Cult Project


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an idea, then

Well, since it came to my mind:
Each God will have grant his followers an elemental Guardin, which is like a pet, and levels up, gets stronger and such.Each pet has special powers, and each level it gains becomes stronger.
Apart from it, you can make the Guardians hold items for further fun.
What do you think?


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Salene (i think)

Spell:the sleep god can make it night for a short time (the night elf items as an ability)
Ritual:sacrifice 4 Followers to summon a Wandering spirit(strong warrior who fights until death)


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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updated the main thread with all the ability's for the gods, im still accepting ideas because many of them may be over-powered or useless, nearly finished with terrain, I'll be posting screen shots when i finish with everything, triggering shouldn't take TOO long, but i should be able to release a beta version not to long after Halloween..
Rituals, Spell revision/name changes
I've already run into an interesting bug, the fade action takes effect for all players, so i can no longer use that in the conversion cinematic, if anyone has an idea of what should replace this function, or has a thought on fixing it so fade effect can be used by individual players, please! post!
At this point, i've been thinking about how the cultists would battle, i dont think it'd be too wise to have all the little cultists running around swarming eachother, so i've decided they must be stationary in your cave, on this note i realize fighting with your high priest alone could get a little frustration, so id like to know what you think, would you want summons? a familiar? some bonus from your followers? mercenary camp? or would you be happy with a relatively strong hero and plenty of mana to be throwing around your religious spells?


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Well, since it came to my mind:
Each God will have grant his followers an elemental Guardin, which is like a pet, and levels up, gets stronger and such.Each pet has special powers, and each level it gains becomes stronger.
Apart from it, you can make the Guardians hold items for further fun.
What do you think?

what do you think of this?
200th post xD


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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thats under consideration, i mentioned "summons" in the discussion, i wanna get peoples points of view and what they'd prefer before i make a solid decision


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what do u mean by summons?

like warriors or something?

will each have unique summons? :)


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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i just had an idea, you can recruit mercenaries, and every evening you have to pay for there services, if you can't afford them, you lose 'em, give people some incentive to get gold and do quests besides exp, also, i think imma add in a familiar summon, it'll be like Misha, from the durator campaign, you summon it, its perm till it dies, it gets better the higher your main hero level is etc


Ok, here we go.
General thoughts: I really like the idea and concept of the map. One thought I had was that as you gain more spells/levels as a leader of a cult, you change shapes. So a follower of the undead would become a shade, then a ghoul, then acolyte, then necromancer, then lich. This would make things quite a bit more interesting I would imagine. For the Unseen a translucent knight would be cool.

The Unseen.
I really like the concept and story, though more abilities should be focused on protecting people in my opinion

Level 1 - Turtle Stance (Defense/Regen)
Level 2 - Tiger Stance (Crit Strike/Attack Speed)
Level 3 - Vigilance ( Move Speed/Agility )

- I like these, though I think it would be interesting if the stances were perminant passive bonuses that you could switch between. For example, your about to jump into a group of enemies? Go turtle for defense. Just going for the quick kill? Go Tiger. etc.

-How about this for an idea? *unsure of a name at the moment* After talking to a villager, if you do not try to convert them, they have a lower chance of being converted by someone else, and after a day or so, a higher chance to be converted by you.
Lore could be people are impressed by how you seem to care about the villagers, so are less sure of following people. After given time to think, they feel you would be the right people to follow.

-Another spell idea would be a spell that causes you to gain more gold from quest and such, as the people are enamoured with you as a protector of the merchants.

-Hasten to protect: For every non enemy unit that falls around you, non enemy units gain armor, and the hero gains armor and attack speed. As their fellows fall, a follower of the unseen rushes to the aid of those left standing.

-The Unseen Shield: Hero has X bonus armor. That armor is spread between the hero and all allied units nearby. For example: Hero has +10 armor. An allied unit comes within range of the aura. The armor is then split so the hero and the allied unit both have +5 armor.


Peitha- A cool idea, and Naga look great.


Selene- Moon is often done, but there are always ways to make a common idea unique to oneself.

-Pull of the Moon- Hero gains a move speed bonus and extra armor at night. The amount is fairly low at first but goes up as midnight nears. After midnight, the bonuses weaken untill they are totally gone during the day.

-Pull of the Sun- One can not live with just the moon alone. Hero gains extra damage and attack speed during the day, the closer to noon, the higher the bonus. This would be very much like Pull of the Moon. Could always combine the two abilities into one.


