System Impale System


Much long, many time, wow
Reaction score
Impale System (IMPS)
By Angel_Island

library IMPS initializer InitTrig
//                                                                                     \\
//                                Impale System (IMPS)                                 \\
//                                  By Angel_Island                                    \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      This system makes easy configurable impale spells.                             \\
//      It allows impaling targets multiple times even when the target is in mid-air   \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      Requires:                                                                      \\
//          - A vJASS preprocessor like NewGen.                                        \\
//          - A dummy unit.                                                            \\
//                                                                                     \\

//                                                                                     \\
//      How to implement:                                                              \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      1. Create a new trigger in your map. Convert it to custom text. Copy this      \\
//         entire script and paste it in the new trigger overwriting what was inside.  \\
//         Or if you want to do it the easy way, just copy this trigger to your map.   \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      2. Create a dummy unit or copy the dummy in this map. Should have Id 'h000'.   \\
//         Else change it below in configurables.                                      \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      3. Done! Try it out by making a spell using this system.                       \\
//                                                                                     \\

//                                                                                                                                                              \\
//      How to use:                                                                                                                                             \\
//                                                                                                                                                              \\
//                     call IMPS_Start(Caster,X,Y,Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle)                                                                              \\
//                             - Gives you a normal impale that uses x,y                                                                                        \\
//                                                                                                                                                              \\
//                                                 or                                                                                                           \\
//                                                                                                                                                              \\
//                   call IMPS_StartLoc(Caster,Point,Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle)                                                                           \\
//                             - Gives you a normal impale that uses locations                                                                                  \\
//                                                                                                                                                              \\
//                                                 or                                                                                                           \\
//                                                                                                                                                              \\
//call IMPS_StartLocEx(Caster,Point,CastPoint,Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle,Area,Height,AirTime,SpikeSfx,HitSfx,StunSfx,AttPoint,RangeBased,MoveUnit,HideUnit)\\
//                             - Gives you a more customizable impale that uses locations                                                                       \\
//                                                                                                                                                              \\
//                                                 or                                                                                                           \\
//                                                                                                                                                              \\
//call IMPS_StartEx(Caster,X,Y,CastX,CastY,Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle,Area,Height,AirTime,SpikeSfx,HitSfx,StunSfx,AttPoint,RangeBased,MoveUnit,HideUnit)   \\
//                             - Gives you a more customizable impale that uses x,y                                                                             \\
//                                                                                                                                                              \\
//      Caster:         The unit who casted the spell or whatever it did.                                                                                       \\
//      Point:          The point where the impale begins.                                                                                                      \\
//      X,Y:            x,y coordinates of the Caster.                                                                                                          \\
//      CastPoint:      The point where the spell is cast. Not needed if RangeBased = false                                                                     \\
//      CastX,CastY:    x,y coordinates of target point. Not needed if RangeBased = false                                                                       \\
//      Range:          How long the impale will go. Not needed if RangeBased = true.                                                                           \\
//      Damage:         How much damage that will be dealt to the targets.                                                                                      \\
//      StunDuration:   How long the impale will stun the targets. Can be set to 0.00 without stunning forever.                                                 \\
//      Angle:          The angle the impale will go. Must be in degrees.                                                                                       \\
//      Area:           How big area the impale will have when picking targets.                                                                                 \\
//      Height:         How high up in the air the targets will fly.                                                                                            \\
//      AirTime:        How long time in the air the targets will be.                                                                                           \\
//      SpikeSfx:       Model for the spikes.                                                                                                                   \\
//      HitSfx:         Effect when targets are hit.                                                                                                            \\
//      StunSfx:        Effect when targets are stunned.                                                                                                        \\
//      AttPoint:       Where StunSfx is attached on the target                                                                                                 \\
//      RangeBased:     This will decide if the impale will be based on how far away you cast your impale. Won't work if                                        \\
//                      there is no target location.                                                                                                            \\
//      MoveUnit:       Decides if the Caster will be moved to the end of the impale.                                                                           \\
//      HideUnit:       Decides if you want to hide the Caster while the impale is in effect. Good for spells like                                              \\
//                      Burrowstrike from DotA where the caster digs underground and pops up at the end of the impale                                           \\
//                                                                                                                                                              \\

//                                                                                     \\
//      Other functions:                                                               \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      call IsUnitImpaled(Unit):  Checks if the Unit is in mid-air caused by an impale\\
//                                 Good for making things happen if the Unit is in     \\
//                                 mid-air.                                            \\
//                                                                                     \\


    private constant real    HEIGHT         = 500.00
    //How high up the targets will fly. Used in IMPS_Start(Loc).
    private constant real    AREA           = 175.00
    //How big area the impale will have when picking targets. Used in IMPS_Start(Loc).
    private constant real    AIRTIME        = 1.00
    //How long time in the air the targets will be. Used in IMPS_Start(Loc).
    constant         string  SPIKE_SFX      = "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\Impale\\ImpaleMissTarget.mdl"
    //Model for the spikes for IMPS_Start(Loc). This is not private so you can use this
    //variable instead of have to type in everything.
    constant         string  HIT_SFX        = "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\Impale\\ImpaleHitTarget.mdl"
    //Effect when targets are hit for IMPS_Start(Loc). Same reason as above why it isnt private.

    constant         string  STUN_SFX       = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Thunderclap\\ThunderclapTarget.mdl"
    //Effect when targets are stunned for IMPS_Start(Loc).
    constant         string  ATT_POINT      = "overhead"
    //Where StunSfx is attached on the targets.
    private constant real    SPACE          = 150.00
    //Space between every spike. I recommend you leave this as it is.
    private constant real    SPIKE_INTERVAL = 0.10
    //Interval between spawning spikes.
    private constant real    INTERVAL       = 0.03
    //Interval between height change. You should leave this as it is.
    private constant integer STORM_CROW     = 'Arav'
    //Raw code for Storm crow form.
    private constant integer DUMMY          = 'h000'
    //Raw code for Dummy.

