Wanna contribute to a map?

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I have a few generic ideas, one of which I've actually done. You can create a swarm ability for the necro(I know, I know, overdone) that you can set as either a defensive spell that does damage to any units within close range, or as an attack spell that can harass enemies at a distance. What you do is take the summoned unit, whatever one you prefer, and give it a modified form of the phoenix ability, like BattleShips. This gives the unit an automatic, random attack, that with the right effect, could look very nice. You could give the swarm range a very short distance, but give the attack range of phoenix a really long range, looking like you summoned ranged spellcasters :)

Another interesting variation, if possible, is using the same swarm ability, and making
the swarming unit a copy of the hero. Weird, but it would be like a "diffusal of spirit."
You would have to render the casting hero invisible during the duration, or replace it with a cool effect.

Ablilty number three is more along the lines of an elemental spell. Well, tri-elemental. If you can rig it so that three elemental spells (fire, lightning, ice) are cast either in order or all at once, it would probably be very interesting to watch, and thats probably all that can be said for it.

For the rogue, I would recommend giving him a form of a "double strike" ability. It would be a permanent ability, that makes a unit strike twice very quickly. Higher lvls might decrease the speed between strikes, dmg, etc.

(P.S.) For yet another, more creative variation of swarm... if you have a couple of dummy units casting the same ability, only with the swarming unit having a different phoenix fire effect, you could create a variety of projectile attacks. Say, having fire/ice/lightning effects. It would definitely make it a bit more unique. Using a necro as the swarming unit would make it look like the skellie mages from D2, but you can use whatever you want.
Just a few thoughts. Hope they are interesting.


sqrage said:
hmmmm how do you write in JASS?
I believe you are asking in the wrong thread. Either look around, or start your own. You certainly are not going to get the answers you want here... although I don't know either, it is not a topic you want to take lightly.


ryoko if you wanna do a rpg with a unique style, you should try to make it like final fantasy, when encountring a ennemy evry 5 player(its a example) hit him after each other by selecting a attack with a selector. well i dont know if you understand what i mean, would be hard and long to make but unique and you would have my admiration :p!


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From my experience, random battles are sucky in warcraft.

Nah, just build hordes of enemies to put the heroes through as well as distinct environments and you will be ok :)

Aka some of the following:

Now I know you're good at enviroments and ideas and such, but here are a few of my ideas...and you're bound to have most if not all of these ideas (or better ones :D) already.

-- Durdek Lava Lands --

Perhaps for a quest or to get from one place to another, you can pass through the Durdek Lava Lands.

Lava texture, large fire, flame traps, and volcanoes are a definite plus here. However, there should be a few specials:

1) Several places in the Lava Lands you'll have to traverse over hot coals. Stepping on these coals should slowly damage a hero (and it's obvious that the main walkway has to be doodad'd in so the heroes don't walk on the lava texture).

2) Lava Lands was once a great temple channeling to a warp to the Plane of Fire. When the portal collapsed, the temple was filled with fire, however, some places were channeled with fire magic, making them resistant to the flame. Basically, adding this story explains the walkway...and it allows you to add some flaming ruins eye candy.

3) Besides your standard lava elementals/soldiers/whatever you like attacking on the walkway, it might be a cool idea to every now and then have lava balls come out of one spot and go through the walkway to the other spot, or a lava worm passing out of the ground spitting a few fire spiticules at the heroes.

4) The Boss would be a gigantic Sand Worm. However you do it, the Sand Worm will take damage differently. It will start out by summoning fire elementals using mana. When the Sand Worm's mana reaches 0 (he has no mana recharge), his head will somehow fall down or at least become targetable. Once the Sand Worm's head is down for 10-20 seconds (your pick...he might be dead he might not depending on how you stats him), he'll suddenly regain his mana and shoot back up, spurting some lava at the heroes (small initial damage but sticks around for a long time doing little bits of damage that it's best to avoid or heal).

