Healing/Regen System (not quite finished)


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
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Ok... so this is so you guys can tell me what you think about this system...
I made it so that a friend can check the regen on his heroes, so i made it so that it would be somewhat GUI friendly, but it should work fine for anyone's needs

please tell me what you would do different, and how i should improve it.

/*GHD - v1.1 - by GFreak45
Gui-Friendly Healing/Regen Detection

Requires: Any unit indexer that assigns custom values to units.
Aids: <a href="http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php/130752-Advanced-Indexing-Data-Storage?highlight=advanced+indexing+data+storage" class="link link--internal">http://www.thehelper.net/forums/sho...rage?highlight=advanced+indexing+data+storage</a>


Create a new trigger in the editor, rename it GHD, and convert it to custom text.  Then delete what is inside and paste this there.  Then you will need to register the unit&#039;s you wish to record, but it is recommended that you only record heroes and limited non-heroes, as this system can become very slow and cost inefficient if you register every unit.  You will also need to create the following global variables:

      * GHDUnit (unit)
      * GHDLifeEvent (real)
      * GHDManaEvent (real)
      * GHDLifeAmmount (real)
      * GHDManaAmmount (real)
      * GHDLifePos (boolean)
      * GHDManaPos (boolean)

Before anyone rages, yes the idea of this came from Weep&#039;s GDD.  This system checks units at an interval, and under the right circumstances will register their health and or mana, compare it with their health/mana at the previous interval, and come to a conclusion determining the unit&#039;s regen, and whether or not the unit has taken any kind of healing or damaging effects in the most recent refresh interval.  This CAN detect life change type-damage (setting a unit&#039;s health lower than it is via triggers or by using a negative value in a healing ability).

function calls/GUI Uses and variables/constants:


      call GHDRegisterUnit(what unit) - registered the indicated unit for use with the system recording all units results in a drastic speed/efficiency/accuracy (with regen) drop

      call GHDRemoveUnit(what unit) - un-registers a unit to be checked at every interval, this should be used only when a (non-hero) unit decays or is removed completely from the game or when the player would like to stop recording a specific unit

      call GHDRefreshUnit(what unit) - completely erases the saved information on a unit&#039;s regen and allows it to be overwritten, this is important because if a unit gains items/abilities/levels all at once and now their base regen is large enough it will not register any healing/damage

      function GetUnitRegenLife takes unit whichunit returns real - returns the life regen for the unit, it must have already been registered for a bit and not recently been refreshed in order to return a proper regen, otherwise, it will return null

      function GetUnitRegenMana takes unit whichunit returns real - returns the mana regen for the unit, it must have already been registered for a bit and not recently been refreshed in order to return a proper regen, otherwise, it will return null

   GUI Use:
      GUI users must register the units that they wish to record still, but this can be done by setting the unit to a variable and using: Custom Script: call GHDRegisterUnit(udg_VariableName)  This is simply something i cant change at the moment, but i will update the system with the option to use Auto-Registration for heroes.  The following variables will need to be created in order to use the system properly for GUI users.  Also, if you would like to use a unit&#039;s saved regen, just use: Custom Script: set udg_RealVariable = GetUnitRegenLife(udg_UnitVariable) or Custom Script: set udg_RealVariable = GetUnitRegenMana(udg_UnitVariable)

   GUI Variables:

      GHDUnit (unit variable) - this is the unit that had some kind of change, only use this in instant triggers or save it to another variable to use it in waits, it is not MUI

      GHDLifeEvent (real variable) - this is used as the event for a unit gains life, using the game event: Game - GHDLifeEvent becomes equal to 0.00, you can easily detect when a unit recieves some kind of healing

      GHDLifeAmmount (real variable) - this is the ammount of healing the unit took.  This is Not MUI and will be changed shortly after use if another unit takes healing, make sure to use this in instant triggers or save it in a variable

      GHDLifePos (boolean variable) - if this is true, the change in health was a positive change; ie: (healing), if it is false, the change was a negative change; ie: Unit - Set life of Unit equal to life of Unit - 100, or using a healing ability with a negative healed value

