

I see you
Reaction score

  • Coding Style: vJass
  • Interface: vJass and Wc3-native (Jass)

This library completely replaces the type effect with the new mightier type Effect.
Ground Effects can be timed,colored,scaled,moved (etc.) and Effects you attached to units can also be timed. No longer setting up timers or waits to kill effects delayed.

library Effect requires optional AutoFly
    // ========== Effect ==========
    // Introduces the type "Effect"
    // This type allows you to color,scale,move,time and hide ground effects
    // And to time widget-attached effects.
    // Do not color,scale,move or hide widget-attached effects, but you may time em
    // Author: Executor alias Lord_Executor
    // ====== Implementation ======
    // Make a new trigger called "Effect"
    // Convert it to custom text
    // Paste the whole code in the empty page
    // IMPORTANT: 
    // Import Vexorian's dummy.mdx
    // adjust the "war3mapImported\dummy.mdl" (beneath) to your custom import path
    // finally save the map once, close it, reopen it and AFTER that remove the '!' of the '//!' beneath this line
    //! runtextmacro Effect_MergeDummy("Visible Dummy","vdum","war3mapImported\dummy.mdl")
    // ========== Credits =========
    // Vexorian: vJass & Dummy.mdx & recycle idea
    // Azlier: Autofly
        private constant integer  DUMMY_ID            = 'vdum'
        private constant real     RECYCLE_DELAY       = 2.
        private          player   DUMMY_OWNER         = Player(14) // neutral
        private constant real     RECYCLE_X           = 5000.
        private constant real     RECYCLE_Y           = 5000.

    // ================================================================================
    // ================ Do not modify code beneath this line ==========================
    // ================================================================================
        private location L = Location(0,0)
    private function GetTerrainZ takes real x, real y returns real
        call MoveLocation(L,x,y)
        return GetLocationZ(L)
    struct Effect   
        integer userData
        private unit        carrier
        private effect      sfx
        private real        oz
        private real        cx
        private real        cy
        private real        cz
        private thistype    next
        private thistype    prev
        private real        schedule
        private boolean     timed
        private static group DUMMIES
        private static timer NOW
        private static timer recycleTimer
        private static timer removeTimer
        private static thistype recycleStart
        private static thistype recycleEnd
        private static thistype removeStart
        private static thistype removeEnd
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set .DUMMIES        = CreateGroup()
            set .NOW            = CreateTimer()
            set .recycleTimer   = CreateTimer()
            set .removeTimer    = CreateTimer()
            set .recycleStart   = 0
            set .recycleEnd     = 0
            set .removeStart    = 0
            set .removeEnd      = 0
            call TimerStart(.NOW,999999999.,false,null)
        method scale takes real size returns nothing
            call SetUnitScale(.carrier,size,1.,1.)
        method scalePercent takes real size returns nothing
            set size = size * 0.01
            call SetUnitScale(.carrier,size,1.,1.)
        method color takes integer r, integer g, integer b, integer alpha returns nothing
            call SetUnitVertexColor(.carrier,r,g,b,alpha)
        method moveTo takes real x, real y , real z returns nothing
            set .cx = x
            set .cy = y
            set .cz = z
            set .oz = GetTerrainZ(x,y)
            call SetUnitX(.carrier,x)
            call SetUnitY(.carrier,y)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier,z,0.)
        method moveBy takes real x, real y ,real z returns nothing
            set .cx = .cx + x
            set .cy = .cy + y
            set .cz = .cz + z
            call SetUnitX(.carrier,.cx)
            call SetUnitY(.carrier,.cy)        
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier,.cz+.oz-GetTerrainZ(.cx,.cy),0.)
        method operator dummy takes nothing returns unit
            return .carrier
        method operator xyAngle takes nothing returns real
            return GetUnitFacing(.carrier)
        method operator x takes nothing returns real
            return .cx
        method operator y takes nothing returns real
            return .cy
        method operator z takes nothing returns real
                return GetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier)
        method operator x= takes real x returns nothing
            set .cx = x
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier,.cz+.oz-GetTerrainZ(.cx,.cy),0.)
            call SetUnitX(.carrier,x)
        method operator y= takes real y returns nothing
            set .cy = y
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier,.cz+.oz-GetTerrainZ(.cx,.cy),0.)
            call SetUnitY(.carrier,y)
        method operator z= takes real z returns nothing
            set .cz = z
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier,z+.oz-GetTerrainZ(.cx,.cy),0.)

