System vJUI - vJASS Unique Indexing & Object Attacher


Cuz I can
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This is for indexing rawids and strings with unique indicies between 1 and 8191, abusing hashtables and structs. It is quite simple indeed, but very useful.

It actually _is_ able to get indicies for handleid's, too. Not for handles though, so when the handleid get's recycled you might have a bunch of trouble.

Note that a string might get the same index like a handleid (or rawid) and vv.

If you require more than 8k for something special (like a random numbers indexer), _please_ instanciate the textmacro again (although you aren't supposed to ;D)
  call GetUniqueIndex( 'I005' ) // -> integer between 1 and 8k, doesn't change
  call GetUniqueStringIndex( "Hey, babe!" ) // -> integer between 1 and 8k, maybe the same.

library Hashich

// This is for 8000 indicies per field only. If you need more, please instanciate the texmacro again.

//! textmacro HASHICH takes NAME, VAL, TYPE
  hashtable Hashich$NAME$_saver = InitHashtable()
  integer Hashich$NAME$_count = 1

function GetUnique$NAME$Index takes $TYPE$ val returns integer
    local integer value = $VAL$
    local integer id = LoadInteger( Hashich$NAME$_saver, value, 0 )
    if id == 0 then
        set id = Hashich$NAME$_count
        set Hashich$NAME$_count = Hashich$NAME$_count + 1
        call SaveInteger( Hashich$NAME$_saver, value, 0, id )
    return id

//! endtextmacro

//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "",       "val",                  "integer" )
//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "String", "StringHash( val )",    "string" )
//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "Handle", "GetHandleId( val )",   "handle" )


Especially useful with the ObjectAttachers that ease the syntax and do nasty stuff for you.

The Object attacher uses textmacros to create simple attachers for rawids and strings (no handles).
// Outside of any library/scope:
//! runtextmacro AddObjectValue( "Cost", "integer", "0" )
//! runtextmacro AddStringValue( "PlayerByName", "player", "null" )

    call SetObjectCost( 'I005', 200 )
    call BJDebugMsg( "The current cost are " + I2S( Cost[ 'I005' ] ) + " Gold." ) 
    set Cost[ 'I005' ] = 50000
    call BJDebugMsg( "The current cost are " + I2S( GetObjectCost( 'I005' ) ) + " Gold." ) // Prices grew a bit.
    local integer i = 0
         exitwhen i == 12
         call SetStringPlayerByName( GetPlayerName( Player( i ) ), Player( i ) )
         set i = i + 1
    if PlayerByName[ "SerraAvenger" ] != null then
        call BJDebugMsg( "SerraAvenger is in the game! He occupies slot #" + I2S( GetPlayerId( GetStringPlayerByName( "SerraAvenger" ) ) ) )

///// VER 02 03 - ObjectAttacher

//! textmacro AddObjectValue takes NAME, TYPE, DEFAULT
library_once $NAME$Attacher needs Hashich
    private boolean array isUsed
    private $TYPE$ array Val
    private $TYPE$ Default = $DEFAULT$ 

public function GetObjectIndex takes integer id returns integer
    return GetUniqueIndex( id )

function SetDefault$NAME$ takes $TYPE$ value returns nothing
    set Default = value

function GetDefault$NAME$ takes nothing returns $TYPE$
    return Default

function SetObject$NAME$ takes integer id, $TYPE$ value returns nothing
    local integer index = GetUniqueIndex( id )
    if value == Default then
        set isUsed[ index ] = false
        set isUsed[ index ] = true
        set Val[ index ] = value

function GetObject$NAME$ takes integer id returns $TYPE$
    local integer index = GetObjectIndex( id )
    local $TYPE$ result = Default
    if isUsed[ index ] then
        set result = Val[ index ]
    return result

struct $NAME$
    static method operator [] takes integer id returns $TYPE$
        return GetObject$NAME$( id )
    static method operator []= takes integer id, $TYPE$ value returns nothing
        call SetObject$NAME$( id, value )
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro AddStringValue takes NAME, TYPE, DEFAULT
library_once $NAME$Attacher needs Hashich
    private boolean array isUsed
    private $TYPE$ array Val
    private $TYPE$ Default = $DEFAULT$ 

public function GetStringIndex takes string id returns integer
    return GetUniqueStringIndex( id )

function SetDefault$NAME$ takes $TYPE$ value returns nothing
    set Default = value