-- Frosty Plains of Nemorath --

Same as the above, can be for a quest or passing through.

Ice chunks, ice texture (make use of the texture changing trigger like the above dungeon perhaps), with water and ice floe.

1) Several places you will have to knock over ice blocks into the water to form a bridge (raise one up/create one...you figure it out :D). Also, if you cast a fire spell, some ice nearby will crack or melt. If your hero is on some cracked ice, you guessed it, he falls in. He'll be cast back out immediately, but not before taking small initial damage with a nasty long-lasting frost damage (that can be healed and should).

2) Nemorath was once a small bustling village until an Ice Age struck it when Ice magic suddenly overpowered fire magic in a short period of history. For some reason it hasn't melted, but the people frozen inside wouldn't survive anyway. That is the basis on why you can step on some stone solid ground every now and then, and also why there are some sheep, villagers, and whole houses encased in varying size of ice doodad.

3) The Boss is a dang big Ice Elemental (shown as an infernal perhaps). As it takes damage, rock chunks (doesn't need a change in the model, but rather some sort of cluster rocket mod with small rocks) will fall down dealing damage with a 1 second stun to whoever it strikes, while summoning an ice elemental. When it's hp reaches 0, the boss explodes. As you walk away the path in front of you suddenly freezes up and icy winds blow you back to where the boss "died". Now you see some ice chunks where it was, and they explode just as you are thrown in front of them to reveal the icy core of the Elemental...no rocks included. It will look like a Water Elemental but will originally start by causing ice chunks to fall down on the heroes while they swing at the thing. After reaching half health, the elemental starts melting into water, and will start attacking "normally" (a wave of water) as opposed to ice chunks. When its health reaches 0, it completely melts and slides away into the pool behind it. The place around you steadily unfreezes (back to grass and plain trees) and you're left with a pile of dead villagers and sheep and the like.

-- Empir Dungeon --

Can't forget something like this for something slightly copying Diablo, right? Well, this might be a somewhat different event. Perhaps you can have it so that at one point in the story the heroes are framed and thrown in jail. While there, they're all separated in different cells relatively far away from each other (some can be in pairs). An earthquake shakes the jail, so you can add some dust effect, falling rocks, and lots of rocks to go along with the jail theme.

1) Since you start out separated, the first goal is to rejoin into the mighty group. You can make it all the more reason to by making the key to one of the locks of the final exit in each other's cell block. Basically making it so that it's a passtime to join up as you get the keys.

2) As the locks come off the door, the earthquake hits all the harder. Guards are in disarray, and might even run away from you. And as earth turns up entrances to never beforeseen caves, never beforeseen creatures come out. Tsk.

3) When the final lock comes off you're greeted by a small host of elite guards. Once dispatched, the Warden pops out in his magnificent armor and weapon (swinging mace would be ultra cool, but you'd have to model and animate that in your 3dsmax). When the Warden reaches half health, he suddenly warps back to the stairs, laughs, and then teleports away from you, most probably out of the dungeon. Run up the long flight of stairs quickly, because rock chunks will be pouring down on you. As you break through the door at the end, the stairs collapse behind you and you're now sitting in the main jail lobby. Warden? Nope. Hideous Creature? Yes, you face a Forgotten One (or whatever they're called...those jelly oozy things). The creature itself is invincible and attacks you with its tentacles. The goal is destroy the 4 pillars and chain holding up a massive plate of stone. As you break the pillars, it will start summoning minions. Finally, after the forth pillar, the chain can no longer hold the weight of the plate and snaps, sending the plate down on the creature (whose taller than you so you don't get squashed). It totally shatters, dealing a tiny amount of damage to you and your comrades.

