Battle Ship Xtrm


Cuz I can
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Ok do you want to make the game faster (more damage, lesser cooldown) or slower?
And wich forces do we take??
Depending on that I would work on the units and all that's got to do with that (spawning triggers, unit data, ...)

Perhaps we should first vote about this in a poll

Like this:
Post a number from 1 to 10 for game speed (1 means veeerrryyy slow..., and 10 means very fast with a medium cooldown of 0.475 seconds on spawned units(at least with my ship data for pirates vs alliance))

After that we can talk about ideas for forces (where I think two different but balanced forces are better)


Diversity enchants
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Right now I' m working with map (Terrain then first moving and spawn triggers.). I think there should be game modes like quick war (short mode) where team who gets lead of kills x wins the game. Or other game modes. Short mode depends heavily on player skills so it' s from beginning in pub games a bit imba, still could be it fun. Your idea about pirates vs humans looks good (That pirat uses fast small ships sounds good.). Still I edit terrain and make more paths so there would be more ways (I break lines to islands. There are still main 3 lines but you can move between them freely and it gives you feeling like being on sea .).
Guys don' t hurry take a break or so I finish with first things so I can pass it on (Lets do it better with passion than just throwing something togheter.). Hm I can take all the triggering on my shoulders (I want too :D) so you all can mess with Object Editor, ideas, doodads, etc.
I would like to do so it uses low doodad amount (For slower pc and triggers would be optimized and leak free.).
I know that these two pics what I posted aren' t something super special but it looks better than before trust me :D

>I'm sorry but I didn't know that Ship movement could be made manually by JASS.... I only used the object editor's data store
I thought ordering cpu (AI) ships to move.


ok.. good post the new pics and we will see your good work and did you deleted my waterfalls thing to make the way your talkin about??? aniway this is an idea of mine:

[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Secret Shop team 1[/COLOR]

-A unit enter «secret shop team 1 (enter)''gen''»
-If then else multiple
If condition:
-Owner of entering units have 10 kills* or more (i didnt look at exact condition)
Or any condition
-Owner of entering unit equal to player 1
-Owner of entering unit equal to player 2
-Owner of entering unit equal to player 3
-Owner of entering unit equal to player 4
-Owner of entering unit equal to player 5
Then Action:
-Create a Secret Weapon Shop at center of «secret shop team 1 (create)''gen''»
-Display to owner of entering unit: You entered in a secret place, you have more than 10 so you can buy secret weapons
-Create special effects using Holy Bolt
Then Action:
-Display to owner of entering unit: You entered in a secret place, you must have 10 kills to have something special.....

You can always modify the number of kills needed or the displayed text!!

I have this idea too:

[COLOR="darkorange"]Explosion team 2 place 1[/COLOR]

-A unit enter «missile launcher team 1''gen''»
-Entering unit level is equal to 30 or more
Or any condition
-Owner of entering unit eualt to player 1
-Owner of entering unit eualt to player 2
-Owner of entering unit eualt to player 3
-Owner of entering unit eualt to player 4
-Owner of entering unit eualt to player 5
-Display to all players: (Color code red) + (Owner of triggering unit) + launched a missile to the ............ (name of the empire) base, soon a missile will kill every units arround this point + (end tag)
-Create a missile (custom unit) at triggering unit position facing default structure degrees
-Order last created unit to walk at «Explode team 2 place 1''gen''»
-Ping point the map at «Explode team 2 place 1''gen''»
-Turn off this trigger
-Wait 240 sec (4 minutes)
-Turn on this trigger

After to kill unit:

[COLOR="darkorange"]Kill them team 2 place 1[/COLOR]

-A unit enter «Explode team 2 place 1''gen''»
-Unit type of entering unit equal to missile
-Explode entering unit
-create a special effect using tank missile
-Pick every units In «Explode team 2 place 1''gen''» and explode picked units

Missile is a flying unit with LOW speed
Explode team 2 place is a random ragion (25% chance to get this region) so this would be the trigger to decide what place it would be!!

[COLOR="darkorange"]Explode team 2[/COLOR]

Event: (not innitialy on)
-Set Explode 2 (integer variable) equal toa random number between 1 and 4
-If Explode 2 equal to 1, run Explosion team 2 place 1
-If Explode 2 equal to 2, run ...........[COLOR="Red"] And so on!![/COLOR]

ok there is 4 Explosion (trigger) (1 for each places) for 1 team (2 teams make 8 )
and 4 kill them (trigger) '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Hope u like thoses ideas

EDIT: 5 would be the good speed!


