need hero ideas


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im currently creating a hero siege and in the need for some hero ideas
the hero siege needs team work so there are hero classes like tank,healer,caster,dps, ect.....ect

the heros have a starting spell that is very basic that doesent get leveled up.
Evrey hero has at least one aura or passive spell(not including the starting spell).
spells level up to level 7 and ulti levels to 4

this can be used as an tamplate for your hero ideas
Hero name:
Hero model:
Hero Primary atribute:
Hero class:
Heros Starting skill:
Hero first spell:
Hero second spell:
Hero Third spell:
Hero ULTI:
hero other info:

iv also got some heros that are incomplete and need abilty suggestions to finish them

The Sorceress
The Sorceress has great elemental spells with high damage
Model = Jaina
Primary Atribute = Intel
Class = high damaging caster
starting spell - need your suggestion
spell one
Frost Blast - blasts units with frost damaging and freazing them for x seconds
spell two
Need suggestion for Fire Spell
spell three
need suggestion for passive
need suggestion

Great high powerfull attacks
model = rifleman
Primary atribute =Agi
class = High damage
Starting spell = need your suggestion
Spell one
Bomb - throws a bomb that damages units with high damage
spell two
need suggestion
spell three
killing spree - After 5 kills the next 2 attacks will do bonous damage
Head shot - the sniper aims for the head damaging the unit by a high amount if the unit is under x% hp the unit will be killed instantly



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well for a hero siege, you would try make most of your spells AoE or multiple targets based instead of single targets. Just puttong that out there for future ideas.

how many passives do you want each hero to have?

um ideas on hero's im not so good at. but here's a basic idea:

Hero name: Kael or Summoner or something like that.
Hero model:Kael/Blood Mage
Hero Primary atribute:Intellegence
Hero class: Spawner/Spellcaster
Heros Starting skill: everytime he casts a spell, a creature spawns besides him, lasts 20 seconds.
Hero first spell: Flame Strike, deals DPS in an AoE and all spawns in that area get increased attack speed and damage.
Hero second spell: Mana Something* Kills an allied spawn'ed unit and gives mana accordingly
Hero Third spell:Enhance Summon - Turns a summon into "Stronger" one, and refreshes timed life duration.
Hero ULTI: Summoned Flames - Gives burning oil and splash to all summoned unit attacks, so that there attacks deal damage in an AoE and deal damage per second.
hero other info: make some sort of additional red or flame effect on him, to make him suit the theme.
Make sure that his stats are to this kindof idea:
Str - Low
Agility - Average
Int - High

you may change it however you want. and no recognision is reli necesary, but credit would be nice :)


Ultra Cool Member
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well for a hero siege, you would try make most of your spells AoE or multiple targets based instead of single targets. Just puttong that out there for future ideas.

how many passives do you want each hero to have?

um ideas on hero's im not so good at. but here's a basic idea:

you may change it however you want. and no recognision is reli necesary, but credit would be nice :)

he has no passive or aura the starting abillity doesent include in the passive/aura spell
some thing about him i dont like
+rep any ways thanks for the idea for a spawner type hero


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oki dokie, please clarify that next time.

how about:

Hero name: Doesnt matter
Hero model: Swordsman
Hero Primary atribute: Strength
Hero class: Tank/Paladin
Heros Starting skill:Not sure yet.
Hero first spell: Sword Swipe - A huge silver blade shoots out infront of the swordsman and deals damage to al units in a line and maim's them for 5 seconds.
Hero second spell: [Passive]Mighty Sword - Every attack by the swordsman has a small chance to cause him to deal more damage for the next few attacks or something.
Hero Third spell: Blade Frenzy - When activated increases damage and attack speed by 100% Each level increases duration and reduces mana cost etc.
Hero ULTI: Havent Thought of one yet.
hero other info:
Str - High
Agility - Average
Int - Low

this is just a base, once again change at your will im just giving suggestions.


