Snippet String2PlayerColoredString


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
Ok, so looks like this now.
I've added that "If" to only 1 function, should I add it to all which "takes" a player ? :eek:

I also added a slight update to the doc too ;)

library PlayerColors initializer Init

//                                 *//PlayerColoredString\\*                                     //
//                                 *//Made by , Komaqtion\\*                                      //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Purpose:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet is supposed to help people to, with ease, convert                  //
//               a string to use a desired player's own color!                                   //
//                                                                                               //
//                                         Usage:                                                //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ To use this snippet, simply type "call PlayerColoredString(playerid, string)"   //
//               where "string" is the string you want to colorize, and "playerid"               //
//               is the player number of the player, whose color you wan to use.                 //
//               Note: This uses JASS' player number range, meaning that                         //
//               Player 1(Red)'s number is 0, and Player 2(Blue)'s number is 1,                  //
//               and so on...                                                                    //
//               You can also get only the players color-string for own usage...                 //
//               This is accomplished by using the function "GetPlayerColorString"               //
//               which takes the player to get the string, or you can also use                   //
//               the GetPlayerColorStringById function, which takes the player's                 //
//               Id, or number instead <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                                        //
//               You can also change the color of texttags using this snippet...                 //
//               The function is called &quot;PlayerColoredTextTag&quot; and takes integer alpha           //
//               which is transparency, player p, the playercolor you which to use, and          //
//               texttag tag which is the texttag you which to change the color of !             //
//               You can also use the function &quot;GetPlayerByColor&quot; which takes a string (color)   //
//               and returns the player which has that specific color. You can even type         //
//               &quot;ReD&quot; or &quot;REd&quot; or even &quot;..,,  R, e.., d&quot; and it&#039;ll return Player(0) or          //
//               player red in all three cases. And, you can also get the player&#039;s color         //
//               this way.                                                                       //
//                                                                                               //
//               WARNING: If you put an invalid player as an argument, in any of the functions,  //
//               it WILL return Player( 0 ), or Player &quot;Red&quot; !                                   //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                    Requirements:                                              //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet&#039;s only requirement is vJASS compilement, which is                  //
//               easiest achieved by downloading JASS Newgen Pack, at                            //
//               <a href="" class="link link--internal"></a>                          //
//               You&#039;ll also have to update JASS Helper to the latest version...                 //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Credits:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ Azlier, for helpong me out alot with several bugfixes and tweaking !            //
//               Jesus4Lyf, for also helping me out alot ! <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                    //
//               Quraji, for helping me add the &quot;GetPlayerByColor&quot; function ! <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                 //
//                                                                                               //
//               And credits, if you use this that is, is not needed to give me                  //
//               though it&#039;s always welcome <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite2" alt=";)" title="Wink    ;)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=";)" />                                                   //
//                                                                                               //

        private integer array Red
        private integer array Green
        private integer array Blue
        private integer array RedString
        private integer array GreenString
        private integer array BlueString
        private string array PlayerColor
        private string array PlayerColorString
        private string array PlayerColorWord
        private string array PlayerColorWordString
        private constant string EndString = &quot;|r&quot;
    function PlayerColoredString takes integer playerId, string s returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId] + s + EndString
    function PlayerColoredTextTag takes integer alpha, player p, texttag tag returns nothing
        if p == null then
            debug call BJDebugMsg( &quot;An invalid player was used!&quot; ) 
        call SetTextTagColor( tag, Red[GetPlayerId( p )], Green[GetPlayerId( p )], Blue[GetPlayerId( p )], alpha )
    function PlayerColoredTextTagById takes integer alpha, integer playerId, texttag tag returns nothing
        call SetTextTagColor( tag, Red[playerId], Green[playerId], Blue[playerId], alpha )
    function GetPlayerColorString takes player p returns string
        return PlayerColor[GetPlayerId( p )]
    function GetPlayerColorStringById takes integer playerId returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId]
    function CompressString takes string compstring returns string
        local integer w = StringLength( compstring )
        local integer i = 0
        local string s = &quot;&quot;
                if not( SubString( compstring, i, i + 1 ) == &quot; &quot; or SubString( compstring, i, i + 1 ) == &quot;.&quot; or SubString( compstring, i, i + 1 ) == &quot;,&quot; ) then
                    set s = s + SubString( compstring, i, i + 1 )
            set i = i + 1
        exitwhen i &gt; w
        return s
    function GetPlayerByColor takes string color returns player
        local string s = StringCase( color, false )
        local integer i = 0
        set s = CompressString( s )
            if s == PlayerColorWordString<i> then
                return Player( i )
            elseif s == PlayerColorWordString[13] then
                return Player( 8 )
            elseif s == PlayerColorWordString[14] or s == PlayerColorWordString[15] then
                return Player( 2 )
            set i = i + 1
        exitwhen ( i &gt;= 13 )
        return null
    function GetPlayerColorByColor takes string color returns string
        local string s = StringCase( color, false )
        local integer i = 0
        set s = CompressString( s )
            if s == PlayerColorWordString<i> then
                return PlayerColor<i>
            set i = i + 1
            exitwhen ( i &gt;= 13 )
        if s == PlayerColorWordString[13] then
            return PlayerColor[8]
        elseif s == PlayerColorWordString[14] or s == PlayerColorWordString[15] then
            return PlayerColor[2]
        return &quot;&quot;
    private function OnColorChange takes player whichplayer, playercolor color returns nothing
        local integer id = GetPlayerId( whichplayer )
        local integer pc = GetHandleId( color )

