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The Helper Connoisseur / Ex-MineCraft Host
Staff member
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Experimenting with the CODE tags. Enjoy.

Yesterday at 3:51 AM             Varine:                 Oh hey back to work. Fuck man, I forgot how much time this job takes.
Yesterday at 4:01 AM             Accname:             Dont tell me, I work 3 hours a week dude.
Yesterday at 4:01 AM             Accname:             So much time spent there, its horrible.
Yesterday at 4:01 AM             Accname:             man, I love this country...
Yesterday at 6:36 AM             tom_mai78101:         Your 3 hours/week is equivalent to our 12 hours/week.
Yesterday at 1:55 PM             Accname:             didnt know the hours were shorter in china
Yesterday at 2:19 PM             Accname:             FINALLY! I managed to disable the fucking touch pad on my laptop.
Yesterday at 2:20 PM             Accname:             Stupid drivers were buggy and I had to download the latest version.
Yesterday at 2:20 PM             Accname:             Because these idiots fail to deliver a product with working drivers
Yesterday at 3:39 PM             jonas:                 same story here... then one year ago I spilled water on my keyboard
Yesterday at 3:39 PM             jonas:                 it started sending random key signals
Yesterday at 3:39 PM             jonas:                 I installed the drivers for a japanese keyboard
Yesterday at 3:39 PM             jonas:                 no problems since!
Yesterday at 3:39 PM             jonas:                 (I'm using an external keyboard/mouse now)
Yesterday at 4:50 PM             Varine:             I worked 60 some hours this week.
Yesterday at 4:56 PM             Varine:             So there.
Yesterday at 5:54 PM             Accname:             Well, sucks to be you I guess.
Yesterday at 5:58 PM             jonas:                 phew. do you enjoy the work?
Yesterday at 9:06 PM             Accname:             Varyne does not enjoy anything. But I certainly enjoy to hear that.
Yesterday at 10:53 PM            jonas:                 it's funny if you're not being serious
Yesterday at 11:03 PM            Accname:             I am ALWAYS serious, dont you know?
Today at 1:41 AM                 Varine:             its better than some jobs I've had.
Today at 1:47 AM                 Varine:             its annoying as fuck when we get vegans and shit though
Today at 1:48 AM                 Varine:             a lot of people that want gluten free and clearly don't know what gluten is.
Today at 1:54 AM                 Varine:             and some of those picky ones that ask for medium doneness and expect well. people are just really dumb


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
Reaction score
New line at the box's extents would be nice. I don't even see why I'm included in this.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
Reaction score
I was talking about my private work life, nothing to do with tech support.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
Reaction score
You have time to get these code tags running but no FireCat tags?


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
Reaction score
Yeah, that fucking thing is not designed for that kind of conversation... I am still really confused.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
Reaction score
No dude, he's still fucking going on. You have to wait until it's like just a straight megabyte of him talking about whatever the fuck he's doing. That was like half the problem, I would look away for a second and look back it's a whole new fucking wall of text.


The Helper Connoisseur / Ex-MineCraft Host
Staff member
Reaction score
No dude, he's still fucking going on. You have to wait until it's like just a straight megabyte of him talking about whatever the fuck he's doing. That was like half the problem, I would look away for a second and look back it's a whole new fucking wall of text.
giggles uncontrollably

I don't know why. It's so fun to watch.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
Reaction score
I'm still here too. Haven't even touched my beer I opened forty five minutes since I was trying to keep up.


The Helper Connoisseur / Ex-MineCraft Host
Staff member
Reaction score
Too long, so back to text form. Enjoy!

Nestharus:       uhm... guys
Nestharus:       I solved attack indexing ;o
Nestharus:       so far nobody has cared and it's kinda depressing :(
tom_mai78101:    Don't worry, I'm still busy with life.
tom_mai78101:    To be honest, if people just post updates here in the Shoutbox, I'll always see it no matter what.
tom_mai78101:    It's related to me posting news articles, as I always see the Shoutbox whenever I am posting new ones.
tom_mai78101:    Also, note that activity here are completely opposite from each other. You're active right now, but everyone else isn't. When you're asleep, all the fun and chaos appear from nowhere.