function GetDefault$NAME$ takes nothing returns $TYPE$
    return Default

function SetString$NAME$ takes string id, $TYPE$ value returns nothing
    local integer index = GetStringIndex( id )
    if value == Default then
        set isUsed[ index ] = false
        set isUsed[ index ] = true
        set Val[ index ] = value

function GetString$NAME$ takes string id returns $TYPE$
    local integer index = GetStringIndex( id )
    local $TYPE$ result = Default
    if isUsed[ index ] then
        set result = Val[ index ]
    return result
struct $NAME$
    static method operator [] takes string id returns $TYPE$
        return GetString$NAME$( id )
    static method operator []= takes string id, $TYPE$ value returns nothing
        call SetString$NAME$( id, value )
//! endtextmacro

Best wishes, Serra


Cuz I can
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RawCode hashing is linear hashing. This is constant time. And I'ld think it is at least as fast as RawCode hashing, considering I don't do any division or multiplication, while he does both. Actually, I could even get rid of the structs since they will never be destroyed anyway...

RawCode hashing doesn't do strings natively (ofc you can always write a GetStringHash using function, but why bother?)
This has a better name >_>

Removed struct since it was unnecessary anyway.


Cuz I can
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Hashish, like the thing that we smoke?

Yes, it's exotic.

I had a library named "Hash" in the battleships crossfire map, which used "hashtable" as a struct name. So when the new patch came out, I had to get rid of that library... It can still be found somewhere in here though, so if you want to see a cool example of doublehashing...

Anyway, I just removed its content and added an 'ich' to the library name (in change). Since I was at say's home at that time, it was incredibly funny* and I left the name.

Now most of my libraries are in desperate need of hashich.

Anyway, back to topic.

*In german, it's haschisch, in english hashish, and ich means I in english, so any number of puns are involved (Hash I?, Hashish, etc etc )


Good Idea™
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Useless? If you're using a hashtable, you might as well store the struct inside it, directly attached to the integer you're attaching to. No point adding an extra array read and function calls.
//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "String", "StringHash( val )",    "string" )
//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "Handle", "GetHandleId( val )",   "handle" )

These only increase coupling, not cohesion. What's wrong with only providing integer? Was the API too easy? Actually, I suppose I understand the value in storing them in a different hashtable on a technical level, but I'm not sure that the indices would actually conflict.
  hashtable Hashich$NAME$_saver = InitHashtable()
  integer Hashich$NAME$_count = 1

  private hashtable Hashich$NAME$_saver = InitHashtable()
  private integer Hashich$NAME$_count = 1

I'm confused as to what the other two chunks of code do.

>If you're using a hashtable, you might as well store the struct inside it
Real issue. Using this feels like over-engineering to me.


Cuz I can
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Useless? If you're using a hashtable, you might as well store the struct inside it, directly attached to the integer you're attaching to. No point adding an extra array read and function calls.

I take this is obsolete now?

//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "String", "StringHash( val )",    "string" )
//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "Handle", "GetHandleId( val )",   "handle" )

These only increase coupling, not cohesion. What's wrong with only providing integer? Was the API too easy? Actually, I suppose I understand the value in storing them in a different hashtable on a technical level, but I'm not sure that the indices would actually conflict.

Well, on a practical level, you're right. The indicies shouldn't conflict for strings and rawids.
Perhaps I'll just use 2 globals instead of 6.
library Hashich

// This is for 8000 indicies per field only. If you need more, please instanciate the texmacro again.
  private hashtable Saver = InitHashtable()
  private integer Count = 1

//! textmacro HASHICH takes NAME, VAL, TYPE
function GetUnique$NAME$Index takes $TYPE$ val returns integer
    local integer value = $VAL$
    local integer id = LoadInteger( Saver, value, 0 )
    if id == 0 then
        set id = Count
        set Count = Count + 1
        call SaveInteger( Saver, value, 0, id )
    return id
//! endtextmacro

//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "",       "val",                  "integer" )
//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "String", "StringHash( val )",    "string" )
//! runtextmacro HASHICH( "Handle", "GetHandleId( val )",   "handle" )


  hashtable Hashich$NAME$_saver = InitHashtable()
  integer Hashich$NAME$_count = 1

  private hashtable Hashich$NAME$_saver = InitHashtable()
  private integer Hashich$NAME$_count = 1
If you're allready doing that private, you can also remove the Hashish$NAME$_. Note that one might try to instanciate the library outside of a library, which will then cause syntax errors.

I'm confused as to what the other two chunks of code do.