//                                                                     //
//                                                                     //
private keyword Data

    private Data      array Dt
    private unit      array caster
    private unit      array ImpaledUnit
    private integer   array in
    private integer   array I
    private integer         I2        = 0
    private integer         Instances = 0
    private integer         CusVal    = 0
    private integer         Loop      = 1
    private integer         Loop2     = 1
    private timer           Timer     = CreateTimer()
    private timer           Timer2    = CreateTimer()
    private timer           Timer3    = CreateTimer()
    private real      array n
    private real      array x
    private real      array y
    private real      array damage
    private real      array airtime
    private real      array stunduration
    private real      array height
    private string    array hitsfx
    private string    array stunsfx
    private string    array attpoint
    private group     array G
    private group     array StunG
    private effect    array stuneffect
    private hashtable       h         = InitHashtable()

private struct Data
    unit     caster       = null
    effect   sfx          = null
    real     px           = 0.00
    real     py           = 0.00
    real     castrange    = 0.00
    real     range        = 0.00
    real     stunduration = 0.00
    real     sin          = 0.00
    real     cos          = 0.00
    real     area         = 0.00
    real     airtime      = 0.00
    real     damage       = 0.00
    real     height       = 0.00
    string   spikesfx     = ""
    string   hitsfx       = ""
    string   stunsfx      = ""
    string   attpoint     = ""
    boolean  based        = false
    boolean  moveunit     = false
    boolean  hideunit     = false
    static method create takes unit Caster, real X, real Y, real CastX, real CastY, real Range, real Damage, real StunDuration, real Angle, real Area, real Height, real AirTime, string SpikeSfx, string HitSfx, string StunSfx, string AttPoint, boolean RangeBased, boolean MoveUnit, boolean HideUnit returns Data
        local Data d = Data.allocate()
        local real dx = 0.00
        local real dy = 0.00
        set dx = CastX - X
        set dy = CastY - Y
        set d.caster       = Caster
        set d.px           = X
        set           = Y
        set d.castrange    = SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)
        set d.range        = Range
        set d.damage       = Damage
        set d.stunduration = StunDuration
        set d.sin          = Sin(Angle)
        set d.cos          = Cos(Angle)
        set d.area         = Area
        set d.height       = Height
        set d.airtime      = AirTime
        set d.spikesfx     = SpikeSfx
        set d.hitsfx       = HitSfx
        set d.stunsfx      = StunSfx
        set d.attpoint     = AttPoint
        set d.based        = RangeBased
        set d.moveunit     = MoveUnit
        set d.hideunit     = HideUnit
        return d

private function Check_Units takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit u
    local player p
    set u = GetFilterUnit()
    set p = GetOwningPlayer(caster[Loop])
    return IsUnitEnemy(u,p) and GetWidgetLife(u) > 0 and IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false and u != caster[Loop] and IsUnitInGroup(u,G[Loop]) == false

private function Check_Dummy takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit()) == DUMMY

private function CountUnits takes nothing returns nothing
    set bj_groupCountUnits = bj_groupCountUnits + 1

private function Flying takes nothing returns nothing
    local real xx
    local real yy
    local unit u
    local unit un
    set I[Loop2] = I[Loop2] + 1
    set u = GetEnumUnit()
    call PauseUnit(u,true)
    call SaveReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2,LoadReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2) + (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) * 2.00) / (airtime[Loop2] / INTERVAL))
    call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,(height[Loop2]) - (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) - LoadReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2)) * (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) - LoadReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2)),0.00)
    if GetUnitFlyHeight(u) <= (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) * 2.00) / (airtime[Loop2] / INTERVAL) then
        set I2 = I2 + 1
        call PauseUnit(u,false)
        call SetUnitPathing(u,true)
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(u),0.00)
        call UnitDamageTarget(caster[Loop2],u,damage[Loop2],true,false,ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL,DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(G[Loop2],u)
        if GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > 0 and stunduration[Loop2] > 0.00 then
            set CusVal = CusVal + 1
            set StunG[CusVal] = CreateGroup()
            call GroupAddUnit(StunG[CusVal],u)
            set ImpaledUnit[CusVal] = u
            set stuneffect[CusVal] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(stunsfx[Loop2],u,attpoint[Loop2])
            set xx = GetUnitX(u)
            set yy = GetUnitY(u)
            set un = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(caster[Loop2]),DUMMY,xx,yy,270.00)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(un,'BTLF',stunduration[Loop2])
            call SetUnitUserData(un,CusVal)
        set bj_groupCountUnits = 0
        call ForGroup(G[Loop2],function CountUnits)
        if bj_groupCountUnits == 0 and Dt[Loop2] == 0 then
            call DestroyGroup(G[Loop2])
            set I2 = 0
    set u = null

private function Flying_Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local real     xx
    local real     yy
    local effect   e
    local unit     u
    set u = GetEnumUnit()
    set xx = GetUnitX(u)
    set yy = GetUnitY(u)
    set e = AddSpecialEffect(hitsfx[Loop],xx,yy)
    call DestroyEffect(e)
    call UnitAddAbility(u,STORM_CROW)
    call UnitRemoveAbility(u,STORM_CROW)
    call PauseUnit(u,true)
    call SetUnitPathing(u,false)
    call GroupAddUnit(G[Loop],u)
    set e = null
    set u = null

private function Call_Flying takes nothing returns nothing
        exitwhen Loop2 > Instances
        call ForGroup(G[Loop2],function Flying)
        set I[Loop2] = I2
        set Loop2 = Loop2 + 1
    set Loop2 = 1

private function Stun takes nothing returns nothing
    local real xx
    local real yy
    set xx = GetUnitX(GetEnumUnit())
    set yy = GetUnitY(GetEnumUnit())
    call SetUnitPosition(GetEnumUnit(),xx,yy)

