Help me please...


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I've tried and tried like a hundred times, but it seems everytime i've changed it, another error appear...
Im trying to make a dota-like abilities called "Feast".. can someone please help me?
Regenerates a portion of enemy's current HP and deals the same portion per attack. (Only occurs when the attack is really hit)
Level 1 - 4%
Level 2 - 5%
Level 3 - 6%
Level 4 - 7%
• Does not work on Structure and BOSS.
• Works against magic immune units.
• The heal is independent of the damage.

Sorry, can someone helping me with this abilities too:
This skill based on dota too..
Enables the hero to sense the bleeding of any enemy hero below 40% hp. If it finds one, hero gains vision of that unit and increases move speed.
Level 1 - Increases movement speed by 10%. Grants vision of the target, lasts until no nearby valid target exist.
Level 2 - Increases movement speed by 20%. Grants vision of the target, lasts until no nearby valid target exist.
Level 3 - Increases movement speed by 30%. Grants vision of the target, lasts until no nearby valid target exist.
Level 4 - Increases movement speed by 40%. Grants vision of the target, lasts until no nearby valid target exist.
• Its not triggered by Illusions.
• Area of Effect: 1500/3000/4500/6000
I'll modify it, but now i need to know why mine cant work...


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I've tried using it too...
But its just error, everytime the hero with this abilities triggered will crash the game..
Can u please help me?


Minecraft. :D
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Post the triggers please. We can't help you if we don't know whats going wrong with your code.


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Game - GDD_Event becomes Equal to 0.00
(Level of Carnivorous for GDD_DamageSource) Greater than 0
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(GDD_DamagedUnit is Magic Immune) Equal to True
(GDD_DamagedUnit is Ethereal) Equal to True
((Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Roshan) or (((Attacked unit) is A structure) Equal to True)
Then - Actions
Do nothing
Else - Actions
Unit - Cause GDD_DamageSource to damage GDD_DamagedUnit, dealing (((0.01 x (Real((Level of Carnivorous for GDD_DamageSource)))) + 0.03) x (Life of GDD_DamagedUnit)) damage of attack type Hero and damage type Normal
Unit - Set life of GDD_DamageSource to ((Life of GDD_DamageSource) + ((((Real((Level of Carnivorous for GDD_DamageSource))) x 0.01) + 0.03) x (Life of GDD_DamagedUnit)))
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of GDD_DamageSource using VampiricAuraTarget2.mdx
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)

I also have a jass version, and its working but i cant add *Does not work on structure and BOSS* things..
Can you help me to point where is the problem?


Minecraft. :D
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You can place
  • tags around your trigger to make it look normal. From what I can see:
    • 1. You can remove the "do nothing". It doesn't do anything. You can leave it blank and it will run fine.
    • 2. The first action in your "else" actions, turn the trigger off, then turn the trigger on at the end of the trigger. So it looks like this:
    • <div class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--screenLimited bbCodeBlock--code"><div class="bbCodeBlock-title">Trigger:</div><div class="wc3trigger"><ul class="wc3" id="wc3_1">
    • <li class="lastopen"><span class="events">Events</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="game">Game - GDD_Event becomes Equal to 0.00</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="conditions">Conditions</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">(Level of Carnivorous for GDD_DamageSource) Greater than 0</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="actions">Actions</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="if">If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="if">If - Conditions</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="or">Or - Any (Conditions) are true</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="conditions">Conditions</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">(GDD_DamagedUnit is Magic Immune) Equal to True</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">(GDD_DamagedUnit is Ethereal) Equal to True</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">((Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Roshan) or (((Attacked unit) is A structure) Equal to True)</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="ifthen">Then - Actions</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="ifelse">Else - Actions</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">Trigger - Turn off (this trigger)</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="unit">Unit - Cause GDD_DamageSource to damage GDD_DamagedUnit, dealing (((0.01 x (Real((Level of Carnivorous for GDD_DamageSource)))) + 0.03) x (Life of GDD_DamagedUnit)) damage of attack type Hero and damage type Normal</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="unit">Unit - Set life of GDD_DamageSource to ((Life of GDD_DamageSource) + ((((Real((Level of Carnivorous for GDD_DamageSource))) x 0.01) + 0.03) x (Life of GDD_DamagedUnit)))</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="specialeffect">Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of GDD_DamageSource using VampiricAuraTarget2.mdx</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="specialeffect">Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)</span></li>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">Trigger - Turn on (this trigger)</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • </ul>
    • </div></div>
    • Try that and see if it works. You can also post your jass code in <div class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--screenLimited bbCodeBlock--code"><div class="bbCodeBlock-title">JASS:</div><div class="bbCodeBlock-content"><pre class="bbCodeCode"><code class="jass"> <span>tags</span> <span class="keyword">if</span> <span>you</span> <span>want</span><span class="symbol">,</span> <span>Jass</span> <span>is</span> <span>easier</span> <span>to</span> <a href="" class="type">code</a> <span>in</span>.</code></pre></div></div>


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Okay ill try it..
and here is the JASS one, how to add the exception condition?

scope Carnivorous initializer Init

private constant integer AbilId = 'A0A6'

private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = GetTriggerDamageSource()
local unit targ = GetTriggerDamageTarget()
local integer lvl=GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,AbilId)
local real r=(0.03+0.01*lvl)*GetUnitState(targ,UNIT_STATE_LIFE)

call UnitDamageTargetEx(u, targ, r, ATTACK_TYPE_HERO, DAMAGE_TYPE_SPELL, true)
call SetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE,r+GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE))
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget("VampiricAuraTarget2.mdx",u,"origin"))

set u = null
set targ = null

private function Conds takes nothing returns boolean
if GetTriggerDamageType()==DAMAGE_TYPE_ATTACK and GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerDamageSource(),AbilId)>0 then
call Actions()
return false
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterDamageEvent(t,1)
call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function Conds))


Wait... you just add a turn off and turn on? what is that for?


