Biggest map disappointments?

DM Cross

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Cres said:
Bandwagon, yes i probably am, and Alexander, wtf is with you and picking fights with me, seriously when ever i post in something thats not in WC3 help section, you jump in and start yelling at me. Then again, it probably for some unknown reason...*starts looking at page 42

As for on topic...
I defend dota because no one else does, what fun is it when you flame a map that doesnt defend itself (well you are probably going to say a lot)

Footman Frenzy never exactly picked up my interest, it was more of whoever teched the fastest wins, even level 15 heroes could not stand against the 11/11 attack defense upgrades of crypt fiends and dryads

It was a joke, Cres, chill :p And everyone's on some bandwagon or another. Calm down. (Also, I didn't "yell". THIS IS YELLING!) :rolleyes:

I don't try to outright flame dota, I just give my opinion on the map. I just felt the need to add my comment to my post to annoy you, which it's done, so that makes me giggle inside :D (That's a joke too ;))

There have been a few TDA (I think) people on the site defending dota, so it's not up to you :p But if ya wanna, go right ahead. Just realize it's a joke, first :rolleyes:

Have you ever seen a game called Necro Frenzy? It's like a footman war/frenzy thing, but with necromancers... It was fun, or at least, in my opinion it was :D


New Member
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Ok, i cant tell jokes on fourms gg w/e back on topic, we can go flame on another thread right?

DM Cross

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Cres said:
Ok, i cant tell jokes on fourms gg w/e back on topic, we can go flame on another thread right?

Hell yeah \m/


Dogs are fuzzy
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Lol, you guys are funny. Biggest let down ever....

.... I'd say it would be....... MARCHING BAND!!!! wait, that's not a map.... I'd say LOAP, it never ends, and its pretty boring anyways.

After that would come any hero arena,. cause they're usully stupid and glich up WC

Then it would be village builder, it was fun the 1st two times, then it got boring

DOTA (*gasp* I said it! *gasp*) would be in #3. All it is is"l00k at me! I go-|- sUm3 uBe|2 !t#/\/\!! 1 Pwn j00 n00b!!! r0f1!! wacked, yo. :nuts:


Sud, why you hate DotA so much ? You're bashing that game all the time, while you knows nothing about it. I'm pretty sure that you're being jealous that DotA is so popular and your map isn't. Period. There, I said it. Someone had to tell you, even if you won't admit it in 100 years. Here's some facts about DotA

- DotA is a better balanced game than most of the other custom games out there, due to it's very very long life. Plenty of heroes to choose from, all of them have their use. YES, some of them are better than others, you can'T do otherwise. ANY games that people plays enought, with good amount of players, will automaticly target winning strategies and such. DotA is no exception.

- Items doesn't win games, go play 100+ games and come back.
- 1 hero alone will never ever win a game on it's own. Go play skilled players and come back.
- Teamplay does win you game. Go play skilled players.
- Clink is a noob killer, that's all. (That is not an opinion, it's a fact). Sorry to tell ya that, but if he owned you, you either had a sucky team that fed (possible) or you suck yourself at DotA. (probably a bit of both)

By the way, I played an AoS map, and I THINK it's yours, but I ain't sure. Facing an archer that shots you from 1500 range in straight line while you can't do shit with your sucky channeling spell is not that I call a fair fight. (pretty much same level, little to none items.) You'll reply "every hero has its counter" or something like it. Guess what, DotA is the same thing.

Tired of your DotA bashing all over the forum. You gotta understand that you bash a custom game without any GOOD arguments (most of the ones you gave were false, arguments from someone that knows nothing about the game). A game that DOES involves skill, that DOES involves teamplay. You just don't see it because you are blind.

EDIT : You made this thread just to bash (again) DotA in particular, and you masked your intentions behind a simili "map dissapointement in general". Dare to say otherwise ?

- Chindril


New Member
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I dare to say that you can counter the Archer in CoD (which is, by the way, Sud's map). Be Necromancer. Bonewall and Bone Spirit own Archer. If you're not Necromancer, you could always, you know, ask for help? What a concept.

DM Cross

You want to see a magic trick?
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Good argument, BUT!

Coulda done without the personal attacks :)

Have a nice day.


Ultra Cool Member
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I just fucking hate you, your people, TDA, the banlist, opression, Don Quiote (errr....) SickleCell, and anyone else I forgot to mention.

I write a MAJOR CHUNK of code to ELIMINATE hero pick lag, and it got thrown in my face by overly proud people.


Never ONCE polite to me on that forum. Never ONCE polite on channel.

I request from community to another about doing a website skin, and you THROW IT IN MY FACE like I'm some noob cuz I don't have "30 posts".

Kiss my ass. Someone came forward, and we got one. They SO PROUD of their 100,000 11 year old kids forums.


