Snippet PlayerAllianceAdv


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library PlayerAllianceAdv /* v1.0.1.4
*   Manages player alliances (like allied and shared vision) between players using alliance
*   flags and counts of the different flags. The highest flag is the flag that is enabled (
*   if 2 players are marked as an enemy and they are also marked as allied, the allied flag
*   will be the one that's used). Alliances can be created and destroyed. As alliances are created, 
*   a counter is incremented for that alliance between the two players. When the alliance is destroyed,
*   the counter is decremented. If the counter reaches 0, the next flag is used. If there are no flags, 
*   a flag of 0 is used (ALLIANCE_UNALLIED).
*   Alliances are stored into a composite number (a number made up of numbers that are mashed together).
*   */uses/*
*       */ PlayerAlliance /*
*   function GetAllianceId takes integer playerId1, integer playerId2, integer allianceFlag returns PlayerAlliance
*       -   Converts playerId1, playerId2, allianceFlag into a composite number representing the alliance
*   function GetAlliance takes integer playerId1, integer playerId2 returns integer
*       -   Returns current alliance flag between players.
*   struct PlayerAlliance extends array
*       -   Struct that generates alliances between players. Alliances aren't instantiated but rather
*       -   built into an id. The id is then used to increase a counter related to that alliance by 1.
*       -   It will then check the best current alliance against the one just created. If the one created
*       -   is better, it will use it (allied > enemy), otherwise it'll ignore it and possibly use later.
*       -   The id stores the player 1 id, player 2 id, and the alliance flag.
*       readonly PlayerAlliance previous
*           -   Used for reading the values stored in the id (returns pointers**)
*           -   alliance flag -> target player -> source player
*       readonly integer value
*           -   Used to read the value inside of a pointer
*       static method create takes player sourcePlayer, player targetPlayer, integer allianceFlag returns PlayerAlliance
*           -   Creates an alliance between a source player and a target player given an alliance flag (see
*           -   player alliance lib for flags). If the alliance passed in is higher than the best current alliance
*           -   between the two players, it will immediately be used (passive -> ally). If it isn't, it'll be ignored
*           -   until later (passive doesn't go to enemy).
*       method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
*           -   Destroys a player alliance. Will decrease the counter of the alliance between the players by 1.
*           -   If the counter was 0, it goes down to the next highest flag (allied might degrade to passive).
        *   Converters
        *       Composite number converters (to avoid math) int[16][16][8]
        private integer array cp    //previous composite number
        private integer array cv    //value stored at the back of the number
        *   Player Alliance
        private integer array aa    //strength of player alliance (how many times flag was set)
        private integer array ah    //highest flag set on player alliance
    *   GetAlliance
    *       Retrieves the current alliance flag between two players.
    *       integer pid1:           Source player of alliance
    *       integer pid2:           Target player of alliance
    *       returns:                integer (alliance flag)
    function GetAlliance takes integer pid1, integer pid2 returns integer
        return ah[pid1*16+pid2]
    *   PlayerAlliance
    *       Can take a composite number and loop through the values stored inside of it as well as
    *       split it apart. Also creates player alliances and destroys them. When a player alliance is
    *       created, it increases the counter between those two players for that alliance. If the flag is
    *       higher than the current alliance flag for the two players, that alliance is used. If not, the
    *       alliance is ignored. When alliances are destroyed, the method will search for flags that are
    *       being used and implement those flags (two players might be allied for a short period and then
    *       go back to passive, yes, they stack!).
    *   Fields
    *       readonly PlayerAlliance previous
    *       readonly integer value
    *   Methods
    *       static method create takes player p1, player p2, integer flag returns thistype
    *       method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
    *       method operator previous takes nothing returns thistype
    *       method operator value takes nothing returns integer
    struct PlayerAlliance extends array
        *   previous
        *       Retrieves the previous node
        *       flag -> player 2 -> player 1
        method operator previous takes nothing returns thistype
            return cp[this]
        *   value
        *       Retrieves the value stored in the current plyer alliance node (player ids or
        *       alliance flag).
        method operator value takes nothing returns integer
            return cv[this]
        *   create
        *       Creates a player alliance and returnst he instance of it (instances are not unique!)
        *       alliances may be created and destroyed multiple times. A counter is stored in the background
        *       that tracks how many times an instance has been created/destroyed. At map init, all instances
        *       are automatically generated (all of the lists).
        *       player p1:              Source ally player
        *       player p2:              Target ally player
        *       integer flag:           Alliance flag (see PlayerAlliance lib)
        *       returns:                PlayerAlliance
        static method create takes player p1, player p2, integer flag returns thistype
            local integer pid       //player id of p1
            local integer pid2      //player id of p2
            local thistype i_1      //pid,pid2
            local thistype i_2      //pid2,pid
            local thistype i1       //this 1
            local thistype i2       //this 2
            //if the flag is >= 0 and <= 7, it was a valid alliance
            debug if (flag >= 0 and flag <= 7 and p1 != null and p2 != null and p1 != p2) then
                set pid = GetPlayerId(p1)
                set pid2 = GetPlayerId(p2)
                //retrieve instances
                set i_1 = pid*16+pid2
                set i_2 = pid2*16+pid
                set i1 = i_1*8+flag   //this is a composite number of p1, p2 and flag
                set i2 = i_2*8+flag   //this 2 is a composite number of p2, p1 and flag
                //increment instances usages by 1
                set aa[i1] = aa[i1]+1
                set aa[i2] = aa[i2]+1
                //check to see if the current flag is bigger than the highest flag set for the players
                if (flag > ah[i_1]) then
                    //if it is, then update the player alliances
                    set ah[i_1] = flag
                    set ah[i_2] = flag
                    call Ally(p1, p2, flag)
            debug else
                debug if (p1 == null) then
                    debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANCE ERROR: NULL PLAYER 1 ")