private function Call_Stun takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 1

        exitwhen i > CusVal
        call ForGroup(StunG<i>,function Stun)
        set i = i + 1

private function Remove_Stun takes nothing returns nothing
    call GroupRemoveUnit(StunG[GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit())],ImpaledUnit[GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit())])
    call DestroyEffect(stuneffect[GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit())])

private function SpawnSpikes takes nothing returns nothing
    local Data     d = 0
    local group    g = CreateGroup()
    local real     dx = 0.00
    local real     dy = 0.00
        exitwhen Loop &gt; Instances
        if Dt[Loop] != 0 then
            set d = Dt[Loop]
            set caster[Loop] = d.caster
            set airtime[Loop] = d.airtime
            set damage[Loop] = d.damage
            set stunduration[Loop] = d.stunduration
            set height[Loop] = d.height
            set hitsfx[Loop] = d.hitsfx
            set stunsfx[Loop] = d.stunsfx
            set attpoint[Loop] = d.attpoint
            set in[Loop] = in[Loop] + 1
            set x[Loop] = d.px + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.cos
            set y[Loop] = + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.sin
            set d.sfx = AddSpecialEffect(d.spikesfx,x[Loop],y[Loop])
            call DestroyEffect(d.sfx)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g,x[Loop],y[Loop],d.area,Condition(function Check_Units))
            call ForGroup(g,function Flying_Init)
            call DestroyGroup(g)
            set g = CreateGroup()
            set dx = d.px - x[Loop]
            set dy = - y[Loop]
            if d.based then
                if SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy) &gt;= d.castrange then
                    if d.moveunit then
                        call SetUnitX(d.caster,d.px + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.cos)
                        call SetUnitY(d.caster, + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.sin)
                    if d.hideunit then
                        call ShowUnit(d.caster,true)
                        if GetLocalPlayer() == GetOwningPlayer(d.caster) then
                            call SelectUnit(d.caster, true)
                    set x[Loop] = 0
                    set y[Loop] = 0
                    set in[Loop] = 0
                    set Dt[Loop] = 0
                    set bj_groupCountUnits = 0
                    call ForGroup(G[Loop],function CountUnits)
                    if bj_groupCountUnits == 0 and Dt[Loop] == 0 then
                        call DestroyGroup(G[Loop])
                        set I2 = 0
            elseif SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy) &gt;= d.range then
                if d.moveunit then
                    call SetUnitX(d.caster,d.px + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.cos)
                    call SetUnitY(d.caster, + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.sin)
                if d.hideunit then
                    call ShowUnit(d.caster,true)
                    if GetLocalPlayer() == GetOwningPlayer(d.caster) then
                        call SelectUnit(d.caster, true)
                set x[Loop] = 0
                set y[Loop] = 0
                set in[Loop] = 0
                set Dt[Loop] = 0
                set bj_groupCountUnits = 0
                call ForGroup(G[Loop],function CountUnits)
                if bj_groupCountUnits == 0 and Dt[Loop] == 0 then
                    call DestroyGroup(G[Loop])
                    set I2 = 0
        set Loop = Loop + 1
    set Loop = 1
    set g = null

function IsUnitImpaled takes unit u returns boolean
    local integer i = 1
        exitwhen i &gt; Instances
        if IsUnitInGroup(u,G<i>) then
            return true
        set i = i + 1
    return false

public function StartEx takes unit Caster, real X, real Y, real CastX, real CastY, real Range, real Damage, real StunDuration, real Angle, real Area, real Height, real AirTime, string SpikeSfx, string HitSfx, string StunSfx, string AttPoint, boolean RangeBased, boolean MoveUnit, boolean HideUnit returns boolean
    local Data d = 0
    if RangeBased == false then
        if Area &lt; 0.00 or StunDuration &lt; 0.00 or Range &lt;= 0.00 then
            debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Error: Invalid input in IMPS_Start()&quot;)
            return false
    elseif Area &lt; 0.00 or StunDuration &lt; 0.00 then
        debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Error: Invalid input in IMPS_Start()&quot;)
        return false
    set d = Data.create(Caster,X,Y,CastX,CastY,Range,Damage,StunDuration,(Angle * 0.01745328),Area,Height,AirTime,SpikeSfx,HitSfx,StunSfx,AttPoint,RangeBased,MoveUnit,HideUnit)
    set Instances = Instances + 1
    set G[Instances] = CreateGroup()
    call TimerStart(Timer,SPIKE_INTERVAL,true,function SpawnSpikes)
    call TimerStart(Timer2,INTERVAL,true,function Call_Flying)
    call TimerStart(Timer3,0.03,true,function Call_Stun)
    set Dt[Instances] = d
    if HideUnit then
        call ShowUnit(Caster,false)
    return true

public function StartLocEx takes unit Caster, location Point, location CastPoint, real Range, real Damage, real StunDuration, real Angle, real Area, real Height, real AirTime, string SpikeSfx, string HitSfx, string StunSfx, string AttPoint, boolean RangeBased, boolean MoveUnit, boolean HideUnit returns nothing
    call IMPS_StartEx(Caster,GetLocationX(Point),GetLocationY(Point),GetLocationX(CastPoint),GetLocationY(CastPoint),Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle,Area,Height,AirTime,SpikeSfx,HitSfx,StunSfx,AttPoint,RangeBased,MoveUnit,HideUnit)

public function StartLoc takes unit Caster, location Point, real Range, real Damage, real StunDuration, real Angle returns nothing
    call IMPS_StartEx(Caster,GetLocationX(Point),GetLocationY(Point),0.00,0.00,Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle,AREA,HEIGHT,AIRTIME,SPIKE_SFX,HIT_SFX,STUN_SFX,ATT_POINT,false,false,false)

public function Start takes unit Caster, real X, real Y, real Range, real Damage, real StunDuration, real Angle returns nothing
    call IMPS_StartEx(Caster,X,Y,0.00,0.00,Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle,AREA,HEIGHT,AIRTIME,SPIKE_SFX,HIT_SFX,STUN_SFX,ATT_POINT,false,false,false)
private function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    local integer index = 0
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t,Player(index),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH,null)
        set index = index + 1
        exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
    call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function Check_Dummy))
    call TriggerAddAction(t,function Remove_Stun)


This is my first time coding in vJass. It was little hard to understand at first, but later it became easy and I made this Impale System and I want to know what you think about my first vJass code.

