Issue With a Spell


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Well I made a structure for my reverse gravity spell I'm working on :


struct FlyUnit          //structure for making a unit fly 
    private unit u              
    private real x
    private real y
    private real z
    private real BaseFlyHeight
    private integer HeightModified //how many times this unit has been moved upwards
    method Set takes unit target returns nothing
        set .u=target
        call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(.u))
        set .x=GetUnitX(.u)
        set .y=GetUnitY(.u)
        set .z=GetUnitFlyHeight(.u)
        set .BaseFlyHeight=.z
        set .HeightModified = 0
        call PauseUnit(.u,true)
        call SetUnitPathing( .u , false )
        call UnitAddAbility(.u,FlyAbilCode)
        call UnitRemoveAbility(.u,FlyAbilCode)
    method GetFlyHeightNumber takes nothing returns integer
        return .HeightModified
    method FlyHeight takes nothing returns real
        return .z-.BaseFlyHeight
    method Unit takes nothing returns unit
        return .u
    method Fly takes real NextHeight returns nothing
        set .z=NextHeight+.BaseFlyHeight
        set .HeightModified = .HeightModified + 1
       // call BJDebugMsg("fly "+R2S(.z)+" "+GetUnitName(.u))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(.u,.z,FlyHeightRatio)
    method Destroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(.u,.BaseFlyHeight,FlyHeightRatio)
        call PauseUnit(.u , false )
        call SetUnitPathing(.u , true )
        set .u=null

And later on any units antering in a reerse graity area will be sent flying :


set g=GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(BaseAoE+AoEincrement*lvl , center , Filter(function True))
    set un=FirstOfGroup(g)
    if IsUnitEnemy ( un , pl ) and (not IsUnitInGroup(un , g2)) and (un!=null) then
        call GroupAddUnit(g2,un)
        call affected[FlyingUnits].Set(un)
        set FlyingUnits = FlyingUnits + 1
        call BJDebugMsg("Unit added "+I2S(FlyingUnits)+" "+GetUnitName(un))
exitwhen un==null
    call GroupRemoveUnit(g,un)

The problem is my array of local FlyingUnit variables only memorizes the last unit entering the reerse gravity field on all the positions . I mean all the unit u fields in the structure hae the same value . If someone knows where I'm reinenting the wheel please point up .

PS : got to change my keyboard since my "V" key gies me a hard time
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Post the whole trigger for the 2nd trigger.

Also, this thread should be in the Jass Help forum, not this one.


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Here you have it . I hope it's relevant


scope RG initializer Init

    private real basedamage = 75     //spell deals 75*spellvl damage
    private real BaseAoE = 100       //Base AoE
    private real AoEincrement = 50   //AoE increment per skill level
    private real flyduration = 0.5   //base fly duration
    private real StrBonusDamage = 1  //bonus damage from falling based on hero strength
    private real ArmorDamageIncrement = 3 //how much the bonus damage from strength is increased by armor in percents at all levels
    private integer BDRed = 0         //how much red is in the display for bonus falling damage
    private integer BDBlue = 255      //How much blue in the text tag
    private integer BDGreen = 0       //How much Green is in tettag color
    private real    BDVelocity = 60   
    private real    BDSize     = 10 
    private real    BDTransparency = 8
    private real    BDTextAngle   = 90
    private real    BDDuration   = 1.25
    private real    BDCutOffDurtn   = 2.5   
    private integer FlyAbilCode='A004'  //ability code for fly
    private integer AbilCode = 'A003'   //ability code for reverse gravity
    private integer AbilBuff = 'B000'   //the buff for reerse gravity
    private real    FlyHeightRatio = 10000  //rate of change in flight height
    private real    TimerWait   = 0.05  //how often do positions change 
    private real    BaseMaxHeight = 200   //How much will units go up per tick

