JASS Error...


Lєgєπd of Mysтicfаlcoи
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I'm using textsplat library. When I'm saving my map on normal world editor there aren't any problem. But I need to use New Gen Pack. When I save the map in new gen 2 errors appear. My problem is here, how can I solve it?

Error: Functions passed to Filter or Condition must return a boolean.
function ts_CreateTextSplat takes string text,real baseX,real baseY,string font,integer size,integer valign,integer halign,integer color returns integer
 local integer id= GetFreeArrayIndex(TS_ARRAY_NAME())
 local string ref= TS_INSTANCE() + I2S(id)
 local image img= null
 local trigger t= null
 local conditionfunc c= null
 local integer length= StringLength(text)
 local real sizePerUnit= ( size * 4.0 ) / 32.0
 local real curSize= 0
 local integer maxWidth= 0
 local integer curWidth= 0
 local integer overall= 0
 local integer lnr= 0
 local integer count= 0
 local integer r= ColorIntegerGetRed(color)
 local integer g= ColorIntegerGetGreen(color)
 local integer b= ColorIntegerGetBlue(color)
 local integer a= ColorIntegerGetAlpha(color)
 local integer temp= 0
 local integer i= 0
 local string cur= ""
 local string next= SubString(text , 0 , 1)
		set cur = next
		exitwhen ( cur == "" or cur == null )
		set next = SubString(text , i + 1 , i + 2)
		if ( ( cur == "|" and next == "n" ) or cur == "\n" or cur == "\r" ) then
			call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "LetterCount" + I2S(lnr) , count)
			call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "LineWidth" + I2S(lnr) , curWidth)
			call FlushStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "StartIndex" + I2S(lnr))
			if ( curWidth > maxWidth ) then
				set maxWidth = curWidth
			set overall = overall + count
			set count = 0
			set curWidth = 0
			set lnr = lnr + 1
			if ( cur == "|" ) then
				set i = i + 1
				set next = SubString(text , i + 1 , i + 2)
		elseif ( cur == "|" and next == "r" ) then
			if ( length > i + 1 ) then
				call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "ColorTag" + I2S(count) + "Line" + I2S(lnr) , 2)
			set r = ColorIntegerGetRed(color)
			set g = ColorIntegerGetGreen(color)
			set b = ColorIntegerGetBlue(color)
			set a = ColorIntegerGetAlpha(color)
			set i = i + 1
			set next = SubString(text , i + 1 , i + 2)
		elseif ( cur == "|" and next == "c" and length > i + 9 and IsHexadecimal(SubString(text , i + 2 , i + 10)) ) then
			set temp = ColorString2ColorInteger(SubString(text , i + 2 , i + 10))
			set r = ColorIntegerGetRed(temp)
			set g = ColorIntegerGetGreen(temp)
			set b = ColorIntegerGetBlue(temp)
			set a = ColorIntegerGetAlpha(temp)
			call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "ColorTag" + I2S(count) + "Line" + I2S(lnr) , 1)
			call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "Color" + I2S(count) + "Line" + I2S(lnr) , temp)
			set i = i + 9
			set next = SubString(text , i + 1 , i + 2)
			set temp = Asc(cur)
			if ( temp >= 32 and temp <= 127 ) then
				set curSize = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , "Font::" + font , "Width" + I2S(temp)) * sizePerUnit
				set curWidth = curWidth + GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , "Font::" + font , "Width" + I2S(temp))
				if ( temp != 32 ) then
					set img = CreateImageEx(TS_FONTSPATH() + font + "\\" + I2S(temp) + ".blp" , 32 * sizePerUnit , 32 * sizePerUnit , 0 , 0 , 0 , true)
					call SetImageColor(img , r , g , b , a)
					call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "Image" + I2S(count) + "Line" + I2S(lnr) , H2I(img))
				call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "Letter" + I2S(count) + "Line" + I2S(lnr) , temp)
				set count = count + 1
		set i = i + 1
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "LetterCount" + I2S(lnr) , count)
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "LineWidth" + I2S(lnr) , curWidth)
	call FlushStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "StartIndex" + I2S(lnr))
        if ( curWidth > maxWidth ) then
		set maxWidth = curWidth
        set overall = overall + count
        set lnr = lnr + 1
	call StoreBoolean(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "Visible" , true)
	call StoreString(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "Font" , font)
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "Size" , size)
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "Valign" , valign)
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "Halign" , halign)
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "DefaultColor" , color)
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "LetterCount" , overall)
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "LineCount" , lnr)
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "MaxWidth" , maxWidth)
	call StoreReal(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "BaseX" , baseX)
	call StoreReal(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "BaseY" , baseY)
	call StoreReal(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "OffsetX" , 0)
	call StoreReal(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "OffsetY" , 0)
	set t = CreateTrigger()
	[B][COLOR="Red"][B]set c = Condition(function ts_UpdateTextSplatPosition)[/B][/COLOR][/B]
	call TriggerAddCondition(t , c)
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "Dispatcher" , H2I(t))
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache , ref , "DispatcherCondition" , H2I(c))
	set bj_enumDestructableRadius = baseX
	set bj_meleeNearestMineDist = baseY
	set bj_groupEnumTypeId = id
	call TriggerEvaluate(t)
	set img = null
	set t = null
	set c = null
	return id

