I currently am working on WmW X14. Pretty much it has an income timer that ends every 25 seconds, and starts over again. Once the timer hits 0 seconds, you receive your amount of income for that round.
Recently, I've made it so you can have over 1 million gold... by the following method:
Player reds gold becomes greater than 420,000
Remove 70,000 gold from player red
Add 1 wood to player red
If player reds gold becomes less than 270,000
remove 1 wood from player red
add 70,000 gold to player reds stash
If someone has over 1,000,000 income, it will give them the 420,000 gold and the correct wood amount to equal out 1M.
Red's income is 1,800,000
Income timer hits 0....
He receives 420,000 gold and 8 wood.
420,000 gold plus 8 wood (70k each) should be roughly ONE MILLION, therefore red is not getting the extra 800,000 income that he has been playing for.
I know there is a way to fix this, I was thinking maybe since income is an integer, if player Red's income is greater than 1,000,000, give him 1 wood for every additional 70k income?
I don't know. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you in advance!
I currently am working on WmW X14. Pretty much it has an income timer that ends every 25 seconds, and starts over again. Once the timer hits 0 seconds, you receive your amount of income for that round.
Recently, I've made it so you can have over 1 million gold... by the following method:
Player reds gold becomes greater than 420,000
Remove 70,000 gold from player red
Add 1 wood to player red
If player reds gold becomes less than 270,000
remove 1 wood from player red
add 70,000 gold to player reds stash
If someone has over 1,000,000 income, it will give them the 420,000 gold and the correct wood amount to equal out 1M.
Red's income is 1,800,000
Income timer hits 0....
He receives 420,000 gold and 8 wood.
420,000 gold plus 8 wood (70k each) should be roughly ONE MILLION, therefore red is not getting the extra 800,000 income that he has been playing for.
I know there is a way to fix this, I was thinking maybe since income is an integer, if player Red's income is greater than 1,000,000, give him 1 wood for every additional 70k income?
I don't know. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you in advance!