The creature itself is not dead, and indeed quite ticked at you. It's still invincible, it still attacks with tentacles, and worse, it now floats in the air. However, in its anger it tore up the rubble in your path, opening the door to the outside of the jail. As you run outside, the creature tries to follow you but cannot fit through the door. But when you run into the courtyard it breaks through and to boot blocks the two spots of the courtyard with thorns. After lasting 30 seconds against this vile, invincible creature the thorns out of the courtyard are chopped out and in comes the warden. The thorns regrow as he reenters but fear not, the warden tosses his weapon (via attack #2 of course) and his magic at the creature, sending it back to the ground. As the Warden laughs, the creature lashes out and greatly wounds the warden, sending him to the ground. The Warden teleports out again, and now it is your fight. Strike the creature down to 0 health and it will shrink into the ground. The Warden appears again and steps on the piece of ground where the creature shrinked into and stands triumphantly. As he rearrests you and the team, a tentacle suddenly pops out of the ground and drags him under, leaving only his spare weapon (the exact same as what he threw).

-- Castle of Evil (or whatever you choose to call it) --

The final place, the centre of cliche, the centre of all RPGs. You have to have your castle of the evil dude, and you have to, as one of the cooler cliches, bring back some of your bosses or tie up some loose ends.

1) First you have to get inside. It's "castleish" (is that even a word?), so give it lots of archways and trapdoors that spit out troops and treasure. It's the outside, so give some open spaces in the decoration.

2) Now you're inside but not deep in. Make it darker with fewer openings. Give it some libraries full of evil spellcasters. Throughout this level a strange dark warrior appears (make it look the same as the Warden, but of course a low color tinting) and fights you. When you reach the end of this level, which is in the largest library before the staircase to the deep bowels of the fortress, he will show up for a real fight. At first an enchantment will block you from the staircase and where you came from, so you can't leave. Then, a flood of mages will appear. Then, the Shadow Warrior. He has the ability to clone himself (which can be made really annoying...by stunning the attacker of a clone before destroying the clone), and he can slink into the ground and pop up to manuever around the tables and bookcases. Once his health reaches 0, he disappears and the macho mage teleports in. He's the real fight. Not only can he cast magic shields to totally destroy casted spells, but he can also dispel positive effects and he can also buff himself...and can teleport around. But, he's very weak physically, so the berzerker (or whoever your tank hero is) can own him. Once the Mage dies the enchantment dissipates and you pass to the next part.

3) The whole of this area. You have to have your Dungeons of evil. Somewhere in here you should find a way of bringing back a lot of your bosses. An example is bringing back what happened in the Jail. Somewhere in the area the ground should open up (via ubersplat or something) and out should come a possessed (reskinned) Warden. Not only can he swing his mace and throw it at you, but he can call out tentacles from the ground. Once you beat him he'll sink back down into the ground again and out will come that oozy Forgotten One monster. Chop a nearby chain to your right to release a big chunk of lead (for turning into gold later) onto the creature, instantly splitting it into a gory mess. The Warden will pop up too but will explode after the tentacles holding him together no longer have the energy to do so, taking it from the big creature. And at the end of this level, you should meet a mad scientist who proudly introduces your equals...no, your "betters". Depending on your team, that number of clones will be introduced. The clones look slightly darker and have the extra ability to Nightmare, which deals mediocre initial damage while dealing random amounts of damage over time, small or large. When the clone team is destroyed, the mad scientist runs away but accidentally trips into a nearby (and incredibly convenient) vat of acid. Continuing on will send you into the strange portal to who knows where.

4) And now the final area. I don't want to go suggesting a final boss to you, but the more phases and different strategies needed, the better. Diablo has too much hack and slash.


yah i understand, but if you want it to make it more special, i think you should put special skill shop or something like that, what i mean is that supose you pick archer, to have other then ur basic skill of archer ( like u receive a tree by leveling who allow you to buy a skill ) then you can only go the archer skill shop, (since ur a archer) and you could even make a advance archer skill in, but if you do that you would have to put something who would able to sold your skill.


Ultra Cool Member
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Bugzi: Thats a neat idea. That would allow me to have TEN PLUS abilities for characters, and you choose your five, like hero builder. I'll think about it, and parse this thread to pick up the other abilities I passed up.