Version 1.30: 2 new functions and more configurables

Version 1.20: Some fixes, removed location usage and removed UnitUserData Usage

Version 1.10: Some fixes, code improvement and new function

Version 1.00: Initial Release


  • Impale System v1.30.w3x
    35.1 KB · Views: 621
Remove usage of locations(slower), long function parameters(like worms), BJ(slower), UnitUserData(interrupt the unit indexing system).

    call TimerStart(Timer3,0.01,true,function Call_Stun)

Cause performance issue. 0.03125 is good for it.

function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing

Should be private.

    private constant string  SPIKE_SFX

You should let users use their custom models.

Recommended values are 0.01-0.04.

Recommended values are above 0.03

    private constant integer STORM_CROW     = &#039;Arav&#039;

You can use AutoFly for it.

    private integer       Cv        = 0
    private integer       Cv2       = 0

Needs better naming method.

private function Check_Units takes nothing returns boolean
    local Data d = 0
    set d = Dt[Loop]
    return IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(),GetOwningPlayer(d.caster)) and GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0 and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false and GetFilterUnit() != d.caster and IsUnitInGroup(GetFilterUnit(),G[Loop]) == false

private function Flying takes nothing returns nothing

Store the d.caster's owner + GetFilterUnit + GetEnumUnit into variable to reduce function calls.

        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Error: Invalid input in IMPS_Start()&quot;)

Should be debug call BJDebugMsg("...")
Okay, lets begin:

- Never (!) use UnitUserData, that way you fuck up the most indexing systems.

- Syntax of common create method should be:
static method create takes ..arguments.. returns thistype
   local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
   // ... code ...
   // due to the var &quot;this&quot; you can use &quot;.caster&quot; for ex. to access
   // the vars of this instance. &quot;.caster&quot; equals &quot;this.caster&quot;
   return this

- Never (!) use locations (except for the known "GetFloorHeight" func). You can nearly always directly access the x,y-coordinates. (SetUnitX+SetUnitY instead of SetUnitPosition!)

- Why 3 timers? combine all in one.

- A neat advantage of vJass is, that you can move all struct related functions as methods into the struct. Globals can also join the struct as static variables (or constants).

Thats a template, how such a system could look like.

struct Impale
   // configuration
   private static constant string HIT_SFX = &quot;blabla.mdx&quot;
   private static method damageLoss takes real distance returns real
       return - distance * 5.
   // endconfiguration

   private static timer TheTimer
   private static thistype TempInstance // for enumerations
   private static thistype First // for linked list (looping via linked list is faster than an array loop!)

   private unit caster
   private real damage

   private thistype next // linked list
   private thistype last  // linked list

   private static method onTimer takes nothing returns nothing
       local thistype this = .First
           exitwhen == 0
           // code
           set this = // the linked list magic <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue    :p" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":p" />

   private static method cast takes unit caster, real sourcex, real sourcey, real targetx, real targety, real damage ... returns nothing
      local thistype this = thistype.allocate ..
      // ...
   private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
       set .TheTimer = CreateTimer()
       call TimerStart(.TheTimer,0.03125,true,function thistype.onTimer)

- Remove usage of locations(slower), long function parameters(like worms), BJ(slower), UnitUserData(interrupt the unit indexing system).

The system works fine, so why should I need remove usage of locations? I have now created another function that is shorter for easier use. BJs removed. I can't find a solution for replacing UnitUserData right now.

- Cause performance issue. 0.03125 is good for it.

- Should be private.

- You should let users use their custom models.

- Recommended values are above 0.03

- Needs better naming method.

- Store the d.caster's owner + GetFilterUnit + GetEnumUnit into variable to reduce function calls.

- Should be debug call BJDebugMsg("...")

Fixed all above.

- You can use AutoFly for it.

Why do I need that?


- Never (!) use UnitUserData, that way you fuck up the most indexing systems.

As I said above I can't find a solution for replacing UnitUserData right now.

- Never (!) use locations (except for the known "GetFloorHeight" func). You can nearly always directly access the x,y-coordinates. (SetUnitX+SetUnitY instead of SetUnitPosition!)

Why not? Is it because it is slower? What is the diffrence?

- Why 3 timers? combine all in one.

- Remove usage of locations(slower), long function parameters(like worms), BJ(slower), UnitUserData(interrupt the unit indexing system).

The system works fine, so why should I need remove usage of locations? I have now created another function that is shorter for easier use. BJs removed. I can't find a solution for replacing UnitUserData right now.

Locations are slower (!) and can leak when not removed.

- You can use AutoFly for it.

Why do I need that?

Cause AutoFly uses the crow-form-bug on all units exactly once and that when they enter the map. Your code will use the bug on every unit hit even if it can already "fly".

- Why 3 timers? combine all in one.


Reduce an integer in the onTimer function, do the things you want on a specific "tick" and reset it when it becomes 0.

I'd like to help you with UnitUserData and the Timer thing, but I your code is really hard to read (for me).
Great improvement.

To achieve :
Use XY instead of location
Remove usage of UnitUserData, replace it with hashtable/unit indexing system.
    private constant real    HEIGHT         = 500.00
    //How high up the targets will fly. Used in IMPS_Start.

whats the wrong with this? i still gotting Syntax Error with this

{My bad english owns xD}
is just with me or your template don't work?

