System stringPlayer


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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Created by Darthfett

A small collection of functions relating to players. They can be used to convert anything from a player to his hex code colored name, to converting a SubString of players' names to a force containing each player.


The rest of the documentation can be found in the system code, below:

library stringPlayer initializer Init uses stringFilter,stringFind,stringColor

        stringPlayer library, created by Darthfett - version 1.1
-vJass compiler (such as JASSHelper, this version compiled for version 0.A.2.7)
+stringFilter library - <a href="" class="link link--internal"></a>

-NONE of these functions are standalone.  They require the globals block, 
the Init function, and the listed string Libraries

-Credit for this library is not necessary.  Feel free to use it in your map.
If you feel obligated to credit me, I won&#039;t object.  I only ask that you do 
not simply copy and paste the library as your own.

-These functions make use of the vJass hook and will work with systems that
change players&#039; names and playercolors.



private constant boolean DISPLAY_ERRORS = false
    Set to true/false to enable/disable error messages.
&lt;END CONFIG&gt;
string array playerColorStr
    Contains the hex color code of each player (sorted by PlayerId)
    (Example: &quot;|cffff0303&quot; for Player Red
string array playerNames
    Contains the physical names of each player (sorted by PlayerId)
    (Example: &quot;Player 2&quot; for Player 2)

string array playerNamesColored
    Contains the colored physical names of each player (sorted by PlayerId)
    (Example: &quot;|cff0042ffPlayer 2|r&quot; for Player 2)
    (Example: playerColorStr + playerName + CLR_END)

playercolor array playerColor
    Contains the playercolor of each player (sorted by PlayerId)
    (Example: ConvertPlayerColor(0) for Player Red)
    (Example: PLAYER_COLOR_RED for Player Red)
string array playerColors
    Contains the color in default order from &quot;red&quot; to &quot;brown&quot;.
    Note that this is not synchronized with each player&#039;s color.
force array colorForces
    Contains the forces of all players of each color.
    (Example: colorForces[0] contains all players of the color 

function P2HS takes player p returns string
    Player to Hex String returns the hex string (color code) of the player p.
    (Example: &quot;|cffff0303&quot; for Red)
function I2HS takes integer i returns string
    Integer to Hex String returns the hex color code of the player indexed by i.
    (Example: &quot;|cffff0303&quot; for Player 0, Red)
function P2CN takes player p returns string
    Player to Colored Name returns the name of player p in his respective hex color.
    (Example: &quot;|cffff0303Player 1|r&quot; for Player 0, Red)

function I2CN takes integer i returns string
    Integer to Colored Name returns the name of the player indexed by i in his
    respective player Color.
    (Example: &quot;|cffff0303Player 1|r&quot; for Player 0, Red)
function C2PC takes string s returns playercolor
    Color to playercolor converts a color (e.g. &quot;red&quot;) into
    his respective playercolor.
function S2P takes string s returns player
    String to Player converts s from a string into a player.
    Works for a player referred to by his color (e.g. &quot;grey&quot;), his number
    (Example: &quot;1&quot; for Player(2)), by his name (e.g. &quot;Player 1&quot; is Player(0)),
    or by a substring of his name.
    (Example: &quot;yer 1&quot; in a game with &quot;Player 1&quot; would refer to him)
    This function is NOT case sensitive, and &quot;plAYer&quot; will work the same as 
    &quot;Player&quot;, just as &quot;yeLLOw&quot; will work the same as &quot;yellow&quot;.
    Invalid input will result in the output being Player(12) in debug mode,
    or null while not in debug mode.
function S2F takes string s returns force
    String to Force converts s from a string into a force.
    Works for players referred to by their color (e.g. &quot;grey&quot;), his number
    (Example: &quot;1&quot; for Player(2)), by their name (e.g. &quot;Player 1&quot; is Player(0)),
    or by a substring of his name
    (Example: &quot;yer 1&quot; in a game with &quot;Player 1&quot; would refer to him)
    This function is NOT case sensitive, and &quot;plAYer&quot; will work the same as 
    &quot;Player&quot;, just as &quot;yeLLOw&quot; will work the same as &quot;yellow&quot;.
    Invalid input will result in the output being Player(12) in debug mode,
    or null while not in debug mode.
function S2PI takes string s returns integer
    String to Player Id converts s from a string into a player number.
    Works for a player referred to by his color (e.g. &quot;grey&quot;), his number 
    (Example: &quot;1&quot; for Player(2)), by his name (e.g. &quot;Player 1&quot; is 0), or by a
    substring of his name
    (Example: &quot;yer 1&quot; in a game with &quot;Player 1&quot; would refer to him)
    This function is NOT case sensitive, and &quot;plAYer&quot; will work the same as 
    &quot;Player&quot;, just as &quot;yeLLOw&quot; will work the same as &quot;yellow&quot;.
    Invalid input will result in the output being &#039;12&#039;.