Diversity enchants
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I don' t see the point. Like someone saied :D there should not be any secrets what newcomers don' t know. Shops should be visible and everything clean and understandable.
To fire missile somewhere in enemy base, what it would give ? Just omg ! what a luck kills or is there deeper point behind it ?
I would consider quest type old missile silo what is abbadoned on one island. If you fix it (This part we have to discuss.). Then it becomes operational and you can fire missiles from there. Still it could be imba.
I need time- I will send map on when I' m finished with first things (smoothing terrain so it looks nice and basic cpu moving.). I' m right now smoothing terrain.
You don' t have to paste here GUI actions because they aren' t so useful anyway (I can find actions what I need and how to do it. Btw in JASS I can skip much needless crap so GUI is from beginning bad.)
Just write ideas. All items & units are your playground (DemonOfNight, SerraAvenger and Thanatos_820.) Thanatos_820 could seek out some nice models, icons because I am not good importer.
The missile idea is raw still if we can make it optional (So battle ships would still have huge roll to play in game.).
In conclusion I like missile idea but not secret shops idea (Too bad for beginners.)
Btw we are using teams so it would be faster and better to use boolean comparison is player in player group (Two teams). Still I recomend you to play with GUI and if your ready try to learn a bit JASS to it' s easy I can tell you.

EDIT: Two pics from first island what I managed to do (Half done, a bit trees, etc decorations and it is finished island I will not add more and move on to another island):
From mountain top: mountain top view 1
and from river base (same mountain): river base 1
How you like it ? It' s eyecandy and you can' tr go into river you have to go with sircle around the rocks :D

EDIT: Forget these two last pictures they dosn' t exist any more I totaly re did the island again to get what I wanted so here is finished island once and for all: island view


Cuz I can
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ok a gamespeed of 6 (arithmetic middle between 5 and 7) makes with my pirate idea:

Pirates: spawn 10 Piratebarques every 100/Gamespeed , 300 life each, with a defense of 2 and a movespeed of 320. Damage is 10 + 1 six sided dice, with a cooldown of 4.2/Gamespeed and a bounty of 15 + 3 four sided dices.
Spawn 1 Pirate Flagship at 200/Gamespeed, 3200 Life, with a defense of 4 and a movespeed of 300. Damage is 40 + 2 seven sided dices with a cooldown of 5.25/gamespeed and a Bounty of 56 + 4 ten sided dices.

Alliance(spawn both shiptypes every 150 seconds, with a 75 second interval): spawn 2 Frigates, 1500 life each, with a defense of 6 and a movespeed of 220. Damage (Splash damage) is 63 + 4 nine sided dice, with a cooldown of 8.4/gamespeed and a bounty of 74 + 10 six sided dices.
Spawn 4 Patrolboats, 800 Life each, with a defense of 4 and a movespeed of 290. Damage is 12 + 1 seven 2sided dice, with a cooldown of 4.9/gamespeed and a bounty of 14 + 2 five sided dices

And wioth the Missilles - I would create a missilesilo (thanatos should import then a modell for a missile silo) where you can purchase lot's of navigatable missiletypes that have different attribuutes, but each have the ability to explode with doing x damage in it's reach where x is it's life (well it is a channeled ability)
such as:
Fast missile (fast, low life, short reach)
Nuke (very slow, highest life, medium reach)
Aquamine (medium movespeed, very high life, very short reach)
Barrel of TNT( very slow, very high life, medium reach)
and so on


Yeah, the pirates idea is good but i only have a comment... 75 sec interval is REALLY LONG so maybe we could spawn your boats like every 30 or 20 sec... AND we could also make some dialog boxes so players could vote on spawn timer like : InSaNe (10 sec) - HaRd (20 sec) - MeDiUm (30 sec) - EaSy (45 sec) - VeRy EaSy (75 sec, like you said). We could also make a dialog box for game speed like
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Choose your game speed:[/COLOR]
A) 1/10 (VeRy SlOw)
B) 2/10 (SlOw)
C) 3/10 (NoT FaSt)
D) 4/10 (StIlL A BiT SlOw)
E) 5/10 (NoRmAl SpEeD)
F) 6/10 (LiL FaSt)
G) 7/10 (RaPiD)
H) 8/10 (FaSt)
I) 9/10 (VeRy FaSt)
J) 10/10 (LiGhT SpEeD)

those are some ideas...