        method operator visibility takes nothing returns boolean
            return not IsUnitHidden(.carrier)
        method operator xyAngle= takes real f returns nothing
            call SetUnitFacing(.carrier,f)
        method operator visibility= takes boolean vis returns nothing
            call ShowUnit(.carrier,vis)
        method operator zAngleRad= takes real value returns nothing
            local integer i=R2I(value*bj_RADTODEG+90.5)
            if(i>=180) then
                set i=179
            elseif(i<0) then
                set i=0
            call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(.carrier, i  )
        method operator zAngleDeg= takes integer value returns nothing
            set value = value + 90
            if value >= 180 then
                set value = 179
            elseif value < 0 then
                set value = 0
            call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(.carrier,value)
        method remove takes nothing returns nothing
            if .timed then // we have to erase the instance in the lifespawn queue
                if .removeStart == this then  // if instance equals the starting element
                    call PauseTimer(.removeTimer)
                    set .removeStart        = .next // the next element becomes the starting element
                    set .removeStart.prev   = 0
                    call TimerStart(.removeTimer,TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-.removeStart.schedule,false,function thistype.onRemoveTimer)
                    set .prev.next = .next // instance is not the starting element, so we can access .prev
                if .removeEnd == this then // if instance equals ending element
                    set .removeEnd      = .prev // previous element becomes ending element
                    set .removeEnd.next = 0
                    set .next.prev = .prev // instance is noth the ending element, so we can access .next
            call .recycle()
        private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            set .next       = 0
            set .prev       = 0
            set .schedule   = 0
            if .carrier != null then // if the effect used a dummy unit ...
                call SetUnitScale(.carrier,1.,1.,1.)
                call SetUnitVertexColor(.carrier,255,255,255,255)
                call SetUnitX(.carrier,RECYCLE_X)
                call SetUnitY(.carrier,RECYCLE_Y)
                call GroupAddUnit(DUMMIES,.carrier) // recycle the dummy
                set .carrier = null
        private static method onRecycleTimer takes nothing returns nothing
            // recycle one instance and start the timer to recycle the next one ...
            local thistype this = .recycleStart
            set .recycleStart = .recycleStart.next
            call .destroy()
            if .recycleStart != 0 then
                call TimerStart(.recycleTimer,TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-.recycleStart.schedule,false,function thistype.onRecycleTimer)
                set .recycleEnd = 0
        private method recycle takes nothing returns nothing
            // add this instance to the recycle queue 
            call DestroyEffect(.sfx)
            set .sfx = null
            set .schedule   = TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-RECYCLE_DELAY
            if .recycleStart == 0 then
                set .recycleStart  = this
                set .recycleEnd    = this
                set .next = 0
                call TimerStart(.recycleTimer,RECYCLE_DELAY,false,function thistype.onRecycleTimer)
                set .recycleEnd.next    = this
                set .next               = 0
                set .recycleEnd         = this
        private static method onRemoveTimer takes nothing returns nothing
            // the lifespawn of one instance is over.. so it is recycled and the timer focuses the next element 
            local thistype this     = .removeStart
            set .removeStart        = .removeStart.next
            set .removeStart.prev   = 0
            call DestroyEffect(.sfx)
            set .timed = false
            call .recycle()
            if .removeStart != 0 then
                call TimerStart(.removeTimer,TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-.removeStart.schedule,false,function thistype.onRemoveTimer)
                set .removeEnd = 0
        static method newGroundEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            set .carrier = FirstOfGroup(DUMMIES)
            if .carrier == null then 
                set .carrier = CreateUnit(DUMMY_OWNER,DUMMY_ID,x,y,0.)
                call SetUnitPathing(.carrier,false)
                static if not AutoFly then
                call UnitAddAbility(.carrier,'Amrf')
                call UnitRemoveAbility(.carrier,'Amrf')
                call GroupRemoveUnit(DUMMIES,.carrier)
            set .cx = x
            set .cy = y
            set .cz = z            
            set .oz = GetTerrainZ(x,y)
            call SetUnitX(.carrier,x)
            call SetUnitY(.carrier,y)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier, z, 0.)
            set .sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(modelName,.carrier, "origin")