Nestharus:       well, no, it's not that
Nestharus:       I talked about it on THW, nobody cared
Nestharus:       they were like, you're still on wc3? Nobody will use it, we don't care
Nestharus:       talked about it on wc3, they were like, don't care
Nestharus:       D:
Nestharus:       just a year  people were trying to solve it
Nestharus:       and it's not like anyone will use it but me now too >.<
vypur85:         You just need to have a realisation that nothing lasts forever. It's time to move on.
Nestharus:       lol
Nestharus:       there's nothing to move on to atm ^)^
Nestharus:       but Dota 2's editor will be coming out at some point, so that might be fun
tom_mai78101:    Hm.... We should really start considering what other things can we expand on.
Nestharus:       mm
Nestharus:       still tho
Nestharus:       btw, it was orb of lightning that enabled the unit to target air right?
Nestharus:       cuz I'm thinking you can make an item like a bow, and when the unit picks it up, it can start hitting air, plus the bow'll have its own cooldown based on the unit's skill with a bow ^)^
Nestharus:       we can also tie in accuracy and evasion scores
Nestharus:       so if the unit is not very accurate with a bow and its trying to hit something far away, i'tll likelyh miss
Nestharus:       if that something also has a very high evasion score, it's def ganna miss
tom_mai78101:    hiding abilites is a pain.
tom_mai78101:    Nestharus, you've got mail!
tom_mai78101:    Reply to read.
Varine:          We all moved on to standalone projects, which is significantly more time consuming.
Nestharus:       huh? And yea, I suppose ^)^
Accname:         I did not just move on to a standalone project, I moved on to several at once!
Accname:         Yeah, I am THAT badassx
Varine:          Yeah, pretty much the same story for all of us. Mine all kind of revolve around the same core systems though, I just haven't really made them.
Varine:          Should have taken more programming classes when that was my major
Nestharus:       ;o
Nestharus:       I don't even know what to code in general programming atm ^)^
Nestharus:       like, right now I have a compiler project, but that's about it
Nestharus:       Well, actually, there is one thing :eek:
Nestharus:       omg that face made me die
Nestharus:       A spell crafting system that lets you craft spells from various elements in real-time in a game ^)^
Nestharus:       An enemy mage can view your spell as you craft it and attempt to counter it :eek:
Nestharus:       omg, I did it again > . <
Nestharus:       I think that'd be pretty cool though
Nestharus:       the casting time of the spell would be its complexity + the time it takes you to actually make it
Nestharus:       then spells could possibly be influenced by the environmtoo
Nestharus:       like if you are in a volcano, it might be easier for you to cast fire spells because of the stuff around you
Nestharus:       ; D
Nestharus:       players would then use the skills of their characters and their own knowledge to fight and so on
Nestharus:       and they'd do their own research
Nestharus:       I was studying a bit of chemistry and physics to try and figure out a good way to lay this out
tom_mai78101:    You should share your colpiler project with us at General Member's Project.
Nestharus:       I'd like it to be toitally open ended, following a few simple laws
tom_mai78101:    *Compiler
Nestharus:       I've yet to solve it :(
Nestharus:       : (*
tom_mai78101:    Uh...
tom_mai78101:    You lost me.
Nestharus:       ?
Varine:          Yeah, I stopped paying attention a long time .
Nestharus:       lol..
Nestharus:       Ok, imagine casting spells in a game realistically
Nestharus:       like a scientist of magic
Nestharus:       and actually studying magic
Nestharus:       that's the premise
Nestharus:       you'd do your own research, you'd figure out how to cast spells, and you'd actually cast them
Nestharus:       rather than just click a little button
Nestharus:       sound cool?
Varine:          I don't play video games so I can do work to figure out how to play it
Nestharus:       lol
Nestharus:       it's more for a sandbox environment
Nestharus:       there's actually one other problem that I'd like to solve too
Nestharus:       so far, people have stated that it has no solution ^)^
Nestharus:       but that's what they said about doing division one digit at a time and I proved them wrong >: o
tom_mai78101:    Thumacraft in a nutshell.
