Prose: June 7th


Анна Ахматова
Reaction score
Prose of the Week (June 7th)​

Weekly Welcome

The Prose is up to speed. We got many writers for many topics. I'm happy to present the new Prose of the Week. We've got short stories, funny articles, new music, and informal articles that you want to read. Please welcome the new Prose of the Week with me as we continue to improve and think outside the box! But first, let's view a message from Sixth House.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

A video; about what it means to be human.
May it have been me or somebody else who made it,
I won't say, but hope this is something you're looking for with peace.

Keep your chin up, always. :)

- Sixth House


WEHZ Update
Romek Reports
Although it's been two whole weeks, not much has actually happened in the WEHZ!
The Summer Terrain contest is nearly over. The deadline has been extended by 4 days because I stupidly deleted all the submissions I had. So I need people to resend them. :p
Be sure to resubmit your terrain if you were one of the people who submitted it before. Or, you could just send in a piece even if you weren't previously participating.
I'll wish one final good luck to all participants. :thup:

You may have noticed that most, if not all, of the stickies in the WEHZ have been moved around; most of which have been deleted or unstickied. The Newgen threads are now in the main forum, and the JASS sticky is in the JASS forum (surprisingly). Most of the Resource Sub-forum stickies are now gone. As well as this, the 'Tutorial Graveyard' and the 'Graveyard' forums have now been merged. We thought it was pointless to have two separate graveyards.

There's been quite a lot of activity in the Jass Zone, especially about desyncs.
Remember, that creating most handles locally will desync. As will doing anything that can effect gameplay, such as killing units.

There have also been many people asking about JASS, and how to learn it. If you're one of those people, I strongly recommend you to check out this thread. Not only does it provide a basic explanation as to what JASS is, it links to a few very good tutorials, and some essential tools.

Resource of the Week:
This weeks Resource of the Week is my very own U.A.C. It seems to have recieved a lot of positive comments within the past few weeks, and many people are interested in it. Basically, it's the Aura Equivalent of any Caster System. Making aura-type spells with UAC is simple.

As always, if you have any recommendations for the Resource of the Week, be sure to PM me!

Map Protection
Bloodcount Reports

I was chatting on MSN with my friend Ouguiya and he complained that there are people who hacked his map and even released a hacked version. I thought to myself, what is the deal with people hacking other people’s maps? Or why are there so many people complaining that they can’t protect their map? So, I began my search. My first stop was finding Vexorian’s map optimizer. It is very useful and… well here is a link to the thread at so that we can continue click me =] I told him to use that. Then he told me that this already is used on his map. I did a search on and I found out that there is a site dedicated to the map deprotection and extracting content from a map. I guess laziness really is that contagious. But who am I kidding? If I had an unprotected Dota I would… moving on now. I decided that I will find the root of this problem. So, if I really wanted to protect my map what was I supposed to do ? Hope that people aren’t stupid enough to search on google ?! Or maybe I should just learn to live with the idea that my hard work can be f*cked up !? Not me. I decided that google is a good place to start, but then again, TH is the only wc3 site I like so I decided to start with it. Ok, the first thing I stumbled upon was Septimus’s EGUI click me If you have EGUI, NO ONE and I do mean NO ONE will be able to open your map. Kinda like map protection without the actual protection. Sevion also tells about some “advanced” map protection in this thread click]/url]. All is in the first post .I have no idea for what he is talking about though, I do not know Jass. Still I am not satisfied nor is there enough content in this to call this an article so that is why I decided to go further. When I wrote “map protection” on the TH search in resources, you won’t believe what I got: Spells, Systems and a couple of graveyarded protection systems. One such system is Azlier’s Protection system [url=] Click From what I could figure this is an add-on too Maplock. I also stumbled upon ReVolver’s “how to protect your map the easy way”. Or what ever. It is here It is supposed to protect your map from noobs. NOOBS, not pro hackers.