Thanatos> Yet, Sooda have the map... soon you will have it, i only need to make some units and ill give it to you, who will, when your job will be done, give it to serra, who will give it back to me, and always a rotation like that!!!


Cuz I can
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I think there should be game modes like quick war (short mode) where team who gets lead of kills x wins the game. Or other game modes. Short mode depends heavily on player skills so it' s from beginning in pub games a bit imba, still could be it fun.

Well I would make short mode like that: Towers and ships do less damage and have less life
(wich is equivalent to "in normal mode they have higher damage and more life")
And basing upon that second statement, i would make ships have only life and damage like in short mode but if lot's of players chose normal mode, you just increase a tech wich affects damage and life of basic ships and towers by one


Cuz I can
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ok you're right
but well I doesn't make the game harder if the ships spawn more often, it makes it easier as
1.: Spawned ships don't (at most Bship maps) really help at winning the endgame
2.: More ships means more money per player so you have to adjust itemcosts
3.: Spawned ships will not only attack players (even an idea worth thinking about - ships could only attack buildings and hero's) but mostly attack other spawned ships (as they're more, and very often closer)
And you understood me wrong, I didn't mean they would spawn every 150 seconds but every 150 seconds divided through gamespeed wich is currently 6 but could be perhaps adjusted by a vote at the beginning of the game
could ya all plz send me your E-mail adress?
Thx Serra


It depends on what i said, the item cost would not change... it would only be harder because players could get HIGH wep and theyr ennemy will 2 soo it always depend on your game play... you must remember that both sides have a lot of gold. The win only depends on the players gameplay!!!


Those are screenshots for you serra, tell me if you like the boats:


Patrol Boats:

A Pirate:

Under Water Tower

Yet, i made this, hope u like it!!!


Death is Not the End
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I'd like the map soon, I want to fix up the tooltips really bad :). There are large gaps in the tooltips and there are some typos.


Cuz I can
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not bad! But you could use instead of the frigate model for the frigates the battleship model becouse those ships are some sort of really heavy...
And for the pirates we could use the undead Shipmodels
ANd the captain see man is very funny^^
but for the tower: how do you want to control if it is at your base or not?
perhaps with a function (yeah Sooda, we know, custom scripts are muuuch better ;) )
Event: unit leaves basered
Condition: Triggering unit is a hero equal to true
Owner of Unit is an ally of player 1(red)
Action: Make Underwatertower inavailable for player(owner of triggering unit)
and the same in the opposite direction (unit enters basered; make Underwatertower available) and for baseblue

And I made one tiny map too :)
Just with the basic funtions and skills, and there I encountered a problem: When I make an Ability called enforced hull wich should increase max. life total, it only works on the first step, and then doesn't increase any further
So it has ten skilllvl's, and I set maximum life increase on lvl 1 to 50, lvl 2 to 100, lvl 3 to 150, lvlv 4 to 250 and so on, It always just increases maximum life by 50....
Could you help me out please?


Cuz I can
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yeah that was what I thought too but all the other abilitys work right...

Edit -
I found a very good Bship map called naval combat 1.02(P), if you send me your E-mail adress I'll hand it over


I have 3 version of it, not that nice exept that you can have MULTIPLE item...
This Battle Ship is the easier one.


Diversity enchants
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You mean ours or their map ? Please don' t post pictures directly on forum (Use links or thumbnails.)
Good news I got event unit enters region working (JASS) Now I have to start writing conditions and orders for boats (AI boats, just ordering to attack move.).
This game is going to be some hack and slash ? No strategy ?
I have to take a break from wrting JASS (I have much to do.) If you are interested with my JASS progress check JASS Zone and search my threads where is written about Battle Ship Xtrm.


Cuz I can
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^^ in gui you only would have to make an "unit group - issue (last created unitgroup) to attack/move center of basered" action


yes but there must be 2 conditions, like if harbour # ??? is alive then....... and there should be this: if an units enter the region, normaly, the unit entering in this region, his owner is red, but when its blue, the units must choose another path!!! dont forgetr this.:p


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I'm good with triggers but Im' not sure with combinging items but I do work for companies to be there mangement (helps with website, pictures, songs, imports, credits, stuff like that) if you want I can help

Note- I was in a battle ships clan before I was in map making I LOVE BATTLE SHIPS (I like real battleships the best where I sink stuff in the pacific ocean)
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