I mean, the effect happen and etc, everything work except damage lol

EDIT: suggestion: if you don't want to remove location, just ok but make a new function which support x/y, most of people like it and is more safe then location, also a little bit faster :p

EDIT²: well, this version the damage happen but you still using user data and location D: i don't see any thing what you change in changelog in trigger, also you forget to update the code :x
- Can you make it not hit units already in the air? I know it is like that in DotA and that people will want what DotA has, but I think you should make it hit units only within height range.
- [ljass]GetWidgetLife()[/ljass] is I hear better than [ljass]GetUnitState[/jass].
- [ljass]"Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Thunderclap\\ThunderclapTarget.mdl"[/ljass], Am I seeing right? An effect NOT configurable?
Ya, you see it lol

I really don't understand what he update... in the code he still using location and unit date :confused:

here is the updated script from the test map:

library IMPS initializer InitTrig
//                                                                                     \\
//                                Impale System (IMPS)                                 \\
//                                  By Angel_Island                                    \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      This system makes easy configurable impale spells.                             \\
//      It allows impaling targets multiple times even when the target is in mid-air   \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      Requires:                                                                      \\
//          - A vJASS preprocessor like NewGen.                                        \\
//          - A dummy unit.                                                            \\
//                                                                                     \\

//                                                                                     \\
//      How to implement:                                                              \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      1. Create a new trigger in your map. Convert it to custom text. Copy this      \\
//         entire script and paste it in the new trigger overwriting what was inside.  \\
//         Or if you want to do it the easy way, just copy this trigger to your map.   \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      2. Create a dummy unit or copy the dummy in this map.                          \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      3. Done! Try it out by making a spell using this system.                                \\
//                                                                                     \\

//                                                                                                                                          \\
//      How to use:                                                                                                                         \\
//                                                                                                                                          \\
//                     call IMPS_Start(Caster,Point,Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle)                                                        \\
//                                      - Gives you a normal impale                                                                         \\
//                                                                                                                                          \\
//                                                 or                                                                                       \\
//                                                                                                                                          \\
//call IMPS_StartEx(Caster,Point,CastPoint,Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle,Area,Height,AirTime,SpikeSfx,HitSfx,RangeBased,MoveUnit,HideUnit)\\
//                                 - Gives you a more customizable impale                                                                   \\
//                                                                                                                                          \\
//      Caster:         The unit who casted the spell or whatever it did.                                                                   \\
//      Point:          The point where the impale begins.                                                                                  \\
//      CastPoint:      The point where the spell is cast. Not needed if RangeBased = false                                                 \\
//      Range:          How long the impale will go. Not needed if RangeBased = true.                                                       \\
//      Damage:         How much damage that will be dealt to the targets.                                                                  \\
//      StunDuration:   How long the impale will stun the targets. Can be set to 0.00 without stunning forever.                             \\
//      Angle:          The angle the impale will go. Must be in degrees.                                                                   \\
//      Area:           How big area the impale will have when picking targets.                                                             \\
//      Height:         How high up in the air the targets will fly.                                                                        \\
//      AirTime:        How long time in the air the targets will be.                                                                       \\
//      RangeBased:     This will decide if the impale will be based on how far away you cast your impale. Won&#039;t work if                    \\
//                      there is no target location.                                                                                        \\
//      SpikeSfx:       Model for the spikes.                                                                                               \\
//      HitSfx:         Effect when targets are hit.                                                                                        \\
//      MoveUnit:       Decides if the Caster will be moved to the end of the impale.                                                       \\
//      HideUnit:       Decides if you want to hide the Caster while the impale is in effect. Good for spells like                          \\
//                      Burrowstrike from DotA where the caster digs underground and pops up at the end of the impale                       \\
//                                                                                                                                          \\

//                                                                                     \\
//      Other functions:                                                               \\
//                                                                                     \\
//      call IsUnitImpaled(Unit):  Checks if the Unit is in mid-air caused by an impale\\
//                                 Good for making things happen if the Unit is in     \\
//                                 mid-air.                                            \\
//                                                                                     \\


    private constant real    HEIGHT         = 500.00
    //How high up the targets will fly. Used in IMPS_Start.
    private constant real    AREA           = 175.00
    //How big area the impale will have when picking targets. Used in IMPS_Start.
    private constant real    AIRTIME        = 1.00
    //How long time in the air the targets will be. Used in IMPS_Start.
    constant         string  SPIKE_SFX      = &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\Impale\\ImpaleMissTarget.mdl&quot;
    //Model for the spikes for IMPS_Start. This is not private so you can use this
    //variable instead of have to type in everything.
    constant         string  HIT_SFX        = &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\Impale\\ImpaleHitTarget.mdl&quot;
    //Effect when targets are hit for IMPS_Start. Same reason as above why it isnt private.

    private constant real    SPACE          = 150.00
    //Space between every spike. I recommend you leave this as it is.
    private constant real    SPIKE_INTERVAL = 0.10
    //Interval between spawning spikes.
    private constant real    INTERVAL       = 0.03
    //Interval between height change. You should leave this as it is.
    private constant integer STORM_CROW     = &#039;Arav&#039;
    //Raw code for Storm crow form.
    private constant integer DUMMY          = &#039;h000&#039;
    //Raw code for Dummy.

