System TE - SFX-system


never aging title
Reaction score
Creates a ring of dummys which is turnable and movable in x,y and z direction.


library TE initializer Init uses TT

    // Maximum of Units each Figure
    private constant integer MAXUNITS = 40


// put in desired custom struct members or methods (only advanced)
//! textmacro TEStructMembers
//! endtextmacro

// this will be done everytime the timer runs (only advanced)
//! textmacro TEPeriodic

//! endtextmacro

// dont edit below!

    private constant real RTD = 57.29577951
    private constant real DTR = 0.017353292
    private  real MaxX
    private  real MaxY
    private  real MinX
    private  real MinY
    private location loc
    private boolexpr AliveFilter


    private function DistanceBetweenCoords takes real x0, real y0, real z0, real x1, real y1, real z1 returns real
        local real x = x1 - x0
        local real y = y1 - y0
        local real z = z1 - z0
        return SquareRoot ( ( x * x ) + ( y * y ) + ( z * z ) )

    private function AngleBetweenCoordsB takes real x0, real y0, real z0, real x1, real y1, real z1 returns real
        local real x = x1 - x0
        local real y = y1 - y0
        local real z = z1 - z0
        return Atan2 ( z, SquareRoot ( ( x * x ) + ( y * y ) ) )
    private function SquareDistance takes real x0, real y0, real x1, real y1 returns real
        local real x = x1 - x0
        local real y = y1 - y0
        return ( x * x ) + ( y * y )
    private function GetUnitZ takes unit whichUnit returns real
        call MoveLocation(loc,GetUnitX(whichUnit),GetUnitY(whichUnit)) 
        return GetLocationZ( loc ) + GetUnitFlyHeight( whichUnit ) 
     private function SetUnitZ takes unit whichUnit, real z returns nothing
        local boolean whichUnitHasNotAmrf = ( GetUnitAbilityLevel( whichUnit, 'Amrf' ) <= 0 )
        if ( whichUnitHasNotAmrf ) then
            call UnitAddAbility( whichUnit, 'Amrf' )
            call UnitRemoveAbility( whichUnit, 'Amrf' )
        call MoveLocation(loc, GetUnitX(whichUnit), GetUnitY(whichUnit))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight( whichUnit, z - GetLocationZ(loc), 0.00 )
    private function SetSafeX takes unit which, real x returns nothing
        if x < MaxX then
            if x > MinX then
                call SetUnitX(which, x)
                call SetUnitX(which,MinX)
            call SetUnitX(which, MaxX)
    private function SetSafeY takes unit which, real y returns nothing
        if y < MaxY then
            if y > MinY then
                call SetUnitY(which,y)
                call SetUnitY(which,MinY)
            call SetUnitY(which, MaxY)

    private function AngleBetweenCoords takes real x0, real y0, real x1, real y1 returns real
        local real x = x1 - x0
        local real y = y1 - y0
        return Atan2 ( y, x )
// System begins:   

public struct Figure
    private real    TE_cx     
    private real    TE_cy
    private real    TE_cz
    private real    TE_radius
    private real    TE_nface
    private real    TE_zface
    private real    TE_offset
    private integer TE_number
    private unit    array TE_member[MAXUNITS]
    private real    array TE_sin[MAXUNITS]
    private real    array TE_cos[MAXUNITS]
    private boolean TE_zturning = false
    private real    TE_zturnage
    private boolean TE_nturning = false
    private real    TE_nturnage

