Spell Rainbow Strike

The Undaddy

Creating with the power of rage
Reaction score
Rainbow Strike
by The Undaddy
Requires NewGen
Fairly Big Image Ahead*
*The spell is fairly simple but still the image cannot capture what in warcraft 3 truly happens :)
Rainbow Strike
Summons up to [7] colored orbs to circle the target unit,eventually hitting it and dealing damage,also dealing damage to all units they pass trough* (not only once but every time an orb passes trough a unit).Also some orbs cast another ability when colliding with the unit.

*The units must also be with a maximum of 55 flying height difference from the orbs.

Alternatively, tooltip ingame:

Rainbow Strike
The keeper of the grove uses his connection with nature to summon 7 orbs containing the colors of the rainbow to strike his foes.

Level 1:

Summons the first three colors of the rainbow.
Deals a total of 25 damage to the target and 5 damage every time and orb passes through an enemy unit

Casts Purge

Level 2:

Summons the first five colors of the rainbow.
Deals a total of 50 damage to the target and 10 damage every time and orb passes through an enemy unit

Casts Purge and Shadow Strike

Level 3:

Summons all seven colors of the rainbow.
Deals a total of 75 damage to the target and 15 damage every time and orb passes through an enemy unit

Casts Purge, Shadow Strike and Thunder Clap

Here comes the code:
scope RainbowStrike initializer Init
        private group G = CreateGroup()
        private group InRange = CreateGroup()
        private group InRangeCpy = CreateGroup()
        private player p
        private unit u
        private real r
        private real gz
        private location l = Location(0,0)
        private constant integer ABILITY_ID = 'A000' //Obviously,the raw code of the spell used
        private constant integer ELEMENT_ID = 'e000' //The raw code of the units that will cricle the taarget
        private constant real DIST_FROM_TRG = 270 //The radius of the circle around the target
        private constant real TIME_TO_REACH = 0.4 //The initial time it takes the orbs for them to take their places [this is not a dead-on amount of time,more like and approximation]
        private constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'e002' //Raw code of the dummy unit that will cast spells on respective orbs [more below]
        private constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE = ATTACK_TYPE_HERO
        private constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE = DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL
        private constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE = WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS
        private constant string ATTACH_STRING = "origin"
        private constant string MODEL_FILE = "Abilities\\Weapons\\ChimaeraLightningMissile\\ChimaeraLightningMissile.mdl"
        private integer array EL_R
        private integer array EL_G
        private integer array EL_B
        private integer array ABIL
        private integer array TYPE //1 - target ,2 - no target,3 - point target
        private string array ORDER
    function Define takes nothing returns nothing 
        set EL_R[0] = 255 //These are the colors of the elements summoned in RGB format
        set EL_G[0] = 0
        set EL_B[0] = 0
        set EL_R[1] = 255
        set EL_G[1] = 127
        set EL_B[1] = 0
        set EL_R[2] = 255
        set EL_G[2] = 255
        set EL_B[2] = 0
        set EL_R[3] = 0
        set EL_G[3] = 255
        set EL_B[3] = 0
        set EL_R[4] = 0
        set EL_G[4] = 0
        set EL_B[4] = 255
        set EL_R[5] = 70
        set EL_G[5] = 0
        set EL_B[5] = 130
        set EL_R[6] = 238
        set EL_G[6] = 130
        set EL_B[6] = 238
        set ABIL[0] = 'A001' //these are the abilities the dummy will cast on the respective orbs
        set TYPE[0] = 1 //This is target type,once again 1 is for unit target,2 is for no target and 3 is for point target
        set ORDER[0] = "purge" //This is the order that must be issued in order for the dummy to cast the correct ability
        set ABIL[1] = 0
        set TYPE[1] = 0
        set ABIL[2] = 0
        set TYPE[2] = 0
        set ABIL[3] = 'A002'
        set TYPE[3] = 1
        set ORDER[3] = "shadowstrike"
        set ABIL[4] = 0
        set TYPE[4] = 0
        set ABIL[5] = 0
        set TYPE[5] = 0
        set ABIL[6] = 'A003'
        set ORDER[6] = "thunderclap"
        set TYPE[6] = 2

