Item Stacking System Bug


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EDIT: Solved-the condition line was wrong and created an infinitely recurring trigger call.

I am working on an item stacking trigger, and got it to work fine...until a hero's inventory is full. Now I am trying to work around that, and have made dummy 'tome/powerup' items for every charged item in my map. I added a function that replaces the dummy item with a real item (with appropriate number of charges) when a dummy is picked up. Whenever I pick up a dummy item though, all that happens is that the dummy item is removed. In fact, I set up some BJDebug messages that seem to contradict themselves. Here is my trigger, with some comments about the debug messages. This is driving me insane...what is happening?

Ah, one last note...the IDs of the stackable dummy items range from 'I00E' to 'I00Z' and the IDs of the real items range from 'I02E' to 'I02Z'. The ID for a flare (the item I am using to test the trigger) is 'I00L' ('I02L').

scope itemstack initializer init

private function conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetItemCharges(GetManipulatedItem())!=0

private function main takes unit u, item picked, real x, real y returns nothing
    local integer i=0
    local integer id=GetItemTypeId(picked)
    local item temp
    local integer level=GetItemLevel(picked)
    local integer charges=GetItemCharges(picked)
    local integer chargestemp
    local boolean boo=UnitAddItem(u, picked)
        exitwhen i>5
        set temp=UnitItemInSlot(u, i)
        set chargestemp=GetItemCharges(temp)
        if GetItemTypeId(temp)==id and chargestemp<level and temp!=picked then
            if chargestemp+charges>level then
                call SetItemCharges(picked, chargestemp+charges-level)
                call SetItemCharges(temp, level)
                set charges=GetItemCharges(picked)
                call SetItemCharges(temp, charges+chargestemp)
                call RemoveItem(picked)
                set charges=0
        set i=i+1
    if charges>0 and not boo then
        call RemoveItem(picked)
        call CreateItem(id-512, x, y)
    set u=null
    set picked=null
    set temp=null

private function actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u=GetTriggerUnit()
    local item pick=GetManipulatedItem()
    local integer id=GetItemTypeId(pick)
    local integer charges=GetItemCharges(pick)
    local real x=GetItemX(pick)
    local real y=GetItemY(pick)
    if not (id>='I00E' and id<='I00Z') then//this message always shows...
        call BJDebugMsg("Error: Invalid item type for stacking.")
    if not ('I00L'>='I00E') then//and these ones never show...
        call BJDebugMsg("less")
    elseif not ('I00L'<='I00Z') then
        call BJDebugMsg("more")
    if id=='I00L' then//even though this one also shows when you pick up a flare (item id 'I00L')...what???
        call BJDebugMsg("this is a flare")
    call RemoveItem(pick)
    set pick=CreateItem(id+512, x, y)//I set up my item ids so that the 'real' item id is 'I02<X>' when the dummy's is 'I00<X>'
    call SetItemCharges(pick, charges)
    call main(u, pick, x, y)
    set u=null
    set pick=null    


private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
    local integer i=0
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM, null)
        set i=i+1
        exitwhen i==8
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function conditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function actions)



The Undead Ranger.
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if not (id>='I00E' and id<='I00Z') then//this message always shows...

remove "not", you WANT the item to be within those ranges, why would you have "not"? that basically means, i want an item thats less than I00E and greater than I00Z

if not ('I00L'>='I00E') then//and these ones never show...
        call BJDebugMsg("less")
    elseif not ('I00L'<='I00Z') then
        call BJDebugMsg("more")

they arent supposed to, I00L is bigger than I00E, and I00Z is bigger than I00L
(basically another "not" mistake)

(im continuing to read the trigger, ill edit if i see anything else that will actually solve your problem.)

side note,
        call CreateItem(id, x, y)

dont you want to create the rune back? it wouldn't work the next time you try to pick it up (full inventory)


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if not (id>='I00E' and id<='I00Z') then//this message always shows...

remove "not", you WANT the item to be within those ranges, why would you have "not"? that basically means, i want an item thats less than I00E and greater than I00Z

This is just a message that should only pop up when the trigger is running for an item it isn't supposed to...i.e. one without any charges on it (even though they should be weeded out by the conditions function). It shows even when the item id is 'I00L' though, as checked by this:

    if id=='I00L' then//even though this one also shows when you pick up a flare (item id 'I00L')...what???
        call BJDebugMsg("this is a flare")

if not ('I00L'>='I00E') then//and these ones never show...
        call BJDebugMsg("less")
    elseif not ('I00L'<='I00Z') then
        call BJDebugMsg("more")

they arent supposed to, I00L is bigger than I00E, and I00Z is bigger than I00L
(basically another "not" mistake)

Yeah, but one SHOULD show if this one shows:

if not (id>='I00E' and id<='I00Z') then//this message always shows...

side note,
        call CreateItem(id, x, y)

dont you want to create the rune back? it wouldn't work the next time you try to pick it up (full inventory)

Thank you-I didn't alter the item type ID. It should be the dummy item again (id-512). I will change this.