I really apreciate the giant post. Heres my stance. I have a terrain concept and some of it done. However, I didn't want to release anything to public view yet. Like, a suprise. Its a castle, with custom wall models and secret sliding doors, custom textures, and I don't think people will be dissapointed.

I am a technical master. But I ....suck?... at characters, items, abilities, a small story line, etc. This is where I need it most. :D Even suggestions on models.

Enemies (i'll need a lot)


Ex TH Member
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Oh, awesome then. :D

I'm mediocre at technicalities, but IMO (and as others SEEM to think of me on the other forums I go to) quite good at the little writing details and the general idea of it all. I'm a Dreamer/Thinker, and so not much of a doer :D

That sounds good. Have you considered the mage with the really cool-looking spells to guard the way to the darker parts of the castle? I'd really love to see an Archmage WITHOUT his horse kick some butt into the hero team, whose mage will be outmatched.

If you want it Diablo-style, here are a few Horde (good in large numbers) enemies I have in my head at the moment:

Near the beginning:

Mace Recruit -- A man in armor with a swinging mace. Could use the same model as mr. warden if you include him in your RPG. The Mace Recruit can throw his mace very slowly at enemies far away but up close can use it pretty fast (basically two different attacks, one attacks slower and at a range).

Crossbowman Recruit -- Could be changed to Archer to keep the map smaller, but do whatever you think as good. Anyway, he's a dude that shoots arrows at a distance. When you get up close, he should use a knife. Oh, and he shoots inaccurately. Make his arrows not homing and in an arc and reduce their speed and there's a chance you can dive (maybe make that an ability or something activated by pressing an arrow key) out of the way.

Cavelier Recruit -- Maybe you could somehow animate the knight to use his pike, because that's basically what this dude is. The big key with this guy is that once you "kill him" he falls off his horse and fights on the ground as a Knight Recruit.

Knight Recruit -- A dude with a sword and shield, perhaps just a footman. Either way, his armor is thick and since you're barely trained, it's smarter to attack him with magic.

Cross Knight -- A really buffy dude with a gigantic sword and gigantic shield. Well, this is actually a weakened Knight. His shield is cracked and will break after you do 10 damage to him (you start out only doing 1 perhaps). And, his extra two layers of armor break soon after, turning him into a hard-hitting Knight Recruit.

In a sort of swamp:

Chimaera -- No, it's not that messed up with with the two heads that flies, it's the standard chimaera, with its lion body, eagle wings, snake tail, and the three heads of the animals, The Lion which is the center that bites you while spitting fire, the Eagle which is on the right side of the Lion that controls the lion and eagle claws while casting thunder on you, and the Snake which is on the left side of the Lion that controls the venomous tail while also spitting poison. If you choose to make this tough model you can recycle it by constantly reusing it in bigger and bigger chimaeras, because this swamp one is just a midget.

Unspeakable -- A large sludge monstrosity. Beware, it can eat one of your heroes and slowly kill him, so kill this thing quick.

Swamp Prancer -- A gigantic daddy long legs (could be spider model if you're lazy). Except, it's legs are quite a lot larger along with its head and feet for its height, which should be as high as the human soldier. When you're a little ways away it can try to kick and step on you with its feet (if it steps on you there is a 20% chance you're stunned for 2 seconds). When you're upclose, it bites you with its horrible poison.

Gigantic Chimaera -- Possible boss. Use the strangely colored swamp pillars to reflect that particular breath back at the creature to damage it.

In your castle:

Cross Knight -- Same as the guys near the beginning, except these guys are not weakened. They either carry a gigantic mace or a gigantic sword, and sometimes their shield is a book of magic, with which they cast some basic spells like heal on themselves and fireball, which hits ridiculously low damage since it's a very basic spell at this point in time. They're called "Cross Knights" because they have a black X engraved onto their armor back.