Nestharus:       the idea is to, given a set of points
Nestharus:       split these points into regions containing a maximal number of points with the maximal number of regions possible
Nestharus:       without any region overlapping
Nestharus:       so if I had 7 points and a group size of 3
Nestharus:       I wouldn't go 2, 2, 2, 1 for as even as possible
Nestharus:       er, not maximal number of regions, maximal full regions*
Nestharus:       I'd go 3, 3, 1
Nestharus:       for 2 maxed out regions
Nestharus:       2,2,2,1 gives 0, 3,3,1 gives 2
Nestharus:       how do I do it?
Nestharus:       without brforce
Varine:          I do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Nestharus:       If I have 7 points
Nestharus:       spread across an area
Nestharus:       I want to split the area into regions containing these points
Nestharus:       each region should have a max radius r
Nestharus:       and a max number of points m
Nestharus:       and I should split it up into the maximum amount of full regions possible
Nestharus:       without making any region overlap
Nestharus:       a region = a shape enclosing the points
Nestharus:       like a blob
Nestharus:       make sense now Varine? : )
tom_mai78101:    In programming sense, you want to have M max points for each regions R of group size S. Right?
tom_mai78101:    You have 7 points in total in a map, demanding that it needs 3 regions with max group size of 3.
Varine:          Voronoi diagram?
tom_mai78101:    There will be 3 points in Region A, another 3 points in Region B, and 1 point in Region C.
tom_mai78101:    Varine, yes I think.
Accname:         @Nestharus:    Doesnt everybody want to make such a system nowadays?
Accname:         I wanted to make this before it was cool.
Accname:         I actually even had a wc3 map with this.
Accname:         But eventually I realized this was boring as fuck
Accname:         Took too much time and too much attention
Varine:          I made designs for similar games, but I also realized how terrible it would be
tom_mai78101:    You lack passion.
tom_mai78101:    @Accname
Nestharus:       well
Nestharus:       so does anyone know how to do it? :eek:
Nestharus:       er : o
Varine:          Complicated games do not sell
Nestharus:       I wanted to do it for Tower Wars
Varine:          Yes, I just said: Voronoi diagram
Nestharus:       every group of 3 disciple towers you built would summon down an angel from the heavens to protect them ^)^
Nestharus:       the angel would roam the region
Nestharus:       as you sold/built towers, the regions would change to continue to have as many full regions as possible
Nestharus:       and angels would move around
tom_mai78101:    stop!!!
Nestharus:       ?
tom_mai78101:    stop.
Accname:         all that spame
tom_mai78101:    You are skipping too many details.
Accname:         tom cant keep up
tom_mai78101:    uh...okay....
Accname:         yo nestharus, how about you put that in some kind of discussion thread
Nestharus:       I tried asking it, nobody could solve it
Nestharus:       I tried on every wc3 site + stack overflow
tom_mai78101:    Nestharus, you need to solve your idea one step at a time.
tom_mai78101:    Concept in mind: DIVIDE AND CONQUER
Varine:          I think the issue is no one wanted to solve it for you
Accname:         well, but I am better then nobody
Nestharus:       tom, I know..
Varine:          I have my own complicated shit to work with
Nestharus:       the only stpe I can't solve is splitting the regions up..
tom_mai78101:    Varine said to use Voronoi Diagrams. You can look up how it was made using Wikipedia.
Varine:          Did you know that you need like eight classes of nouns in order to effectively map it out objectively?
tom_mai78101:    If you flatten all of the mumbo-jumbo abstract concepts have, you'll see that it's as simple as 1, 2, 3.
Accname:         I am currently designing my own scripting language
Accname:         for a little project of mine
Accname:         its awesome
Varine:          I will be getting there, but that's a couple years away
Varine:          At least
Accname:         Its actually really fun, didnt do something that was as much fun as this for a long time
Accname:         (not including sex in the above sentence)
tom_mai78101:    Perfect scripting language name: Steroids on Rails.
Nestharus:       ohhh
Nestharus:       this is computational geometry
tom_mai78101:    yes
tom_mai78101:    perfect, next step.
Varine:          Draw lines between towers to form triangles. Done.
Nestharus:       er.. actually, I have no idea what to do..
tom_mai78101:    Also, leave out the details with the angels and spells, those aren;t important to your region creating systems.
Nestharus:       tom, I was just stating wht I was going to use it for
tom_mai78101:    Try this: Vectors, 2D Cartesian coordinates.
Nestharus:       everyone always demands to konw what I'm going to use something for before helping me
Nestharus:       lol..