        set PlayerColor[id] = PlayerColorString[pc]
        set Red[id] = RedString[pc]
        set Green[id] = GreenString[pc]
        set Blue[id] = BlueString[pc]
        set PlayerColorWord[id] = PlayerColorWordString[pc]
    hook SetPlayerColor OnColorChange
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 12
        local integer i2
        set PlayerColorString[0] = &quot;|c00ff0202&quot;
        set RedString[0] = 0xff
        set GreenString[0] = 0x02
        set BlueString[0] = 0x02
        set PlayerColorWordString[0] = &quot;red&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[1] = &quot;|c000041ff&quot;
        set RedString[1] = 0x00
        set GreenString[1] = 0x41
        set BlueString[1] = 0xff
        set PlayerColorWordString[1] = &quot;blue&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[2] = &quot;|c001be5b8&quot;
        set RedString[2] = 0x1b
        set GreenString[2] = 0xe5
        set BlueString[2] = 0xb8
        set PlayerColorWordString[2] = &quot;teal&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[3] = &quot;|c00530080&quot;
        set RedString[3] = 0x53
        set GreenString[3] = 0x00
        set BlueString[3] = 0x80
        set PlayerColorWordString[3] = &quot;purple&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[4] = &quot;|c00fffc00&quot;
        set RedString[4] = 0xff
        set GreenString[4] = 0xfc
        set BlueString[4] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorWordString[4] = &quot;yellow&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[5] = &quot;|c00fe890d&quot;
        set RedString[5] = 0xfe
        set GreenString[5] = 0x89
        set BlueString[5] = 0x0d
        set PlayerColorWordString[5] = &quot;orange&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[6] = &quot;|c001fbf00&quot;
        set RedString[6] = 0x1f
        set GreenString[6] = 0xbf
        set BlueString[6] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorWordString[6] = &quot;green&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[7] = &quot;|c00e45aaf&quot;
        set RedString[7] = 0xe4
        set GreenString[7] = 0x5a
        set BlueString[7] = 0xaf
        set PlayerColorWordString[7] = &quot;pink&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[8] = &quot;|c00949596&quot;
        set RedString[8] = 0x94
        set GreenString[8] = 0x95
        set BlueString[8] = 0x96
        set PlayerColorWordString[8] = &quot;grey&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[9] = &quot;|c007dbef1&quot;
        set RedString[9] = 0x7d
        set GreenString[9] = 0xbe
        set BlueString[9] = 0xf1
        set PlayerColorWordString[9] = &quot;lightblue&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[10] = &quot;|c000f6145&quot;
        set RedString[10] = 0x0f
        set GreenString[10] = 0x61
        set BlueString[10] = 0x45
        set PlayerColorWordString[10] = &quot;darkgreen&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[11] = &quot;|c004d2903&quot;
        set RedString[11] = 0x4d
        set GreenString[11] = 0x29
        set BlueString[11] = 0x03
        set PlayerColorWordString[11] = &quot;brown&quot;

        set PlayerColorString[12] = &quot;|c001f1f1f&quot;
        set RedString[12] = 0x1f
        set GreenString[12] = 0x1f
        set BlueString[12] = 0x1f
        set PlayerColorWordString[12] = &quot;darkgrey&quot;
        set PlayerColorWordString[13] = &quot;gray&quot;
        set PlayerColorWordString[14] = &quot;aqua&quot;
        set PlayerColorWordString[15] = &quot;cyan&quot;
            exitwhen i &lt; 0
            set i2 = GetHandleId( GetPlayerColor( Player( i ) ) )
            set PlayerColor<i> = PlayerColorString[i2]
            set Red<i> = RedString[i2]
            set Green<i> = GreenString[i2]
            set Blue<i> = BlueString[i2]
            set PlayerColorWord<i> = PlayerColorWordString<i>
            set i = i - 1