      GHDManaEvent (real variable) - this is used as the event for a unit has a change in mana, like the life event use: Event: Game - GHDManaEvent becomes equal to 0.00

      GHDManaAmmount (real variable) - also like the health variable, but used for a change in mana

      GHDManaPos (boolean variable) - also like the boolean for life, if this is true the unit gained some kind of mana, maybe through a potion, if it is false, the unit lost mana (casts or mana burn)


      MaxInstanceAmmount - This is the maximum ammount of saved instances of un-interupted healing that is saved for each unit with this system.  This indirectly correlates with the ammount of units that the system can have registered.  The higher the instance ammount, the lower the unit ammount but the more accurate the system is.

      RefreshTime - This is the interval at which the system refreshes and checks each unit to see if they recieved any type of healing, and the interval at which it registers regeneration

      GapMax - this is the max deviation between the health that the unit had for the last refresh interval + its regen over the interval and its current health; ie: 50.0 means that health changes larger than 50% of the current saved regen will not be registered as regen and instead healing

Special thanks to:

Grags - idea for the system
Weep - although we havent talked... ever, i loved your GDD system
thehelper.net - for teaching me all i know about GUI and Jass

Additional Notes/Change Log:
If anyone has any questions as far as how to implement this you can pm me on thehelper.net

library GHD initializer GHDTrigger requires optional AIDS, optional UnitIndexer//or any other unit indexer that
//assigns a custom value to units that enter the map, they MUST assign a value to the unit
//and you should add the requirement here between requires and optional
        private constant integer MaxInstanceAmmount = 81//this is the ammount of saved instances of
        //eligible life/mana regen, the ammount of units save-able is equal 8190/this. Default is 100
        //units, 8 = 1000 units, 819 = 10
        private constant real RefreshTime = 1.0//the interval in seconds it takes while
        //one of the registered units is under their max health and does not take
        //damage, pick up an item, gain a level, cast an ability, or be the target
        //of an ability cast in order to register that as regen
        private constant real GapMax = 50.0//the % deviation from the units current regen that is
        //alloud to be registered, if the unit is past this it took some sort of healing.
        private group GHDGroup//do not change this.
    struct GHDStats extends array
        real GHDLastLife
        real GHDRegenLife
        integer GHDRegisterCountLife = 0
        boolean GHDChangeLife = true
        boolean GHDClearLife = false
        trigger GHDTrigLife
        real GHDTimeLife
        real GHDRegisteredLife
        real array GHDListLife[MaxInstanceAmmount+1]
        integer GHDListOrderLife
        real GHDLastMana
        real GHDRegenMana
        integer GHDRegisterCountMana = 0
        boolean GHDChangeMana = true
        boolean GHDClearMana = false
        trigger GHDTrigMana
        real GHDTimeMana
        real GHDRegisteredMana
        real array GHDListMana[MaxInstanceAmmount + 1]
        integer GHDListOrderMana
        static method register takes unit u returns thistype
            local thistype this = GetUnitUserData(u)
            return this
        static method remove takes unit u returns nothing
            local integer i = GetUnitUserData(u)
            local integer l = 1
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDLastLife = null
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDRegenLife = null
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDRegisterCountLife = 1
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDChangeLife = true
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDClearLife = false
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDTimeLife = 0.0
            call DestroyTrigger(GHDStats<i>.GHDTrigLife)
                exitwhen l == MaxInstanceAmmount + 1
                set GHDStats<i>.GHDListLife[l] = null
                set l = l + 1
            set l = 1
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDLastMana = null
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDRegenMana = null
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDRegisterCountMana = 1
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDChangeMana = true
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDClearMana = false
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDTimeMana = 0.0
            call DestroyTrigger(i.GHDTrigMana)
                exitwhen l == MaxInstanceAmmount + 1
                set GHDStats<i>.GHDListMana[l] = null
                set l = l + 1
    function GHDDamageActions takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit())
        set i.GHDLastLife = i.GHDLastLife - GetEventDamage()
        set i.GHDChangeMana = false
//Here we have the register unit function, this can be used via: call GHDRegisterUnit(unit)
//The system only checks the units that have been registered.  All this function does is add the unit to
//GHDGroup (the group that contains all registered units), creates any triggers used to determine
//eligibility, and preps the unit to be checked for health/mana changes
    function GHDRegisterUnit takes unit u returns nothing
        local integer l = 0
        local GHDStats i = null
        local group g = GHDGroup
        local code c = function GHDLifeActions
            exitwhen (FirstOfGroup(g) == null)
            set l = l + 1
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, FirstOfGroup(g))
        if (i &lt; R2I(8190 / I2R(MaxInstanceAmmount))) then
            call GroupAddUnit(GHDGroup, u)
            set i = GHDStats.register
            set i.GHDTrigLife = CreateTrigger()
            set i.GHDTrigMana = CreateTrigger()
            call GHDLifeEvents(i)
            call GHDManaEvents(i)
            call TriggerAddCondition(i.GHDTrigLife, Filter(c))
            set c = function GHDManaActions
            call TriggerAddAction(i.GHDTrigMana, Filter(c))
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;ERROR: You have too many units registered for mana/health regen and alteration detection.&quot;)
        set c = null
        call DestroyGroup(g)
//you can use this function to refresh the unit&#039;s regen, this will erase the current saved data, but
//allow the unit to begin re-freshing it&#039;s regen anew, without previous data corrupting the accuracy or
//stopping new values from being registered.