Minecraft. :D
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Wait... you just add a turn off and turn on? what is that for?

If you detect damage and then deal damage again in the same trigger, you can create an infinite loop which will cause it to crash. I'm guessing that's what your problem is.

For the Jass version:

Change your Conds function to include the condition check that is in your GUI trigger:

private function Conds takes nothing returns boolean
  if GetTriggerDamageType()==DAMAGE_TYPE_ATTACK and GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerDamageSource(),AbilId)&gt;0 then
    if not IsUnitType(GetTriggerUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_ETHEREAL) or not IsUnitType(GetTriggerUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE) or not IsUnitType(GetTriggerUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) or GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit()) != ROSHAN_ID then //Roshan_Id is the rawcode of your Roshan unit
      call Actions()
  return false


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Wow, thanks man..
Ill never figure it out, its too hard for me to find it out by myself..
Its because i never learn it before.. but now its seems i can know it a litte bit..
You're very helping.. thx again!

The jass one didnt work, maybe its because im using VJASS anyway...
So i just use the GUI one...

This is my version of 2nd skill..
Can u show me what is wrong? because i got the vision but not the speed bonus.

scope BloodScent initializer Init

private constant integer AbilId = 'A0AH'
private constant integer DumAbilId = 'S000'
private constant integer BuffId = 'B01U'

private group G = null
private unit U
private boolexpr B
private boolean Bool

private unit array Dum

private function Filt takes nothing returns boolean
local unit u = U
local unit t = GetFilterUnit()
local real dist
local integer id

if IsUnitType(t,UNIT_TYPE_HERO)==true and IsUnitEnemy(t,GetOwningPlayer(u)) then
if GetWidgetLife(t)/GetUnitState(t,ConvertUnitState(1))>.42 or GetWidgetLife(t)<.425 then
call UnitShareVision(t,GetOwningPlayer(u),false)
return false

set dist = DBU(u,t)
if dist<GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,AbilId)*1500. then
set Bool = true
set id = H2I(u)-0x100000
call UnitShareVision(t,GetOwningPlayer(u),true)
if GetUnitAbilityLevel(Dum[id],DumAbilId)==0 then
call UnitAddAbility(Dum[id],DumAbilId)
call SetUnitAbilityLevel(Dum[id],DumAbilId,GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,AbilId))
call UnitShareVision(t,GetOwningPlayer(u),false)

set u = null
set t = null
return false
private function Effects takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u=GetEnumUnit()
local group g=NewGroup()

set Bool = false
set U = u
call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g,bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,B)
if not Bool then
call UnitRemoveAbility(Dum[H2I(u)-0x100000],DumAbilId)
call UnitRemoveAbility(u,BuffId)

set u = null
call ReleaseGroup(g)
private function Update takes nothing returns nothing
call ForGroup(G,function Effects)
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
local integer id = H2I(u)-0x100000

if G==null then
set G = CreateGroup()
set t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t,.5,true,function Update)
call GroupAddUnit(G,u)
set Dum[id] = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(u),CasterId,0.,0.,0.)
call SetUnitInvulnerable(Dum[id],true)

private function Conds takes nothing returns boolean
if GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit())!=Player(15) and GetLearnedSkill()==AbilId and not IsUnitIllusion(GetTriggerUnit()) and GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),AbilId)==1 then
call Actions()
return false
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_SKILL)
call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function Conds))

set B = Condition(function Filt)

call PreloadAbil(DumAbilId)



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Just to clarify, ANY trigger which causes it's own event, and isn't turned off/on will crash. Not just for damage events.


Minecraft. :D
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Please use the tags I already told you about. That text is almost unreadable that way. If its Jass, place
[./jass] around the text.  If its GUI, use <div class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--screenLimited bbCodeBlock--code"><div class="bbCodeBlock-title">Trigger:</div><div class="wc3trigger"><ul class="wc3" id="wc3_3">
<li class="lasttree"><span class="default">[./wc3] (without the period)</span></li>


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Another DotA remake [noparse]:p[/noparse]

Erm for BloodThirst Vision/Speed:
Why not just have a Dummy unit cast BloodLust on the target? And then semi-periodically check if there are still units in range within range, if there aren't remove the buff?

Sounds simple, only problem is some people dislike Periodic's as they can slow the game down slightly. But if you only initiate them when the ability is learnt it should be okay. Alternatively you could do some other sort of detection when they are attacked and finding any BloodThirstable units within range and adding the buffs then; or something to that effect.


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Okay guys, thx for the help, i already handle it by my old fashioned way.. hahaha
But can i ask something again here? why everytime i've changed a modification to a new spell data like damage/area or else to 0 then it back to its previous damage/area
like i've edit channel based skill and changed the art duration to 0 then i save the map, it turn back to 0.98... can anybody tell me whats wrong?


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Did it save successfully?
Are you sure your not just re-opening an unsaved version?
It should not resort to defaults if you have customly set the values.

Sounds more like an internal problem with your version of the Editor.
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