Snippet Ascii

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Provides two functions. Char2Ascii takes a string with one character and returns the ASCII code for that character. Ascii2Char takes an ASCII code and returns a string containing the character for that code.

The return value for Char2Ascii is undefined for invalid inputs and unsupported characters, but will usually be 0. Ascii2Char will simply return null for invalid inputs.

Presumably, the performance of this is better than linear search based solutions.

Here is the code:

library Ascii initializer Init
        private integer array Ints
        private string array Chars

    function Char2Ascii takes string s returns integer
        local integer i = Ints[StringHash(s) / 0x1F0748 + 0x3EA]
        if i == 47 and s == "\\" then
            set i = 92
        elseif i &gt;= 65 and i &lt;= 90 and s != Chars<i> then
            set i = i+32
        return i

    function Ascii2Char takes integer i returns string
        return Chars<i>

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        set Ints[931] = 8
        set Ints[1075] = 9
        set Ints[1586] = 10
        set Ints[1340] = 12
        set Ints[412] = 13
        set Ints[198] = 32
        set Ints[1979] = 33
        set Ints[1313] = 34
        set Ints[1003] = 35
        set Ints[1264] = 36
        set Ints[983] = 37
        set Ints[1277] = 38
        set Ints[306] = 39
        set Ints[904] = 40
        set Ints[934] = 41
        set Ints[917] = 42
        set Ints[1972] = 43
        set Ints[1380] = 44
        set Ints[1985] = 45
        set Ints[869] = 46
        set Ints[1906] = 47
        set Ints[883] = 48
        set Ints[1558] = 49
        set Ints[684] = 50
        set Ints[582] = 51
        set Ints[668] = 52
        set Ints[538] = 53
        set Ints[672] = 54
        set Ints[1173] = 55
        set Ints[71] = 56
        set Ints[277] = 57
        set Ints[89] = 58
        set Ints[1141] = 59
        set Ints[39] = 60
        set Ints[1171] = 61
        set Ints[51] = 62
        set Ints[305] = 63
        set Ints[0] = 64
        set Ints[222] = 65
        set Ints[178] = 66
        set Ints[236] = 67
        set Ints[184] = 68
        set Ints[1295] = 69
        set Ints[1390] = 70
        set Ints[1276] = 71
        set Ints[203] = 72
        set Ints[1314] = 73
        set Ints[209] = 74
        set Ints[1315] = 75
        set Ints[170] = 76
        set Ints[1357] = 77
        set Ints[1343] = 78
        set Ints[1397] = 79
        set Ints[1420] = 80
        set Ints[1419] = 81
        set Ints[1396] = 82
        set Ints[1374] = 83
        set Ints[1407] = 84
        set Ints[499] = 85
        set Ints[1465] = 86
        set Ints[736] = 87
        set Ints[289] = 88
        set Ints[986] = 89
        set Ints[38] = 90
        set Ints[1230] = 91
        set Ints[1636] = 93
        set Ints[1416] = 94
        set Ints[1917] = 95
        set Ints[217] = 96
        set Ints[833] = 123
        set Ints[1219] = 124
        set Ints[553] = 125
        set Ints[58] = 126
        set Chars[8] = &quot;\b&quot;
        set Chars[9] = &quot;\t&quot;
        set Chars[10] = &quot;\n&quot;
        set Chars[12] = &quot;\f&quot;
        set Chars[13] = &quot;\r&quot;
        set Chars[32] = &quot; &quot;
        set Chars[33] = &quot;!&quot;
        set Chars[34] = &quot;\&quot;&quot;
        set Chars[35] = &quot;#&quot;
        set Chars[36] = &quot;$&quot;
        set Chars[37] = &quot;%&quot;
        set Chars[38] = &quot;&amp;&quot;
        set Chars[39] = &quot;&#039;&quot;
        set Chars[40] = &quot;(&quot;
        set Chars[41] = &quot;)&quot;
        set Chars[42] = &quot;*&quot;
        set Chars[43] = &quot;+&quot;
        set Chars[44] = &quot;,&quot;
        set Chars[45] = &quot;-&quot;
        set Chars[46] = &quot;.&quot;
        set Chars[47] = &quot;/&quot;
        set Chars[48] = &quot;0&quot;
        set Chars[49] = &quot;1&quot;
        set Chars[50] = &quot;2&quot;
        set Chars[51] = &quot;3&quot;
        set Chars[52] = &quot;4&quot;
        set Chars[53] = &quot;5&quot;
        set Chars[54] = &quot;6&quot;
        set Chars[55] = &quot;7&quot;
        set Chars[56] = &quot;8&quot;
        set Chars[57] = &quot;9&quot;
        set Chars[58] = &quot;:&quot;
        set Chars[59] = &quot;;&quot;
        set Chars[60] = &quot;&lt;&quot;
        set Chars[61] = &quot;=&quot;
        set Chars[62] = &quot;&gt;&quot;
        set Chars[63] = &quot;?&quot;
        set Chars[64] = &quot;@&quot;
        set Chars[65] = &quot;A&quot;
        set Chars[66] = &quot;B&quot;
        set Chars[67] = &quot;C&quot;
        set Chars[68] = &quot;D&quot;
        set Chars[69] = &quot;E&quot;
        set Chars[70] = &quot;F&quot;
        set Chars[71] = &quot;G&quot;
        set Chars[72] = &quot;H&quot;
        set Chars[73] = &quot;I&quot;
        set Chars[74] = &quot;J&quot;
        set Chars[75] = &quot;K&quot;
        set Chars[76] = &quot;L&quot;
        set Chars[77] = &quot;M&quot;
        set Chars[78] = &quot;N&quot;
        set Chars[79] = &quot;O&quot;
        set Chars[80] = &quot;P&quot;
        set Chars[81] = &quot;Q&quot;
        set Chars[82] = &quot;R&quot;
        set Chars[83] = &quot;S&quot;
        set Chars[84] = &quot;T&quot;
        set Chars[85] = &quot;U&quot;
        set Chars[86] = &quot;V&quot;
        set Chars[87] = &quot;W&quot;
        set Chars[88] = &quot;X&quot;
        set Chars[89] = &quot;Y&quot;
        set Chars[90] = &quot;Z&quot;
        set Chars[92] = &quot;\\&quot;
        set Chars[97] = &quot;a&quot;
        set Chars[98] = &quot;b&quot;
        set Chars[99] = &quot;c&quot;
        set Chars[100] = &quot;d&quot;
        set Chars[101] = &quot;e&quot;
        set Chars[102] = &quot;f&quot;
        set Chars[103] = &quot;g&quot;
        set Chars[104] = &quot;h&quot;
        set Chars[105] = &quot;i&quot;
        set Chars[106] = &quot;j&quot;
        set Chars[107] = &quot;k&quot;
        set Chars[108] = &quot;l&quot;
        set Chars[109] = &quot;m&quot;
        set Chars[110] = &quot;n&quot;
        set Chars[111] = &quot;o&quot;
        set Chars[112] = &quot;p&quot;
        set Chars[113] = &quot;q&quot;
        set Chars[114] = &quot;r&quot;
        set Chars[115] = &quot;s&quot;
        set Chars[116] = &quot;t&quot;
        set Chars[117] = &quot;u&quot;
        set Chars[118] = &quot;v&quot;
        set Chars[119] = &quot;w&quot;
        set Chars[120] = &quot;x&quot;
        set Chars[121] = &quot;y&quot;
        set Chars[122] = &quot;z&quot;
        set Chars[91] = &quot;[&quot;
        set Chars[93] = &quot;]&quot;
        set Chars[94] = &quot;^&quot;
        set Chars[95] = &quot;_&quot;
        set Chars[96] = &quot;`&quot;
        set Chars[123] = &quot;{&quot;
        set Chars[124] = &quot;|&quot;
        set Chars[125] = &quot;}&quot;
        set Chars[126] = &quot;~&quot;