Nestharus:       I don't see how that will help me find the regions though..
tom_mai78101:    I know, but if you go too far in your usages, you;ll easily be demotivated,
Nestharus:       ??
tom_mai78101:    leave out pretty usgaes, ideas, just work on simple implementations.
Nestharus:       I get how to make the triangles using the towers.. but I don't get how that helps me
Nestharus:       tom, I always do
Nestharus:       it's other people that always demand examples
tom_mai78101:    usages, ideas, concepts, magic, spells, angels, units, etc. Leave them out.
Nestharus:       lmao... ur not reading what I'm saying : P
tom_mai78101:    You want to get "the points" across, not examples.
Nestharus:       actually, I start with something I want to do, like the tower, then I break it up into all of the required pieces ^)^
tom_mai78101:    That's divide and conquer
Nestharus:       yup
Nestharus:       that's also top-down perspective
tom_mai78101:    I digress. Have you finished your Voronoi Diagrams?
Nestharus:       anyways, so how does the diagram help me?
Nestharus:       I don't know how that will help me..
tom_mai78101:    It fits your description with making regions of group size threso=holds for each region given in your map.
tom_mai78101:    thresholds
Nestharus:       I have all of the triangles sure.. but then what?
tom_mai78101:    Using a combination of arrays, vectors, and Cartesian coordinates, you'll be able to create Regions, max size, width, height, and a list of regions for you to manipulate.
tom_mai78101:    Isn't there a function that calculates how many units in a given region?
Nestharus:       but the problem is.. it's not always the closet point
Nestharus:       or the frarthest point
Nestharus:       ...
tom_mai78101:    Use a circle instead of a rectangle.
Nestharus:       ur not listening ;D
Varine:          You aren't making sense
Nestharus:       that diagram will either do all closest to form it
tom_mai78101:    Or rather, use the point of origin, calculate the shortest distance from point X to origin using vectors, and volia!
Nestharus:       or all farthest
Nestharus:       the regions forming the points have a combination of the two
Nestharus:       it's not uniform
Nestharus:       that is, if you want to find the maximal full regions possible
tom_mai78101:    Are you including those two points with your group size?
Nestharus:       and actually calculate them all out
Nestharus:       no
Varine:          Okay start over here
Varine:          What is a full region? As opposed to a partial region?
Nestharus:       a full region contains N arbitrary points
tom_mai78101:    CLUE: Vectors. You can calculate which points are closer, larger, or further.
Nestharus:       a partial region contains < N
Nestharus:       tom, I'm not an idiot ;p
Varine:          < N means more than N
tom_mai78101:    Full region is U. Partial region is any region of P in U. U is a superset of P.
Varine:          Nevermind
Nestharus:       I read it less than N
Nestharus:       and no tom
Nestharus:       U would be the entire plane
Nestharus:       a region would be a subset of the plane containing N arbitrary points
Nestharus:       and then a partial region would contain less than N arbitrary points
Nestharus:       so if N is 3, then all full regions must contain exactly 3 points
Nestharus:       the next point is that none of these regions may overlap
Nestharus:       and you must make as many of these full regions as possible
Varine:          So if I have four towers, instead of being a triangle is would be a quadrilateral?
tom_mai78101:    Arbitrary sized regions?
Nestharus:       and that of course, they have a max distance from the center R to any given point along the edge of the region
Nestharus:       Varine, no
Nestharus:       tom, the regions just have to enclose the points
Nestharus:       they can be any shape
Nestharus:       which is why I said they were a blob
Nestharus:       4 don't have to be a rectangle, u could have 3 bunched together like a traignel
Nestharus:       and 1 far off
Nestharus:       if you had 3/3 in the center
Nestharus:       and 1 far off to the lft and 1 far off to the right
Nestharus:       : )
Varine:          Okay this is fucking ridiculous. You need to draw a diagram of some kind
Nestharus:       ur diagram would fail : P
tom_mai78101:    No, draw it out.
tom_mai78101:    I can't think now.
tom_mai78101:    I'm sweating under the blistering sun.