    function GHDRefreshUnit takes unit u returns nothing
        local integer i = GetUnitUserData(u)
        local integer a = 1
            exitwhen a &gt; MaxInstanceAmmount
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDListLife[a] = 0
            set GHDStats<i>.GHDListMana[a] = 0
            set a = a + 1
        set GHDStats<i>.GHDListOrderLife = 1
        set GHDStats<i>.GHDListOrderMana = 1
        set GHDStats<i>.GHDRegenLife = null
        set GHDStats<i>.GHDRegenMana = null
        set GHDStats<i>.GHDTimeLife = 0.0
        set GHDStats<i>.GHDTimeMana = 0.0
        set GHDStats<i>.GHDRegisteredLife = 0.0
        set GHDStats<i>.GHDRegisteredMana = 0.0
//you can use these functions to get unit&#039;s regen, if you try to get a unit that has recently been
//registered and has not gotten the chance to regenerate yet, or has not been registered at all, then
//this will return: null

    function GetUnitRegenLife takes unit whichunit returns real
        if (IsUnitInGroup(whichunit, GHDGroup)) then
            if (GetUnitUserData(whichunit).GHDRegenLife != 0.0) then
                return GetUnitUserData(whichunit).GHDRegenLife
                return null
        return null
    function GetUnitRegenMana takes unit whichunit returns real
        if (IsUnitInGroup(whichunit, GHDGroup)) then
            if (GetUnitUserData(whichunit).GHDRegenMana != 0.0) then
                return GetUnitUserData(whichunit).GHDRegenMana
                return null
        return null
//here we can unregister or remove units from the system, this is so that you can register other units
//so you dont hit the max ammount of registered units, and so that you can remove decaying/removed units
//from the system
    function GHDRemoveUnit takes unit u returns nothing
        local integer i = GetUnitUserData(u)
        call GHDStats.remove
        call GroupRemoveUnit(GHDGroup, u)
//here are the actions for the core trigger to the system, this is what occurs at every refresh interval
//it checks each unit that has been registered for mana/healing checking and compares whether the unit
//is eligible for it&#039;s mana/health to be registered, if not it sets the unit to be eligible and
//continues on to the other units, this way the next interval will be eligible if the unit has not done
//anything that would make them not eligible
    private function GHDActions takes nothing returns nothing
        local group g = GHDGroup
        local unit u = null
        local real r = 0.0
            exitwhen (FirstOfGroup(g) = null)
            set u = FirstOfGroup(g)
            set r = ((GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) - GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDLastLife)/RefreshTime)
            if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDChangeLife = true) then
                if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife != null) then
                    if (r &lt;= (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime * (1.0 + (GapMax/100.0)))
                    if (r &gt;= (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime * (1.0 - (GapMax/100.0)))
                        set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredLife = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredLife + r
                        if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountLife &lt; MaxInstanceAmmount) then
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeLife = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeLife + RefreshTime
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountLife = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountLife + 1
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife = (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredLife / GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeLife)
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListLife[GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountLife] = r
                            if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderLife &lt; MaxInstanceAmmount)
                                set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderLife = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderLife + 1
                                set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderLife = 1
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife = (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredLife / GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeLife)
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredLife = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredLife - GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListLife[GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderLife]
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListLife[GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderLife] = r
                        set udg_GHDUnit = u
                        set udg_GHDLifeAmmount = r - (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime)
                        set udg_GHDLifePos = false
                        set udg_GHDLifeEvent = 0.0
                        set udg_GHDLifeEvent = 1.0
                        set udg_GHDUnit = u
                        set udg_GHDLifeAmmount = r - (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime)
                        set udg_GHDLifePos = true
                        set udg_GHDLifeEvent = 0.0
                        set udg_GHDLifeEvent = 1.0
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredLife = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredLife + r
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountLife = 1
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeLife = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeLife + RefreshTime
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife = (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredLife / GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeLife)
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListLife[GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountLife] = r
                if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife != null) then
                if (r &gt;= (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime * (1.0 + (GapMax/100.0)))
                    set udg_GHDUnit = u
                    set udg_GHDLifeAmmount = r - (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime)
                    set udg_GHDLifePos = true
                    set udg_GHDLifeEvent = 0.0
                    set udg_GHDLifeEvent = 1.0
