, that from the music i listen to, something about the way i dress, etc etcthat I am a emo or something. hell Maybe i am in the closet and there is only a little on the surface. But maybe not at the same time. allthough i do think the way some people the idiots label as emo's dress awesome. but thats just me, and them too, i think they like the way they dress, or they wouldn't dress that way....

any ways on to next section lunch, i find out that the skaters are planning to do something to me, so i tell officer brown that they keep sitting near us *it is true*, my friend told me he heard them planning a fight. now see, these guys are stupid, but even a idiot can plan something out. call me out if i say no i am a coward etc. well, if they call me out, as i realized a long time ago, i don't have to care about what they think about me. It would be best to say no, but if i say no then i would be messed with for the rest of time. I will have to do something about this mess. I am on it all ready, and everything is on my side. I have enough people who know me now, enough people who can be my witnesses, and then i have the cop on my side defending me. this should be easy. and I have something planned to get them to stop and leave me alone.mcca student's can't get into trouble, they are here for education, if they do then they get in real trouble. main resistance left is a guy named Alex, whom I am told is a mcca student, i don't plan on fighting him, i plan on getting him to stop trying to start a fight with me. I have my way's, well, then I am going to skip to after school, oh but before that, i got a complement from Mr. Jestor on my fedora, as well as some other people.

ok, while going back to board the bus i was thinking of staying and waiting for the event. then comes Mr. poke, while waiting with shortcake, and said, I'm staying here until the event *this was directed to her i believe*, and then i spoke up for some reason stating i was planning on staying as well, get asked by the FIRST FUCKING PERSON who knew about Jump Festa, about my chain and noticed it was from there after showing him the back.

ok, so we stay after school, me short cake and mr.poke, and we slowly see other people and such, and this goes on for a while, until for some reason short cakes name is yelled threw the intercom, "If there is a short cake/Pie on campus please come to the front desk" it was her mom, and from what i heard, she and her brother where pissed. and I was scared for shortcake. I mean i didn't want her to get grounded so i call her friend get her to three way in shortcake and the friend whom i conceder to be a friend of mine wether she likes it or not *will now be referred to as Carlos, even though she is a girl, there is a reason for this*. so carlos calls me back after talking to her and kinda say's that she was grounded, i call home and ask for a pick up. then short cake calls me and tells me that there was no need to leave and that she was going, and now i could not go back...... and it sucked. so as you can see, it is true cuz it is on the interweb.

P.S, Yes i do listn to some song's and bands that would be labled in such a way, but no one knows who or has proof, and i will allway's deny it. oh and i will upload pics of me if i can later tonight.

www.venganza.org = thats the flying spaghetti mansters site.

ok, that wensday was spirit week it was dress like a doctor day, the rresults of it where..... o crap i completly fergot to talk about it...... will update post the free hugs people where all sent to some office, long story working on a update.

King TonGoll

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you know what, i have time, lol. i had a lot of it typed up and saved on a cd some where in my room, give me three days to find it and proof read lol. thanks for the bump., i was reading this for the memories. lol
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