Here is an example usage (converting strings to rawcodes and vice versa):

library Example initializer Init requires Ascii
    function String2Rawcode takes string s returns integer
        local integer i = StringLength(s)
        local integer j = 1
        local integer k = 0
            exitwhen i == 0
            set i = i-1
            set k = k+Char2Ascii(SubString(s, i, i+1))*j
            set j = j*256
        return k
    function Rawcode2String takes integer i returns string
        local string c = &quot;&quot;
            exitwhen i == 0
            set c = Ascii2Char(i - (i / 256) * 256)+c
            set i = i / 256
        return c
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg(I2S(String2Rawcode(&quot;hfoo&quot;))) // Displays &quot;1751543663&quot;
        call BJDebugMsg(I2S(&#039;hfoo&#039;)) // Also displays &quot;1751543663&quot;
        call BJDebugMsg(Rawcode2String(&#039;hfoo&#039;))  // Displays &quot;hfoo&quot;
        call BJDebugMsg(Rawcode2String(&#039;hpea&#039;))  // Displays &quot;hpea&quot;


Good Idea™
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I like it. :)


Old World Ghost
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Ah, an ASCII snippet that has actual use. Much better than Vestras' ASCII.


You can change this now in User CP.
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I'm wondering how you have determined the equation and which index of Ints should be used.
But maybe it's too much too explain.

It seems helpful for debugging purposes, any other practical use ?


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Pretty neat. Did you manually get the readouts of all the hashes? I hope you had fun.


Good Idea™
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Approved. :thup:

From time to time, being able to convert to ascii is useful, even if only for debugging or doing something the wrong way.

Either way, you're doing it right. This looks like a useful resource. If I ever wanted an ASCII snippet, I'm sure I'd arrive at this one satisfied. O(1) complexity both ways. Well done.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Hmm, i want to display a rawcode 'XXXX' as a string, and not the decimal one.
And to be honest i'm lost with your code, how can i do that ?

You should really post this kind of function.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Well, ok this function is just to get one character and not to convert rawcodes.
I'm really curious about the use, because in my first comment i misunderstood the point of this script.
So i don't see the usefulness, even for debugging purpose.

I use it (base 64) :

But it's a shame that the object editor allow special characters but not the trigger editor.
Meh i will simply don't use them, anyway it's pretty useless.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Hmm i didn't read the example :banghead:
Well, anyway to be honest BaseConversion is more usefull for me.


You can change this now in User CP.
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String2Rawcode and Rawcode2String should be included inside the library imho.
Because i imagine only one useful case, display a rawcode as a string.


New Member
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None, really. And that is quite enough.

String2Rawcode is nice sometimes, though. Especially for debugging.


You can change this now in User CP.
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I use RawCode2String (for debugging purpose), and i'm bored to incorporate this function inside the library each time ...


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Initializer needs to be put into a module onInit. One of my resources is using this and it's going to be unapproved if this doesn't get fixed soon. I'll have to do a very simple edit and submit it at THW and use mine instead ;|, so please update. Make less work for me and make less work for everyone else ;(.

Nvm, looks like you haven't been active in a long time so someone'll work on the minor update at THW.
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