                elseif (r &lt;= (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime * (1.0 - (GapMax/100.0)))
                    set udg_GHDUnit = u
                    set udg_GHDLifeAmmount = r - (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime)
                    set udg_GHDLifePos = false
                    set udg_GHDLifeEvent = 0.0
                    set udg_GHDLifeEvent = 1.0
                set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDChangeLife = true)

//here is where the life check ends and the mana check starts

            set r = ((GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDLastMana)/RefreshTime)
            if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDChangeMana = true) then
                if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana != null) then
                    if (r &lt;= (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana * RefreshTime * (1.0 + (GapMax/100.0)))
                    if (r &gt;= (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana * RefreshTime * (1.0 - (GapMax/100.0)))
                        set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredMana = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredMana + r
                        if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountMana &lt; MaxInstanceAmmount) then
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeMana = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeMana + RefreshTime
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountMana = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountMana + 1
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana = (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredMana / GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeMana)
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListMana[GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountMana] = r
                            if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderMana &lt; MaxInstanceAmmount)
                                set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderMana = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderMana + 1
                                set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderMana = 1
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana = (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredMana / GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeMana)
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredMana = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredMana - GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListMana[GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderMana]
                            set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListMana[GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListOrderMana] = r
                        set udg_GHDUnit = u
                        set udg_GHDManaAmmount = r - (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime)
                        set udg_GHDManaPos = true
                        set udg_GHDManaEvent = 0.0
                        set udg_GHDManaEvent = 1.0
                        set udg_GHDUnit = u
                        set udg_GHDManaAmmount = r - (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenLife * RefreshTime)
                        set udg_GHDManaPos = true
                        set udg_GHDManaEvent = 0.0
                        set udg_GHDManaEvent = 1.0
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredMana = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredMana + r
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountMana = 1
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeMana = GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeMana + RefreshTime
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana = (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisteredMana / GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDTimeMana)
                    set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDListMana[GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegisterCountMana] = r
                if (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana != null) then
                if (r &gt;= (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana * RefreshTime * (1.0 + (GapMax/100.0)))
                    set udg_GHDUnit = u
                    set udg_GHDManaAmmount = r - (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana * RefreshTime)
                    set udg_GHDManaPos = true
                    set udg_GHDManaEvent = 0.0
                    set udg_GHDManaEvent = 1.0
                elseif (r &lt;= (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana * RefreshTime * (1.0 - (GapMax/100.0)))
                    set udg_GHDUnit = u
                    set udg_GHDManaAmmount = r - (GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDRegenMana * RefreshTime)
                    set udg_GHDManaPos = false
                    set udg_GHDManaEvent = 0.0
                    set udg_GHDManaEvent = 1.0
                set GHDStats[GetUnitUserData(u)].GHDChangeMana = true
            set GetUnitUserData.GHDLastLife = GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE)
            set GetUnitUserData.GHDLastMana = GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA)
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, u)
        set u = null
        call DestroyGroup(g)
//Mana Cancellation occurs when a unit casts an ability or is the target of an ability, this is so that
//whenever a unit uses mana or has a chance to be a target of a mana burn type ability, they do not
//register mana on the upcoming refresh
    private function GHDManaCancellation takes nothing returns nothing
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit()).GHDChangeMana = false
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetSpellTargetUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GetUnitUserData(GetSpellTargetUnit().GHDChangeMana = false
//In this we create the core triggers and create actions using conditions saved as code... relatively
    private function GHDTrigger takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local code c = function GHDActions
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(t, RefreshTime, true)
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Filter(c))
        set c = function GHDManaCancellation
        set t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(t, null, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Filter(c))
        set c = null
        set t = null