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
Ok, so if none will object, may this get reviewed ? :eek:

Or is there anything you'd want me to add still ? :p


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
Ok, thanks :D

library PlayerColors initializer Init

//                                 *//PlayerColoredString\\*                                     //
//                                 *//Made by , Komaqtion\\*                                     //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Purpose:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet is supposed to help people to, with ease, convert                  //
//               a string to use a desired player&#039;s own color!                                   //
//                                                                                               //
//                                         Usage:                                                //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ To use this snippet, simply type &quot;call PlayerColoredString(playerid, string)&quot;   //
//               where &quot;string&quot; is the string you want to colorize, and &quot;playerid&quot;               //
//               is the player number of the player, whose color you wan to use.                 //
//               Note: This uses JASS&#039; player number range, meaning that                         //
//               Player 1(Red)&#039;s number is 0, and Player 2(Blue)&#039;s number is 1,                  //
//               and so on...                                                                    //
//               You can also get only the players color-string for own usage...                 //
//               This is accomplished by using the function &quot;GetPlayerColorString&quot;               //
//               which takes the player to get the string, or you can also use                   //
//               the GetPlayerColorStringById function, which takes the player&#039;s                 //
//               Id, or number instead <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                                        //
//               You can also change the color of texttags using this snippet...                 //
//               The function is called &quot;PlayerColoredTextTag&quot; and takes integer alpha           //
//               which is transparency, player p, the playercolor you which to use, and          //
//               texttag tag which is the texttag you which to change the color of !             //
//               You can also use the function &quot;GetPlayerByColor&quot; which takes a string (color)   //
//               and returns the player which has that specific color. You can even type         //
//               &quot;ReD&quot; or &quot;REd&quot; or even &quot;..,,  R, e.., d&quot; and it&#039;ll return Player(0) or          //
//               player red in all three cases. And, you can also get the player&#039;s color         //
//               this way.                                                                       //
//                                                                                               //
//               WARNING: If you put an invalid player as an argument, in any of the functions,  //
//               it WILL return Player( 0 ), or Player &quot;Red&quot; !                                   //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                    Requirements:                                              //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet&#039;s only requirement is vJASS compilement, which is                  //
//               easiest achieved by downloading JASS Newgen Pack, at                            //
//               <a href="" class="link link--internal"></a>                          //
//               You&#039;ll also have to update JASS Helper to the latest version...                 //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Credits:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ Azlier, for helpong me out alot with several bugfixes and tweaking !            //
//               Jesus4Lyf, for also helping me out alot ! <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                    //
//               Quraji, for helping me add the &quot;GetPlayerByColor&quot; function ! <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                 //
//                                                                                               //
//               And credits, if you use this that is, is not needed to give me                  //
//               though it&#039;s always welcome <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite2" alt=";)" title="Wink    ;)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=";)" />                                                   //
//                                                                                               //

        private integer array Red
        private integer array Green
        private integer array Blue
        private integer array RedString
        private integer array GreenString
        private integer array BlueString
        private string array PlayerColor
        private string array PlayerColorString
        private string array PlayerColorWord
        private string array PlayerColorWordString
        private constant string EndString = &quot;|r&quot;
    function PlayerColoredString takes integer playerId, string s returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId] + s + EndString
    function PlayerColoredTextTag takes integer alpha, player p, texttag tag returns nothing
        if p == null then
            debug call BJDebugMsg( &quot;An invalid player was used!&quot; ) 
        call SetTextTagColor( tag, Red[GetPlayerId( p )], Green[GetPlayerId( p )], Blue[GetPlayerId( p )], alpha )
    function PlayerColoredTextTagById takes integer alpha, integer playerId, texttag tag returns nothing
        call SetTextTagColor( tag, Red[playerId], Green[playerId], Blue[playerId], alpha )
    function GetPlayerColorString takes player p returns string
        return PlayerColor[GetPlayerId( p )]
    function GetPlayerColorStringById takes integer playerId returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId]
    function CompressString takes string compstring returns string
        local integer w = StringLength( compstring )
        local integer i = 0
        local string s = &quot;&quot;
                if not( SubString( compstring, i, i + 1 ) == &quot; &quot; or SubString( compstring, i, i + 1 ) == &quot;.&quot; or SubString( compstring, i, i + 1 ) == &quot;,&quot; ) then
                    set s = s + SubString( compstring, i, i + 1 )
            set i = i + 1
        exitwhen i &gt; w
        return s
    function GetPlayerByColor takes string s returns player
        local integer i = 0
        set s = StringCase( s, false )
        set s = CompressString( s )
            if s == PlayerColorWordString<i> then
                return Player( i )
            elseif s == PlayerColorWordString[13] then
                return Player( 8 )
            elseif s == PlayerColorWordString[14] or s == PlayerColorWordString[15] then
                return Player( 2 )
            set i = i + 1
        exitwhen ( i &gt;= 13 )
        return null
    function GetPlayerColorByColor takes string color returns string
        local string s = StringCase( color, false )
        local integer i = 0
        set s = CompressString( s )
            if s == PlayerColorWordString<i> then
                return PlayerColor<i>
            set i = i + 1
            exitwhen ( i &gt;= 13 )
        if s == PlayerColorWordString[13] then
            return PlayerColor[8]
        elseif s == PlayerColorWordString[14] or s == PlayerColorWordString[15] then
            return PlayerColor[2]
        return &quot;&quot;
    private function OnColorChange takes player whichplayer, playercolor color returns nothing
        local integer id = GetPlayerId( whichplayer )
        local integer pc = GetHandleId( color )