    private constant function ELEMENT_QUANTITY takes integer lvl returns integer //Obviously,how many elements are summoned
        return 3 + (lvl-1)*2
    private constant function CHARGE_INTERVAL takes integer lvl returns real //This is the time one orb waits to attack after the previous one
        return 0.8/(lvl - (lvl-1)*0.5)
    private constant function INITIAL_PERIOD takes integer lvl returns real //For how long the orbs will rotate before they start charging
        return 1.2 + lvl*0.3
    private constant function CHARGE_SPEED takes integer lvl returns real //This is how fast the element charges
        return 500.
    private constant function ANGLE_INCR_PER_SEC takes integer lvl returns real //This is how fast the orbs rotate around the unit, degrees/second
        return 220.
    private constant function DAMAGE takes integer lvl returns real //Impact damage
        return lvl*25.
    private constant function PASS_DAMAGE takes integer lvl returns real //Pass-through damage
        return lvl*5.
    //Note: If cast on an enemy unit the damage dealt to the target will be
    // NumberOfElements*(Damage + PassDamage)
    private function SetUnitZ takes unit u,real z returns nothing
        call MoveLocation(l,GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u))
        if u != null then
            call UnitAddAbility(u,'Amrf')
            call UnitRemoveAbility(u,'Amrf')
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,z - GetLocationZ(l),0)
    private function GetUnitZ takes unit u returns real
        local real z
        call MoveLocation(l,GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u))
        set z = GetLocationZ(l)
        if u != null then
            return z + GetUnitFlyHeight(u)
        return 0.
    private function GetPolarProjX takes real x, real angle, real dist returns real
        return x + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
    private function GetPolarProjY takes real y, real angle, real dist returns real
        return y + dist * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
    private function IsEnemy takes nothing returns boolean
        local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
        local boolean bool
        set bool = (IsUnitEnemy(u,p) and RAbsBJ(GetUnitZ(u) - gz) < 55) and GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > .405
        set u = null
        return bool
    private function dmgenum takes nothing returns nothing
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(MODEL_FILE,GetEnumUnit(),ATTACH_STRING))
        call UnitDamageTarget(u,GetEnumUnit(),r,false,false,ATTACK_TYPE,DAMAGE_TYPE,WEAPON_TYPE)
    private struct SpellData
        unit target
        unit caster
        player owner
        integer level
        integer mode
        unit array element[40]
        real array ToAngle[40]
        real array covered[40]
        real array dtt[40]
        group array damaged[40]
        real allheight
        real chspd
        integer elements
        integer charging
        integer removed
        real angincr
        real period
        real elapsed
        real damage
        real passdamage
        method periodic takes nothing returns boolean
            local integer a = 0
            local real fulldist
            local real dist
            local real angle
            local real x = GetUnitX(.target)
            local real y = GetUnitY(.target)
            local real z = GetUnitZ(.target)
            local real Ex
            local real Ey
            local real Ox
            local real Oy
            local real height
            local unit dummy
            local boolean distb = true
            local boolean heightb = false
            if .mode == 0 then
                set height = z - GetUnitZ(.element[0])
                if height <= (height + .allheight)/(TIME_TO_REACH*T32_FPS) then
                    set heightb = true
                    exitwhen a >= .elements
                        set Ex = GetUnitX(.element[a])
                        set Ey = GetUnitY(.element[a])
                        set Ox = GetPolarProjX(x,.ToAngle[a],DIST_FROM_TRG)
                        set Oy = GetPolarProjY(y,.ToAngle[a],DIST_FROM_TRG)
                        set dist = SquareRoot((Ox- Ex)*(Ox - Ex) + (Oy - Ey)*(Oy - Ey))
                        set fulldist =  dist + .covered[a]
                        set angle = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(Oy - Ey, Ox - Ex)
                        if dist <= fulldist/(TIME_TO_REACH*T32_FPS) then
                            call SetUnitX(.element[a],Ox)
                            call SetUnitY(.element[a],Oy)
                            set .dtt[a] = DIST_FROM_TRG
                            set distb = false
                            call SetUnitX(.element[a],GetPolarProjX(Ex,angle,fulldist/(TIME_TO_REACH*T32_FPS)))
                            call SetUnitY(.element[a],GetPolarProjY(Ey,angle,fulldist/(TIME_TO_REACH*T32_FPS)))
                            set .covered[a] = .covered[a] + fulldist/(TIME_TO_REACH*T32_FPS)
                        if heightb then
                            call SetUnitZ(.element[a],z + 25)
                            call SetUnitZ(.element[a],GetUnitZ(.element[a]) + (.allheight + height)/(TIME_TO_REACH*T32_FPS) + 25)
                        set a = a + 1
                if distb and heightb then