Ok, that is as far as my research goes. Let’s sum all up: Vexorian’s optimizer protects your map but there is a site for deprotection. EGUI protects you from non EGUI users. Azlier’s system protects you from people who don’t know that you have used it or are not using it. ReVolver’s system does something that protects the map but with some efford it is deprotectable. So, if it is possible I suppose that using all of these tools at a time will offer the best protection, though if the person is stubborn enough he will unprotect it.

Bottom line: map protection is stupid. It is stupid because it is confusing, it is confusing because every protection is breakable and it is breakable because it is stupid. Good news are that Blizzard said that map protection will be built in and better in Starcraft II. But I am going to leave the “What will Starcraft II have? “ article for another day. I hope you enjoyed my small presentation and thoughts on map protection and that you have learned something.


Anime Forum Update
Miz Reports

With the Bincho-tan Anime Guide, posted by jonadrian619, our Anime Empire has expanded on, reaching 40 Anime Guides last week. (You can see them all on the new Anime Index in the anime forum.) We hope to make that 50 soon, so stay tuned for more anime guides and discussions.

As for minor updates, jonadrian619 has posted the Upcoming Anime Titles June/July/August 2009. So check it out, for the lastest in upcoming Animes, OVAs, Movies and Live Action stuff :p

The Wc3 Anime Resource Consortium, is also online for those seeking anime models for Warcraft 3 :D

In other news, more anime from the previous companies mentioned last Anime Update on Youtube Shows, and some new Anime on Crunchyroll to check out as well; Including Ristorante Paradiso, and many more titles.

As for myself, I am just getting on top of watching Glass Fleet, which is an awesome anime about a revolution in space. (They sometimes ignore physics, like you know, space not having oxygen and how the hell did they get horse carriages on asteroid territories.) But nothing too distracting that you can't enjoy the wonderful animation and storyline so check it out here.
I am also still watching xxxHolic, and for those who haven't watched it yet, it is a must, so get on it!

Anime Social Group
jonadrian619 Reports

Around last month the great world of Social Grouping has been introduced to Like in The Hive Workshop, people can join these clubs and do chit-chat, discussion and other small talk, and congragate together in order to appreciate the subject the group they're in is after.

However, only members with a signature are able to make and manage their own groups.

One of the first groups to appear in is the Anime/Manga Social, created by our fellow moderator ReVolver. Share what you have to say about Anime, Manga and anything Japanese, your way.

All anime enthusiasts are encouraged to join this group.

Have Fun!

Anime of the Week: Gurren Lagann
jonadrian619 Reports




"Overcome the impossible and kick reason to the curb!"​

Release Date: April 1, 2007
Studio: Gainax

In the near future, humans are forced to dwell underground and make the rest of their lives in subterranean villages. Tremors and infrastructure damage only makes these villagers dig deeper.

One day in Giha Village, a young Simon discovers a drill-shaped key and afterwards recruited by another fellow, Kamina. Though Kamina makes a futile attempt to reach the surface, he is then caught by the village elder. While imprisoned, Simona resumes digging and coindicentially finds a "big face". Simon calls for Kamina to look at this mini-mecha when suddenly the ceiling in the village collapses, followed by a big robot.

Kamina's doubts were erased, and he's sure there is the surface after all. He fights the robot one-on-one when another human falls to the ground and shoots the robot down with her rifle. This girl is named Yoko. Then, Simon alongside Kamina and Yoko utilize the "head" robot to reach the surface. What awaits them in the vast plains of the surface world? Find out in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Until next week. For now, Spin On!


Graphics Update
undeadorcjerk Reports

We start this week off with news straight from this site. The first ever T-Shirt Design Competition has ended... and only four of you entered.

In other news, DeviantArt is having a sale on their Wrapped Canvas Prints. Just go to shop.deviantart and choose any piece of art. Select Canvas Prints, if it's availible for that art, and the price is automatically taken off. Here is an example

Also just noticed this week. DevWEAR has four new articles of clothing to offer. Transform, Foxy (sorry Pineapple, its just an actual fox), Zombie, and Dragon Warrior are all new for your enjoyment.