        set PlayerColor[id] = PlayerColorString[pc]
        set Red[id] = RedString[pc]
        set Green[id] = GreenString[pc]
        set Blue[id] = BlueString[pc]
        set PlayerColorWord[id] = PlayerColorWordString[pc]
    hook SetPlayerColor OnColorChange
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 12
        local integer i2
        set PlayerColorString[0] = &quot;|c00ff0202&quot;
        set RedString[0] = 0xff
        set GreenString[0] = 0x02
        set BlueString[0] = 0x02
        set PlayerColorWordString[0] = &quot;red&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[1] = &quot;|c000041ff&quot;
        set RedString[1] = 0x00
        set GreenString[1] = 0x41
        set BlueString[1] = 0xff
        set PlayerColorWordString[1] = &quot;blue&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[2] = &quot;|c001be5b8&quot;
        set RedString[2] = 0x1b
        set GreenString[2] = 0xe5
        set BlueString[2] = 0xb8
        set PlayerColorWordString[2] = &quot;teal&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[3] = &quot;|c00530080&quot;
        set RedString[3] = 0x53
        set GreenString[3] = 0x00
        set BlueString[3] = 0x80
        set PlayerColorWordString[3] = &quot;purple&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[4] = &quot;|c00fffc00&quot;
        set RedString[4] = 0xff
        set GreenString[4] = 0xfc
        set BlueString[4] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorWordString[4] = &quot;yellow&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[5] = &quot;|c00fe890d&quot;
        set RedString[5] = 0xfe
        set GreenString[5] = 0x89
        set BlueString[5] = 0x0d
        set PlayerColorWordString[5] = &quot;orange&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[6] = &quot;|c001fbf00&quot;
        set RedString[6] = 0x1f
        set GreenString[6] = 0xbf
        set BlueString[6] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorWordString[6] = &quot;green&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[7] = &quot;|c00e45aaf&quot;
        set RedString[7] = 0xe4
        set GreenString[7] = 0x5a
        set BlueString[7] = 0xaf
        set PlayerColorWordString[7] = &quot;pink&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[8] = &quot;|c00949596&quot;
        set RedString[8] = 0x94
        set GreenString[8] = 0x95
        set BlueString[8] = 0x96
        set PlayerColorWordString[8] = &quot;grey&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[9] = &quot;|c007dbef1&quot;
        set RedString[9] = 0x7d
        set GreenString[9] = 0xbe
        set BlueString[9] = 0xf1
        set PlayerColorWordString[9] = &quot;lightblue&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[10] = &quot;|c000f6145&quot;
        set RedString[10] = 0x0f
        set GreenString[10] = 0x61
        set BlueString[10] = 0x45
        set PlayerColorWordString[10] = &quot;darkgreen&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[11] = &quot;|c004d2903&quot;
        set RedString[11] = 0x4d
        set GreenString[11] = 0x29
        set BlueString[11] = 0x03
        set PlayerColorWordString[11] = &quot;brown&quot;

        set PlayerColorString[12] = &quot;|c001f1f1f&quot;
        set RedString[12] = 0x1f
        set GreenString[12] = 0x1f
        set BlueString[12] = 0x1f
        set PlayerColorWordString[12] = &quot;darkgrey&quot;
        set PlayerColorWordString[13] = &quot;gray&quot;
        set PlayerColorWordString[14] = &quot;aqua&quot;
        set PlayerColorWordString[15] = &quot;cyan&quot;
            exitwhen i &lt; 0
            set i2 = GetHandleId( GetPlayerColor( Player( i ) ) )
            set PlayerColor<i> = PlayerColorString[i2]
            set Red<i> = RedString[i2]
            set Green<i> = GreenString[i2]
            set Blue<i> = BlueString[i2]
            set PlayerColorWord<i> = PlayerColorWordString<i>
            set i = i - 1