Cross Archer -- A simple crossbowman in fancy, shiny gray chainmail. He doesn't wear any engravings, but is rather in the "Cross" class because he waves his cross bow in an X pattern before firing, and this mysteriously makes his arrows home and always hit...unless your magic says otherwise ;)

Cross Cavalier -- His recognition as a Cross Cavalier is that his helmet front has a big X carved into it, which gives room for him to breathe. Well anyway, it's knight with said helmet on his strangely shaped head...and scaled up a bit. Once again, he uses his pike, and becomes a Cross Knight when killed.

Part 2 Additions to the Assaulting Forces (when you go inside the castle)

Archmage -- These guys are a strange story. When alone, their spells are worthless, doing small damage. But when they team up in teams of 5, their spells suddenly grow three times stronger and start dealing mediocre damage. Watch out for teams of 10 and over, because then it's just nasty. Perhaps hit and run technique is necessary when you have 20 archmages in a library.

Elder Archmage -- That uber boss I suggested. Teleports, dispels, and casts magic like crazy.

Part 3 Additions to the Assaulting Forces (when you descend into the evil bowels of the castle, quite much deeper than you would plan to go)

Magic Horseman -- Means what it says. If you're feeling up to some small particle and polygon effects, make this dude. I can't quite describe the image as I see it, but basically an incredibly polygonal (looks like the skeleton for the knight...it has those "diamond" shape...well...shapes. :D). And after you have purple and blue skinned polygons, you can add some cloudy effects around said polygons and give it a cool "magical" look.

Chained Rageoid -- A scientific experiment gone wrong. Fortunately, he's chained, and can only spit incredibly piercing and damaging needles at you as you walk by. Better take him out quick. He can look like a flesh golem or like a wildkin. Your choice.

Rageoid -- How did this thing get unchained...? Well now he attacks you with his fists, which is a faster way of doing the same damage as his needle spit, which he uses before charging into you (which is literally an ability, taken from the Berzerker, the Rageoid can do it more effectively with his large mass).

...And don't forget buffed up bosses that you've beaten before.

Part 4 Additions to the Assaulting Forces (when you warp into a strange dimension where everything is twisted)

Shadow Warrior -- Weakened, buffed up, or the same from the library (or not at said library and therefore a new addition, but anyway), it's all the same. He slinks around and attacks you then backs away and uses some expert (but not master like the Elder Archmage) magic.

Displacement -- Can only be taken down with magic. It's a gigantic purple cloud that releases impossibilities as long as it is alive.

Impossibility -- A smaller purple cloud thing. They don't do "damage" per se but as long as you're within attacking range of them they effect you with their nasty Matter Disorder (immolation basically).

Part 5 Additions to the Assaulting Forces (warp back into the castle...now at its throne room)

Well the idea here is that it's one big magnificent room. Through sliding doors all of the enemies of part 1 through part 5 come pouring in (well Displacements just "appear").

When you finish them, the evil dude suddenly appears on his throne. This is a nasty multi-phase fight :D


Garmarax Phase 1

He's a tough knight dude with thick armor and twin swords with which he can use whirlwind to damage people nearby in area and use to parry spells (randomly, he actually has a weakness towards spells as opposed to offensive attacks). Now when you damage him to half health, his health suddenly pops back up to the top again but his armor cracks. Repeat whatever you did and his health will pop up yet again but his armor cracks AGAIN (can be a reskinning of the dude, but you could also forget that and just say via Game - Message that "His armor cracked.") This time when you beat him to half health his armor falls off and his health doesn't recharge. Now he parries most spells sent at him, but he's weak on the physical side. When he reaches 1/4th of his health, he suddenly scales up to a gigantic swordsman which fills the room, making himself invincible (since you can only swing at his feet which skin and metal have been scaled up the same to be super thick). However, after stomping on the ground, it's possible to cast a spell at his foot (and hope he doesn't block it) which sends Garmarax to the ground, exposing his head for a thwacking. Repeat until he's dead, and then he shrinks back down to a bloody corpse. A laugh is then heard as the castle twists around you. You're back in that strange dimension.