            return this
        static method newTargetEffect takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            set .carrier = null
            set .sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(modelName,target,attachPoint)
            return this
        method operator lifespawn= takes real t returns nothing
            local thistype lp = 0
            set .schedule = TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-t
            if .timed then  // if instance already in the lifespawn list
                if .removeStart == this then  // if instance equals the starting element
                    call PauseTimer(.removeTimer)
                    if .schedule > .removeStart.schedule then // if instance still scheduled earliest
                        call TimerStart(.removeTimer,t,false,function thistype.onRemoveTimer) // restart timer with new duration
                        return // instance stays
                    else    // instance is scheduled later than the next element
                        set .removeStart        = .next // the next element becomes the starting element
                        set .removeStart.prev   = 0
                        call TimerStart(.removeTimer,TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-.removeStart.schedule,false,function thistype.onRemoveTimer)
                    set .prev.next = .next // instance is not the starting element, so we can access .prev
                if .removeEnd == this then // if instance equals ending element
                    if .schedule < .removeEnd.prev.schedule then
                        return // instance stays
                        set .removeEnd      = .prev // previous element becomes ending element
                        set .removeEnd.next = 0
                    set .next.prev = .prev // instance is noth the ending element, so we can access .next
                set .timed = true // now it is a timed effect
            // instances which get here were either not timed yet or have to get a new spot in the list
            if .removeStart == 0 then // list is empty?
                set .removeStart  = this
                set .removeEnd    = this
                call TimerStart(.removeTimer,t,false,function thistype.onRemoveTimer)
            elseif .removeStart.schedule<.schedule then // earlier then starting element?
                call PauseTimer(.removeTimer)
                call TimerStart(.removeTimer,t,false,function thistype.onRemoveTimer)
                set .next               = .removeStart
                set .removeStart.prev   = this
                set .removeStart        = this
                    exitwhen (lp == 0) or (lp == .removeEnd)
                    if lp.schedule < .schedule then
                        set lp.prev.next    = this
                        set lp.prev         = this
                        set .next           = lp
                        set .prev           = lp.prev
                    set lp = lp.next
                set .prev           = .removeEnd
                set .removeEnd.next = this
                set .removeEnd      = this
        method operator lifespawn takes nothing returns real
            return TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-.schedule
        //! textmacro Effect_MergeDummy takes NAME, ID, MODELPATH
            //! external ObjectMerger w3u ushd $ID$ unam "$NAME$" uabi "Aeth,Avul,Aloc" umvs "520" umvr 1 umvt foot umvh -500 uhpm 99999 uhom 1 ucol -10 umdl "$MODELPATH$" ucbs 0 ucpt 0 ushu "" umvh 0 ufoo 0
        //! endtextmacro
    function AddEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z returns Effect
        return Effect.newGroundEffect(modelName,x,y,z)
    function AddTimedEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z, real duration returns Effect
        local Effect e = Effect.newGroundEffect(modelName,x,y,z)
        set e.lifespawn = duration
        return e
    function AddEffectTarget takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint returns Effect
        return Effect.newTargetEffect(modelName,target,attachPoint)
    function AddTimedEffectTarget takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint, real duration returns Effect
        local Effect e = Effect.newTargetEffect(modelName,target,attachPoint)
        set e.lifespawn = duration
        return e
    function EffectScale takes Effect e, real scale returns nothing
        call e.scale(scale)
    function EffectScaleByPercent takes Effect e, real scale returns nothing
        call e.scalePercent(scale)
    function EffectReColor takes Effect e, integer r, integer g, integer b, integer alpha returns nothing
        call e.color(r,g,b,alpha)
    function EffectMoveTo takes Effect e, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
        call e.moveTo(x,y,z)
    function EffectMoveBy takes Effect e, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
        call e.moveBy(x,y,z)
    function EffectSetX takes Effect e, real x returns nothing
        set e.x = x
    function EffectSetY takes Effect e, real y returns nothing
        set e.y = y
    function EffectSetZ takes Effect e, real z returns nothing
        set e.z = z
    function EffectGetX takes Effect e returns real
        return e.x