    private boolean TE_attached = false
    private unit    TE_towhich
    private boolean TE_moving   = false
    private real    TE_wherex
    private real    TE_wherey
    private real    TE_wherez
    private real    TE_moverate
    private boolean TE_zset     = false
    private boolean TE_nset     = false
    private boolean TE_destroy  = false
    private boolean TE_expire   = false
    private real    TE_time     = 0.
    private real    TE_rchange  = 0
    private real    TE_wantedr  = 0
    private boolean TE_rchanging= false
    private boolean TE_hide     = true
    //! runtextmacro TEStructMembers()
        method GetX takes nothing returns real
            return .TE_cx
        method GetY takes nothing returns real
            return .TE_cy
        method GetZ takes nothing returns real
            return .TE_cz
        method GetZAngle takes nothing returns real
            return .TE_zface
        method GetNAngle takes nothing returns real
            return .TE_nface
        method GetRadius takes nothing returns real
            return .TE_radius
        method SetZAngle takes real Z returns nothing
            set .TE_zface = Z
            set .TE_zset = true
        method SetNAngle takes real N returns nothing
            set .TE_nface = N
            set .TE_nset = true
        method SetRadius takes real r returns nothing
            set .TE_radius = RAbsBJ(r)
            set .TE_nset = true
        method SetRadiusOverTime takes real r, real time returns nothing
            set .TE_wantedr = RAbsBJ(r)
            set .TE_rchange = (.TE_wantedr-.TE_radius) * TT_PERIOD / RMaxBJ(time, 0.001)
            set .TE_rchanging = true
         method StartZTurn takes real rate returns nothing
            set .TE_zturning = true
            set .TE_zturnage = rate * TT_PERIOD
        method StartNTurn takes real rate returns nothing
            set .TE_nturning = true
            set .TE_nturnage = rate * TT_PERIOD
        method Attach takes unit whichto returns nothing
            set .TE_attached = true
            set .TE_moving = false
            set .TE_towhich = whichto
            set .TE_cz = .TE_radius
        method UnAttach takes nothing returns nothing
            set .TE_attached = false
            set .TE_hide = true
        method MoveTo takes real x, real y, real z, real rate returns nothing
            set .TE_moverate = RAbsBJ(rate) * TT_PERIOD
            set .TE_wherex = x
            set .TE_wherey = y
            set .TE_wherez = z
            set .TE_attached = false
            set .TE_moving = true
        method SetPosition takes real x, real y, real z returns nothing
            set .TE_cx = x
            set .TE_cy = y
            set .TE_cz = z
            set .TE_nset = true
        method Destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            set .TE_destroy = true
        method SetExpirationTime takes real time returns nothing
            set .TE_expire = true
            set .TE_time = time
        method GetUnitsInRange takes nothing returns group
            local group g = CreateGroup()
            local group swap = CreateGroup()
            local unit u
            local real dx
            local real dy
            local real dz
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, .TE_cx, .TE_cy, .TE_radius, AliveFilter)
                set u = FirstOfGroup(g)
                exitwhen u == null
                call GroupRemoveUnit(g, u)
                set dx = GetUnitX(u) - .TE_cx
                set dy = GetUnitY(u) - .TE_cy
                set dz = GetUnitZ(u) - .TE_cz
                if dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz <= .TE_radius * .TE_radius then
                    call GroupAddUnit(swap, u)
            call DestroyGroup(g)
            set g = null
            return swap
        static method create takes integer rawcode, player owner, real x, real y, real z, real radius, real nface, real zface, integer edges returns Figure
            local Figure init   = Figure.allocate()
            local real offset   
            local integer i     = 0
            local real      x0
            local real      y0
            local real      z0
            local real      zangle
            local real      height
            local real      angle
            local real      anglez
            local real      distance
            local real      x1
            local real      y1
            if rawcode == 0 or rawcode == null then
                call BJDebugMsg("TE System Error: Null rawcode!")
            if owner == null then
                set owner = Player(15)
            set radius = RAbsBJ(radius)
            set edges = IAbsBJ(edges)
            call MoveLocation(loc, x, y)
            set height = GetLocationZ(loc)
            set init.TE_cx         = x
            set init.TE_cy         = y
            set init.TE_cz         = z
            set init.TE_radius     = radius
            set init.TE_nface      = nface
            set init.TE_zface      = zface
            if edges <= MAXUNITS then
                set init.TE_number     = edges
                set init.TE_number = MAXUNITS