The Undead Ranger.
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This is just a message that should only pop up when the trigger is running for an item it isn't supposed to...i.e. one without any charges on it (even though they should be weeded out by the conditions function). It shows even when the item id is 'I00L' though, as checked by this:

yes, the range is wrong thats why its saying 'I00L' is being filtered out

    if id=='I00L' then//even though this one also shows when you pick up a flare (item id 'I00L')...what???
        call BJDebugMsg("this is a flare")
yup, thats supposed to happen

Yeah, but one SHOULD show if this one shows:

if not (id>='I00E' and id<='I00Z') then//this message always shows...
nope because both of them are wrong lol
okay, lets walk through this.

1. You pick up the item 'I00L'
if not (id>='I00E' and id<='I00Z') then
well 'I00L' is not less than 'I00E' and its not greater than 'I00Z' therefore, it shows the message.
if not ('I00L'>='I00E') then//and these ones never show...
call BJDebugMsg("less")
'I00L' is greater than 'I00E' not less than.
elseif not ('I00L'<='I00Z') then
call BJDebugMsg("more")
'I00L' is less than 'I00Z' not more than

Correct way:
scope itemstack initializer init

private function conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetItemCharges(GetManipulatedItem())!=0

private function main takes unit u, item picked, real x, real y returns nothing
    local integer i=0
    local integer id=GetItemTypeId(picked)
    local item temp
    local integer level=GetItemLevel(picked)
    local integer charges=GetItemCharges(picked)
    local integer chargestemp
    local boolean boo=UnitAddItem(u, picked)
        exitwhen i&gt;5
        set temp=UnitItemInSlot(u, i)
        set chargestemp=GetItemCharges(temp)
        if GetItemTypeId(temp)==id and chargestemp&lt;level and temp!=picked then
            if chargestemp+charges&gt;level then
                call SetItemCharges(picked, chargestemp+charges-level)
                call SetItemCharges(temp, level)
                set charges=GetItemCharges(picked)
                call SetItemCharges(temp, charges+chargestemp)
                call RemoveItem(picked)
                set charges=0
        set i=i+1
    if charges&gt;0 and not boo then
        call RemoveItem(picked)
        call CreateItem(id-512, x, y)
    set u=null
    set picked=null
    set temp=null

private function actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u=GetTriggerUnit()
    local item pick=GetManipulatedItem()
    local integer id=GetItemTypeId(pick)
    local integer charges=GetItemCharges(pick)
    local real x=GetItemX(pick)
    local real y=GetItemY(pick)
    if (id&gt;=&#039;I00E&#039; and id&lt;=&#039;I00Z&#039;) then // THIS MESSAGE WILL NOT SHOW IF YOUR ITEM IS &#039;I00L&#039;
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Error: Invalid item type for stacking.&quot;)
    if (&#039;I00L&#039;&lt;=&#039;I00E&#039;) then // None will show, its not supposed to.
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;less&quot;)
    elseif (&#039;I00L&#039;&gt;=&#039;I00Z&#039;) then
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;more&quot;)
    if id==&#039;I00L&#039; then//even though this one also shows when you pick up a flare (item id &#039;I00L&#039;)...what???
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;this is a flare&quot;)
    call RemoveItem(pick)
    set pick=CreateItem(id+512, x, y)//I set up my item ids so that the &#039;real&#039; item id is &#039;I02&lt;X&gt;&#039; when the dummy&#039;s is &#039;I00&lt;X&gt;&#039;
    call SetItemCharges(pick, charges)
    call main(u, pick, x, y)
    set u=null
    set pick=null    


private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
    local integer i=0
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM, null)
        set i=i+1
        exitwhen i==8
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function conditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function actions)