    function EffectGetY takes Effect e returns real
        return e.y
    function EffectGetZ takes Effect e returns real
        return e.z
    function EffectSetZAngle takes Effect e, real f returns nothing
        set e.zAngleRad = f
    function EffectSetXYAngle takes Effect e, real f returns nothing
        set e.xyAngle = f
    function EffectGetXYAngle takes Effect e returns real
        return e.xyAngle
    function EffectSetLifeSpawn takes Effect e, real t returns nothing
        set e.lifespawn = t
    function EffectGetLifeSpawn takes Effect e returns real
        return e.lifespawn
    function ShowEffect takes Effect e, boolean flag returns nothing
        set e.visibility = flag
    function EffectIsVisible takes Effect e returns boolean
        return e.visibility
    function RemoveEffect takes Effect e returns nothing
        call e.remove()


// Struct interface
        static method newGroundEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z returns thistype
        static method newTargetEffect takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint returns thistype
        method remove takes nothing returns nothing
        method operator x takes nothing returns real        
        method operator y takes nothing returns real
        method operator z takes nothing returns real 
        method operator x= takes real x returns nothing
        method operator y= takes real x returns nothing 
        method operator z= takes real x returns nothing
        method moveTo takes real x, real y, real z returns nothing
        method moveBy takes real x, real y, real z returns nothing
        method scale takes real size returns nothing
        method scalePercent takes real size returns nothing
        method color takes integer r, integer g, integer b, integer alpha returns nothing
        method operator lifespawn takes nothing returns real    // *
        method operator lifespawn= takes real t returns nothing // *     
        method operator xyAngle takes nothing returns real
        method operator xyAngle= takes real f returns nothing
        method operator visibility takes nothing returns boolean
        method operator visibility= takes boolean vis returns nothing

        method operator zAngleRad= takes real value returns nothing
        method operator zAngleDeg= takes integer value returns nothing
        method operator dummy takes nothing returns unit // **
        // *  : the only method which can be used on target-effects 
        // ** : returns the effect carrier when used on a ground effect; returns null on a target-effect
 // Wc3 native-fitting interface (TESH-able)
    function AddEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z returns Effect
    function AddTimedEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z, real duration returns Effect
    function AddEffectTarget takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint returns Effect
    function AddTimedEffectTarget takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint, real duration returns Effect
    function EffectScale takes Effect e, real scale returns nothing  
    function EffectScaleByPercent takes Effect e, real scale returns nothing
    function EffectReColor takes Effect e, integer r, integer g, integer b, integer alpha returns nothing
    function EffectMoveTo takes Effect e, real x, real y, real z returns nothing