            set offset = 360. / init.TE_number 
            set init.TE_offset = offset
                exitwhen i >= init.TE_number
                set zangle = offset  * i 
                set init.TE_cos<i> = Cos(zangle * DTR)
                set init.TE_sin<i> = Sin(zangle * DTR)
                set x0 = x           + radius * init.TE_cos<i> * Cos(zface * DTR)
                set y0 = y           + radius * init.TE_sin<i> 
                set z0 = init.TE_cz  + radius * init.TE_cos<i> * Sin(zface * DTR)
                set x1 = x0
                set y1 = y0
                set distance = SquareRoot(SquareDistance(x0, y0, init.TE_cx, init.TE_cy))
                set angle = AngleBetweenCoords(init.TE_cx, init.TE_cy, x0, y0) * bj_RADTODEG
                set x1 = init.TE_cx + distance * Cos( (angle+nface) * DTR ) 
                set y1 = init.TE_cy + distance * Sin( (angle+nface) * DTR ) 
                set init.TE_member<i> = CreateUnit(owner, rawcode, x1,y1,0)
                call SetUnitZ(init.TE_member<i>, height + z0)
                call SetSafeX(init.TE_member<i>, x1)
                call SetSafeY(init.TE_member<i>, y1)
                set i = i + 1
            call TT_Start(function Figure.ThingsToDo, init)
            return init
        static method ThingsToDo takes nothing returns boolean
            local Figure this = TT_GetData()
            local real x0
            local real y0
            local real z0
            local integer i = 0
            local real height
            local real      angle
            local real      zangle
            local real      distance
            local real      x1
            local real      y1
            if .TE_expire then
                set .TE_time = .TE_time - TT_PERIOD
                if .TE_time &lt;= 0 then
                    call .Destroy()
            if .TE_destroy then
                call .destroy()
                return true
            //! runtextmacro TEPeriodic()
            if .TE_rchanging then
                set .TE_radius = .TE_radius + .TE_rchange
                if RAbsBJ(.TE_radius-.TE_wantedr) &lt; .TE_rchange then
                    set .TE_rchanging = false
                    set .TE_nset = true
            if .TE_moving then
                set distance = DistanceBetweenCoords(.TE_cx, .TE_cy, .TE_cz, .TE_wherex, .TE_wherey, .TE_wherez)
                if distance &gt; .TE_moverate * 2 then
                    set angle = AngleBetweenCoords(.TE_cx, .TE_cy, .TE_wherex, .TE_wherey)
                    set zangle = AngleBetweenCoordsB(.TE_cx, .TE_cy, .TE_cz, .TE_wherex, .TE_wherey, .TE_wherez)
                    set .TE_cx = .TE_cx + .TE_moverate * Cos(angle) * Cos(zangle)
                    set .TE_cy = .TE_cy + .TE_moverate * Sin(angle) * Cos(zangle)
                    set .TE_cz = .TE_cz + .TE_moverate              * Sin(zangle)
            if .TE_attached then
                set .TE_cx = GetUnitX(.TE_towhich)
                set .TE_cy = GetUnitY(.TE_towhich)
                if IsUnitType(.TE_towhich, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) == true then
                    set .TE_hide = false
                    if IsUnitType(.TE_towhich, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == false then
                        call .Destroy()
                    set .TE_hide = true
            if .TE_zturning then
                set .TE_zface = .TE_zface + .TE_zturnage
            if .TE_nturning then
                set .TE_nface = .TE_nface + .TE_nturnage
            if .TE_rchanging or .TE_zturning or .TE_nturning or .TE_attached or .TE_moving or .TE_zset or .TE_nset then
                set .TE_zset = false
                set .TE_nset = false
                call MoveLocation(loc, .TE_cx, .TE_cy)
                set height = GetLocationZ(loc)
                    exitwhen i &gt;= .TE_number
                    set x0 = .TE_cx + .TE_radius * .TE_cos<i> * Cos(.TE_zface * DTR)
                    set y0 = .TE_cy + .TE_radius * .TE_sin<i> 
                    set z0 = .TE_cz + .TE_radius * .TE_cos<i> * Sin(.TE_zface * DTR)
                    set x1 = x0
                    set y1 = y0
                    set distance = SquareRoot(SquareDistance(x0, y0, .TE_cx, .TE_cy))
                    set angle = AngleBetweenCoords(.TE_cx, .TE_cy, x0, y0) * bj_RADTODEG
                    set x1 = .TE_cx + distance * Cos( (angle+.TE_nface) * DTR ) 
                    set y1 = .TE_cy + distance * Sin( (angle+.TE_nface) * DTR ) 
                    if .TE_hide == false then
                        set height = 6000
                        set z0 = 0
                    call SetSafeX(.TE_member<i>, x1)
                    call SetSafeY(.TE_member<i>, y1)
                    call SetUnitZ(.TE_member<i>, height + z0)
                    set i = i + 1
            return false
        method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i = 0
            if not .TE_destroy then
                call BJDebugMsg(&quot;TE System Error: Destroyed struct wrong&quot;)
                exitwhen i &gt;= .TE_number
                    call KillUnit(.TE_member<i>)