Heyte- Fun fun. Assassins and thieves. I really like the disguise idea.

-Blind- Been done before I know, but still could be good. Greatly lowers a targets sight radius.

-Blackmail- Gives a % chance to find the dirt on a npc, allowing you to extort money from them. There is always the chance they will ignore you and just call guards.

-Vicious Rumors- Spreads rumors about other cult leaders, lowering their reputation. Can backfire, lowering your own.


The Nhuvasarim- Necrophelia anyone?

-Convincing corpse- Raises a dead villager. The villager proceeds to walk around town and talk to people. After the undead villager talks to them, there is a higher chance they will convert to your side. There should be a way to tell the undead villager apart from others. Also, whenever the undead guy talks to a regular villager there should be a chance the villager catches on, and calls the guards.

Deceptive Corpse- Raises a villager that looks just like a normal one, but has a very high chance of being converted. If converted by someone, the villager will become a cult member of theirs but you gain piety from them as well as the person that converted them.


Kayle- While not the earth, it is cool to have an element in the game. Could be hard to get enough good spell concepts for wind though.

-Wind Wall- Creates a circular wall of wind around the target area, nothing can go in or out (if possible, not even projectiles).

-Random Winds: Select a large target area, any non allied unit in the area is randomly blown to a different area in the area every X seconds.

-Watch your step- Covers a target area with ice, causing any unit except the caster to have a % chance to slide forward X range. Enemy units have a chance of falling when they slide, taking damage and maybe reducing move speed for a duration.


Sorry for the mass of text.


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An idea came to mind:

you can actually make a 'will' feature.

The stronger the 'will' of the followers, the stronger their pact with the God.

And will gets stronger the more better a God does his overall rule among mortals.

What do you think?


Hey, you stole my idea!
... Well, not precisely... it's a good idea for a campaign.
Good luck.

Will feature sounds quite unique. ;)


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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im not so sure about the will idea, it sounds good in theory but in practice?
the followers raise piety, which is basically lumber that can be used in researches and upgrades.. the more followers you have the higher your piety is raised each night, so the stronger you become.. because you gain access to new spells and abilities.. piety + will would sorta be redundant? or maybe im misunderstanding what it does.. would it just raise health/mana cap? or +damage? or..?
(btw mik, thanks alot for the ideas)

and.. :p soul.. sry :D


Wow, I have got to say your map is VERY creative. Its got really good ideas, and I can tell its only going to get better. So, id like to, at the least, be a tester for it. Im an intermediate map-maker, so i dont figure on you being able to use me for that. The reputation is what really made me want to help. Thats the best idea ever! Games where you pick to be evil or good suck. Its super, you do a quest to help out an evil boss take over a town, and your reputation goes down ( for the good people ) and it goes up for the evil people.
Now, im not sure of what all you have, so im just going to say some of the ideas i got from just playing your game for 10 minutes and reading the quests.

Heres a trigger, when somebodys rep gets to a certain level (in the negatives or positives) a umm, say recruiter, is sent out to find them. When they do find you, you can choos whether to accept the quest or not. Also, with the guards attacking you when youve got low rep, the eviler towns will not attack you, when you get bad enough.

Also, for heros, if your going to have items, i found this thing that makes an item bag, and an equip. So, you can hold more than just 6 things.

Im still not exactly sure what your game is totally based on yet, so im not gonna keep listing off ideas that are totally a waste. Could you post something that basically wraps it all up? or pming me works too.

EDIT: Alright, i read all 4 pages of this forum, played around a bit more on the game. So, i think im ready to continue on my list of things.

Youve been asking for quests, rituals, and ideas for the different cults. Well, i think youve got like 4 people trying to help witht he cults, ill try to come up with ideas for rituals first, then get some quests.

1) Okay, so, i figure to do some rituals you need to get some ritual objects.
Make a ritual rock, where you can put items onto it. Now, heres what you can do! Ex. Go and get a womans hair, you can get it randomly (like 30%) by just talking to her. Once you get that, go find a rock, and a stick ( place a couple sticks around a tree every so often). Those 3 things can be the ritaul objects. You take them and put them all onto the ritual rock. Or you could even combine them all in your inventory first. After you do all that, your Followers will get the ability to cast a spell on the Temple. It will require 5 followers to cast it. After you cast it... then the temple gets something. Idk yet, im just getting some ideas out for the rituals themselves.
2) Blood sacrafices! Yes... you will lose some Followers, but its worth it if you can get all the ritual objects together. Sacraficing should be a must for getting the best stuff for your temple. OH! I just got this, when you defeat an opposing players hero, they will turn into a defeated something. Idk, a defeated cult leader. Anyways, you can choose to kill them, or to bring them to your temple. Sacrafice them.