                debug endif
                debug if (p2 == null) then
                    debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANCE ERROR: NULL PLAYER 2 ")
                debug endif
                debug if (p1 == p2) then
                    debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANCE ERROR: PLAYER 1 == PLAYER 2 ")
                debug endif
                debug if (flag < 0 or flag > 7) then
                    debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANCE ERROR: INVALID ALLIANCE FLAG")
                debug endif
                return 0
            debug endif
            return i1
        *   destroy
        *       Destroys a player alliance (they may be destroyed as many times as they were created).
        *       returns:                nothing
        method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            //modulo math doesn't need to be used to split the number apart
            //as all of the splits are stored into a list
            //flag -> player 2 -> player 1
            //values are stored into cv
            //i1,i2 are instances, pidc and pidc2 are composite pid numbers (pid*16+pid2 etc)
            //only the first node on the list is a valid composite number, the rest
            //are just pointers
            //thus pidc and pidc2 have to be built, but i1 does not
            local integer i1 = this             //i1 == this
            local integer flag = cv[i1]         //alliance flag
            local integer pidc = cp[i1]         //use initially to get prev
            local integer pidc2
            local integer pid2 = cv[pidc]       //player 2
            local integer pid = cv[cp[pidc]]    //player 1
            local integer i2
            //ensure that the instance is valid*
            debug if (i1 <= 2039 and i1 >= 8) then 
                set pidc = pid*16+pid2
                set pidc2 = pid2*16+pid
                set i2 = pidc2*8+flag       //retrieve other instance
                //make sure instantiated
                debug if (aa[i1] > 0) then
                    set aa[i1] = aa[i1]-1
                    set aa[i2] = aa[i2]-1
                    //if deallocated and flag isn't 0, go to next highest flag
                    if (aa[i1] == 0 and flag > 0) then
                        //loop until found a flag that has count > 0 or no more flags
                            set flag = flag - 1
                            //build composite number using current flag
                            set i1 = pidc*8+flag
                            //check to see if there is an alliance in the flag or if the flag is 0
                            exitwhen aa[i1] > 0 or flag == 0
                        //update highest flag
                        set ah[pidc] = flag
                        set ah[pidc2] = flag
                        //ally players using new flag
                        call Ally(Player(pid), Player(pid2), flag)
                debug else
                    debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANE ERROR: ATTEMPTED TO DESTROY NULL ALLIANCE")
                debug endif
            debug else
                debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANE ERROR: ATTEMPTED TO DESTROY INVALID ALLIANCE")
            debug endif
    *   GetAllianceId
    *       Retrieves a composite number representing alliance: (pid1*16+pid2)*8+flag
    *       The player order doesn't matter, but there are two ids that represent each
    *       alliance (either can be used).
    *       integer pid1:           Source player of alliance
    *       integer pid2:           Target player of alliance
    *       integer flag:           Alliance flag (PlayerAlliance lib)
    *       returns:                integer (composite number)
    function GetAllianceId takes integer pid1, integer pid2, integer flag returns PlayerAlliance
        debug if (pid1 >= 0 and pid1 <= 15 and pid2 >= 0 and pid2 <= 15 and flag >= 0 and flag <= 7 and pid1 != pid2) then
            return (pid1*16+pid2)*8+flag
        debug endif
        debug if (pid1 == pid2) then
            debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANCE ID ERROR: INVALID PLAYER ALLIANCE")
        debug endif
        debug if (pid1 < 0 or pid1 > 15) then
            debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANCE ID ERROR: INVALID PLAYER ID 1")
        debug endif
        debug if (pid2 < 0 or pid2 > 15) then
            debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANCE ID ERROR: INVALID PLAYER ID 2")
        debug endif
        debug if (flag < 0 or flag > 15) then
            debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "PLAYER ALLIANCE ID ERROR: INVALID ALLIANCE FLAG")
        debug endif
        debug return 0
    *   Initialization
    private module Inits
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer ic                //current pointer for player 1
            local integer ic2               //current pointer for player 2
            local integer i = 15            //current player 1
            local integer i2 = 14           //current player 2
            local integer f                 //current flag
            local integer v                 //current p1,p2,f
            local integer h = 254           //current p1,p2
            local integer h2 = 239          //current p2,p1
            local integer c = 2039          //current player pointer (pointers 8-2039 used by composites)
            local player p1 = Player(15)    //current player 1
            local player p2                 //current player 2
                Connect all of the lists up
                loop through player 1s
                    loop through player 2s
                        see if the players are allied and set alliance flags (for initial teams)
                        loop through flags
                //store player 1 into pointer c
                set c = c + 1
                set ic = c
                set cv[c] = i
                    set p2 = Player(i2)
                    set f = 7
                    //make player 2 point back to player 1
                    set c = c + 1
                    set ic2 = c
                    set cv[c] = i2
                    set cp[c] = ic
                    //make player 1 point back to player 2 on another list
                    set c = c + 1
                    set cv[c] = i
                    set cp[c] = ic2
                    //loop through flags and make flag point back to player 2
                        //player 1 final list
                        set v = h*8+f
                        set cp[v] = ic2
                        set cv[v] = f
                        //player 2 final list
                        set v = h2*8+f
                        set cp[v] = c
                        set cv[v] = f
                        exitwhen f == 0
                        set f = f - 1
                    exitwhen i2 == 0
                    set i2 = i2 - 1
                    set h = h - 1
                    set h2 = h2 - 16
                set i = i - 1
                exitwhen i == 0
                set i2 = i-1
                set p1 = Player(i)
                set h = h - 17 + i //(h-15-2+i)
                set h2 = h - 15
    private struct Init extends array
        implement Inits