private function Alive takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit()) &gt; 0.5

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    set loc = Location(0,0)
    set MaxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    set MaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    set MinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    set MinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    set AliveFilter = Condition(function Alive)


Documentation(yes, it is short):

TE - Trollvottel Effects

How to import: 

Copy the Effects Trigger into your map. You need a vJass Compiler.
If you dont have it already in your map, copy TT , too.

How to use:

Create it with this method:

        static method create takes integer rawcode, player owner, real x, real y, real z, real radius, real nface, real zface, integer edges returns Figure

    Creates the Figure with the given values.
    If you want to Z-turn your figure, remember that the z value should not be
    smaller than radius.

        method GetX takes nothing returns real
    Returns the Current X of the Figure.
        method GetY takes nothing returns real
    Returns the Current Y of the Figure.
        method GetZ takes nothing returns real
    Returns the Current Z of the Figure.
        method GetZAngle takes nothing returns real

    Returns the Current Z-angle (degrees).
        method GetNAngle takes nothing returns real

    Returns the Current N-angle (degrees).
        method GetRadius takes nothing returns real
    Returns the Radius of the figure.
        method SetZAngle takes real Z returns nothing
    Sets Z-angle to the value Z.
        method SetNAngle takes real N returns nothing
    Sets facing of the figure to the value N.
         method SetRadius takes real r returns nothing
    Set radius of figure to r.
        method SetRadiusOverTime takes real r, real time returns nothing
    Changes radius to r over time seconds.
        method StartZTurn takes real rate returns nothing
    Starts turning the figure (z-angle). rate is degrees per second.
        method StartNTurn takes real rate returns nothing
    Starts turning the figure (facing). rate is degrees per second.
        method Attach takes unit whichto returns nothing

    Locks the figure to the unit.    
        method UnAttach takes nothing returns nothing

    Unlocks the figure.
        method MoveTo takes real x, real y, real z, real rate returns nothing

    Moves the figure to the desired coordinates with the desired
    speed per second.
        method SetPosition takes real x, real y, real z returns nothing
    Instantly moves the figure to the coordiantes x,y,z.
        method Destroy takes nothing returns nothing
    Destroys the Figure. Dont use .destroy()
        method SetExpirationTime takes real time returns nothing
    Destroys the figure after time seconds.
        method GetUnitsInRange takes nothing returns group
    Returns all units in range of the figure 
    (distance to center &lt; radius).
You can also add methods/attributes by adding them into the textmacro TEStructMembers.
Code written in the TEPeriodic textmacro will be called periodically.

Screenshot(Look at it ingame...):


Maybe you have ideas to improve this? Please tell me.



  • TE-System.w3x
    32.3 KB · Views: 196


Super Moderator
Reaction score
What does it do?

I doubt it can be that hard to explain...


New Member
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right-click>view image

Imageshack is too stupid to realize no one wants to use their pre-made codes that don't work except on one or two sites.


never aging title
Reaction score
Thank you <3

Huge Update!

New methods:

        method GetZAngle takes nothing returns real
        method GetNAngle takes nothing returns real
        method GetRadius takes nothing returns real

        method SetRadius takes real r returns nothing
        method SetPosition takes real x, real y, real z returns nothing
        method SetExpirationTime takes real time returns nothing
        method SetRadiusOverTime takes real r, real time returns nothing

If the figure is attached and your unit dies, the figure will hide if its a hero and destroy if its not.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Just tested the map.
I think it should not require "Useless Funcs Compilation". It seems pretty useless.

The effect seems so small as well. It's funny how it requites an entire system.
Well, either way. Good Job.

Also, I don't think this is needed:
// put in desired custom struct members or methods (only advanced)
//! textmacro TEStructMembers
//! endtextmacro

Because you could just make your own struct which extends this struct. It would also be much, much cleaner.
struct Test extends TE_Figure
   private unit u


never aging title
Reaction score
i began this system a quite long time ago. i maybe will remove the UsedFuncs functions.

and it requites a whole system because its much code to make it look like it currently looks.

@ textmacros:

you can do it with structs extending structs, but that would be more work.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Actually, extending structs is easier. Also, if you want to use this system in many different situations, you'd have to make all the members in that struct. So, eventually you could have a whole list of variables, with odd prefixes and names to avoid confusion (For example, 'caster' would be a common name).

Extending would look cleaner, be easier to work with and avoid all the naming hassle.


That's Cap'n to you!
Reaction score
Awesome system, though you should really explain it better. You should answer these in your first post:

1) What is radius?
2) Whats Z-turn? Z-angle?
3) What are those figures exactly?

Etc. for the sake of those that can't understand from the code alone.


never aging title
Reaction score
Maybe i will add an explaining picture later. thx for the comment.

Small update:
-Put the usedfuncs library into the TE library. Some of you didnt like to have to import an extra library.


master of fugue
Reaction score
You really need to put an explanation of what system does.
If you cannot explain it how you expect people to use it?

And avoid short names for non general purpouse systems.


Forum Administrator
Staff member
Reaction score
> Creates a ring of dummys which is turnable and movable in x,y and z direction.

And to achieve what?

Didn't know TE was short for "Trollvottel Effects".

SFX systems are also quite different from what you posted here!


never aging title
Reaction score
> Creates a ring of dummys which is turnable and movable in x,y and z direction.

And to achieve what?

-> Eyecandy for spells, maybe?

Didn't know TE was short for "Trollvottel Effects".

-> now it is

SFX systems are also quite different from what you posted here!

-> may be right
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