//                                                                     //
//                                                                     //
private keyword Data

    private Data      array Dt
    private unit      array caster
    private unit      array ImpaledUnit
    private integer   array in
    private integer   array I
    private integer         I2        = 0
    private integer         Instances = 0
    private integer         CusVal    = 0
    private integer         Loop      = 1
    private integer         Loop2     = 1
    private timer           Timer     = CreateTimer()
    private timer           Timer2    = CreateTimer()
    private timer           Timer3    = CreateTimer()
    private real      array n
    private real      array x
    private real      array y
    private real      array damage
    private real      array airtime
    private real      array stunduration
    private real      array height
    private string    array hitsfx
    private group     array G
    private group     array StunG
    private effect    array stuneffect
    private hashtable       h         = InitHashtable()

private struct Data
    unit     caster       = null
    location point        = null
    effect   sfx          = null
    real     castrange    = 0.00
    real     range        = 0.00
    real     stunduration = 0.00
    real     sin          = 0.00
    real     cos          = 0.00
    real     area         = 0.00
    real     airtime      = 0.00
    real     damage       = 0.00
    real     height       = 0.00
    string   spikesfx     = &quot;&quot;
    string   hitsfx       = &quot;&quot;
    boolean  based        = false
    boolean  moveunit     = false
    boolean  hideunit     = false
    static method create takes unit Caster, location Point, location CastPoint, real Range, real Damage, real StunDuration, real Angle, real Area, real Height, real AirTime, string SpikeSfx, string HitSfx, boolean RangeBased, boolean MoveUnit, boolean HideUnit returns Data
        local Data d = Data.allocate()
        local real dx = 0.00
        local real dy = 0.00
        set dx = GetLocationX(CastPoint) - GetLocationX(Point)
        set dy = GetLocationY(CastPoint) - GetLocationY(Point)
        set d.caster       = Caster
        set d.point        = Point
        set d.castrange    = SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)
        set d.range        = Range
        set d.damage       = Damage
        set d.stunduration = StunDuration
        set d.sin          = Sin(Angle)
        set d.cos          = Cos(Angle)
        set d.area         = Area
        set d.height       = Height
        set d.airtime      = AirTime
        set d.spikesfx     = SpikeSfx
        set d.hitsfx       = HitSfx
        set d.based        = RangeBased
        set d.moveunit     = MoveUnit
        set d.hideunit     = HideUnit
        return d

private function Check_Units takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit u
    local player p
    set u = GetFilterUnit()
    set p = GetOwningPlayer(caster[Loop])
    return IsUnitEnemy(u,p) and GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0 and IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false and u != caster[Loop] and IsUnitInGroup(u,G[Loop]) == false

private function Check_Dummy takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit()) == DUMMY

private function CountUnits takes nothing returns nothing
    set bj_groupCountUnits = bj_groupCountUnits + 1

private function Flying takes nothing returns nothing
    local real xx
    local real yy
    local unit u
    local unit un
    set I[Loop2] = I[Loop2] + 1
    set u = GetEnumUnit()
    call PauseUnit(u,true)
    call SaveReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2,LoadReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2) + (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) * 2.00) / (airtime[Loop2] / INTERVAL))
    call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,(height[Loop2]) - (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) - LoadReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2)) * (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) - LoadReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2)),0.00)
    if GetUnitFlyHeight(u) &lt;= (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) * 2.00) / (airtime[Loop2] / INTERVAL) then
        set I2 = I2 + 1
        call PauseUnit(u,false)
        call SetUnitPathing(u,true)
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(u),0.00)
        call UnitDamageTarget(caster[Loop2],u,damage[Loop2],true,false,ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL,DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(G[Loop2],u)
        if GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0 and stunduration[Loop2] &gt; 0.00 then
            set CusVal = CusVal + 1
            set StunG[CusVal] = CreateGroup()
            call GroupAddUnit(StunG[CusVal],u)
            set ImpaledUnit[CusVal] = u
            set stuneffect[CusVal] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(&quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Thunderclap\\ThunderclapTarget.mdl&quot;,u,&quot;overhead&quot;)
            set xx = GetUnitX(u)
            set yy = GetUnitY(u)
            set un = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(caster[Loop2]),DUMMY,xx,yy,270.00)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(un,&#039;BTLF&#039;,stunduration[Loop2])
            call SetUnitUserData(un,CusVal)
        set bj_groupCountUnits = 0
        call ForGroup(G[Loop2],function CountUnits)
        if bj_groupCountUnits == 0 and Dt[Loop2] == 0 then
            call DestroyGroup(G[Loop2])
            set I2 = 0
    set u = null

private function Flying_Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local real     xx
    local real     yy
    local effect   e
    local unit     u
    set u = GetEnumUnit()
    set xx = GetUnitX(u)
    set yy = GetUnitY(u)
    set e = AddSpecialEffect(hitsfx[Loop],xx,yy)
    call DestroyEffect(e)
    call UnitAddAbility(u,STORM_CROW)
    call UnitRemoveAbility(u,STORM_CROW)
    call PauseUnit(u,true)
    call SetUnitPathing(u,false)
    call GroupAddUnit(G[Loop],u)
    set e = null
    set u = null

private function Call_Flying takes nothing returns nothing
        exitwhen Loop2 &gt; Instances
        call ForGroup(G[Loop2],function Flying)
        set I[Loop2] = I2
        set Loop2 = Loop2 + 1
    set Loop2 = 1

private function Stun takes nothing returns nothing
    local real xx
    local real yy
    set xx = GetUnitX(GetEnumUnit())
    set yy = GetUnitY(GetEnumUnit())
    call SetUnitPosition(GetEnumUnit(),xx,yy)

private function Call_Stun takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 1

        exitwhen i &gt; CusVal
        call ForGroup(StunG<i>,function Stun)
        set i = i + 1

private function Remove_Stun takes nothing returns nothing
    call GroupRemoveUnit(StunG[GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit())],ImpaledUnit[GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit())])
    call DestroyEffect(stuneffect[GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit())])