Ideas for your other hero's:

For Fire Spell - how about like a wave of fireballs that shoot out? and like do ministuns or something?

um for the aura, trying to stick with the theme, do something like based on an event when she casts a spell or something.

perhaps the ulti could be lightning?

if he's going to have heavy damage attacks, why not make his attack really slow but like kills a creep in one hit?
if you'r going to do that, perhaps a frenzy or something that does a temporary attack speed bonus and another effect. That would be effective with him. But if your looking for more 'eye-pleasing' spells, try something like a cannon blast or something.

perhaps another activatable making him attack all units infront of him for a short duration or something to that effect.

like i said before, these are just base ideas.


Another idea, lol im really bored atm.
Necromancer - Summons dead units and does things with them etc, you can just mess around with it, im sure u'l find something cool.


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Came up with a couple of ideas for the sorceress:

Starting spell: Magic Missile - Simply targets an enemy, an arcane projectile is thrown and it damages everything in a line ending at the target unit. Damage and maybe also range should increase with levels.

Ulti: Mass polymorph - AoE polymorph. Might want to come upp with a better name. This is a basic idea and you can develope it to what you wish :eek:

And for a new hero:
Hero name: Hangman
Hero model: Garithos
Hero Primary attribute: Strength
Hero class: Melee DPS
Heros Starting skill:
Gibbet Fury - Short duration, moderate cooldown, low mana cost. While this spell is active, its a x% chance on each of the Hangman's attacks that the attacked unit is ensnared and takes heavy DPS (like entangling roots)
Hero first spell:
Executioner's axe - Like Locust, but with only ONE summoned unit; a whirling axe flying around dealing massive attack damage. I would suggest like a 8 sec duration and a 14 sec cooldown, not too high mana cost and damage increasing every level.
Hero second spell:
Command Aura - The original Command Aura ability from Warcraft
Hero Third spell:
Terror - When cast, nearby enemies have a chance to miss attacks and have their armor heavily reduced. High mana cost (for being a Strength hero)
Hero ULTI:
Cleave - Another passive ability. The original cleave. Do not overpower this even though it is an ulti; I know how good Cleave can be in a hero siege map :p
Other notes: This hero should have quite a good movement speed (horse hero)


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The Sorceress
The Sorceress has great elemental spells with high damage
Model = Jaina
Primary Atribute = Intel
Class = high damaging caster
starting spell -
- Passive: Storm, Earth and Fire: Every single target elemental spell that targets the Sorceress will have a x% reduced damage.
- Active: Wind Barrier: The Sorceress creates a shield of winds around her causes units that come close to the Sorceress to be thrown back a short distance by strong winds. Lasts 8 seconds.
spell one
Frost Blast - Blasts units with frost damaging and freazing them for x seconds. This extinguishes fires caused by Conflagate.
spell two
Conflagate: The targeted unit bursts out in flames dealing x damage and y damage every second. The burning unit will have 50% increased movement speed (Gyaaa, I'm burning! Help! D: ) but has a 40% chance to miss on attack.
spell three
Flame Throwing: (Passive): When ever the Sorceress casts a spell there's a x% chance that a (Random unit close to the Sorceress / The target unit of the spell) will also get hit by a fireball that deals y damage.
Cataclysm: Channeling: Causes the earth around the Sorceress to tremble decreasing movement and attack speed by x% and fire pillars to shoot out of the ground every 2 seconds dealing y damage to units that are hit.

Great high powerfull attacks
model = rifleman
Primary atribute =Agi
class = High damage
Starting spell
- Passive: Engeneering kit: Allows the Rifleman to add small improvements to his gun everytime he levels up, increases damage or range each level.
- Active: Hunter and Prey: The Rifleman focuses on a target unit increasing damage to that target by x% and giving vision of that unit.
Spell one
Bomb - Throws a bomb at a target point that deals high damage to enemie units.
spell two
- First aid kit: Channeling: Allows him to regain x health over y seconds. This will be cancled when hit.
- Scattering Shot: Fires of a special shotgun Slug that scatters into a hail of tiny bullets dealing a random damage between x and y based on the distance from the caster in a cone infront of the Rifleman.
spell three
killing spree - After 5 kills the next 2 attacks will do bonous damage. (W00t! :D)
Head shot - The sniper aims for the head damaging the unit by a high amount if the unit is under x% hp the unit will be killed instantly
Will add some heroes later, have to do something else now first.