private constant integer MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 26
    Do NOT change this.  The max length of any player&#039;s name is 26 characters.
    This is an internal engine limitation, not this system&#039;s limitation.

    private constant boolean DISPLAY_ERRORS = false
    string array playerColorStr
    string array playerNames
    string array playerNamesColored
    playercolor array playerColor
    force array colorForces
    string array playerColors
    private constant string C2PC_errorMsg = &quot;ERROR: stringPlayer - function C2PC: Invalid color&quot;
    private constant string S2P_errorMsg = &quot;ERROR: stringPlayer - function S2P: Invalid player string&quot;
    private constant string S2F_errorMsg = &quot;ERROR: stringPlayer - function S2F: Invalid player string&quot;
    private constant string S2PI_errorMsg = &quot;ERROR: stringPlayer - function S2PI: Invalid player string&quot;
    private constant integer MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 26
    private hashtable playerTable
    private force tempForce
    private string array tempPlayerColorStr
    private boolean isEmpty
    private player last

private function DebugMsg takes string s returns nothing
    if DISPLAY_ERRORS then
        debug call BJDebugMsg(s)

private function CopyForceCallback takes nothing returns nothing
    call ForceAddPlayer(tempForce,GetEnumPlayer())

private function CopyForce takes force f returns force
    set tempForce = CreateForce()
    call ForForce(f,function CopyForceCallback)
    return tempForce

private function IsForceEmptyCallback takes nothing returns nothing
    set isEmpty = false

private function IsForceEmpty takes force f returns boolean
    set isEmpty = true
    call ForForce(f,function IsForceEmptyCallback)
    return isEmpty

private function PlayingPlayerInForceCallback takes nothing returns nothing
    if last == null or GetPlayerSlotState(GetEnumPlayer()) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
        set last = GetEnumPlayer()

private function PlayingPlayerInForce takes force f returns player
    set last = null
    call ForForce(f,function PlayingPlayerInForceCallback)
    return last
private function onColorChange takes player whichPlayer, playercolor color returns nothing
    local integer id = GetHandleId(playerColor[GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)])
    call ForceRemovePlayer(colorForces[id],whichPlayer)
    set id = GetHandleId(color)
    call ForceAddPlayer(colorForces[id],whichPlayer)
    set playerColor[GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)] = color

private function onNameChange takes player whichPlayer, string name returns nothing
    local integer i = GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)
    local integer childKey = StringHash(playerNames<i>)
    if name == &quot;&quot; then
        set name = &quot;Player &quot; + I2S(i+1)
    if StringLength(name) &gt; MAX_NAME_LENGTH then
        set name = SubString(name,0,MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
    set tempForce = LoadForceHandle(playerTable,0,childKey)
    call ForceRemovePlayer(tempForce,whichPlayer)
    if IsForceEmpty(tempForce) then
        call RemoveSavedHandle(playerTable,0,childKey)
        call DestroyForce(tempForce)
    set childKey = StringHash(name)
    if HaveSavedHandle(playerTable,0,childKey) then
        call ForceAddPlayer(LoadForceHandle(playerTable,0,childKey),whichPlayer)
        set tempForce = CreateForce()
        call ForceAddPlayer(tempForce,whichPlayer)
        call SaveForceHandle(playerTable,0,childKey,tempForce)
    set playerNames<i> = name
    set playerNamesColored<i> = playerColorStr<i> + playerNames<i> + CLR_END
    set tempForce = null

hook SetPlayerColor onColorChange
hook SetPlayerName onNameChange

function P2HS takes player p returns string
    return playerColorStr[GetPlayerId(p)]

function I2HS takes integer i returns string
    return playerColorStr<i>

function P2CN takes player p returns string
    return playerNamesColored[GetPlayerId(p)]

function I2CN takes integer i returns string
    return playerNamesColored<i>

function C2PC takes string s returns playercolor
    local integer i = 0
        exitwhen i &gt;= 12
        if s == playerColors<i> then
            return ConvertPlayerColor(i)
        set i = i + 1
    debug call DebugMsg(C2PC_errorMsg)
    return null