Also, i went to this town and i converted a blacksmith. Now, whats the point in coverting a blacksmith, if he cant even make armor for me. I say, put him to work while i can before he becomes a follower. Even better, he should turn into a different kind of follower. Of course, since thats just a little beta map to let us all get used to some of the ideas, you may not even be able to convert the blacksmith later. But if you can...


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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I haven't really fully decided yet, but i was thinking there would be modes, those will generally decide how the game plays out, if its kill an enemy, or accomplish a certain amount of quests.. etc

Converting blacksmith is a minor error, so dont pay too much attention too him
glad to see your interested in it :D always inspires me to work harder when people show interest


Just wanted to post and let you know im here.

Whenever you get a new version, with more stuff, be sure ill play it. Though, somethings up with my and its not letting me on. My acc name is monsterstormer, though i couldnt fit the 'er' in for this.

Ahh, so itd be like dota kind of (only in the regards that you pick sorta how the games gonna be)? Red would pick some diffferent options... Thatd be cool

EDIT: Okay, I got some abilities i came up with. Havent had a lot of time to spend on them though.

Peitha:Dazzle As you gaze upen her, you forget the battle which you face for 5 seconds. (5 is very changeable)

Kayle: - Not sure of the name yet. Winds swirld around the caster and pick him up. (raise his elevation) Area of sight is increased. Hold in sky for 5 seconds. He is un-able to be atatcked by melee untis, but range untis do x2 damage to caster.
Strong Winds- Horribly strong winds lower the sight of all heros and also gives them 30% chance to miss attacks.

Selene: Remembrance- Selene thinks back to the times when she was with her brother. Depending on he time she remembers she gains different bonuses. (random)

Ive gotta go to a football game, ill be back later to come up with more


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Why is everyone makeing there post's so LONG It took me 1/2 hour to read it all

PS: I Like the Idea of the map:eek:
and about the picking your god thing, if you going to use colors to decide them then y dont you put in a dialog box to pick a god, then what ever god you pick it changes you main characters color and then all the triggers haveing to do with te choosen god could be like [ (Triggering Player's color) Equal to (chosen gods color) ] I am not shure it will work but might as well give it a try :)


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Looks Nice Really Nice it must of took time :) , Omg I was about to say you're WC Username but if I did you would get mad and Demote me to Grunt :(
but anyway, I wish I could do terrian this good :rolleyes:


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Well your lucky i let my friend borrow my Wc3 Games :banghead: and i cant evan see the tarrain yet:mad: and from all the other posts it sounds awsome so i guess i am lucky i am getting it back tommrowYAY!


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alright, updated the map in the main thread
all i really did was make changes to terrain.. the bottem left( a city ), and middle-top (swamp), i also textured all the ground with pathways, dont really need to pay much attention to that yet
Next Update: hopefully the next time i update the map, the middle section (forest) will be all done, with a small camp and a forest village, along with a city, and another standard farming village, with all that said, the terraining should be 100% complete the next time i post it, then onward to triggering/objects and anything else required (sounds etc..)

Still in need of:
Quest ideas, take a look at terrain and see if anything inspires you
Ability ideas, like the goddess of persuasion gets charm, and stuff
and as always, if you have an idea say it :)
ok about the quests i dont really know about this but i'll say it anyway;
( this was sopposed to be it there is a fire god )
you should have a quest you get from a fire god follower (Passive) that you have to steal a magic Water Stone from a sacrid place to the god of water ( also not sure there is a water god ) but there is a City of Naga guarding the stone and you have to destory the city and escape with the water stone, And as a twist you can decide if you want to keep the stone or give it to the guy who gave you the quest. But if you decide to keep the stone then the guy turns Hostial and attacks you. but if you give him the stone some Naga come from nowhere and you and the fire god follower must defeat the naga. ( and the stone [if you keep it] gains the power Crushing wave or something ) I am not sure it will work with your map because i have'nt seen the map terrain yet so i hope i have been atleast some help:)


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that seems like a good idea

kinda complex but still good

there should also be a way to side with the naga and fight the fire people

this might be to comple but hey...


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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I am back from my long hiatus, and im ready to start this project back up! Im still in desperate need of spell ideas for all religions, and quests!
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