struct FlyUnit          //structure for making a unit fly 
    private unit u              
    private real x
    private real y
    private real z
    private real BaseFlyHeight
    private integer HeightModified //how many times this unit has been moved upwards
    method Set takes unit target returns nothing
        set .u=target
        call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(.u))
        set .x=GetUnitX(.u)
        set .y=GetUnitY(.u)
        set .z=GetUnitFlyHeight(.u)
        set .BaseFlyHeight=.z
        set .HeightModified = 0
        call PauseUnit(.u,true)
        call SetUnitPathing( .u , false )
        call UnitAddAbility(.u,FlyAbilCode)
        call UnitRemoveAbility(.u,FlyAbilCode)
    method GetFlyHeightNumber takes nothing returns integer
        return .HeightModified
    method FlyHeight takes nothing returns real
        return .z-.BaseFlyHeight
    method Unit takes nothing returns unit
        return .u
    method Fly takes real NextHeight returns nothing
        set .z=NextHeight+.BaseFlyHeight
        set .HeightModified = .HeightModified + 1
       // call BJDebugMsg("fly "+R2S(.z)+" "+GetUnitName(.u))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(.u,.z,FlyHeightRatio)
    method Destroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(.u,.BaseFlyHeight,FlyHeightRatio)
        call PauseUnit(.u , false )
        call SetUnitPathing(.u , true )
        set .u=null

private function True takes nothing returns boolean
    return true 

private function ACondition takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId()==AbilCode

private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit      caster = GetTriggerUnit()
local player    pl = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
local integer   lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster,AbilCode)
local location  center = GetSpellTargetLoc()
local real      MaxHeight = BaseMaxHeight * SquareRoot( lvl ) // determining the height units are tossed for eery skill level
local group     g = CreateGroup() //group for selecting units in AoE periodically
local group     g2 = CreateGroup()//group for retaining units affected by the ability
local FlyUnit   array affected
local integer   FlyingUnits = 0
local unit      un
local integer   i=0
local integer   j
local real      bonusdamage
local texttag   t


//Actions for adding newly entered units in the AoE to the flying units array
set g=GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(BaseAoE+AoEincrement*lvl , center , Filter(function True))
    set un=FirstOfGroup(g)
    if IsUnitEnemy ( un , pl ) and (not IsUnitInGroup(un , g2)) and (un!=null) then
        call GroupAddUnit(g2,un)
        call affected[FlyingUnits].Set(un)
        set FlyingUnits = FlyingUnits + 1
        call BJDebugMsg("Unit added "+I2S(FlyingUnits)+" "+GetUnitName(un))
exitwhen un==null
    call GroupRemoveUnit(g,un)
//Actions for changing the fly height 
// I have decided to make the ascending units move faster towards the end of motion according to Sin func
    set j=0
     exitwhen j==FlyingUnits
     call BJDebugMsg("Unit "+I2S(j)+" "+GetUnitName(affected[j].Unit()))
     call affected[j].Fly(Sin((bj_PI/2)*(affected[j].GetFlyHeightNumber()*TimerWait)/(lvl*flyduration))*MaxHeight)
     set j = j + 1
set i=i+1   
call TriggerSleepAction(TimerWait)  
exitwhen i*TimerWait>=flyduration*lvl


// Time to drop all the levitating units to the ground ; they will take damage depending on height
set j=0
exitwhen j==FlyingUnits
    call UnitDamageTarget(caster, affected[j].Unit() , (affected[j].FlyHeight()*affected[j].FlyHeight())/(MaxHeight*MaxHeight)*lvl*basedamage , false , false , ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL , DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL , WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
    //unit is damaged according to the square of it's height/maxheight multiplied by the spell's damage
    set bonusdamage = GetHeroStr(affected[j].Unit() , true )*StrBonusDamage*(1+(ArmorDamageIncrement/100)*TargetArmor(affected[j].Unit()))
    call UnitDamageTarget(caster,affected[j].Unit(), bonusdamage , false , false , ATTACK_TYPE_HERO , DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC , WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
    set t = CreateTextTagUnitBJ("+" + I2S(R2I(bonusdamage)), affected[j].Unit() , BDVelocity , BDSize, BDRed, BDGreen, BDBlue, BDTransparency)
    call SetTextTagVelocityBJ(t, BDVelocity , BDTextAngle)
    call SetTextTagPermanent(t, false)
    call SetTextTagLifespan(t, BDDuration)
    call affected[j].Destroy()
set j=j+1


private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i=0
    set gg_trg_ReverseGravity = CreateTrigger(  )
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(gg_trg_ReverseGravity , Player(i) , EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT , Filter(function True))
    exitwhen i==15
    set i=i+1
    call TriggerAddCondition(gg_trg_ReverseGravity , Condition(function ACondition))
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_ReverseGravity, function Actions )