                    set .mode = 1
                    return false
                set .allheight = .allheight + (.allheight + height)/(TIME_TO_REACH*T32_FPS)
                set .elapsed = .elapsed + T32_PERIOD
                if .elapsed >= .period and .charging + .removed < .elements then
                    set .elapsed = .elapsed - .period
                    set .charging = .charging + 1
                set a = .removed
                    exitwhen a >= .elements
                    set Ex = GetUnitX(.element[a])
                    set Ey = GetUnitY(.element[a])
                    set p = .owner
                    set gz = z
                    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(InRange,Ex,Ey,100,Condition(function IsEnemy))
                    call GroupAddGroup(InRange,InRangeCpy)
                    //set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true
                    call GroupRemoveGroup(.damaged[a],InRange)
                    set u = .caster
                    set r = .passdamage
                    call ForGroup(InRange,function dmgenum)
                    call GroupClear(.damaged[a])
                    call GroupAddGroup(InRangeCpy,.damaged[a])
                    call GroupClear(InRange)
                    call GroupClear(InRangeCpy)
                    set .ToAngle[a] = .ToAngle[a] - .angincr
                    set Ox = GetPolarProjX(x,.ToAngle[a],.dtt[a])
                    set Oy = GetPolarProjY(y,.ToAngle[a],.dtt[a])
                    call SetUnitX(.element[a],Ox)
                    call SetUnitY(.element[a],Oy)
                    call SetUnitZ(.element[a],z + 25)
                    //if .dtt >= DIST_FROM_TRG then
                        call SetUnitFacing(.element[a],.ToAngle[a] - 90)
                       // call SetUnitFacing(.element[a],-.ToAngle[a])
                    set a = a + 1
                set a = .removed
                    exitwhen a >= .charging + .removed
                    if .dtt[a] <= 0 then
                        call KillUnit(.element[a])
                        set .removed = .removed + 1
                        set .charging = .charging - 1
                        //EFFECT CODE
                        call UnitDamageTarget(.caster,.target,.damage,false,false,ATTACK_TYPE,DAMAGE_TYPE,WEAPON_TYPE)
                        if ABIL[a] != 0 then
                            set dummy = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(.caster),DUMMY_ID,x,y,0)
                            call SetUnitPosition(dummy,x,y)
                            call UnitApplyTimedLife(dummy,0,5)
                            call UnitAddAbility(dummy,ABIL[a])
                            if TYPE[a] == 1 then
                                call IssueTargetOrder(dummy,ORDER[a],.target)
                            elseif TYPE[a] == 2 then
                                call IssueImmediateOrder(dummy,ORDER[a])
                            elseif TYPE[a] == 3 then
                                call IssuePointOrder(dummy,ORDER[a],x,y)
                            set dummy = null
                    set .dtt[a] = .dtt[a] - .chspd
                    set a = a + 1
                if .removed == .elements then
                    call .destroy()
                    return true
            return false
        static method create takes unit trg, unit cst, integer lvl returns thistype
            local SpellData sd = SpellData.allocate()
            local integer a = 0
            local real random = GetRandomInt(0,360)
            local real x = GetUnitX(cst)
            local real y = GetUnitY(cst)
            local real ang = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(GetUnitY(trg) - y, GetUnitX(trg) - x)
            local real spwnx = GetPolarProjX(x,ang,200)
            local real spwny = GetPolarProjY(y,ang,200)
            set sd.owner = GetOwningPlayer(cst)
            set sd.elements = ELEMENT_QUANTITY(lvl)
            set sd.period = CHARGE_INTERVAL(lvl)
            set sd.target = trg
            set sd.caster = cst
            set sd.level = lvl
            set sd.mode = 0
            set sd.elapsed = 0
            set sd.removed = 0
            set sd.charging = 0
            set sd.allheight = 0
            set sd.elapsed = -INITIAL_PERIOD(lvl) + sd.period
            set sd.angincr = ANGLE_INCR_PER_SEC(lvl)/T32_FPS
            set sd.chspd = CHARGE_SPEED(lvl)/T32_FPS
            set sd.damage = DAMAGE(lvl)/sd.elements
            set sd.passdamage = PASS_DAMAGE(lvl)
                exitwhen a >= sd.elements
                    set sd.element[a] = CreateUnit(sd.owner,ELEMENT_ID,spwnx,spwny,0)
                    set sd.ToAngle[a] = (360/sd.elements)*(a + 1) + random
                    set sd.covered[a] = 0
                    if sd.damaged[a] == null then
                        //call BJDebugMsg("damaged[" + I2S(a) + "] created")
                        set sd.damaged[a] = CreateGroup()
                    call SetUnitVertexColor(sd.element[a],EL_R[a],EL_G[a],EL_B[a],255)
                    set a = a + 1
            call sd.startPeriodic()
            return sd
        implement T32
    function Cdt takes nothing returns boolean
        if GetSpellAbilityId() == ABILITY_ID then
             call SpellData.create(GetSpellTargetUnit(),GetTriggerUnit(),GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),ABILITY_ID))
        return false