Varine:          It's not my diagram, it's yours
Varine:          If you can't draw out what you are talking about, then you then you need to rethink your plan
Nestharus:       sec
Nestharus:       drew it
Nestharus:       the idea is that some points may look more suitable for a region because they are closer
Nestharus:       but if you take those, then other regions fall apart
Nestharus:       even if those other regions have points that are farther away
Nestharus:       so it's not as simple as your diagram :)
Varine:          Fuck man, I have to switch OS's here to use flash... couldn't have just, like, made a jpeg or something normal?
Nestharus:       one mom>.>
Nestharus:       there is no easy way no
Varine:          And I don't have java on here either.
Varine:          Damn chromebook
Varine:          How do you install java on Ubuntu? You can't use the RPM can you?
Nestharus:       it's hell
Nestharus:       gimme a moment
Nestharus:       I'm putting it up on chat
Nestharus:       it's going to take a very long time
Nestharus:       so you'll have to wait awhile
Nestharus:       cuz I have to make the image, then I have to recover my password from a website for storing pictures
Nestharus:       hen I gotta upload it
Nestharus:       vs just giving you a link of a pic I drew online
tom_mai78101:    Just use Imgur
Accname:         why dont you just make a screenshot of that image
Accname:         and upload it to a free image hoster?
tom_mai78101:    Faster, more easier alternative to any other image hosting sites.
Accname:         I would say there is about 100 others which are exactly equal
Nestharus:       [IMG][/IMG]
tom_mai78101:    What?
Varine A momVarine:          That is a terrible diagram
Accname:         what the f
Nestharus:       I drew it by hand..
Nestharus:       what do u expect?
Varine A momVarine:          Something that makes sense?
tom_mai78101:    I thought it could be more clearer than that.
Nestharus:       that makes sense.. lol
Accname:         is this supposed to be some kind of vertex cover problem
Nestharus:       I have 4 regions filled out
Nestharus:       the entire plane isn't covreed with regions
Nestharus:       there are open spaces
Nestharus:       otherwise u may have blogs that have a larger distance from the center than R
Nestharus:       blobs*
Nestharus:       all I did was take a set of 12 points and split them into as many full regions as possible
Nestharus:       ^)^
tom_mai78101:    I think I get it. Blurry, but I think I got the picture.
Varine:          Use an ellipse with three foci
Nestharus:       but I don't know what 3 points to pick :eek:
Nestharus:       er : o
Nestharus:       or rather, what N points
Nestharus:       as u see with bottom left 2 regions, they have a combination of close and far point
tom_mai78101:    The middle of convex N-gon?
Varine:          Is that the problem?
Varine:          You don't know how to make it pick the right ones?
Nestharus:       tom, I know how to calculate the center of a triangle
Nestharus:       Varine, correct ^)^
Nestharus:       if I knew how to make it pick the right ones, I could just stop there, lol
Nestharus:       I'd be happy if I could even pick the right ones
tom_mai78101:    oh...............
Nestharus:       I don't even care about the shape, just as long as I get the points
Varine:          Just a run a fucking bubble comparison. Pick three, calculate size, index, move on.
Nestharus:       I can't..
Nestharus:       I can't do a brforce approach
Varine:          Because?
Nestharus:       too much overhead
Varine:          Not if you do it right
Nestharus:       I'm not doing a brforce approach, lol
Nestharus:       the big crux of the problem was not doing a brforce approach..
tom_mai78101:    But rather a more efficiway of picking out those three?
Nestharus:       yes
Nestharus:       this might run over 1200+ points
Nestharus:       and have to create 400+ sets, depending on partials/fulls
Nestharus:       and it will have to do it in the blink of an eye
Nestharus:       in JASS
Nestharus:       if I used bubble sort, I'd kill warcraft 3
Nestharus:       just like I couldn't use A* for detecting if a path existed
Nestharus:       cuz A* kills wc3
Accname:         why are you trying to do anything with wc3?
Nestharus:       ofc, I'd use this same algorithm in future games, it'd go in my library of cool shit : D
Varine:          The only way you are going to calculate the size of a potential region is calculate the size of the potential region
Nestharus:       well, it depends on how you look at the problem
tom_mai78101:    Or you can just limit the total number of points in a map.
tom_mai78101:    Like 10.
Nestharus:       I can't do that, that's cheating, lmao
tom_mai78101:    How many players are going to play your map?
