Icon Request Thread

Nope, no need for recoloring. Just search the appropiate images and add a cool effect (gradient or so):thup:
This is not easy to explain, besides this is the w3 editor forum xD

I made a mastery on photoshop and illustrator, so im good adding "cool effects"
It would be incredibly helpful if you would make me a unit icon for this unit:

Bavarian Clown

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I haven't seen your work, but please don't make the icon just a screenshot in an icon, because I can do that.
how's this one?



  • Bavarian Clown.zip
    11.9 KB · Views: 364
But ehmm, the strenght icon already got grey background?

Yes, but its not a command icon. Its like a small square with rounded edges.

Also, I made this icon (attached), but for some reason the DISBTN version don't work... It's the same problem that I had with my bloodstorm icon.
Could you please make icons of:
Helm of Domination
Plate of the Damned

They are all worn by the Lich King.

Borders: BTN and DISBTN :)
Artists: Lyle :thup:

ty and +rep if u finish XD
Description: BE SPECIFIC We will waste our time filling your request if you waste your time telling us exactly what you want!

"If you waste your time telling us exactly what you want!" ?
Shouldn't it be;
"Unless you take your time telling us exactly what you want!" ? :)
"If you don't take your time telling us exactly what you want!" :D

Just alittle noficication :rolleyes:
@ Grymlax –
Could you turn the Demon Hunter icon from Night Elf to Bloodelf? In particular, could you change the skin from purple to normal High elf color, and his hair blonde? I would really appreciate. (rep awaits you, too)

Thanks, velnias and Grymlax. I'm gonna use Grymlax's, but thanks anyway, velnias. (So i gave both of you rep :thup:)
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