    function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call Define()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function Cdt))

Systems Used: T32

Gladly accepting any remarks on how to improve my coding :thup:


v1.02 Minor flaws fixed
      Added an effect when units are hit
v1.01 Reduced function calls
      Now uses global unit groups
      Uses a global location for SetUnitZ and GetUnitZ
      Fixed a typo in the tooltip
      Attack type,damage type and weapon type are now configurable
v1.00 Initial release

I know the testmap sucks, but it'll do. :p


  • Rainbow Strike FTH.w3x
    28 KB · Views: 229


Super Moderator
Reaction score
> most annoying colors intentionally picked
I personally will ensure this remains unapproved until you fix those annoying colours.

Just for the sake of annoyance, of course.

The Undaddy

Creating with the power of rage
Reaction score
> most annoying colors intentionally picked
I personally will ensure this remains unapproved until you fix those annoying colours.

Just for the sake of annoyance, of course.


besides,they weren't even that annoying.
Reaction score
Pretty good =)

  • You should make [ljass]ATTACK_TYPE_HERO,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS[/ljass] configurable.
  • [ljass]GroupAddGroup[/ljass], [ljass]GroupRemoveGroup[/ljass] <- Why?
  • You're dynamically creating groups, it would be wise to reuse global ones.
  • You should store the player inside the struct instead of calling [ljass]GetOwningPlayer(.caster)[/ljass] each time.
  • Shouldn't you store [ljass]GetPolarProjX(x,ang,200),GetPolarProjY(y,ang,200)[/ljass]? It's being called multiple times inside the loop and the values never change.


Super Moderator
Reaction score

The Undaddy

Creating with the power of rage
Reaction score
>You should make [ljass]ATTACK_TYPE_HERO,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS[/ljass] configurable.

I was going to do that but I noticed it after I uploaded the map here and it was like 2 am so I went to bed :D

>[ljass]GroupAddGroup[/ljass], [ljass]GroupRemoveGroup[/ljass] <- Why?

First I'll say I have very limited knowledge about groups,creating destroying and other stuff.
I'm not sure what do you mean by "why",but I store units damaged the previous time in .damaged,pick all units in range 250,and then remove the 'damaged' group,so I am left only with units that haven't been damaged.

And for the GroupAddGroup, I use it to copy one group onto another.

I'm pretty sure what I'm doing is wrong but,like I said, I have a hard time working with groups.

>You're dynamically creating groups, it would be wise to reuse global ones.
>You should store the player inside the struct instead of calling [ljass]GetOwningPlayer(.caster)[/ljass] each time.
>Shouldn't you store [ljass]GetPolarProjX(x,ang,200),GetPolarProjY(y,ang,200)[/ljass]? It's being called multiple times inside the loop and the values never change.

Right on it

>Why are you using a variable there?

Because this is the first thing I have coded in 2 years and I had forgotten how to call struct functions there,and never got back to fix it :D

edit: Ok,code updated and map reuploaded,I think i fixed the errors (errors?code flaws?I dunno...) that have been noticed so far


So many apples
Reaction score
This is fun.
Though, I don't like the fact that it uses Dummy Abilities :X
Furthermore, it's just a simple wisp wheel =P

But, since you just started to programm again, it's actually very decent =)

The Undaddy

Creating with the power of rage
Reaction score
This is fun.
Though, I don't like the fact that it uses Dummy Abilities :X
Furthermore, it's just a simple wisp wheel =P

But, since you just started to programm again, it's actually very decent =)

I added them because I thought not enough was going on :D

So you suggest I remove them?Because really, now that I think of it, I believe no one is going to bother to edit them, or have much use for them anyway :confused:

And a thank you to you too :p


I see you
Reaction score
BUG: When the unit decays or gets removed while your spell affects it the orbs will set their pos to the middle of the map.

Test it for example on air units, these don't decay.
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