Hero name: Bob the Builder / Bucephalus (Reason for the names: Something lame, couldn't think of anything... Bucephalus is the horse of Alexander the Great).
Hero other info: It's actualy 2 heroes in one. It's Bob and his horse, both hero units with each unique abilities. (Two heroes, about as strong as a single hero, but a good player using all the 8 abilities well would be epic... that's the idea).
Hero model: Vilager / Riderless Horse
Hero Primary atribute: Argility
Hero class: Survival, posibly needs a bit more damage and a bit less "Slow, curse, stun effects...".
Quote: In riding a horse we borrow freedom. xD
Both Starting skill: Strong Bond: Passive: If Bob or Bucephalus dies he/it will stay on the ground for 10 seconds. If afther the 10 seconds the other one (the one that didn't die) is still alive the one that has died will revive with 10% health.
Alternative: Strong Bond: Passive: 20% of the damage done to Bob is transfered to the Horse and vice versa.
Bob's first spell: Poke in the Eye: Causes Bob to poke the target in the eye, making it unable to see for 10 seconds causing it to have a x% chance to miss on attack.
Bob's second spell: Throw a Rock: Throws a rock at a target dealing x damage and adds a effect based on the distance between Bob and the target.
- 0-150 range: Stuns the target for 4 seconds.
- 150-300 range: Makes the target unable to move for 6 seconds.
- 300-450 range: Slows the target for 8 seconds.
Bob's Third spell: Smelly Cow Dung: Throws Cow Dung at all units in an area causes them to be silenced and have x% reduced attack speed for y seconds. (Drunken Haze).
Bob's ULTI: To arms!: Bob suddenly remembers the Sword and Armor hidden at his house, transforms Bob into Soldier Bob, greatly increases damage, armor and strenght, but slightly decreases argility.
Bucephalus' first spell: Eat a Carrot: Instantly heals Bucephalus for x health.
Bucephalus' second spell: Charge: Bucephalus charges dealing damage to a target based on the distance traveled
Bucephalus' Third spell: Horse Kick: Passive: If a unit attacks Bucephalus from behinde he has a x% chance to kick behinde him stunning the attacking unit for 2 seconds.
Bucephalus' ULTI: Stampede: Bucephalus actualy had a whole army of friends hidden somewere in the background that now charge the battlefield, causing horses to run accros the battlefield from ALL directions dealing damage to all units they hit but explode themselfs as well.

"Alexander the Great had a horse named Bucephalus. Only Alexander could mount this steed and Bucephalus would always kneel to allow him to do so. Passing at 30 years old, Alexander built a city in his favorite horses honor and called it Bucephalae."