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I was thinking of that but Idk how to initialize a unit type variable beacause that's the issue as I see the problem .


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I think since I have not edited the create() method is shouldn't have any actions in it but givving it a try obviously won't hurt . LOL it's alive . Thanks man . Now do you know how to use timers to set up periodic actions ? Because TriggerSleepAction() doesn't seem to work optimal .
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well. i would use an attachment system, so try ABC or something of the sort. Then make a timer, make a function for the timer to call, store the unit array affected in another struct, then attach the struct to the timer and work from there.


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Now I got a wonderful bug . :D whenever a flying unit dies I end up with units walking in the sky (the rest never fall down ) :)) . It's nice


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Well here's the code . Sometimes it gived me a message like you tried to destroy a null variable of type ... I have to find a way to plant the buff I made on the afflicted units . Now I'm thinking of changing the number of waves (I based it off blizzard) but that means I will have to make it a dummy spell . Will do if I have to . Then I will check if a unit is already under the effect of this ability (has the buff) so they won't be affected by it twice and it would solve a bug . Left remaiming would be timing and changing the liftoff formula to something more realistic and maybe make them hover up there for a period .


scope RG initializer Init

    private real basedamage = 75     //spell deals 75*spellvl damage
    private real BaseAoE = 100       //Base AoE
    private real AoEincrement = 50   //AoE increment per skill level
    private real flyduration = 0.5   //base fly duration
    private real StrBonusDamage = 1  //bonus damage from falling based on hero strength
    private real ArmorDamageIncrement = 3 //how much the bonus damage from strength is increased by armor in percents at all levels
    private integer BDRed = 0         //how much red is in the display for bonus falling damage
    private integer BDBlue = 255      //How much blue in the text tag
    private integer BDGreen = 0       //How much Green is in tettag color
    private real    BDVelocity = 60   
    private real    BDSize     = 10 
    private real    BDTransparency = 8
    private real    BDTextAngle   = 90
    private real    BDDuration   = 1.25
    private real    BDCutOffDurtn   = 2.5   
    private integer FlyAbilCode='A004'  //ability code for fly
    private integer AbilCode = 'A003'   //ability code for reverse gravity
    private integer AbilBuff = 'B000'   //the buff for reerse gravity
    private real    FlyHeightRatio = 10000  //rate of change in flight height
    private real    TimerWait   = 0.05  //how often do positions change 
    private real    BaseMaxHeight = 200   //How much will units go up per tick

struct FlyUnit          //structure for making a unit fly 
    private unit u              
    private real x
    private real y
    private real z
    private real BaseFlyHeight
    private integer HeightModified //how many times this unit has been moved upwards
    method Set takes unit target returns nothing
        set .u=target
        set .x=GetUnitX(.u)
        set .y=GetUnitY(.u)
        set .z=GetUnitFlyHeight(.u)
        set .BaseFlyHeight=.z
        set .HeightModified = 0
        call PauseUnit(.u,true)
        call SetUnitPathing( .u , false )
        call UnitAddAbility(.u,FlyAbilCode)
        call UnitRemoveAbility(.u,FlyAbilCode)
    method GetFlyHeightNumber takes nothing returns integer
        return .HeightModified
    method FlyHeight takes nothing returns real
        return .z-.BaseFlyHeight
    method Unit takes nothing returns unit
        return .u
    method Fly takes real NextHeight returns nothing
        set .z=NextHeight+.BaseFlyHeight
        set .HeightModified = .HeightModified + 1
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(.u,.z,FlyHeightRatio)
    method Destroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("destroyed struct for "+GetUnitName(.u)+" normal z "+R2S(.BaseFlyHeight))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(.u,.BaseFlyHeight,FlyHeightRatio)
        call PauseUnit(.u , false )
        call SetUnitPathing(.u , true )
        set .u=null