New Member
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See, im not the only one who defends dota, goody now i dont have to :p.
As for Mr. Dota defender...

- DotA is a better balanced game than most of the other custom games out there, due to it's very very long life. Plenty of heroes to choose from, all of them have their use. YES, some of them are better than others, you can'T do otherwise. ANY games that people plays enought, with good amount of players, will automaticly target winning strategies and such. DotA is no exception.

That just BS ok, lets take a hero, bloodseeker why not. His ultimate, instant death, no way around it. Sure, stand still, and what get bashed by the creeps and the bloodseeker who has a 80% damage attack speed increase? What else can you do? teleport? even if you BLINK your DEAD. Lets take another hero, doombringer. He has some level death thingy... level 2 level death against level 5 hero is like 3/4 of their life, and at around level 7, you can be sure there are some level 6 ppl you can instant kill (500 damage nuke... thats like lions ult) after a couple of hits. To top it all off, doom, unless you have 1600 hp+, you are F***ed no spells to save you, no way to run because of burning ground gives him extra speed, no way to get lucky because hes got LEVEL DEATH to kill you

- Items doesn't win games, go play 100+ games and come back.
... I bet you are one of those dota nubs who want to say oo lets go gank that guy... I played a game, we were level 17-22 they were 14-18, they pool their drow for a divine rapier and agies and she already has a crystalis and later got a butterfly after getting 16 kills in a row, gg instantly

- Teamplay does win you game. Go play skilled players.
What do you define skilled players, those who win? or those who say come on team lets go own them, do a few nice tower pushers and backstabs and suddenly gets instantly owned by a clinkz or bh that was farming around and killing them silently when they were ganking...

- Clink is a noob killer, that's all. (That is not an opinion, it's a fact). Sorry to tell ya that, but if he owned you, you either had a sucky team that fed (possible) or you suck yourself at DotA. (probably a bit of both)
Sorry to tell ya kid, clinkz is only noob killer vs noobs, have you ever seen a good clinkz, 2 towers down in first 20 minutes, laning vs bardwarden and later double against veno as well, never died once. As well as getting a nice sum of 7 kills just in his lane.

By the way, I played an AoS map, and I THINK it's yours, but I ain't sure. Facing an archer that shots you from 1500 range in straight line while you can't do shit with your sucky channeling spell is not that I call a fair fight. (pretty much same level, little to none items.) You'll reply "every hero has its counter" or something like it. Guess what, DotA is the same thing.

You do not play archer vs psi... thats like TRYING to feed archer


Local Lurker
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Okay lets please stop the DotA talk now please, it's getting out of hand.



Alexander : I know, sorry about that, but that dude does pretty much the same time to anything defending DotA. I know that map has flaws, but it's not the most popular custom game for nothing.

To Ryoko : You hate me because I like DotA ? That looks close minded. If you have an issue with the DotA mapmakers, it's not my fault, sorry. I pretty much respect you and I like your TD map, it's pretty fun, but I don't like people having prejudices like that.

Cres, how long have you been playing DotA ? I mean, did you tried to learn the game, strategies, etc ? Playing with your friends or something ? Not just public games with tons of assholes / noobs / whatever ?

Blood seeker good ? haha let me laugh. He is good until the oponent understand your ultimate. I just played with pudge. Hook dismember + rot, instant death to HIM with his SO little HP. Actually he pretty much sucks as a hero. If you wanna use all his skills, you gotta buy mana items, and then you still have low attack speed and low HP. GG for you.

As for doom bringer, god oh god, he can at MOST use twice his lvl? when he is FULL mana. One flask at 95 gold a piece negates that spell. And IF you hate him so much, take Nerubian assassin to burn all of his mana from level 1. No LVL? ever... ever...

By the way, his ultimate got nerfed by 1/3, which is a lot so doom isn't instant kill at all on casters.

About gank : Ganking is a strategy in DotA, it's a team game dude. Oh no, we can't attack as a team, god... no gank, it's not fair for them...

if you are good, 1- you don't stay alone for nothing and 2- most of the time you know where the enemies are. So you either dont get gank or you take a chance and you die.

clinkz is only noob killer vs noobs
That's what I said, VS good player he's getting owned hard, no matter how much damage he has because of the fast that he has little HP. Sorry Cres, your arguments aren't good.

EDIT : I'm over on this discussion, PM me if you feel like arguing about the oh-so-bad and so-disgusting map that is DotA

- Chindril


Ultra Cool Member
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Chindril said:
To Ryoko : You hate me because I like DotA ? That looks close minded.

I pretty sure I said 'I love dota'.

The 'you' part was a general pointing fingers at whoever, not you in specific.

Well, I guess anyone on

Cept pendragon.