private function SpawnSpikes takes nothing returns nothing
    local Data     d = 0
    local group    g = CreateGroup()
    local real     dx = 0.00
    local real     dy = 0.00
        exitwhen Loop &gt; Instances
        if Dt[Loop] != 0 then
            set d = Dt[Loop]
            set caster[Loop] = d.caster
            set airtime[Loop] = d.airtime
            set damage[Loop] = d.damage
            set stunduration[Loop] = d.stunduration
            set height[Loop] = d.height
            set hitsfx[Loop] = d.hitsfx
            set in[Loop] = in[Loop] + 1
            set x[Loop] = GetLocationX(d.point) + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.cos
            set y[Loop] = GetLocationY(d.point) + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.sin
            set d.sfx = AddSpecialEffect(d.spikesfx,x[Loop],y[Loop])
            call DestroyEffect(d.sfx)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g,x[Loop],y[Loop],d.area,Condition(function Check_Units))
            call ForGroup(g,function Flying_Init)
            call DestroyGroup(g)
            set g = CreateGroup()
            set dx = GetLocationX(d.point) - x[Loop]
            set dy = GetLocationY(d.point) - y[Loop]
            if d.based then
                if SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy) &gt;= d.castrange then
                    if d.moveunit then
                        call SetUnitX(d.caster,GetLocationX(d.point) + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.cos)
                        call SetUnitY(d.caster,GetLocationY(d.point) + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.sin)
                    if d.hideunit then
                        call ShowUnit(d.caster,true)
                        if GetLocalPlayer() == GetOwningPlayer(d.caster) then
                            call SelectUnit(d.caster, true)
                    set x[Loop] = 0
                    set y[Loop] = 0
                    set in[Loop] = 0
                    set Dt[Loop] = 0
                    set bj_groupCountUnits = 0
                    call ForGroup(G[Loop],function CountUnits)
                    if bj_groupCountUnits == 0 and Dt[Loop] == 0 then
                        call DestroyGroup(G[Loop])
                        set I2 = 0
            elseif SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy) &gt;= d.range then
                if d.moveunit then
                    call SetUnitX(d.caster,GetLocationX(d.point) + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.cos)
                    call SetUnitY(d.caster,GetLocationY(d.point) + (SPACE * in[Loop]) * d.sin)
                if d.hideunit then
                    call ShowUnit(d.caster,true)
                    if GetLocalPlayer() == GetOwningPlayer(d.caster) then
                        call SelectUnit(d.caster, true)
                set x[Loop] = 0
                set y[Loop] = 0
                set in[Loop] = 0
                set Dt[Loop] = 0
                set bj_groupCountUnits = 0
                call ForGroup(G[Loop],function CountUnits)
                if bj_groupCountUnits == 0 and Dt[Loop] == 0 then
                    call DestroyGroup(G[Loop])
                    set I2 = 0
        set Loop = Loop + 1
    set Loop = 1
    set g = null

function IsUnitImpaled takes unit u returns boolean
    local integer i = 1
        exitwhen i &gt; Instances
        if IsUnitInGroup(u,G<i>) then
            return true
        set i = i + 1
    return false

public function StartEx takes unit Caster, location Point, location CastPoint, real Range, real Damage, real StunDuration, real Angle, real Area, real Height, real AirTime, string SpikeSfx, string HitSfx, boolean RangeBased, boolean MoveUnit, boolean HideUnit returns boolean
    local Data d = 0
    if RangeBased == false then
        if Area &lt; 0.00 or StunDuration &lt; 0.00 or Range &lt;= 0.00 then
            debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Error: Invalid input in IMPS_Start()&quot;)
            return false
    elseif Area &lt; 0.00 or StunDuration &lt; 0.00 then
        debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Error: Invalid input in IMPS_Start()&quot;)
        return false
    set d = Data.create(Caster,Point,CastPoint,Range,Damage,StunDuration,(Angle * 0.01745328),Area,Height,AirTime,SpikeSfx,HitSfx,RangeBased,MoveUnit,HideUnit)
    set Instances = Instances + 1
    set G[Instances] = CreateGroup()
    call TimerStart(Timer,SPIKE_INTERVAL,true,function SpawnSpikes)
    call TimerStart(Timer2,INTERVAL,true,function Call_Flying)
    call TimerStart(Timer3,0.03,true,function Call_Stun)
    set Dt[Instances] = d
    if HideUnit then
        call ShowUnit(Caster,false)
    return true

public function Start takes unit Caster, location Point, real Range, real Damage, real StunDuration, real Angle returns nothing
    call IMPS_StartEx(Caster,Point,null,Range,Damage,StunDuration,Angle,AREA,HEIGHT,AIRTIME,SPIKE_SFX,HIT_SFX,false,false,false)

private function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    local integer index = 0
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t,Player(index),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH,null)
        set index = index + 1
        exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
    call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function Check_Dummy))
    call TriggerAddAction(t,function Remove_Stun)


EDIT: just a question.. if i use a global dummy <which i use in all map for everything> this system may bug? because it just check if unit type die
Does it really do anything if you use UnitUserData with a dummy that will die in a few seconds? And where am I using location except d.point? Maybe some users want to use location instead of x,y.
EDIT: suggestion: if you don't want to remove location, just ok but make a new function which support x/y, most of people like it and is more safe then location, also a little bit faster :p
EDIT: just a question.. if i use a global dummy <which i use in all map for everything> this system may bug? because it just check if unit type die
- EDIT: suggestion: if you don't want to remove location, just ok but make a new function which support x/y, most of people like it and is more safe then location, also a little bit faster

Sure. I will make a new function

- EDIT: just a question.. if i use a global dummy <which i use in all map for everything> this system may bug? because it just check if unit type die