just try it, read the comments i changed

i think you're getting confused with the "not" in your "if" conditions

by the way, i suggest putting bj messages all around here

        exitwhen i&gt;5
        set temp=UnitItemInSlot(u, i)
        set chargestemp=GetItemCharges(temp)
        if GetItemTypeId(temp)==id and chargestemp&lt;level and temp!=picked then
            if chargestemp+charges&gt;level then
                call SetItemCharges(picked, chargestemp+charges-level)
                call SetItemCharges(temp, level)
                set charges=GetItemCharges(picked)
                call SetItemCharges(temp, charges+chargestemp)
                call RemoveItem(picked)
                set charges=0
        set i=i+1
    if charges&gt;0 and not boo then
        call RemoveItem(picked)
        call CreateItem(id-512, x, y)

that will help you find the error


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1. You pick up the item 'I00L'
2. well 'I00L' is not less than 'I00E' and its not greater than 'I00Z' therefore, it shows the message.

[not (id>='I00E') and (id<='I00Z')] is equivalent to
[not (id>='I00E') or not (id>='I00E')]

(not id>='I00E') is equivalent to

and (not id<='I00Z') is equivalent to

so that means that for the 'if then' condition to be satisfied...

(id<'I00E') or (id>'I00Z')

which is what I want.

Since (not 'I00L'<'I00E') and (not 'I00L'>'I00Z'), the message should not show if id='I00L'. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel very confident about this. Remember, with De Morgan's theorem you need to change the logical operator from an and to an or or vice versa :thup:

Also, I changed the condition of the trigger to this:

private function conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    local integer id=GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())
    return id&gt;=&#039;I00E&#039; and id&lt;=&#039;I00Z&#039;

and the trigger suddenly works perfectly. I have no idea why the condition would change so much about how the trigger operates (such as when picking up the EXACT SAME ITEM, the BJ messages suddenly work how they are supposed to... seriously absolutely nothing changed except the condition). I +repped you for pointing out the CreateItem bug at the end of my trigger-thank you for your help!


The Undead Ranger.
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well that condition was kinda what i was trying to say, but even though i was trying to convince you of that error, i didn't believe it would change anything because..
  if not (id&gt;=&#039;I00E&#039; and id&lt;=&#039;I00Z&#039;) then//this message always shows...
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Error: Invalid item type for stacking.&quot;)
all it did was display a message, and nothing else. even though it was wrong, the trigger still should have worked.

(id<'I00E') or (id>'I00Z')

which is what I want.

your item was I00L, why would you want it to show those messages? that would be a BAD THING. if those messages showed, it would be end of the world. jk

Since (not 'I00L'<'I00E') and (not 'I00L'>'I00Z'), the message should not show if id='I00L'. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel very confident about this.
[not (id>='I00E') and (id<='I00Z')] is equivalent to
[not (id>='I00E') or not (id>='I00E')]

we are both correct, it was just that you missed out on that first condition line, everything else was fine.
this one ->
if not (id&gt;=&#039;I00E&#039; and id&lt;=&#039;I00Z&#039;) then//this message always shows...

another side note, you might want to set the charges after recreating the item :d
if charges&gt;0 and not boo then
        call RemoveItem(picked)
        call CreateItem(id-512, x, y)


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Yes, I added a set charges function as well. Note that I didn't change the BJDebug message, I changed the conditions FUNCTION for the entire trigger. The message actually started functioning correctly (e.g. not showing), even though I was still picking up flares. I think I realize now why it wasn't working-the condition triggered whenever a unit picked up any charged item, so when the trigger came along to the UnitAddItem function, it triggered itself again.

I still don't see what you are trying to say about the BJDebug is correct and functions how I want it to (now). Well, it is superfluous now with the new condition. Now on to figure out transferring items between units...


The Undead Ranger.
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I still don't see what you are trying to say about the BJDebug is correct and functions how I want it to (now).

thats what i said lol, its correct except for the condition (previously, its correct now of course)

and what do you mean transfer items?


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thats what i said lol, its correct except for the condition (previously, its correct now of course)

and what do you mean transfer items?

Well that is funny, because you made absolutely no mention of the condition function (in fact, the word "condition" doesn't show up in this thread until my post stating that I fixed the condition function) before I fixed it. Try to be clearer next time.

By transfer items, I mean transferring items directly between units. I am going to ask about it in a new thread if I can't find a way to do it by searching. This thread is done.
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