The rest? Blow me. Like you mean it. Reeeeal hard n slow.


Note to self, sud's status has been replying to this thread for over 10 mins.... HERE IT COMESS AHHH


Local Lurker
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Look again Creswell!! Mua ha ha! L IS BESIDE K GODDAMIT!!



It only does everything.
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"I LOVE DOTA" that goes for me..

I actually have the same opinion as Ryoko.

Every1 on the DotA team only cares about their "mod" friends
They would do anything for a person with a "mod" statue and 1,000+ post.

Pendragon_ is prolly the only nice one. Once I aim him about his site being down and I started spamming him with questions and he answered them calmly..

Other people that are nice are the people in their "signature team"
cuz they mostly talk about graphics lol :p
they taught me lots of stuff.

<dota talk ended at 9:48:33 PM Pacific time>


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
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Oh no you don't, not until I've had a chance to throw some crap right back at you.

Sud, why you hate DotA so much ? You're bashing that game all the time, while you knows nothing about it. I'm pretty sure that you're being jealous that DotA is so popular and your map isn't. Period. There, I said it. Someone had to tell you, even if you won't admit it in 100 years. Here's some facts about DotA

Actually I'm already on record as saying that I have no problem sharing the custom game list with well made maps like Tides of Blood, however, I shake my head in disgust that an unoriginal, all stolen content map consisting of very spotty balance, default ladder abilities, and the odd spell downloaded off wc3search to be the top map. It's like being thrust into bizarro world and looking in on their favorite dining establishments, and the #1 being a resturant that serves steamed dog turds.

- Items doesn't win games, go play 100+ games and come back.

I've likely played more games of dota than you scrub. I've got versions in my download folder going back to 5.77 (and ToB going back to v.99f). I'm sorry, items are extremely disproportionate to the heroes that wield them. I remember a leaver on our team who had amongst other things, a desolator, and for a joke, we put it on my crystal maiden. Gee, 1 nova and a few hits and that was THAT for any of the enemy team.

- 1 hero alone will never ever win a game on it's own. Go play skilled players and come back.

Wrong. Was playing a 3v3 once, and during the mid game both enemy heroes and our teammate left, making it 2v1. The 1 was a lycan, who up to that point hadn't farmed crap, but suddenly had a basher, buriza, amongst other shit. We had allrandomed some fairly sucky heroes (keeper of the light and leshrac) so that was the end of that game.

In games of CoD, I've been up against, and held at bay as best I could, groups of 4 heroes, dodging their abilities while trying to keep them back until my team could get there. In Dota, 4 heroes is a guaranteed fountain trip, there's no dodging novas, bolts, carrion swarms, etc.

- Teamplay does win you game. Go play skilled players.

Actually, most people are content to farm a lane all game, only leaving if they feel they really need to (or if the enemy team is massing up and they feel like they can get some easy backstabs). The towers in Dota are a joke, the last ones being incredibally hard to seige (in a group vs group situation it turns into these retarded standoffs, as the enemy team has easy access to their fountain, and your team will eventually be beaten back with AOEs).

In fact, in "skilled" settings like you're trying to say (this being mythological, but some people still insist it exists), there are two - name em, two strategies that you do. The most popular being mass AOEs (of course Dota AOEs tend to require no aim (read: carrion swarm), so 5 of these stacked together is a threat), or mass stunners (read: inescapable death for any single hero they target).

- Clink is a noob killer, that's all. (That is not an opinion, it's a fact). Sorry to tell ya that, but if he owned you, you either had a sucky team that fed (possible) or you suck yourself at DotA. (probably a bit of both)

Noob killer? Rofl? Clinkz can harass any hero early game (melee hero shutdown), and has such insane DPS combined with the ability to go invisible and self heal himself anytime he wishes. Compare that versatility to something like viper. Good clinkz will kill -- ANYTHING --, particularly if they get items on them like desolator or skaadi. Clinkz can choose any battle he wants, which is how he kills noobs, but in a team situation, he STILL fulfills his role as a DPSer (with the added bonus of being able to chase/run at any given time). He's also known as one of the most annoying backdoors there possibly is in that game.

By the way, I played an AoS map, and I THINK it's yours, but I ain't sure. Facing an archer that shots you from 1500 range in straight line while you can't do shit with your sucky channeling spell is not that I call a fair fight. (pretty much same level, little to none items.) You'll reply "every hero has its counter" or something like it. Guess what, DotA is the same thing.