Nestharus:       for the one I'm thinking of, 6, but there are easily 700+ towers
Nestharus:       to 1200
Nestharus:       at a time
Varine:          I am looking at the problem objectively and you are asking for a way to calculate potential regions without calculating potential regions
Nestharus:       precisely ^)^
Nestharus:       do you know how I calculated digit by digit division? I didn't : P
Nestharus:       I did multiplication instead
tom_mai78101:    It's an NP problem.
tom_mai78101:    nevermind.
tom_mai78101:    I'm dumb.
Nestharus:       ?
Varine:          I had a customer like you today
Varine:          Wanted a well done burger, but still a little pink
Nestharus:       lmao
Nestharus:       it's all about how you think about the problem
Nestharus:       it may be possible to determine the points without calculating the potential regions
Nestharus:       there may be another way ^)^
Varine:          You can estimate the regions using the methods we already said, but you aren't going to calculate the region unless you calculate the region
Varine:          Or you can find a less intensive way to path your angel things
tom_mai78101:    A simple "Move to point X, Y" is suffice.
Nestharus:       do you know how I made a trigger in Warcraft 3 that was faster than a native trigger?
Nestharus:       ';.;'
Nestharus:       I created a list of balanced binary trees that were built like b-trees with only 2 children per node, each parnode being an Or()
Nestharus:       only the bottoms of the trees contained the actual functions
Nestharus:       after this, I'd build the trees in the list into a single tree
Varine:          Do you know how I overcame the obstacles in my designs in Warcraft III?
Nestharus:       this would result in a single boolean expression that could then be added to atrigger
Nestharus:       which was ~5% faster than a native trigger
Varine:          I stopped using a twelve year old video game to develop mine.
Nestharus:       furthermore, it allowed you to add triggers to triggers
Nestharus:       lol..
Varine:          Why are you telling me this?
Nestharus:       to show that I'm willing to go to any length to get good performance and behavior : P
Nestharus:       this was all so that I could do TriggerRemoveCondition in a trigger evaluation
Nestharus:       lol..
Varine:          I still fail to see why vornoi diagrams won't work because I see multiple ways, but I've lost interest now. I really do not care about Warcraft.
Nestharus:       ok, so if you used voronoi diagram
Nestharus:       that would splice the area up appropriately
Nestharus:       and then let you calculate, estimate, the regions, containing the proper points
Nestharus:       the problem is that it still doesn't address the issue that you still have to calculate the region : (
Nestharus:       I guess there's no good way to do it, oh well ^)^
Nestharus:       maybe in 2-3 years I'll figure it out
Nestharus:       ty for your time : )
tom_mai78101:    Thank you for using The Helper Forums Customer's Support Chat. We are open 24/7. Have a good day! :)
Varine:          Calculate the region after picking it.
Nestharus:       btw
Nestharus:       spam
tom_mai78101:    Thanks.
Nestharus:       and a bot member
Nestharus:       btw, this really is a beautiful site ; o
Nestharus:       it's too bad it's so dead
tom_mai78101:    Not unless you count how active it is in the Headline News.
Nestharus:       lol
Nestharus:       compared to THW, it's rather dead : p
tom_mai78101:    We make up for what it is.
Nestharus:       oh well, I think imma save the rest of the work I need to do for DDS for tomorrow =o
tom_mai78101:    Night time there?
tom_mai78101:    3:16Pm here.
Nestharus:       12:18 am
Nestharus:       I've gotten it down to 3 events, I think that's good ^)^
Varine:          We'll have a lot of standalone software coming out of here eventually
Varine:          It's 12:20 here
Nestharus:       ON_DAMAGE_BEFORE (global), ON_DAMAGE (local), ON_DAMAGE_AFTER (global)
Nestharus:       Varine, I'm rather interested in compilers ;D
Nestharus:       but Antlr is annoying, so I was making a compiler to compile Antlr..
Nestharus:       to give me more stuff
Nestharus:       lol..
Varine:          Oh
Nestharus:       I want modules that I can import + push/pop
Nestharus:       and I can't have both
Varine:          I have an interest in genetics, but that isn't an easily communicable topic.
Nestharus:       Antlr isn't that hard : o
Nestharus:       u can learn it in like 1 day, pretty easy
tom_mai78101:    If you're practicing medicine, it's a differstory.