====Even more Edit!======
this can be used as an tamplate for your hero ideas
Hero name: Rock 'n Roll Steamtank.
Hero model: Siege Engine
Hero Primary atribute: Strenght
Hero class: Damage Dealer /
Heros Starting skill: High Power Engine: Increases the Steam Tanks Speed by 70% and sets colision to 0. Every unit hit by the Steam Tank while having this active will be knocked down (Death animation) and be stunned for 1 second. Lasts 5 seconds.
Hero first spell: Energie Beam Cannon: Fires of a wave of strong magic energie dealing high damage in a straight line. This damage is increased by 20% if the tank has Improvements at level 5.
Hero second spell: Robot-repair bots: Summons small robots with little health and a weak attack that can repair mechanical units.
Alternative: Nuclear War Head: Fires of a small nuke dealing high damage in an area
Hero Third spell: Improvements: Passive: Each level spend here adds a new improvement to the Steamtank.
- Level 1: SAM battery: Adds a anti-air rocket launcher on the Steam tank allowing it to damage multiple air units at once. (SAM: Surface to Air Missile).
- Level 2: Hot Steam Counter system: Everytime the Steam tank is attacked it can release hot steam from pipes dealing some damage to all units close to the Steam Tank. This can't be used more than once every 6 seconds.
- Level 3: GDS Satalite system: Greatly increases the Steam Tanks sight and allows him to see invisible units.
- (Level 4 (if you have that): Stronger steam powered engines and guns cause the Steam Tank to have increased Strenght).
- (Level 5 (if you have that, can be replaced with level 3 or 4): Solar Cell: Places a Solar Cell on the roof of the Steam Tank replacing a part of the steam power used. Increasing mana/Power regeneration.
Hero ULTI: Rain of Fire: Fires off rockets into all directions bombarding enemie units with rockets dealing damage and (stuning?) them.
Hero other info: A small idea for this hero would be to give it (Steam) Power rather than mana, which is basicly the same only it has a maximum of 200 (Nothing increases this) and gains ... 8? mana per second. (That's full mana in 25 seconds, if you'd make mana/(steam) Power cost of an ability to lets say 60-65 each would be 3 spells per 25 seconds, or one spell per 8.3 seconds. This would make for a strong burst of spells at the start of the fight, but afther that he has to choose his spells carefully. These numbers can be changed to a faster spell usage if it turns out to be underpowered).
====/Even more Edit!=====

There ye go. :D Two completely unique heroes both with their own "Playing style" and all. I like thinking of ideas like these...


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@hopy :thup: for your dual hero, and the reference to Alexander doesn't make it less impressive =D +rep (even though I would remove the spells damaging a single target in a hero siege)

Hero name: Arcane Archer
Hero model: Blood elf archer
Hero Primary attribute: Intelligence
Hero class: Ranged DPS
Heros Starting skill:
Blink - Normal Blink. Needs to be very good in order to be useful for a range hero, so short cooldown, nearly no mana cost and long range!
Hero first spell:
Doom Arrow - 35 mana cost. Decreases armor for 10 seconds to target and enemies within x AoE of target. AoE and -armor increases with level. Also, if this arrow strikes a killing blow, a Dark Minion is summoned to fight for the Arcane Archer.
Hero second spell:
Searing Arrow - The original Searing Arrow from warcraft. Mana cost should increase with levels!
Hero Third spell:
Wizard's shot - A % of the damage the Arcane Archer deals is restored in mana for the Arcane Archer. Example: Level 1 Wizard's shot grants 5% mana steal. If the Arcane Archer deals 40 damage with an attack, 2 mana points is restored to the Arcane Archer's mana.
Hero ULTI:
Disease Arrow - This is an arrow too, but with a 10 seconds cooldown and with a high mana cost (like 80 or something.) Deals MASSIVE poison DPS to the target (kills any ordinary unit) and leaves a large Disease Cloud on the ground (like meat wagon.) Effect from the cloud: last 50 seconds, 8 DPS
Other notes: Primary attribute is intelligence, but this hero should favour Agility. Eg, you'll have to buy Intelligence to her.


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@hopy :thup: for your dual hero, and the reference to Alexander doesn't make it less impressive =D +rep (even though I would remove the spells damaging a single target in a hero siege)

Thanks. :) I like designing heroes and I try to make each of them unique in a way... either with a special recourse they use, special abilities that work well combined or just things players need to keep an eye on if they want their hero to be at its best.
I hate to ask this but... what exactly is a hero siege? Wasn't that the map were you get a Town Hall at the center of a map and there's a small base at each side of the map and you have to push back the waves using overpowered AoE abilities in an atempt to destroy their Townhalls?

Yea a single target spell would be pretty useless in that... I kind of designed my heroes for a melee map, or posible a AOS or something... I'm sorry about this but I didn't notice it was for a Hero siege. I just read "Gimme hero" and started thinking of some ideas weird enough to be awesome.