For all the digital painters out there, we have 40+ Fascinating Digital Painting Tutorials. There are exactly 50 tutorials in this roundup for the digital painter new and old. So I don't know why they just didn't call it 50 Fascinating Digital Painting Tutorials....

This week's art continues the look to the past for This week's art is none other than Inverted Forum World by the kid with the deadly bouncy ball, ~PurgeandFire. Remember new users to, Check out Purge's gallery to see some of his amazing works. And if your really interested, check out the Graphic Zone for even more. You might have to search a bit though.

See ya next week.

Word of the Week
Knight Reports

Pronunciation: /’fɔr fɪ kɪt, -,keɪt/ (English guide to IPA for you lot who aren’t linguistics nerds)

Various Definitons:

adj. deeply forked, as the tail of a bird.
adj. Deeply forked or notched, as the tails of certain birds.

Etymology: < Latin ‘forfex,’ a pair of shears.
For those of you further interested in this week’s word, I have gathered more information. Some of you may be wondering how we got from ‘-fex’ to ‘-ficate.’ The genitive form, often borrowed by English more often than the nominative, of forfex is forficis. That gives us the ‘-fic-,’ but what about the ‘-ate?’ The answer to that is simple: ‘-ate’ is an incredibly common Latin suffix meaning ‘to do, to make, to cause.’ In English, often words with the ‘-ate’ suffix have their accents placed on syllables other than the final one to turn the verb into an adjective, as has been done with ‘forficate.’ The verb form was most likely lost, but the adjective remained. The word first appeared sometime between 1810 and 1820. Words sharing the root ‘forfex’ are: forceps. Let me know if you find any more words sharing that root.

Example sentences:
• “I say, Watson, that pie looks oddly forficate to me.”
• “I think the river should be more forficate.”
• “I do not know the definition of forficate.”

RP Update
Miz Reports

This week in the roleplaying forum we have one important announcement and one new roleplay to discuss.

The important announcement revolves around the [Tags] of the Roleplaying Forum. As some of you know, earlier this year (or was it the end of last year, not really sure.) The roleplaying forum added a new system to the forum, using Tags to divide the approved roleplays, by levels of difficulty. There were three tags [Beginner], [Intermediate] and [Advance], and roleplays would be determined by the Moderater(s) to fit into those three categories, depending on many different set of qualities. (Some examples would be; storyline, character profile requirements or the player interface.) This was suppose to help new roleplaying members with joining the right Roleplay for them.
However, the system failed, instead of helping, it seemed to discourage new roleplayers. This is why last night, we removed them from the forum. So now all Roleplays lack the Skill Level tags. Although Genre Tags (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Realistic, Other) still exist.

While the tags are gone, do not be confused. This doesn't mean all the roleplays are now the same skill level. Game Creators (people who make roleplays) can still add their own rules and make a custom and complex storylines. Meaning more advance roleplays will exist but they will not limit players to joining them...

In other news, a new roleplay has just been approved;"Heroes", (not to be confused with that show on TV called "Heroes",) it is an roleplay about people with supernatural abilities. While they can be super heroes and save the day, they can be evil villians, or master minds or anything in between. While members are still joining and creating characters, the roleplay hasn't officially started. So their is still time to join before the story starts.

As well, the Souls of Paranoia Roleplay still has open spots for players and new roleplays are being developed as we speak. So until next time TH.


Tech Forums Update
UndeadDragon Reports

As usual, there have been many technical questions this week. A lot of the technical problems seem to be to do with Warcraft III hosting, or related to routers. That is why Ghan_04 wrote a very useful, in-depth tutorial on the subject, which can be viewed here. His tutorial covers everything that you will need to know to be able to start hosting on Warcraft III, so if you are having problems, I suggest that you check this out. Another useful resource for people who are having trouble with their ports is which contains guides of how to forward ports for many games (including Warcraft III). To use the guides, simply click Router list in the top left and find your router from the list. When you have found your router, you can choose a game. The only difference with choosing different games is that they use different ports.