function S2P takes string s returns player
    local integer i
    set s = StripMeta(s,true)
    set i = StringHash(s)    
    if HaveSavedHandle(playerTable,0,i) then
        return PlayingPlayerInForce(LoadForceHandle(playerTable,0,i))
    if HaveSavedInteger(playerTable,1,i) then
        return PlayingPlayerInForce(colorForces[LoadInteger(playerTable,1,i)])
    set i = S2I(s)
    if I2S(i) == s and i &gt;= 1 and i &lt;= 12 then
        return Player(i-1)
    set i = 0
        exitwhen i &gt;= 12
        if ContainsString(playerNames<i>,s,false) then
            return Player(i)
        set i = i + 1
    debug call DebugMsg(S2P_errorMsg)
    debug return Player(12)
    return null

function S2F takes string s returns force
    local integer i
    set s = StripMeta(s,true)
    set i = StringHash(s)    
    if HaveSavedHandle(playerTable,0,i) then
        return CopyForce(LoadForceHandle(playerTable,0,i))
    if HaveSavedInteger(playerTable,1,i) then
        return CopyForce(colorForces[LoadInteger(playerTable,1,i)])
    set tempForce = CreateForce()    
    set i = S2I(s)
    if I2S(i) == s and i &gt;= 1 and i &lt;= 12 then
        call ForceAddPlayer(tempForce,Player(i-1))
        return tempForce
    set i = 0
        exitwhen i &gt;= 12
        if ContainsString(playerNames<i>,s,false) then
            call ForceAddPlayer(tempForce,Player(i))
        set i = i + 1
    debug if IsForceEmpty(tempForce) then
        debug call DebugMsg(S2F_errorMsg)
    debug endif
    return tempForce

function S2PI takes string s returns integer
    local integer i
    set s = StripMeta(s,true)
    set i = StringHash(s)    
    if HaveSavedHandle(playerTable,0,i) then
        return GetPlayerId(PlayingPlayerInForce(LoadForceHandle(playerTable,0,i)))
    if HaveSavedHandle(playerTable,1,i) then
        return GetPlayerId(PlayingPlayerInForce(colorForces[LoadInteger(playerTable,1,i)]))
    set i = S2I(s)
    if I2S(i) == s and i &gt;= 1 and i &lt;= 12 then
        return i-1
    set i = 0
        exitwhen i &gt;= 12
        if ContainsString(playerNames<i>,s,false) then
            return i
        set i = i + 1
    debug call DebugMsg(S2PI_errorMsg)
    return 12

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 0
    local player p
    local force f

    set playerTable = InitHashtable()
    set playerColors[0] = &quot;red&quot;
    set playerColors[1] = &quot;blue&quot;
    set playerColors[2] = &quot;teal&quot;
    set playerColors[3] = &quot;purple&quot;
    set playerColors[4] = &quot;yellow&quot;
    set playerColors[5] = &quot;orange&quot;
    set playerColors[6] = &quot;green&quot;
    set playerColors[7] = &quot;pink&quot;
    set playerColors[8] = &quot;grey&quot;
    set playerColors[9] = &quot;lightblue&quot;
    set playerColors[10] = &quot;darkgreen&quot;
    set playerColors[11] = &quot;brown&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[0] = &quot;|cffff0303&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[1] = &quot;|cff0042ff&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[2] = &quot;|cff1ce6b9&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[3] = &quot;|cff540081&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[4] = &quot;|cfffffc01&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[5] = &quot;|cfffeba0e&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[6] = &quot;|cff20c000&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[7] = &quot;|cffr55bb0&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[8] = &quot;|cff959697&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[9] = &quot;|cff7ebff1&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[10] = &quot;|cff107246&quot;
    set tempPlayerColorStr[11] = &quot;|cff4e2a04&quot;
        exitwhen i &gt;= 12
        set colorForces<i> = CreateForce()
        call SaveInteger(playerTable,1,StringHash(playerColors<i>),i)
        set i = i + 1
    set i = 0
        exitwhen i &gt;= 12
        set p = Player(i)
        set playerColor<i> = GetPlayerColor(p)
        set playerNames<i> = GetPlayerName(p)
        set playerColorStr<i> = tempPlayerColorStr[GetHandleId(playerColor<i>)]
        set playerNamesColored<i> = playerColorStr<i> + playerNames<i> + CLR_END
        call ForceAddPlayer(colorForces[GetHandleId(playerColor<i>)],p)
        set f = CreateForce()
        call ForceAddPlayer(f,p)
        call SaveForceHandle(playerTable,0,StringHash(playerNames<i>),f)
        set i = i + 1

library_once stringFind
    function ContainsString takes string s, string find, boolean checkCase returns boolean
        local integer i = 0
        local integer findLen = StringLength(find)
        local integer sLen = StringLength(s)
        if not checkCase then
            set s = StringCase(s,false)
            set find = StringCase(find,false)
            exitwhen i+findLen &gt; sLen
            if SubString(s,i,i+findLen) == find then
                return true
            set i = i + 1
        return false

library_once stringColor
        constant string CLR_END =        &quot;|r&quot;