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Thanks. :) I like designing heroes and I try to make each of them unique in a way... either with a special recourse they use, special abilities that work well combined or just things players need to keep an eye on if they want their hero to be at its best.

I agree. Coming up with hero ideas is maybe the best thing with :rolleyes:


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Hero Name: Draenei Summoner
Hero Model: Draenei Laborer
Hero Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Hero Class: DPS-Tank Hybrid
Hero Starting Skill: Increased Regeneration
Hero First Spell: Summon Eredar Spellcaster
Hero Second Spell: Firebolt
Hero Third Spell: Summon Doom Guard Tank
Hero ULTI: Summon Netherdragon (Requires a Sacrafice)

A summoning hero that builds his units and can summon three different units, as well as deal basic damage with a firebolt. His basic skill provides increased Health and Mana regeneration, and in order to cast Summon Netherdragon he must kill another unit within five seconds of cast time.


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A nice idea Tooltiperror, Maybe 3 summons is a bit much, or he isn't able to summon all of them at once. But I havn't got a lot of experiance with Hero Sieges so I don't know.
Summon Netherdragon he must kill another unit within five seconds of cast time.
The hero isn't able to act during a casting time so I assume he can still attack during "Channeling"? o,0

I agree. Coming up with hero ideas is maybe the best thing with :rolleyes:
Liked the archer as well, wished my own Archer in my map was more like that... never liked her, I keep saying I will remake all of her abilities exept one but I can't think of anything awesome that isn't used 500 times already. :p

and leaves a large Disease Cloud on the ground (like meat wagon).
Didn't like that though. xD Not only didn't realy 100% fit with a Blood Elf archer, but most of all I was just making my Abomination of DOOOM! :nuts:

Hero name: Plague Bringer.
Hero model: Abomination.
Hero Primary atribute: Strenght.
Hero class: Damage Dealer, mainly damage over time.
Heros Starting skill:
- Disease Cloud: Passive: The Plague Bringer constantly releases poisons into the air, inflicts units that come to close to the Plague Bringer with a disease that deals weak damage every second.
Doom Hook / Plague Hook / Death Hook / Captain Hook: Slashes a target with his poisoned hook, (Fires off his hook pulling the target to him, if you like hard to trigger spells) dealing some damage based on his strenght and inflicting them with the poison giving the units a 30% chance every 2 seconds to be stunned for 2 seconds.
Hero first spell: Erupt: Causes the diseases of nearby units to erupt causing heavy pain to nearby units that carie a disease dealing x damage. This however destroys the disease.
Hero second spell: Outbreak: Targets a target non-hero unit dealing x damage and paralyzing it for (6?) seconds. If the unit dies during this time its disease will spread paralyzing nearby units as well with the poison. (If a hero siege is a AoE spam map than this could be a massive stun? Not sure if that's balanced).
Hero Third spell: Rotting Flesh: Passive: Causes units that carie on of the Plague Bringers diseases to die from the inside, severely weakening them, decreasing attack power by x%.
Hero ULTI: Epidemic: Causes a deadly, highly contagious, plague to spread around the area infecting nearby units when cast. The plague deals x damage every second as well as decreases the armor of units that got infected by y. This plague spreads to any enemie unit that touches a unit that caries the disease, but, because of the strenght of the plague, units have to stay within z range of the Plague Bringer or wont be able to maintain it on them and it wil fade. Should have a long cooldown and high (for a low mana hero) mana cost, since it's duration can be technicly infinate). If this doesn't work for a Hero Siege map I'd suggest adding a maximum duration to it.[/U]
hero other info: If Outbrake (And Epidemic, which I'd rather not destroy using Erupt myself) isn't enough to make Erupt usefull, because there ain't enough targets with diseases, or it's a whaste to use it on targets that have Outbreak/Epidemic because you like the effects a lot, than I'd suggest making the normal (starting) ability Disease Cloud, which is sure to create enough diseased targets for Erupt without having to whaste Outbreak/Epidemic for it.
Well, not sure if it showed but I did my best to make him as much AoE DoT as I could without making it a "Spam Warstomp" kind of hero. I'm not sure how well these spells fit in a Hero Siege, but I guess I'll hear that soon enough.