Garmarax Phase 2

Garmarax is a gigantic doodad now (not targetable). The key is to attack the little purple lumps (they shoot lasers and are, of course, units) attached to random parts of his body. Even if they're in the air, your melee dudes should be able to throw their weapon at it. Anyway, once the lumps are all gone, Garmarax will disappear and you're back in the throne room. It's all mysteriously tattered now and everything is in rubble. As the door behind you opens, the opening is suddenly filled up with thorns and Garmarax makes his true appearance.

Garmarax is a gigantic magical being encased in rock shards encased in thorns. The idea is to cast magic at the thorns, attack the rock shards with your melee heroes, and let all attack the magical being on the inside. They're all separate units, but the thorns while alive make the magical being and rocks invulnerable, and the rocks while alive make the magical being invulnerable.

Once his magical being is reduced to half health (he only lets you attack him for 10-20 seconds before he turns invincible and grows a rock layer, then the rock layer turns invincible and grows a thorn layer), the thorn shell is totally gone, but Garmarax attacks faster (I forgot to mention that he attacks with magical beams...and killing the layers doesn't change his attack one bit).

Once reduced to 1/4th, the magical being loses the other shell and turns completely vulnerable.

And when you kill it, the castle explodes but you're magically teleported out in front of it. Walk away and suddenly the moat bridge collapses and you turn around to see one HECK of a big Garmarax. He's absorbed all of the building pieces now as his armor and calls his soldiers who have been off conquering to him to fight you.

Garmarax Phase 3

When hope seems lost as you have an army of troops advancing towards you and gigantic humanoid but out of building pieces Garmarax, Garmarax's biggest displacement appears at the wrong time. All of the troops are sucked in and the displacement itself collapses.

Now this is a strange battle. After stomping enough, Garmarax will put a hole in the building of his foot, letting you quickly walk in. On the inside of this rubble (which should be in a boundaried place on the map), the troops inside will attack you as you destroy the purple lump on the inside. After destroying the lump, the magic channeling to the piece of rubble breaks and you're thrown out of Garmarax. Energy now seeps out of Garmarax to the point where he loses 1/5th of his health. Do the same to the other leg and now Garmarax will have 3/5th of his health. Now he'll start slamming with his building arms. Now the Arms are different...slightly. Breaking a purple lump in the hand (where you enter) blows you outside, but the arm isn't dead. You need to do it over and get inside the arm and destroy it's lump, then Garmarax's health drops by a fifth.

Once the legs and arms are blown off, Garmarax's body slams down on the ground creating another hole to enter. Inside is the purple lump, but the guardian is different. Instead of armies, you're facing Garmarax phase 1...again. Once you beat him, the purple lump turns vulnerable. And when you beat it, you're shot out of the building just as Garmarax implodes on himself. Congratulations and then you've beaten the main quest :D


im really good at makin skin, and give idea about hero/monster, could show you the skin i just made for my map :)


Ultra Cool Member
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Tempting. Trying to keep the imports down, I lost a lot of space bringing in the castle texture. Maybe if it was really needed, I'll keep you in mind. Got a sample? :)

Lets combine some mage ideas.

Lightning ward: Lightning attack, attacks & zaps random baddies.
Orb of chaos: Same concept, only floating, and green goo, that poisions?

And some kind of spell, where objects move from one side to the other.

I've seen it twice.

-The mage in ROTG (rebirth of the guardians) had stars
-Tinker in dota, and its the goblins

But I don't know yet how they did it.


Sure heres a preview of the starting unit in my map :p!
Front(on editor)

Back(on editor)




Game face picture


attached special that i found, and i really like it :p! thx to your site didnt know we could make that, and thx to me to learn so damn fast. put 1 in each hand =)! i'd like to work with you ryoko lol! i have such enjoy your td map
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