Facebook have been in the Headline News a lot recently, with such headlines as: “Facebook sells stake in business” and “Facebook rolls out storage system to wrangle massive photo stores”. It is not surprising that it reaches the news often, when you know that in January 2009, 220 million (220,000,000) people visited Facebook worldwide, which makes it almost twice as popular as MySpace, another social networking site. In other recent Facebook news (unposted on the site), Microsoft have announced that they will be allowing Xbox 360 users to link to their Facebook and Twitter pages from their gamertag. The source is here.

The programming forum and webmaster forum are always getting a steady rate of activity from various users. Webmaster General was busy towards the end of March with questions (mostly PHP or Flash related). Around this same time the Programming forum also had a boost in activity (with almost all questions relating to C++). Some good places to learn C++ include, and I also found very helpful.

The excitement about Windows 7 has been growing, although slightly put down by kc’s thread (here) about the large price tag of it. Microsoft has recently confirmed that the expected release date will be October 22nd, so it will, hopefully, be in store for anyone who wants it for Christmas, as long as you can afford it.


Song of the Week​

Selected by Squll2

Humor Hour!
Pineapple Reports

Weekly Review of things that you probably couldn’t care less about how I feel about them, Volume I.

Lets start this off with last weeks comic again, “Rite of JASSage” Now. As a person who doesn’t know JASS the first thing I thought of was, “God damn, I really want some cookies or something, I think there are some in the cupboard but I may have eaten them…” Anyway, the script was the type of script that if it was a vegetable it would be a potato. I really don’t think that needs any more explaining. Now the artwork was decent, but what was with The Lurkers hand in the last frame? His left hand looked like a sticker pasted onto his head by small penguins with thumbs.

I guess I have to give the comic a rating of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Ok, I’m going to tackle an issue this is highly touchy to many people, but I feel it is very important that I talk about it sooner than later. Cheese. mozzarella, cheddar, swiss, it doesn’t matter. Now I know what your all thinking. “How the hell is this going to not be a biased review thing?”. Lets get this out of the way right now, wether you think cheese is good or great or jesusy (chesusy) There is one thing we all agree on. Life without cheese is like life without cheese. There is nothing more to say on the matter.

Cheese deserves this rating more than any other diary product available on the market within the past three to five years. That rating is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Humor Hour!

I am disappointed with you people. The lack of posts and threads was appalling this week. I would rather impale you all with umbrellas then not at the moment; especially that one person who will remain nameless. (You know who you are).

Today’s funny news article is Giant Ice Penis Have I posted a Humor Hour that didn’t have some sort of reference to penises or anal penetration in it? Text the answer to 55855 or you can post your answer in the social group. In fact, you can only post your answer in the social group. Texting won’t do any good. Oh right, it was posted by Seph ir oth. You know the guy who isn’t cool enough to be Sephiroth but tries to be. Yeah, him. Anyway, congratulations on winning. You can have a signed copy of Miz’s diary complete with tear soaked pages and sparkly pink ink.

The funny humor forum thread goes to Bloodcount for the Bad Magic Trick. Yes I changed the title because both his and YouTubes titles are overly long and craptasic! Anyway, you win seven hundred, twenty one hand written numbers, all unique! They will be delivered free of charge to the corner store closest to your home. All numbers were hand written by Miz.

No winner of this weeks challenge because NO ONE entered it so you know what? No challenge this week. None. Yeah, that is what you get.

One last thing, join the Social Group and get posting You are allowed to play forum games in the social group, but no where else! Join now and we will through it a free viewing of whimins cleavage sometime in your life, probably, maybe.

That’s all. I am sick of you already. Go read the article under this. If there isn’t one then watch the music video thing. Now shoo!