Error: Functions passed to Filter or Condition must return a boolean.
function TextSplatCreateGradient takes string text,real baseX,real baseY,string font,integer size,integer valign,integer halign,integer colorFrom,integer colorTo returns integer
 local integer id= 0
 local trigger t= null
 local conditionfunc c= null
	if ( StringLength(text) <= 0xFF ) then
		set id = ts_CreateTextSplat(text , baseX , baseY , font , size , valign , halign , CreateColorInteger(255 , 255 , 255 , 255))
		set t = CreateTrigger()
		[B][B][COLOR="Red"]set c = Condition(function ts_SetTextSplatColorGradient)[/COLOR][/B][/B]
		call TriggerAddCondition(t , c)
		set bj_groupEnumTypeId = id
		set bj_groupCountUnits = colorFrom
		set bj_forceCountPlayers = colorTo
		call TriggerEvaluate(t)
		call DestroyTrigger(t)
		call DestroyCondition(c)
		set t = null
		set c = null
	return id


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ts_UpdateTextSplatPosition and ts_SetTextSplatColorGradient must return boolean.


function ts_UpdateTextSplatPosition takes nothing returns boolean // see the boolean at the end..
    return true // or false, but it must return one or the other

it can also return stuff like:

Because it is still checking for true or false statements.


Lєgєπd of Mysтicfаlcoи
Reaction score
function ts_UpdateTextSplatPosition takes nothing returns nothing
	local string ref = TS_INSTANCE() + I2S(bj_groupEnumTypeId)
	local integer size = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "Size")
	local integer valign = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "Valign")
	local integer halign = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "Halign")
	local integer lineCount = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "LineCount")
	local string font = "Font::" + GetStoredString(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "Font")
	local real widthPerUnit = (size * 4.0) / 32.0
	local real heightPerUnit = (size * 4.0) / 32.0
	local real maxWidth = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "MaxWidth") * widthPerUnit
	local real maxHeight = lineCount * 32 * heightPerUnit
	local integer nrLetters = 0
	local real lineWidth = 0
	local real letterWidth = 0
	local real xOffset = 0
	local real yOffset = 0
	local real curX = 0
	local real curY = 0
	local integer i = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "StartIndex")
        local integer count = 0
	local integer cur = 0
	local integer j = 0
		exitwhen count == lineCount
		set j = 0
		set xOffset = 0
		if (valign == 0) then
			set curY = bj_meleeNearestMineDist - yOffset // otherwise +
		elseif (valign == 1) then
			set curY = bj_meleeNearestMineDist + ((lineCount / 2) - count) * 32 * heightPerUnit // otherwise (lineCount / 2) - (lineCount - count)
			set curY = bj_meleeNearestMineDist + (lineCount - 1) * 32 * heightPerUnit - yOffset
		set cur = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "StartIndex" + I2S(i))
		set lineWidth = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "LineWidth" + I2S(i)) * widthPerUnit
		set nrLetters = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "LetterCount" + I2S(i))
			exitwhen j == nrLetters
			set letterWidth = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, font, "Width" + I2S(GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "Letter" + I2S(cur) + "Line" + I2S(i)))) * widthPerUnit
			if (halign == 0) then
				set curX = bj_enumDestructableRadius + xOffset
			elseif (halign == 1) then
				set curX = bj_enumDestructableRadius + (maxWidth / 2) - (lineWidth / 2) + xOffset
				set curX = bj_enumDestructableRadius + maxWidth - lineWidth + xOffset
			call SetImagePosition(I2Img(GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "Image" + I2S(cur) + "Line" + I2S(i))), curX, curY, 0)
			set xOffset = xOffset + letterWidth
			set cur = ModuloInteger(cur + 1, nrLetters)
			set j = j + 1
		set yOffset = yOffset + (32 * heightPerUnit)
                set count = count + 1
		set i = ModuloInteger(i + 1, lineCount)