Super Moderator
Reaction score
I'm probably stupid, but...

Why not just use a String Array?


Reaction score
Theres no need for the hook. playercolor is a "pseudohandle".
Theres no need for the CompressString function (what the hell does that thing have to do with coloring a string according to a players color?).
Alpha doesnt work for texttags.
ById versions are stupid.
And so is the GetPlayerByColor function.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Theres no need for the hook. playercolor is a "pseudohandle".

Well, this system doesn't use the default playercolors (And the colors here aren't the variable type "playercolor", but a string...).
This system uses the current color of the player you want, so that's why the hook is there ;)

Theres no need for the CompressString function (what the hell does that thing have to do with coloring a string according to a players color?).

Yes, there's a need for it, since if (For some wierd reason) you'd type "RE d", instead of plain "red", the system wouldn't work.
It's just for "Noob-safety" :p

Alpha doesnt work for texttags.

Really ? :S
Well, it doesn't really matter...

ById versions are stupid.

No it isn't !

And so is the GetPlayerByColor function.

And yet again, no !...
It's easier to type in the color you want, than to look up which player has that color, and then type that player instead...
It's just for versatility :D

Also, might this get reviewed sometime ? :S


Old World Ghost
Reaction score
I also found the ability to get the player from the color to have only one use.

I hate that "b L u spacespace e" becomes "blue". I would just spit in the user's face and ignore his request.

>Theres no need for the hook. playercolor is a "pseudohandle".

I don't see what that has to do with anything.


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
I also found the ability to get the player from the color to have only one use.

I hate that "b L u spacespace e" becomes "blue". I would just spit in the user's face and ignore his request.

Well, I'd rather not :p
I'd like to make it as easy for the user as possible to use it, and if that includes cleaning up a retarded user's text, then sure XD


Reaction score
I wouldn't 'spit in the user's face', but I have to agree that kind of input should not be accepted. To make sure the user does this correctly you should use a set of constants. That way it's clear what color is used and there will be a syntax error if it is incorrect.


Reaction score
See, pseudohandles can easily be converted into integers fitting into an array. The fact that someone here already mentioned in on the first page obviously had no effect, so ill just do it again.

ById versions are stupid. Are users able to do it without them? Yes, they are.

GetPlayerByColor is outside the scope of this library. Keep to what you promise to do, and do it well.

Also, CompressString should be private at least, but id rather remove it completely. Also, you know this is only a library, and top level code should be where it belongs (ie. at the top)?


Good Idea™
Reaction score
>See, pseudohandles can easily be converted into integers fitting into an array. The fact that someone here already mentioned in on the first page obviously had no effect, so ill just do it again.

What he has is an optimisation. The hook was an idea that developed in this thread, off memory (after page 1).

>GetPlayerByColor is outside the scope of this library. Keep to what you promise to do, and do it well.

>Also, CompressString should be private at least, but id rather remove it completely.

I agree with these. Unless the library was renamed "Player Colour Strings" or something, then the first is acceptable. *Shrugs*

ById doesn't hurt. I mean, it seems kind of silly to have code that inlines to [LJASS]Array[GetPlayerId(Player(n))][/LJASS] and the ById counters that.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Well, so now after a long time, you want me to remove many of the features that you so desperately wanted me to include ?!

This just seems like a waste of time, to me sadle...

Ok, so what is it that you want me to remove exactly, and what should I keep, and is there something you want me to add ? :S


Reaction score
Watch how he does everything this library tries to do (even though hes using pre 1.24 code, which can be replaced easily).

Also, there are very few instances where ById versions would NOT be called with a parameter that looks like this: GetPlayerId(p).

Also, speed doesnt matter for a library like this (which makes the whole optimisation pointless because it only bloats the library and makes it harder to understand).


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Don't know if someone mention this before, but...
Azlier, for helpong me out alot with several bugfixes and tweaking !

Need to change that to 'helping'.
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