They use the unique indexing to store stuff to arrays taking the string / rawid as index.

>If you're using a hashtable, you might as well store the struct inside it
Real issue. Using this feels like over-engineering to me.

Then please show me how to save multiple structs to the same index _without_ using keys or anything like that. Also, this is supposed to be faster since an array lookup is faster than a hashtable lookup, and you can store the index and don't have to lookup / write to the hashtable everytime.

EDIT: Btw, thanks for your interest

EDIT2: Oh and this has another advantage, you may easily use this for Save/Load systems, given you index everything at the very beginning of your map (before indexing anything different).
That way indicies would stay the same everytime the map loads. That means it could be of use to my EasySave system...


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Then please show me how to save multiple structs to the same index _without_ using keys or anything like that.

To be honest I just slightly skimmed this page, and I'm not sure if this is what you want, but if I needed to save multiple structs to one index:

struct datastruct

struct storestruct
    datastruct a
    datastruct b

call SaveInteger(Hashtable, key, key2, integer(storagestruct))

Or even have datastruct members in datastruct.


Cuz I can
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To be honest I just slightly skimmed this page, and I'm not sure if this is what you want, but if I needed to save multiple structs to one index:
struct datastruct

struct storestruct
    datastruct a
    datastruct b

call SaveInteger(Hashtable, key, key2, integer(storagestruct))

Or even have datastruct members in datastruct.

Now have fun retrieving the stuff.

// Exp system
local storagestruct hpeaStore = storagestruct.create()
local datastruct hpeaMinXp = datastruct.create( 10 ) // create sets the value variable
local datastruct hpeaMaxXp = datastruct.create( 20 ) 
set hpeaStore.a = hpeaMinXp
set hpeaStore.b = hpeaMaxXp
call SaveInteger(Hashtable, 'hpea', 0, integer(hpeaStore))
local unit dead = GetKilledUnit()
local integer minXp = storagestruct( LoadInteger( Hashtable, GetUnitTypeId( dead ), 0 ) ).a.value
local integer maxXp = storagestruct( LoadInteger( Hashtable, GetUnitTypeId( dead ), 0 ) ).b.value
call AddHeroXp( GetKillingUnit(), GetRandomInt( minXp, maxXp ) )


// Exp system
//! runtextmacro AddObjectValue( "MinXp", "integer", "0" )
//! runtextmacro AddObjectValue( "MaxXp", "integer", "0" )
set MinXp[ 'hpea' ] = 10
set MaxXp[ 'hpea' ] = 20
local unit dead = GetKilledUnit()
local integer minXp = MinXp[ GetUnitTypeId( dead ) ]
local integer maxXp = MaxXp[ GetUnitTypeId( dead ) ]
call AddHeroXp( GetKillingUnit(), GetRandomInt( minXp, maxXp ) )

Please make your choice...

EDIT: Actually it's not an option. You would have to create a new hashtable for every system that uses that piece of code, while in the code in post#1 it's 3 total and in #9 just one.
Ofc you can use keys, but it would look like this:
    key MAX_XP
    key MIN_XP

call SetObjectValue( 'hpea', MIN_XP, 10 )
call SetObjectValue( 'hpea', MAX_XP, 20 )

call GetObjectValue( 'hpea', MIN_XP )
call GetObjectValue( 'hpea', MAX_XP )

Might be interesting to use, but i do love the array syntax.

This is the GetObjectValue( rawid, key ) stuff.
It does have 2d array syntax and should be fun to use, but it still uses 3 hashtables for a single purpose... And has lots more function calls, since the array lookups have been replaced with hashtable lookups.
On the other hand, it has no requirements.
Has defaults, but can only attach integers which definetly is a disadvantage.
Updated, it now has Strings too. But for reasons of struct indicies not being strings, it does use the syntax GetObjectValue( key, string ) instead of GetObjectValue( string, key ).
///// VER 00 01 - ObjectAttacher

library ObjectValue
    private hashtable Default   = InitHashtable()
    private hashtable UseCheck  = InitHashtable()
    private hashtable Value     = InitHashtable()

function SetDefaultObjectValue takes integer key, integer value returns nothing
    call SaveInteger( Default, key, 0, value )

function GetDefaultObjectValue takes integer key returns integer 
    return LoadInteger( Default, key, 0 )

function HasObjectValue takes integer id, integer key returns boolean
    return LoadBoolean( UseCheck, key, id )