    function EffectMoveBy takes Effect e, real x, real y, real z returns nothing

    function EffectSetX takes Effect e, real x returns nothing

    function EffectSetY takes Effect e, real y returns nothing

    function EffectSetZ takes Effect e, real z returns nothing

    function EffectGetX takes Effect e returns real

    function EffectGetY takes Effect e returns real

    function EffectGetZ takes Effect e returns real
    function EffectSetZAngle takes Effect e, real f returns nothing

    function EffectSetXYAngle takes Effect e, real f returns nothing

    function EffectGetXYAngle takes Effect e returns real

    function EffectSetLifeSpawn takes Effect e, real t returns nothing

    function EffectGetLifeSpawn takes Effect e returns real

    function ShowEffect takes Effect e, boolean flag returns nothing

    function EffectIsVisible takes Effect e returns boolean

    function RemoveEffect takes Effect e returns nothing

System Mechanics:

Example Usage:

//      _____ ___ ___ _   _ 
//     |_   _| __/ __| |_| |
//       | | | _|\__ \  _  |
//       |_| |___|___/_| |_| Highlighting:
//                            - Effect by Executor
//      What is this?
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          Implementing this allows the TESH syntax highlighter in Jass NewGen
//          to highlight the syntax for this system (and autocomplete the functions).
//      How to import?
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          Copy this into a blank text file, and save it at:
//          <Your Jass NewGen folder>\tesh\includes\Effect.j

    function AddEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z returns Effect

    function AddTimedEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z, real duration returns Effect

    function AddEffectTarget takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint returns Effect

    function AddTimedEffectTarget takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint, real duration returns Effect

    function EffectScale takes Effect e, real scale returns nothing  

    function EffectScaleByPercent takes Effect e, real scale returns nothing

    function EffectReColor takes Effect e, integer r, integer g, integer b, integer alpha returns nothing
    function EffectMoveTo takes Effect e, real x, real y, real z returns nothing

    function EffectMoveBy takes Effect e, real x, real y, real z returns nothing

    function EffectSetX takes Effect e, real x returns nothing

    function EffectSetY takes Effect e, real y returns nothing

    function EffectSetZ takes Effect e, real z returns nothing

    function EffectGetX takes Effect e returns real

    function EffectGetY takes Effect e returns real

    function EffectGetZ takes Effect e returns real

    function EffectSetZAngle takes Effect e, real f returns nothing

    function EffectSetXYAngle takes Effect e, real f returns nothing

    function EffectGetXYAngle takes Effect e returns real

    function EffectSetLifeSpawn takes Effect e, real t returns nothing

    function EffectGetLifeSpawn takes Effect e returns real

    function ShowEffect takes Effect e, boolean flag returns nothing

    function EffectIsVisible takes Effect e returns boolean

    function RemoveEffect takes Effect e returns nothing

  • 22.05.2010: Release
  • 22.05.2010:
    • Replaced ShowEffect()&HideEffect() with ShowEffect(boolean)
    • Added TESH&Interface part
  • 23.05.2010:
    • Added global configuration boolean USE_TOTAL_Z
    • Modified SetUnitScale to only use the x-part of the native.
  • 23.05.2010:
    • Added internal variables integer prev and boolean timed.
    • Added operator lifespawn (write&readable)
    • Changed Interface
    • Allowed method remove to remove timed and non-timed Effects.
    • Method removeTimed erased.
  • 25.05.2010:
    • Added system-mechanics diagram
  • 26.05.2010:
    • Added global configuration boolean AUTO_ADJUST_Z
    • Removed set operators for x,y and z
  • 26.05.2010:
    • Reworked dynamic components and mechanics:
      • VERSION =
        • STANDARD
        • XYZ_EXTENSION (adds real x, real y, real z to the struct allowing the methods "moveBy", "x(=)", "y(=)", "z(=)" to be faster)
        • NONE (z equals the distance between the effect and the ground beneath it)
        • AUTO (on creation z equals the distance between the effect and the ground beneath it, but moving off cliffs via "moveBy", "x=" or "y=" will be compensated)
        • TOTAL (all z values are total: totalZ = GetTerrainZ + GetFlyHeight)
    • Interface extended
  • 31.05.2010:
    • Determined the library to XYZ_EXTENSION + AUTO

Notes: Didn't test the current version much, so errors are possible.