private function True takes nothing returns boolean
    return true 

private function ACondition takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId()==AbilCode

private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit      caster = GetTriggerUnit()
local player    pl = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
local integer   lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster,AbilCode)
local location  center = GetSpellTargetLoc()
local real      MaxHeight = BaseMaxHeight * SquareRoot( lvl ) // determining the height units are tossed for eery skill level
local group     g = CreateGroup() //group for selecting units in AoE periodically
local group     g2 = CreateGroup()//group for retaining units affected by the ability
local FlyUnit   array affected
local integer   FlyingUnits = 0
local unit      un
local integer   i=0
local integer   j
local integer   k
local real      damage
local real      bonusdamage
local texttag   t


//Actions for adding newly entered units in the AoE to the flying units array
set g=GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(BaseAoE+AoEincrement*lvl , center , Filter(function True))
    set un=FirstOfGroup(g)
    if IsUnitEnemy ( un , pl ) and (not IsUnitInGroup(un , g2)) and (un!=null) and GetWidgetLife(un)>.405 then
        call GroupAddUnit(g2,un)
        set affected[FlyingUnits]=FlyUnit.create()
        call affected[FlyingUnits].Set(un)
        set FlyingUnits = FlyingUnits + 1
exitwhen un==null
    call GroupRemoveUnit(g,un)
//Actions for changing the fly height 
// I have decided to make the ascending units move faster towards the end of motion according to Sin func
    set j=0
     exitwhen j==FlyingUnits    
     if GetWidgetLife(affected[j].Unit())>.405 then
        call affected[j].Fly(Sin((bj_PI/2)*(affected[j].GetFlyHeightNumber()*TimerWait)/(lvl*flyduration))*MaxHeight)
        set k=j
        call affected[j].Destroy()
        call affected[j].destroy()
        exitwhen k==FlyingUnits
            set affected[j]=affected[j+1]
            set k=k+1
        set FlyingUnits=FlyingUnits-1
     set j = j + 1
set i=i+1   
call TriggerSleepAction(TimerWait)  
exitwhen i*TimerWait>=flyduration*lvl


// Time to drop all the levitating units to the ground ; they will take damage depending on height
set j=0
exitwhen j==FlyingUnits
    set un=affected[j].Unit()
    set damage = (affected[j].FlyHeight()*affected[j].FlyHeight())/(MaxHeight*MaxHeight)*lvl*basedamage
    //unit is damaged according to the square of it's height/maxheight multiplied by the spell's damage
    set bonusdamage = GetHeroStr(affected[j].Unit() , true )*StrBonusDamage*(1+(ArmorDamageIncrement/100)*TargetArmor(affected[j].Unit()))
    call affected[j].Destroy()
    call affected[j].destroy()
    if GetWidgetLife(un)>.405 then
    call UnitDamageTarget(caster, un , damage , false , false , ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL , DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL , WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
    call UnitDamageTarget(caster, un , bonusdamage , false , false , ATTACK_TYPE_HERO , DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC , WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
    set t = CreateTextTagUnitBJ("+" + I2S(R2I(bonusdamage)), un , BDVelocity , BDSize, BDRed, BDGreen, BDBlue, BDTransparency)
    call SetTextTagVelocityBJ(t, BDVelocity , BDTextAngle)
    call SetTextTagPermanent(t, false)
    call SetTextTagLifespan(t, BDDuration)
set j=j+1


private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i=0
    set gg_trg_ReverseGravity = CreateTrigger(  )
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(gg_trg_ReverseGravity , Player(i) , EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT , Filter(function True))
    exitwhen i==15
    set i=i+1
    call TriggerAddCondition(gg_trg_ReverseGravity , Condition(function ACondition))
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_ReverseGravity, function Actions )

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