function SetTextSplatColorGradient takes integer textSplat, integer colorFrom, integer colorTo returns nothing
	local string ref = TS_INSTANCE() + I2S(textSplat)
	local integer r = ColorIntegerGetRed(colorFrom)
	local integer g = ColorIntegerGetGreen(colorFrom)
	local integer b = ColorIntegerGetBlue(colorFrom)
	local integer a = ColorIntegerGetAlpha(colorFrom)
	local integer count = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "LetterCount")
	local real dr = (ColorIntegerGetRed(colorTo) - r) / I2R(count)
	local real dg = (ColorIntegerGetGreen(colorTo) - g) / I2R(count)
	local real db = (ColorIntegerGetBlue(colorTo) - b) / I2R(count)
	local real da = (ColorIntegerGetAlpha(colorTo) - a) / I2R(count)
	local integer temp = 0
	local integer lines = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "LineCount")
	local integer letters = 0
	local integer i = 0
	local integer j = 0
	set count = 0
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "DefaultColor", CreateColorInteger((r + ColorIntegerGetRed(colorTo)) / 2, (g + ColorIntegerGetGreen(colorTo)) / 2, (b + ColorIntegerGetBlue(colorTo)) / 2, (a + ColorIntegerGetAlpha(colorTo)) / 2))
	call ts_FadeCleanup(GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "FadeTimer"), true)
		exitwhen i == lines
		set letters = GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "LetterCount" + I2S(i))
		set j = 0
			exitwhen j == letters
			call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "Color" + I2S(j) + "Line" + I2S(i), CreateColorInteger(R2I(r + dr * count + 0.5), R2I(g + dg * count + 0.5), R2I(b + db * count + 0.5), R2I(a + da * count + 0.5)))
			call SetImageColor(I2Img(GetStoredInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "Image" + I2S(j) + "Line" + I2S(i))), R2I(r + dr * count + 0.5), R2I(g + dg * count + 0.5), R2I(b + db * count + 0.5), R2I(a + da * count + 0.5))
			set count = count + 1
			set j = j + 1
		set i = i + 1
	call StoreInteger(udg_TextSplatCache, ref, "ColorType", 1)


function ts_SetTextSplatColorGradient takes nothing returns nothing
	call SetTextSplatColorGradient(bj_groupEnumTypeId, bj_groupCountUnits, bj_forceCountPlayers)


Throwing science at the wall to see what sticks
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Did you make the system yourself, or did you download it somewhere? If you downloaded it somewhere, then it's very strange (since noone would be dumb enough to upload a clearly not-working system, would they?)

Seems very, very, very odd that this system wouldn't work, as the TextSplat library being used is made by PitzerMike... He definietly wouldn't upload a system that doesn't work.


Lєgєπd of Mysтicfаlcoи
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I was using normal world editor, and I needed to use this library, so I put code in the map custom script. It was working without any error. When I started to use New Gen, these 2 compile errors showed up...
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