Hope you enjoy it.


  • showEffect.JPG
    80.8 KB · Views: 588
  • sadasd.JPG
    80 KB · Views: 516


Reaction score
You have two separate functions for displaying effects.
function DisplayEffect takes Effect e, boolean flag returns nothing
    set e.visibility=flag

Would make more sense. =P Or at least to fit in with blizzard functions.


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
A very, VERY small tweak, but you're only required to change the 'X' part here:
call SetUnitScale(.carrier,size,size,size)

The 'Y' and 'Z' is unecessary, and will only "lower" efficiency XD
(As said, it's a VERY small tweak ;))

And also, shouldn't the "z" operator also account for ground Z ?
Or maybe just add another method for it :eek:


I see you
Reaction score
A very, VERY small tweak, but you're only required to change the 'X' part here:
call SetUnitScale(.carrier,size,size,size)

The 'Y' and 'Z' is unecessary, and will only "lower" efficiency XD
(As said, it's a VERY small tweak ;))

Fixed ;)

And also, shouldn't the "z" operator also account for ground Z ?
Or maybe just add another method for it :eek:

I introduced a global USE_TOTAL_Z.
Unfortunately when true it disables setting&reading of Instance.z as the struct itself doesn't know x&y and can therefore not calculate the ground Z.


No Marlo no game.
Reaction score
Why different methods for timed effects?

Couldnt you just add some [lJASS]method operator lifespan=[/lJASS] thingy for setting a texttag like lifespan for effects?


I see you
Reaction score
Can't you just do this:
        static if USE_TOTAL_Z then
        method operator z takes nothing returns real
            return GetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier) + GetLocationZ( GetUnitX( .carrier ), GetUnitY( .carrier) )
            return GetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier)


Or where is the trouble ? :S

Nowhere, simply didn't thought about that :p

// Fixed

Why different methods for timed effects?

Couldnt you just add some [lJASS]method operator lifespan=[/lJASS] thingy for setting a texttag like lifespan for effects?

Well, there are two types of Effects: Timed and non-timed.
Timed have to be removed with the removeTimed method and non-timed with the remove method. And that all because I tried to spare the "boolean timed" array. Well, I will workover the struct adding boolean timed, aswell as thistype prev for faster looping. WIP

// Done

*Identifier Effect is really really common.. and that causes annoying problems.

Which better name do you suppose?

**Make a better docu. it's very nondescript for now.

Thought it would be relativly self-explaining.

// Added


Good Idea™
Reaction score
This is really not readable or usable with the TOTAL_Z/AUTO_Z constants. Figure out what the system should actually do, and make it do that.

If that means splitting the moveBy method into different methods, so be it. At the moment, two different scripts written using this system will have unpredictable results, or may not even be compatible with eachother... :thdown:


I see you
Reaction score
This is really not readable or usable with the TOTAL_Z/AUTO_Z constants. (...)

If that means splitting the moveBy method into different methods, so be it. At the moment, two different scripts written using this system will have unpredictable results, or may not even be compatible with eachother... :thdown:

Hm, I was to shortsighted. You are perfectly right.

Figure out what the system should actually do, and make it do that.

Well, the version I like most is STANDARD+AUTO. This would make the moveBy method completely obsolet (as real x,y and z are missing).

But let's face the facts:
Normally, at least 40% of all SpecialEffects are never moved, so why wasting memory on that?


I see you
Reaction score
I would happily spawn sparks every time a unit with a buff gets hit, if it were simple enough.

I'd say, that could lead to a confusing and laggy game ;)

Hm, but if I set the lib to STANDARD, AUTO has no sense, as the moveBy method is to unefficient...

I'll think about it ..
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