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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Well, ignoring the fact that it's uncompilable, I think a better approach would be:

function GetUnitLifeRegen takes unit u returns real
    local real result = 0
    local integer item_index
    local integer item_type_id

    set result = result + GetUnitTypeBaseRegeneration(GetUniTypeId(u)) // the value set in the OE
    if IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) then
        set result = result + GetHeroStr(u, true) * HP_REGEN_BOUNS_PER_STR_POINT
        set item_index = 0
            exitwhen i &gt;= bj_MAX_INVENTORY

            set item_type_id = GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(u, item_index))
            if item_type_id == &#039;rlif&#039; then // ring of regeneration +2 hp regen
                set result = result + 2

            // elseif item_type_id == custom_item_with_hp_regen_id then

            set item_index = item_index + 1

    set result = result + GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, &#039;AUau&#039;) * 0.50 // under the effect of Unholy aura?
    // and other custom auras that stack?! =)

    return result

// the same thing with mana except the attribute, items and auras are different.
function GetUnitManaRegen takes unit u returns real

As you can probably tell this is pretty efficient and could work for every unit.


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
Reaction score
its supposed to be able to detect healing, not regen, the regen was just a part of that that came along with it
and what is it that makes it not compile?


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
Reaction score
>and what is it that makes it not compile?

I meant that GHD (being "unfinished") won't compile and posted a "skeleton" script that just needs the GetUnitTypeBaseRegeneration function and the HP_REGEN_BONUS_PER_STR_POINT constant.

>its supposed to be able to detect healing, not regen,

hp regeneration is not healing? if so then detecting healing is as simple as detecting all the healing abilities being cast


Invasion in Duskwood
Reaction score
and what is it that makes it not compile?

private function GHDManaCancellation takes nothing returns nothing
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit()).GHDChangeMana = false
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetSpellTargetUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GetUnitUserData(GetSpellTargetUnit().GHDChangeMana = false

AFAIK integers do not have members. Guess you wanted to write something like this:

private function GHDManaCancellation takes nothing returns nothing
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GHDStats(GetUnitUserData(GetTriggerUnit())).GHDChangeMana = false
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetSpellTargetUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GHDStats(GetUnitUserData(GetSpellTargetUnit())).GHDChangeMana = false

or either this:

private function GHDManaCancellation takes nothing returns nothing
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GHDStats[GetTriggerUnit()].GHDChangeMana = false
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetSpellTargetUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GHDStats[GetSpellTargetUnit()].GHDChangeMana = false


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
Reaction score
hp regeneration is not healing? if so then detecting healing is as simple as detecting all the healing abilities being cast
ok its supposed to detect both, but its supposed to be able to tell the difference between regen and healing... and detecting healing isnt as simple as the GetUnitTypeBaseRegeneration function, that does not take into account strength, items, buffs, auras, and plenty of other things, and mana regeneration is the same way...