Weekly Story by DogOfHavoc


Episode 1: Remnants of a Nightmare
The plane was ablaze in the darkness. Smashed apart, the wreckage burned away at the remnants of the fuel. Flames licked upwards, greedily consuming the darkness. The air was thick with the smell of sulfur…and burning flesh. Gross twisted bodies were smoldering in the wreckage, screams of fear stretched across their melting faces. Their last moments, spent plummeting towards earth, had been spent in utter, terrible fear. Yes, fear was at home here.
Private Tanner stood outside the circle of light given off the flames. A rag was pressed against his nose, a pathetic attempt to stifle the rancid smell. His eyes ran over the disgusting smoldering corpses. Skin ran like water off their skeletons and pooled in the burnt grass. He hadn’t signed up for this shit.
He took a step forward, trying to get a better look to see if any of the plane’s equipment had survived. A heat wave carrying the smell of death washed over him and he gagged. Tanner turned around and retched.
“Didn’t tell me you had a weak stomach. If that’s the case I’d advise you against eating any of the local food. I hear they’re so short on food they’ve been eating horses. God damned savages.”
Tanner straightened up to see Sergeant Wright grinning at him. The Sergeant was in his mid thirties and already had wings of gray in his dark hair. A scruffy beard clung to his face and his dark blue eyes twinkled in the light from the fire.
“Lighten up. Since the package is gone from the plane,” Wright jabbed a hand at the wreckage, “we get to search the surrounding area. Never know, we might even get to kill us some Nazis.” The way he said Nazis actually sounded more like Nahzees, as if he was talking about some exotic sausage.
Private Tanner merely nodded his head. Fighting wasn’t something he was in the mood for right now. Jesus Christ those bodies. He had never seen anyhing so horrible. His stomach tumbled but he managed to compose himself in front of the sergeant.
Sergeant Wright turned around and began issuing orders to the rest of the soldiers. Tanner snatched up his Thompson submachine gun and followed after him. He met up with the other soldiers as they regrouped on a dirt road leading into the woods. The squad was composed of eleven other men, including the sergeant, all armed to the teeth. Wright turned and addressed them all.
“Okay, these woods could be crawling with Krauts so I want you all on your toes. Keep tight and keep your eyes open. Let’s find this package and get the hell out of here.” With that he turned and headed off down the dirt road, gun upraised. The squad fell into tow, alert and watching the surrounding woods. Tanner found himself in the middle of the small patrol column, and reluctantly entered the woods.
Giant menacing trees curved up and over the path, their branches overshadowing the dirt path like massive bestial claws. The path scraped through the woods, twisting and turning around overgrown embankments and wistful unnatural looking trees. It seemed as if the woods themselves were some primordial creature, threatening to swallow up the path forever. Tanner found it hard to imagine Nazis waiting to ambush them in this place. He had no doubt that the Germans would have gone insane had they been forced to lie in wait in these woods. The dark aura that permeated this place would have found its way into their psyches and twisted them beyond recognition until they were as gnarled and unnatural as the trees that haunted these woods. No, the Nazis were not waiting for them here. But he had a terrible feeling that something even worse was.
The patrol moved slowly, fighting their way down the dirt path when brush and woodland debris blocked their path. There wasn’t an animal to be seen, and that in itself was disturbing beyond explanation. The deeper they went, the more Tanner began to feel they were being watched. He felt as if the dark twisted trees themselves were watching him. As if they knew he was there and were none to happy about it. He had to take his mind off it. Tanner turned to the men next to him and decided to strike up conversation. Opening his mouth to say something, he noticed the expressions on their faces. Intent and on edge. Their eyes scanned the woods, wary of the slightest movement. Private Tanner decided it was unwise to disturb them. Besides, he didn’t even know their names yet. He had been attached to this expedition at the last second. Right before they had been deployed one of the squad members had come down with influenza. Tanner had been bustled into a briefing room, told absolutely nothing that explained what he would be doing and then bundled onto a plane for Transylvania. Here he was. Christ, he had never even heard of Transylvania. Now here he was in a forest that looked like it was the personal garden of the devil, walking with men he didn’t even know.
The path began to ascend into a hill and the men had to dig their boots in to climb over dislodged trees and climb the steep path. Trees grew closer and closer to the path as the path itself grew narrower. In the sky, just past the top of the hill, rose great plumes of dark grey smoke. The smoke was illuminated against the night sky by what could only be flames. As he got closer to the crest of the hill, Tanner thought they had gone in a circle, that they were back at the flaming plane. He reached the top of the hill, looked down, and realized he was terribly, horribly wrong.
Please make sure, the story makes sense, I had to cut and past it into these three messages to fit it. This is the third part of Episode 1. Just put them in order and publish them for this week's episode.