Ultra Cool Member
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i dont realy like the bob the builder and his horse hero for a hero seige having 2 heros that are conected wont realy work.

love the steam tank may change some things tho.

the abomination hero is very confusing :nuts:

i like the idea of doom arrow and wizzards shot

way to many summons thats all he realy can do also i dislike summoners in the first place unless it works with the summoned units

@every one im liking the hero suggestions keep them coming

EDIT: im after a ULTI and passive spell for a lighting type hero
curently has no starting spell
model is the death revenant
Primary atribute is intell
current spells
lighting ball - creates a ball of lighting that grows in size when the ball gets to big it will explode dealing x damage and slows the units
static energy - creates a static energy ball at a point and it will randomly pull a random unit 200 range towards it with small damage

i want to also create a hero using the fire panda but dont have any original fire type spells in mind
all i have is
Fire ball (Stupid name any suggestions for new name?) - the panda lights him self on fire and rolls to a target point any unit hit will ignite and burn (DPS)

i want to make the heros i have on the first post in a show/hide thingo but i dont know how to


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i dont realy like the bob the builder and his horse hero for a hero seige having 2 heros that are conected wont realy work.
:thdown:He was awesome. xD Although I guess he has to many single target spells for a Hero Siege and maybe controling two heroes at once is to much work... I wouldn't know.
Ok if I let know that he can use him, since you wont. :p

love the steam tank may change some things tho.
:thup:Aye, not as awesome as Bob, but I just wanted to do a SteamTank since I haven't seen a Steam Tank hero before.
the abomination hero is very confusing :nuts
Whats confusing about it?
- Disease Cloud (Standard spell).
- Doom Hook: Damage + Strenght + Poison that stuns at random moments.
- Erupt: Pick units, if disease = Damage else, remove disease = nothing.
- Outbreak: Damage, stun, set variable = target unit, Unit dies equal to variable = Pick every unit, stun.
- Rotting Flesh = Decrease attack on units with a disease.
- Epidemic: Poison target area decreasing armor + Damage over time, units come close = they also get infected, Units move to far away=remove poison.
Seemed perfect for what I know of Hero Sieges. :p To bad.

EDIT: im after a ULTI and passive spell for a lighting type hero
curently has no starting spell
model is the death revenant
Primary atribute is intell
current spells
lighting ball - creates a ball of lighting that grows in size when the ball gets to big it will explode dealing x damage and slows the units
static energy - creates a static energy ball at a point and it will randomly pull a random unit 200 range towards it with small damage
Might think of some spells once I'm back.


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As for the lightning hero spells..

Starting ability could simply be Lightning Shield? Would suit a hero siege well :)

Schock - Every time an enemy melee unit attacks the revenant, there is a 5%/10%/15%/etc chance for it to be stunned for 3.5 seconds.

Battle Conductor - Creates something looking like a Static Ward, with 100% evasion and 100% spell damage reduction, and a 100% melee damage return (electricity.) When summoned, the Battle Conductor casts Taunt. All damage dealt to the Battle Conductor is restored as mana for the caster! Lasts 12 seconds.

In addition to this, if "lightning ball" or "static energy" is cast and the Battle Conductor is in play, a straight line of lightning (chain lightning effect) is shot from that spell and the Conductor, dealing heavy damage to any enemy unit under it.


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Name: Berserker
Model: Grom Hellscream
Primary atribute: Strength
Class: Melee DPS

Starting skill: Taunt - Forces nearby enemy units to attack the Berserker for 3 seconds.

First spell:
Heroic Leap - Leaps to a target unit (allied or enemy), dealing X damage in a 250 AoE followed by a 50% slow for 3 seconds.

Second spell:
Fury Crush - Takes 2 seconds to charge trembling energy within his axe and then strikes the target dealing weapon damage + charged damage, knocking it far away. Any enemy unit it bumps into will also be knocked aside (deals half damage to them). Charges more damage per missing percent of HP.