That's true! Guess I have to fix it or you could just create a new dummy, but if your dummy's UserData is 0 then it wont affect this system.
he do what i say :eek: sweettttttt

now just need to remove the user data and use hashtable and fix the 'bug' with global dummys :rolleyes:
private function Stun takes nothing returns nothing
    local real xx
    local real yy
    set xx = GetUnitX(GetEnumUnit())
    set yy = GetUnitY(GetEnumUnit())
    call SetUnitPosition(GetEnumUnit(),xx,yy)

private function Stun takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u  = GetEnumUnit()
    local real xx = GetUnitX(u)
    local real yy = GetUnitY(u)

    call SetUnitPosition(u,xx,yy)

private function Stun takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u  = GetEnumUnit()
    call SetUnitPosition(u,GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u))
  • Using locations
  • NOT using GroupUtils
  • Those non private constants for models are completely unnecessary. Either you let users choose the model, or you dont. If you choose not to, you dont provide such constants.
  • How about giving those timers a descriptive name?
  • How about you reuse code from xe (the dummy unit, the fly height enabler ability, ...)?
  • Global variables with single-letter lower-case names. Good job.
  • [ljass]call SaveReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2,LoadReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2) + (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) * 2.00) / (airtime[Loop2] / INTERVAL))[/ljass]
    What the hell does that do? Why doesnt it use arrays?
  • Checking if group is empty is easy: [ljass]FirstOfGroup(<group>)==null[/ljass]
  • Using SetUnitPathing directly is not exactly smart, if you want to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Your Check_Units function leaks references.
  • Your array of active instances gets filled starting with index 1 instead of 0.
  • Using ShowUnit directly is not a good idea.
  • You restart all timers whenever a new instance is created. Seriously, why?
  • Use a decent name for your library. Then, use a decent name for your currently public function and drop the public key word.
  • Yay, inlined CountUnitsInGroup. Not all BJs are bad.
  • Stunning by resetting a units position? ARE YOU KIDDING? There are multiple libraries out there that facilitate stunning units (at least one here, and one over at Btw, it fails with instant casts like windwalk and beserk.
  • Using locations
  • NOT using GroupUtils
  • Those non private constants for models are completely unnecessary. Either you let users choose the model, or you dont. If you choose not to, you dont provide such constants.
  • How about giving those timers a descriptive name?
  • How about you reuse code from xe (the dummy unit, the fly height enabler ability, ...)?
  • Global variables with single-letter lower-case names. Good job.
  • [ljass]call SaveReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2,LoadReal(h,I[Loop2],Loop2) + (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) * 2.00) / (airtime[Loop2] / INTERVAL))[/ljass]
    What the hell does that do? Why doesnt it use arrays?
  • Checking if group is empty is easy: [ljass]FirstOfGroup(<group>)==null[/ljass]
  • Using SetUnitPathing directly is not exactly smart, if you want to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Your Check_Units function leaks references.
  • Your array of active instances gets filled starting with index 1 instead of 0.
  • Using ShowUnit directly is not a good idea.
  • You restart all timers whenever a new instance is created. Seriously, why?
  • Use a decent name for your library. Then, use a decent name for your currently public function and drop the public key word.
  • Yay, inlined CountUnitsInGroup. Not all BJs are bad.
  • Stunning by resetting a units position? ARE YOU KIDDING? There are multiple libraries out there that facilitate stunning units (at least one here, and one over at Btw, it fails with instant casts like windwalk and beserk.

  • Maybe some users want to use locations and there is no location use in the code except in the usable functions.
  • Diffrence?
  • Instead of typing in "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\Impale\\ImpaleMissTarget.mdl" all the time they could just use SPIKE_SFX. Simple.
  • [ljass]call TimerStart(Timer,SPIKE_INTERVAL,true,function SpawnSpikes)[/ljass] Isn't "SpawnSpikes" enough information on what it does already?
  • What?
  • Good or bad?
  • If you read it, you can see it saves the real that is in the hashtable h in I[Loop2] of Loop2 + (SquareRoot(height[Loop2]) * 2.00) / (airtime[Loop2] / INTERVAL). Why should it use arrays?
  • Good Idea.
  • How should I do it then?
  • What references?
  • Diffrence?
  • How should I do it then?
  • Good point. Will change it.
  • What is wrong with the name it already has?
  • If you read the other posts, they say I should remove all BJs.
  • Maybe you're right, but I wanted to not be needed to use other systems.
General chit-chat
Help Users
  • No one is chatting at the moment.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Check out my new teeth in my profile pic :)
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Fucking bionic
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Looks great!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Thursday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Added new Crab Bisque Soup recipe - which is badass by the way - Crab Bisque -
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I feel like we need to all meet up somewhere sometime. Maybe like in Vegas :)
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Would love to go to Vegas I have never been and it would be an adventure! Who is in?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    at least the full on bot attack has stopped it was getting ridiculous there for a while and we use cloudflare and everything
  • jonas jonas:
    I'm sure my wife would not be happy if I went to Vegas, but don't let that stop you guys - would be hard for me to attend anyways
  • jonas jonas:
    Do you know why the bot attack stopped?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    maybe they finally got everything lol
  • Ghan Ghan:
    There's lots of good food in Vegas.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Everything tends to be pretty expensive though so bring your wallet.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I have to wait longer if I am going for food because my teeth are still messed up from the work and I still cannot eat right. Going to be a couple more months before that gets better
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would immediately hitting the dispensary though :)
  • Varine Varine:
    My Xbox account got hijacked, and apparently I have a different one from like 10 years ago that Microsoft keeps telling me is the right one
  • Varine Varine:
    Like NO, I mean for some reason that one is attached to my email, but it's not the right one
  • Varine Varine:
    I have a different one, and that one has my credit card attached to it and I would like that credit card to not be attached to it if I can't get it back
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway Microsoft is not very helpful with this, they just keep telling me to fill out the Account Recovery form, but that just redirects me to the other account
  • The Helper The Helper:
    They should not allow you to put a credit card on a account that does not have human customer service you can call
  • Varine Varine:
    That's the only thing that got hijacked at least. I don't totally know how these integrate together, but it seems like I should be able to do this via the gamertag. Like my email is still mine, but they changed the email to that account I'm guessing.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    I went to Vegas a few weeks ago to visit my mom. I had never been either, lol! But I'm working in Salt Lake City at the moment so it's not a far trip.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I have never been to Vegas and it is on the bucket list so...

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