Below him in the valley was hell. A village in flames, nightmarish smoke bellowing out from destroyed huts. The streets were clogged with broken carts and rubble. In the center of town was a massive blaze, tearing through the remnants of what must have been a town meeting hall. Over all of it hung a dense cloud of acrid smoke. It cast a shadow over the entire village and seemed to pulse with life, feeding off the destruction below.
Then there were the bodies.
At first he hadn’t noticed them, seeing them as only part of the rubble. But the flickering of the flames revealed the awful truth. Bodies were everywhere. Contorted smoldering corpses lay sprawled out on windowsills, littered the streets. Piles of them dotted the burning village. Some of them were burnt to little more than stubs. Blood was also a nightmarish tenant of the village. It was splattered over doorways and ran bubbling down the dirt streets. Tanner’s stomach clenched, but he managed to hold on to his nerve.
Slowly, the Sergeant led them out of the woods and down into the streets. They entered the blazing village and were assaulted with the recently familiar odor of burning humans. Tanner stayed close to one of the other soldiers, his gun glued to doorways as he passed. He was half afraid one of the bodies would jump up and run screaming at him.
They went deeper into the village, headed for the blazing town center in the middle.
Tanner passed one of the corpses and turned to look at it. It was an elderly man, or had been at some point. His mouth was gaping in an unholy mimicry of terror. What had once been eyeballs had been reduced to a pool of yellow sludge in his eye sockets. Private Tanner quickly averted his gaze. All of the bodies looked like they had been gunned down by machine gun and rifle fire. Killed for no reason other than sport.
“Jesus Christ, it’s Guernica all over again,” the soldier next him said. Tanner didn’t respond. Didn’t have much to say.
The squad filed into the central square. Sweat poured out of them as they looked at burning remains of what had probably recently been a bustling village center.
“Ok men, we need to search this town quickly. I doubt it’s here but we need to make a sweep for the package. Don’t go in any of the burning buildings. We aren’t losing any men on this mission,” Sergeant Wright ordered.
Tanner fell in with a pale skinny soldier and they headed into the ruins. When asked for his name the soldier simply replied that they should pay attention instead of making small talk. Tanner didn’t pursue it any further.
They found no buildings that could be entered; all had all caught fire by now. Tanner still wasn’t used to the bodies and stumbled past one whenever it blocked his past. He turned a corner, his eyes watering from the smoke, and stopped dead in his tracks. Up ahead, only twenty feet away, crouched a massive wolf. It was nearly the size of a bear and stood on a low wall, looking down at a small man. The man was inspecting one of the dead bodies. The wolf watched intently as the man reached for something in his pocket.
“Watch out!” Tanner screamed to the defenseless man. The man looked up in surprise, grabbed a nearby case and sprinted down the street. His long black jacket billowed behind him, sending the smoke swirling about. Private Tanner was shocked that the man hadn’t been killed by the wolf. The shock wore off and panic set in. Massive and howling, the wolf was bearing down on them. Spittle sprayed from his open mouth as he charged onward. His dark brown fur glistened in the firelight. Gunshots rang out as the other soldier opened fire with his M1 Garand. Blood shot out as the bullets smashed into the wolf, but it kept coming. Tanner fired a few shots and realized he was dead.
Run,” the other soldier yelled as he turned face and shot off running back the way they had came. Tanner emptied his magazine into the wolf to no effect. He struggled to reload and his magazine fell to the ground. At the last second, just as the wolf’s mouth was about to crush his skull, he dove to the side and crashed into a burning building. Smoke poured out of the building and blinded him. In a panic he jumped to his feet. He swiped at his eyes and the wolf was gone. Tanner burst out of the building, running low. On his way through the streets he fell over ten different bodies. Each time he got up he expected to see the wolf reappear to snap his face off. But it didn’t. The wolf didn’t show up again and he made it back to his patrol without seeing it. The soldiers regrouped; no one had found the package. Without saying a word, they filed out of the burning village and back into the night. Unbeknownst to them, countless pairs of eyes watched their departure. Deep in the heart of Transylvania, the patrol was watched by fear itself.