'scuse me are you complaining about a 1500 range line attack that you can dodge in favor of a map where you can use a 2250ish range rocket that autoaims and does 4 times the damage? Now I KNOW you're completely devoid of any logic or objectivity. By the way, try using detonate. It has a 3 second cooldown, and does 200/250/300/350 damage. Archer starts with ~550 hp and gets very little strength per level. You do the math. Of course, without the ability being autoaim, I doubt you'll ever land one, so it may not be good advice for you. I bet you went and got more int items too, because hey, the psi has 15 str, but 45 int, I'd better improve on my strong point, rather than trying to beef up my weak point. You also sound too brain dead to purchase such "horrible wastes of money" as a healing salve or a healing station too right?

Oh and unlike dota, cod isn't about straight up hero killing. I guarantee you that weak psi is a better hero to have in a group vs group battle, because is is much more versatile.

Tired of your DotA bashing all over the forum. You gotta understand that you bash a custom game without any GOOD arguments (most of the ones you gave were false, arguments from someone that knows nothing about the game). A game that DOES involves skill, that DOES involves teamplay. You just don't see it because you are blind.

lol? My arguments include concrete logic and anecdotal evidence explaining situations I've been in. Yours consist of "play better players" and "that only kills noobs". I've played everything from the worst leaver to so called "dota tournament players" who sat and turtled behind their towers with balanar and tinker in a 2v2 because they couldn't handle themselves in a lane, before they finally conceded defeat to go play a clan match (this was after they got owned horribly in CoD and said they'd rape us in Dota. Fat chance). That was the last game of Dota I ever played too.

A friend of mine who used to play with me in a lot of Dota games is also a somewhat affluent ladder player. He raped Wobbly.Lore (#1 solo ladder player currently on west) in 7 minutes in an Orc vs Orc matchup. He readily admits that Dota is skilless, and plays only CoD as his custom game of choice now, after thoroughly being disgusted at the gameplay in dota (and he's played more games than I have).

CoD was crafted in the idea that 1. skills should be aimed 2. heroes should be crafted in such a way that they have clear and exploitable strengths and weaknesses 3. teamwork shouldn't be the thing you do just before you win, it should be present at ALL times of the game and 4. the gameplay should be focused mainly around the heroes and the objectives, not the items (and if you still think dota isn't about the items, you are completely deluded)

To Ryoko : You hate me because I like DotA ? That looks close minded. If you have an issue with the DotA mapmakers, it's not my fault, sorry. I pretty much respect you and I like your TD map, it's pretty fun, but I don't like people having prejudices like that.

Yeah, kind of like prejudiced Psis who can't figure out why a hero skill is owning them and how to counter, or at least alleviate, the problem, right?

but it's not the most popular custom game for nothing.

Oh yes it is. The idiotic masses worship it just like they do someone like Britney Spears that is held as some sort of celebrity instead of living in some trailer park somewhere where she belongs. Quality and talent have never been pre-requisites for popularity.

About gank : Ganking is a strategy in DotA, it's a team game dude. Oh no, we can't attack as a team, god... no gank, it's not fair for them...

Please tell me how swarming someone with numbers is a strategic move? INSECTS can perform this "strategy". Hell, I've even seen dota players totally mess up this "great strategic move", chasing after one hero they perceive is weak, sometimes getting him, sometimes not, while the rest of the team levels and farms and "oh no, he farmed better items while we were playing chase the gimp, we're screwed!". Extra funny when it's razor and he comes out with an inventory full of death.

EDIT : I'm over on this discussion, PM me if you feel like arguing about the oh-so-bad and so-disgusting map that is DotA

Thank all that's mighty and holy.

DM Cross

You want to see a magic trick?
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Someone had to say it.

DotA enthusiasts: -4
Sud: Hold on, we're still counting...
Dota: Once we find out what Sud's score is, take that and multiple it by -432

+Rep for Suddser


Ex TH Member
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--Stop whining about stupid games that just make it popular because it was accidentally released at just the right time--

And that goes for Britney Spears too. How the #&%#@ did she end up in this argument? Publicity sucks. End of story. Stop whining.

I too dislike DotA and I'm NOT going to lay out my reasons here. You people know better to keep a fire brewing over such a dumb issue.


Dogs are fuzzy
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Alexander said:
Someone had to say it.

DotA enthusiasts: -4
Sud: Hold on, we're still counting...
Dota: Once we find out what Sud's score is, take that and multiple it by -432

+Rep for Suddser

You know that that would make it a positive number... negetive x negetive = a positive. Please correct your math.
This is what I hate about the public servers these days:

porno porno porn!
porno porno!

thats pretty much it, add some ToB (it is a fantastic game, just needs two more heros a side... :( )

DM Cross

You want to see a magic trick?
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Lord_Phoenix said:
You know that that would make it a positive number... negetive x negetive = a positive. Please correct your math.
This is what I hate about the public servers these days:


Sud's got a POSITIVE number. He was racking UP points, not losing them.

Suds score = +n X -432 = -s

N = Number
S = Solution

Thanks for trying to be a wise-ass, better luck next time :)
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