private function GHDManaCancellation takes nothing returns nothing
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GHDStats[GetTriggerUnit()].GHDChangeMana = false
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetSpellTargetUnit(), GHDGroup)) then
            set GHDStats[GetSpellTargetUnit()].GHDChangeMana = false
thanks, ill change that right now

EDIT: Updated it, properly referencing struct variables now, i think...
any other slip ups that you see feel free to tell me


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I'm kinda lost here, how are GUI users supposed to have events such as "unit is healed" with your library?
Also if you're planning to code a GUI-friendly resource be prepared to code one that doesn't use the JASS helper, because most GUI users don't.


Invasion in Duskwood
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Well, it took me like an hour to make my JASSHelper compile this monster, but 25% of the code is still unclear, and not to mention that this is honestly an overkill (writing my own, efficient vJASS snippet would be way easier and faster). I'm not going to post it since I still didn't change a lot of things, and it's not even my own code, but you have to work A LOT on it.

Also, "udg_"?


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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>Well, it took me like an hour to make my JASSHelper compile this monster,
You did?! xD... +1 for bothering
So did it work =)?

>(writing my own, efficient vJASS snippet would be way easier and faster)
What method would it be using? Just curious...


Invasion in Duskwood
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Dunno, I didn't test it, because it had some unclear parts (non-existent trigger actions, "udg_" global variables, etc)

Well, I think I'd use an AIDS struct combined with a linked list so that I can loop through it periodically as fast as possible. Or something like this, because it might change while I'm writing the script; I keep coming up with ideas while I'm coding.


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
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the global variables were for gui users to hook into it...
i guess i could do it a lot more efficiently... ill try re-writing this using a linked list instead of a group
and uhmmm, i dont think there is a GetUnitTypeBaseRegen function or a regen per str constant


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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>i dont think there is a GetUnitTypeBaseRegen function or a regen per str constant

You don't say...

The constant simply reflects the value the user/mapmaker has set in the Gameplay Constants window for the constant Hero Attributes - HP Regen. Bonus per Strength Point (default: 0.05), and the function would look like something like this:

function init_units_base_hp_regen takes nothing returns nothing
    call SaveReal(HT, &#039;e000&#039;, HP_REGEN_KEY, ...)
    call SaveReal(HT, &#039;ebal&#039;, HP_REGEN_KEY, ...)
    call SaveReal(HT, &#039;hfoo&#039;, HP_REGEN_KEY ...)
    etc. for all the units(custom or preset) in the map making essentially a small database

function on_init takes nothing returns nothing
     ExecuteFunc(&quot;init_units_base_hp_regen&quot;) // making sure not to hit the op limit

function GetUnitTypeBaseLifeRegeneration takes integer unit_type_id returns real
    return LoadReal(HT, unit_type_id, HP_REGEN_KEY)

With this "method" of extracting the data that is available in the OE but unavailable for the Jass's api, we simple extract the data and put
it in to a hashtable/gamecache/etc in the map's script; this way every unit's property is available even defense and attack type =).

Of course we are not bound of extracting only unit data, but it seams most useful due to units/heroes being a central part in the game of Warcraft 3 [TFT]


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In the GHD Actions function, you should assign GetUnitUserData(u) to a local integer so you don't have to call the function several times. (instead you can just use the local variable)


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
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updated... now referencing local variables instead of GetUnitUserData(u), fixed a few local variable declarations, and cleaned up some documentation, more in the next update
sometime this week i will update it with the version that uses a linked list isntead of a group


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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Have you actually tried to compile this script yourself??!! Compile = using newgen/jasshelper and save the map.


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
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every time i try to compile anything, including approved systems, it says that every single line is outside a function statement... even the line:
[ljass]function Name takes nothing returns nothing[/ljass] is outside a function statement?!?!? that makes 0 sense


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Don't compile with the syntax check button, it's broken, instead save the map


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
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guess i need to learn more about the actual program before i really get into using it... is there some sort of tutorial for each of the JNPG resources?
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