Super Moderator
Reaction score
Awesome. :D
Great comic. I'll read the story soon. :)

I think I may write more than just a WEHZ update every week. Maybe a common issue or something, like Bloodcunt did. Though the spelling and grammar was so poor, that was almost unreadable.. :confused:

(It also had broken BB code)


Анна Ахматова
Reaction score
Awesome. :D
Great comic. I'll read the story soon. :)

I think I may write more than just a WEHZ update every week. Maybe a common issue or something, like Bloodcunt did. Though the spelling and grammar was so poor, that was almost unreadable.. :confused:

(It also had broken BB code)

What are you talking about? This is all a lot to do for one editor. xP


The Ulitimate Lurker
Reaction score
Best issue ever.


Starcraft II Moderator
Reaction score
Romek, you are tolerant as always.
Still, great prose, a gigantic prose. :D


Super Moderator
Reaction score
> What are you talking about? This is all a lot to do for one editor. xP
As well as writing the WEHZ Updates, I might do a mini-guide or something. =)

> Romek, you are tolerant as always. But you are a copy cat?
Ermm.. o_O..

Oh, I forgot to say. Awesome Prose. :D


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Longest Prose ever :D


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
Reaction score
Article on map protection is not very good, lots of incorrect points. Could have talked about the real way to actually "protect" a map from hackers - by constantly updating, and having a strong community, and detailing exactly how easy it is to hack a map to insert cheats (not like exact steps, but the general method).


New Member
Reaction score
I thought the whole point of map protection was to protect you maps from noobs who would steal credit for you work. You can get through any protection if you put work into it, but most noobs wont bother because they are only trying to get credit for somthing without doing work, or adding cheats so they can win. I dont see why it is people would cheat making their chacter/units are way over powered so they win right away. Apperently they find it fun. A person would still be able unprotect your map if they realy wanted to. I only protect my maps so that noobs wont steal my work.


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
Reaction score
You are pretty much correct, although the other reason for protecting a map would be so you can use Veroxian's optimizer, to optimize.

However, the essay on protection, is very poor, as it looks like the author has no idea what he is talking about, and just looked up some pages on map protection and wrote the first things he saw.

On another note, how do you submit essays to Prose of the Week (I never knew it existed until now) - I would like to write a proper one on map protection and deprotection.


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
Reaction score
Deprotection isn't allowed, PM the article to Ninva.


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
That... was... pwnage.
Make this a weekly or biweekly thing, like TheHelper.Net newsletter or something xD
+ Rep for the massive amounts of info i just got xDDD
Gj! :thup:


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
Reaction score
Deprotection isn't allowed, PM the article to Ninva.

Isn't that just in the WE section?

And to what extent, I'm not even allowed to talk about it? Obviously, I'm not going to post easy to follow steps on how to deprotect a map, I was thinking just post the concept of deprotection methods (ie. they can do this, by opening this and doing that - one or two lines).

(also just read WE rules, wtf memory scanners not allowed?)
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