Change can be a good thing
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how is this easier then the blizzard.j alliance functions?


New Member
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What's up with the weird variable names? Is it an attempt to show off your code by making it unreadable or is it just an alternative to avoid making up correct names for certain variables?


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Efficiency. Variables with smaller var names can be read/written to a little faster than variables with longer names. I typically use 2 chars now, the first being the category and the second being the name (cv = composite value)


vJass errors are legion
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Like optimizer doesn't ruin native declarations, ExecuteFunc and TriggerRegisterVariableEvent.
Reaction score
Like you optimize everything by yourself, just because you can't use native declarations (there's a workaround for every useful native I believe), ExecuteFunc (obsolete), TriggerRegisterVariableEvent (never used).


Super Moderator
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Alliances are stored into a composite number (a number made up of numbers that are mashed together).
7 is not composite, but it is made up of 5 and 2 mashed together. Did you go to elementary school? A composite number is any natural number (positive integer) that has more than two factors, in the exception of positive 1.

Like you optimize everything by yourself, just because you can't use native declarations (there's a workaround for every useful native I believe), ExecuteFunc (obsolete), TriggerRegisterVariableEvent (never used).
Yeah, quote for truth. I think there should be a standard function ([LJASS]function IsUnitAlive[/LJASS]) that can return whatever method is desired, but no one asks me.


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7 is a composite number in this. It is made up of 2 numbers, and 5+2 is an impossible combination. 2 and 1 would be a possible combo. Hexadecimal colors are composite numbers. Save/load codes are (should be) composite numbers. =D

If you are using the formal math defn, then no, 7 isn't a composite number. However, for all intents and purposes, 7 is a composite number for this lib. 8 is the minimum composite number that this lib can generate and 2039 is the max. The 2031 pointers in this are represent every single possible alliance between every single possible player (excluding a player with itself). There are an additional 255 pointers that represent every combination of every player (16*15+15). The pointers 0-7 are never used because they are out of bounds (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are impossible alliances).

Like you optimize everything by yourself, just because you can't use native declarations (there's a workaround for every useful native I believe), ExecuteFunc (obsolete), TriggerRegisterVariableEvent (never used).

Ahem, I use TriggerRegisterVariableEvent for custom events that can have triggers register to them >.>.