private function SaveUsed takes integer id, integer key, boolean inUse returns nothing
    call SaveBoolean( UseCheck, key, id, inUse )

function SetObjectValue takes integer id, integer key, integer value returns nothing
    if value == GetDefaultObjectValue( key ) then
        call SaveUsed( id, key, false )
        call SaveUsed( id, key, true )
        call SaveInteger( Value, key, id, value )

function GetObjectValue takes integer id, integer key returns integer
    local integer result =  GetDefaultObjectValue( key )
    if HasObjectValue( id, key ) then
        set result = LoadInteger( Value, key, id )
    return result

struct ObjectValue extends array
    method operator [] takes integer key returns integer
        return GetObjectValue( this, key )
    method operator []= takes integer key, integer value returns nothing
        call SetObjectValue( this, key, value )

///// VER 00 01 - StringAttacher

library StringValue
    private hashtable Default   = InitHashtable()
    private hashtable UseCheck  = InitHashtable()
    private hashtable Value     = InitHashtable()

function SetDefaultStringValue takes integer key, integer value returns nothing
    call SaveInteger( Default, key, 0, value )

function GetDefaultStringValue takes integer key returns integer 
    return LoadInteger( Default, key, 0 )

function HasStringValue takes integer key, string id returns boolean
    return LoadBoolean( UseCheck, key, StringHash( id ) )

private function SaveUsed takes integer key, string id, boolean inUse returns nothing
    call SaveBoolean( UseCheck, key, StringHash( id ), inUse )

function SetStringValue takes integer key, string id, integer value returns nothing
    if value == GetDefaultStringValue( key ) then
        call SaveUsed( key, id, false )
        call SaveUsed( key, id, true )
        call SaveInteger( Value, key, StringHash( id ), value )

function GetStringValue takes integer key, string id returns integer
    local integer result =  GetDefaultStringValue( key )
    if HasStringValue( key, id ) then
        set result = LoadInteger( Value, key, StringHash( id ) )
    return result

struct StringValue extends array
    method operator [] takes string id returns integer
        return GetStringValue( this, id )
    method operator []= takes string id, integer value returns nothing
        call SetStringValue( this, id, value )

It has advantages, but I still like the other way better.


Software Engineer
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Call it Hash Tables for Dummy.

I agree with J4L. This adds unnecessary function calls and slows down whatever you're storing.

In your example with experience you overcomplicated how to retrieve something from a hash table with your struct to make it look more difficult than it should be. Don't forget that yours calls nearly the same amount of functions, none of your code can be inlined where some of the structs from vJASS can be.


Cuz I can
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In your example with experience you overcomplicated how to retrieve something from a hash table with your struct to make it look more difficult than it should be.

I added more lines, but not more complexity. Ofc, you might just as well store integers if you're just going for integers really, but that's just a .value less here and there and doesn't really change complexity.

Don't forget that yours calls nearly the same amount of functions,

I'm thinking I'm calling quite much the same amount, so how is it slowing down everything?
Also, speed ain't everything. Unless you're programming a HAL in JASS, ofc.

I do like the syntax way better than some SaveInteger( ... ) stuff.
Table is fine, but it uses a struct thus is a bit clumsy with being a global
>"Call it Hash Tables for Dummy." - "don't think this is practical enough to approve"
Please decide. Is this something so easy to use that even dummies can use it, or is it not practical enough to approve?

J4L said:
Compare it to Table. Same interface without the runtextmacro?
Textmacros aren't a good end interface, generally. They increase learning curve swiftly.
I agree that textmacros are not the perfect end interface, but their flexibility is great.
Note too that in the post before you I actually posted a system that doesn't use textmacros as UI, but uses keys instead which is a fine syntax too and evades that clumsyness I spoke about.
That one is quite much like table, just that it doesn't use structs but simple counting integers, which also means there can be any number of them. Not that anyone would create 8k tables, but you can never be sure.
EDIT: Table (&my library up there) don't know about types, textmacros allow that.

none of your code can be inlined where some of the structs from vJASS can be.

could you give an example?
I don't see anything that will actually be "inlined". I see a couple of functions that are in fact nonexistant (the struct<->integer cast).


Good Idea™
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>Table is fine, but it uses a struct thus is a bit clumsy with being a global
Requiring an intialiser doesn't justify a new system, imho.

>>"Call it Hash Tables for Dummy." - "don't think this is practical enough to approve"
>Please decide. Is this something so easy to use that even dummies can use it, or is it not practical enough to approve?
My opinion is definitely the latter.
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