Nestharus:       yes... he said genetics in response to Antlr, and I took that as meaning Antlr was crazy or something >.<, or not easily communicable
Nestharus:       it's like if you call somoene and they immediately hang up on you
Nestharus:       you can either take it to mean that they accidentally hung up
Nestharus:       or they made a point to show their dislike
tom_mai78101:    We're pretty direct.
Nestharus:       and if they don't call back, you can certainly assume the latter
tom_mai78101:    We don't assume, we just do.
Nestharus:       the language I wanted to make uhm
tom_mai78101:    Uhm? What language is that?
Nestharus:       trying to find my notes on it :eek:
Nestharus:       we : o
tom_mai78101:    Huh?
Nestharus:       here's one example
Nestharus:       #name = "hi"
Nestharus:       string $name = "$$name" //string hi = "hi", lol...
Nestharus:       that's the interpolation operator
Nestharus:       I had some smart lexing going on too -> "hello there $name[GetPlayerId(GetLocalPlayer())]! Your income is ${team.income + income[GetPlayerId(GetLocalPlayer())]}."
Nestharus:       oh -> "${"$name"}"
Nestharus:       lmao
Nestharus:       { } represents a block of code that can be modified
Nestharus:       well, it represents a scope
Nestharus:       ${ } would be an interpolated scope
Nestharus:       #{ } would be preprocessor
Nestharus:       you could define languages that way too
Nestharus:       I'm trying to find my notes D:
tom_mai78101:    You might want to try GitHub StudPlan. Free if you're a studfor 2 years.
Nestharus:       I deleted the repo..
tom_mai78101:    ... sorry...
Nestharus:       I FOUND THEM
Nestharus:       woo
Nestharus:       that's right..
Nestharus:       set i[vjass o] = vjass 4
Nestharus:       each language had its own scope
Nestharus:       and you could use the languages in expressions
Nestharus:       like vjass o
Nestharus:       vjass function hi takes nothing returns nothing
Nestharus:       endfunctoin
Nestharus:       that's one such example
Nestharus:       cjass void hi() { }
Nestharus:       that's cjass for comparison
itom_mai78101:    You'll have to write up a documentation for the syntax.
Varine:          My cat just rolled off my bed.
Nestharus:       I have it.. lol
Nestharus:       I'm just cnping interesting examples : p
Nestharus:       that's not even the interesting stuff tho
Accname:         Do you think anybody could read all of this?!
Accname:         As I said, just open a thread. Shoutbox aint strong enough for your needs
tom_mai78101:    @Varine, RIP cat.
Varine:          He's fine
Nestharus:       type x extends private integer
tom_mai78101:    Oh.
Varine:          I used to have a screen on one of my windows and he would jump and catch on it with his claws and annoy the shit out of me when he wanted back inside
Varine:          Took it off think he would stop, fucking jumped headlong into it, bounced off, then did it again
tom_mai78101:    Updated Pokémon WalkingYou can now save/load persistdata, along with your custom maps created by the level editor.
Varine:          So I think I got Java installed
Nestharus:       : o
tom_mai78101:    @Varine, Natural instincts doing God's work.
Varine:          On Ubuntu
Nestharus:       nice ^)^
Varine:          Not on Chrome
Nestharus:       there was something really interesting with external and internal scopes..
Nestharus:       like.. you'd call a function and it'd end up importing the code from that function to your scope..
Varine:          Dude you have no idea how tough this cat is
Varine:          I have seen him straight up fight a coyote
tom_mai78101:    @Varine, Cat bro.
tom_mai78101:    @Nestharus, would you like to create a thread for that?
Nestharus:       no, lol, I still can't find all my notes either
tom_mai78101:    If you create a thread, history will now remembers what you have wrote down.
tom_mai78101:    history will *then*...
Varine:          Have you considered a filing cabinet?
tom_mai78101:    RIP Nestharus's Notes.


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I think you don't need to go perfect, but an approximation would be fine. Start with one large region and refine until the max size is reached. (E.g., split a region in two about equal parts).
EDIT: Varine is right, voronoi diagrams seems related to what you want

PS: I just now realized your name is not nesthaurus. All the time I read it as nesthaurus.


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Its funny, I too always read nesthaurus in the past and only yesterday realized it was nestharus. Did he change his name at some point?
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