Third spell:
Enrage - Whenever the Berserker casts a spell, he gains bonus percent damage and cleave for X seconds (if you're casting Fury Crush, this will activate before you strike the target).

Rampage - Gives you and nearby allied units incredible attack and move speed, but take more damage. Lasts 8 seconds. (The Berserker turns red after casting this, into Axe's model)


This is the way it was meant to be.
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Noob hero incoming. Click two buttons and autoattack.

Hero Name
Sharrakin, the Pandaren Blademaster
Hero Description
(Uses the Fire Pandaren model)
Sharrakin. The name is known by all as a respected swordsman inside and outside of combat. Hailing from Pandaria as a gifted warrior, through acceptance of his origins he is able to channel abilities through his swords. Made of the finest metal he could find, no matter how many victims he encounters they never seem to dull. He can unleash a series of attacks on his opponents and envelope them in flames, always making his fight a quick one. He doesn't even know when he will retire and end his fighting career...
Hero Main Attribute
Agility (Strength as a possible second choice)
Hero Spell 1
Energy Expender

In times of trouble, the Pandaren Blademaster can dredge up vast amounts of stored energy, instilling a vigor that may later come back to haunt him...

Gives +25/50/75/100% increased attack speed for 12 seconds. After these 12 seconds this is replaced by a decrease of 15/30/45/60% in attack speed which also lasts 12 seconds.

Hero Spell 2
No Mercy

As his enemies grow weaker, the Pandaren Blademaster is eager for another victim's blood added to his blade, and attacks for more damage.

Deals +10/20/30/40 damage to enemies below 50% health.

Hero Spell 3
Flare Blade

As his blades clink and clash, sparks fly, sometimes causing a combustion to spread nearby.

Gives a 10% chance when attacking to cause a 75/125/175/225 damage Breath of Fire directed straight at his attacked target.

Hero Ultimate Spell
Blaze of Glory

The powerful fires that dwell within the Pandaren Blademaster jump to life and cause his fighting skills to increase.

When activated, doubles the chance for Flare Blade to activate. Also creates small Flame Strike effects on the attacked target, dealing an extra 40/80/120 damage. Lasts 15 seconds.


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I can imagine how lame this is but i think Brother Laz made a great mod for Diablo 2 and the caster amazon would fit this map . Here are the ideas :

Model : Sorceress
Name : Blood Witch
Default ability : Magic Missile throws a number of magic missiles that target random enemies in 600 AoE from the hero . The number and damage of missiles varies with hero lvl and go from 4 to 12 missiles at max hero lvl .
Ability 1 : Bloodstorm - Creates an immobile locust unit looking like the special effect of Shadowstrike (if possible) that lasts for 5-10 seconds depending on skill lvl and casts 2-5 missiles at nearby enemies every 0.5 seconds (target seek range increases with skill lvl) . I think a dummy unit could cast a modified FoK spell with missile model of the Artillery missile .
Ability 2 : Balefire - The bloodwitch casts a flamestrike that uses the fire of hell to damage enemies and requires her blood as catalyst . This places a buff on the caster that degenerates 15% of current HP over 10 seconds but also increases defence .
Ability 3 : Bacchanalia - Using pagan ritual powers the bloodwitch does more damage when low on HP as if she were in trance . Deals 5-20% more spell damage per breakpoint of life ( that means calculating integer part of maxhp/current hp and multiplying it by 5-20% to get the aditional spell damage) . It would be funny to write a ridiculous message upon reaching <10% hitpoints like Hulk smash
Ability 4 (ultimate) - Lava Pit You target a point on the ground and starting from it spread around in a random pattern fast explosions with low AoE (100-150) and decent damage . I think a good propagating algorithm would be the Life simulation and carry it for 10 iterations . As for special effects effects i fail .


Ultra Cool Member
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Thanks for the idea :thup:
to bad i already have a hero using the sorceress model
but some of the abillitys are kool
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