Super Moderator
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function xred takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cffff0303&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xblue takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cff0042ff&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xteal takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cff1ce6b9&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xpurple takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cff540081&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xyellow takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cfffffc01&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xorange takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cfffeba0e&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xgreen takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cff20c000&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xpink takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cff55bb0&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xgray takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cff959697&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xlb takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cff7ebff1&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xdg takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cff107246&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;
function xbrown takes string s returns string
return &quot;|cff4e2a04&quot;+s+&quot;|R&quot;

    // &quot;|cffff0303&quot;  //  Red
    // &quot;|cff0042ff&quot;  //  Blue
    // &quot;|cff1ce6b9&quot;  //  Teal
    // &quot;|cff540081&quot;  //  Purple
    // &quot;|cfffffc01&quot;  //  Yellow
    // &quot;|cfffeba0e&quot;  //  Orange
    // &quot;|cff20c000&quot;  //  Green
    // &quot;|cffr55bb0&quot;  //  Pink
    // &quot;|cff959697&quot;  //  gray
    // &quot;|cff7ebff1&quot;  //  lightblue
    // &quot;|cff107246&quot;  //  darkgreen
    // &quot;|cff4e2a04&quot;  //  brown

I have that saved, and I just throw that into my map header.

Then it's just [ljass](xred(s))[/ljass] for player color red. I`ll throw it into an array to.

And it`s vJass-less. -happy face-

Anyway, I think that`s simpler than putting this in your map.

Edit: Forgive my ignorance, I didn`t notice the complexity of your system, thought it was just colors.


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
Reaction score

Then it's just [ljass](xred(s))[/ljass] for player color red. I`ll throw it into an array to.

And it`s vJass-less. -happy face-

Anyway, I think that`s simpler than putting this in your map.

Edit: Forgive my ignorance, I didn`t notice the complexity of your system, thought it was just colors.

It's really not just colors. :p This monster sorts players into forces based on their name and color. It has support for name-changing and color-changing systems, and automatically re-organizes the arrays so that they are synced up with it.

Anyways, I updated this library to use the updated string libraries. Thanks to Jesus4Lyf, I can also make this system a little faster (since StringHash is inherently case-insensitive). It skips a few StringCase calls.


Ultra Cool Member
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't the order of these two lines be switched around?

set playerNamesColored<i> = playerColorStr<i> + playerNames<i> + CLR_END
set playerColorStr<i> = tempPlayerColorStr[GetHandleId(playerColor<i>)]</i></i></i></i></i>

EDIT: Tested. It won't work unless you switch them around.


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
Reaction score
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't the order of these two lines be switched around?

set playerNamesColored<i> = playerColorStr<i> + playerNames<i> + CLR_END
set playerColorStr<i> = tempPlayerColorStr[GetHandleId(playerColor<i>)]</i></i></i></i></i>

EDIT: Tested. It won't work unless you switch them around.

Yea, must have came up when I redid the initializer, thanks. (fixed it) :)


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
Requires a graveyarded resource "stringFilter"
Btw, i know we don't have any official vJass convention but i thought it was pretty common to use LibraryName and not libraryName.


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
Reaction score
Requires a graveyarded resource "stringFilter"
Btw, i know we don't have any official vJass convention but i thought it was pretty common to use LibraryName and not libraryName.

Don't know why that was graveyarded, I thought I moved mine back after the auto GY. There wasn't any official review, and I've heard good feedback on it.

I wanted the 'string' to be noticeably in common with the other string libraries.


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
I wanted the 'string' to be noticeably in common with the other string libraries.
I don't think it's a valid reason, but it's me, so my opinion doesn't matter if the staff approved it in the current state, anyway it's just a tiny thing ...
But i definitely worry about the library stringType though, as you can see i've spotted things which are wrong.
But it's an other subject and off-topic here.
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