The docs don't go into this, but in the init, I generate every single possible composite number for the library and build a stack for each one (to avoid mod arithmetic when breaking the numbers apart). This library is like the best way I know of to managed stacked prioritized alliances ;D. It's useful for things like alliance systems, but it's even more useful for things like teams (teams with alliances set for the players in them and alliances between teams).


The DIY Ninja
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TriggerRegisterVariableEvent (never used)

Actually, there have been places where this is the only solution (or best solution).

Anyhow, I still don't see how this is useful.

I've never seen any map have any use for this type of thing.


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You'll see its usefulness when I complete my next script. You guys were talking about how horrible and useless BigInt was, but look at it now.

Here is a thought: let's say that 2 players are on a team, meaning that they are allied. One of these players is also on another team that is passive to the first team.

Team 1 passive to Team 2
Team 1- player 1, player 2
Team 2- player 2, player 3

Let's say that player 2 leaves team 1. Using this system, player 1 and player 2 are now passive*. If player 2 left team 2, player 1 and player 2 would be enemies.

Let's give another example. Let's say that normally player 1 and player 2 are neutral to each other. They decide to help each other out, so they become allies. The ally flag is destroyed, so they go back to neutral.

This system makes all of the above very painless and very easy =).

This system was created with teams in mind (precursor to my Team Manager system).

Also notice how allied takes precedence over passive.
enemy -> enemy w/ sight -> passive -> passive w/ sight -> ally -> ally w/ sight -> ally w/ control -> ally w/ adv contol

Enemy is flag 0, which also represents no alliance flags being set. Having no flags at all makes 2 players enemies no? : P

If players were to be allies and the passive flag was set to true, they'd still be allies. If the alliance was destroyed, they'd go down to passive rather than down to enemies. Make sense? : )

Because each instance represents the player ids and the flag being set, you don't have to store the instances. So long as you know the 2 players and the alliance flag, you can retrieve the instance.

Fixed a mess up that made highest set flag retrieval impossible and added a new function to retrieve highest flag set.

Initialization doctored up a bit (I really studied the numbers to make sure all of the math was right because TeamManager was exploding with the same algorithm ^)^, apparently this onInit was bugged).

GetAllianceId now returns a PlayerAlliance rather than an integer (had to typecast every time, so figured returning a PlayerAlliance was smerter).


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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If you go to the length of manually shortening all your variable names, you might as well use optimizer, then use an MPQ editor to modify the war3map.j (or was it script.j? I can't remember) to fix the ruined natives.

ExecuteFunc is obsolete, TriggerRegisterVariableEvent is obscure.


New Member
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Efficiency. Variables with smaller var names can be read/written to a little faster than variables with longer names. I typically use 2 chars now, the first being the category and the second being the name (cv = composite value)

JassHelper automatically makes your variable names into names like "SYSTEMNAME__VARNAME" so I don't think having 20 characters in place of 22 characters is much different (on the nanosecond level.)

I think it's just a poor excuse to show off your code, seriously, the gain on the efficiency is nothing.

 //globals from PlayerAllianceAdv:
constant boolean LIBRARY_PlayerAllianceAdv=true
integer array PlayerAllianceAdv___cp
integer array PlayerAllianceAdv___cv
integer array PlayerAllianceAdv___aa
integer array PlayerAllianceAdv___ah
//endglobals from PlayerAllianceAdv

//JASSHelper struct globals:
constant integer si__PlayerAlliance=1
constant integer si__PlayerAllianceAdv___Init=2

//library PlayerAllianceAdv:
    function GetAlliance takes integer pid1,integer pid2 returns integer
        return PlayerAllianceAdv___ah[pid1 * 16 + pid2]
        function s__PlayerAlliance__get_previous takes integer this returns integer
            return PlayerAllianceAdv___cp[this]
        function s__PlayerAlliance__get_value takes integer this returns integer
            return PlayerAllianceAdv___cv[this]

Stop the silly name-efficiency convention, it's stupid. Find another way to brag about your code instead of intentionally making it unreadable.


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Stop the silly name-efficiency convention, it's stupid. Find another way to brag about your code instead of intentionally making it unreadable.

I already explained why I do it. Me saying one thing doesn't magically mean another ^_^. I got into the habit of short variable names when I wrote TimerQueue, and in that one I went so far as to rename the lib Tq =).


Super Moderator
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I agree with everything Risen said.

Shame on Bribe for approving unreadable code on THW.


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Well, I'm never going to change it because changing it would be, in my opinion, crappier. That's how I code in JASS now, and I started that practice as I keep saying with Tq when I saw it double in speed with short var names.


New Member
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You are helpless.

How do you intend on others learning from your code? Exactly; you don't.

With Optimizer, the variable names only reach > 4 characters if the map has at least 20,000 lines of code, so most variable names are generally around 2-3 characters. You're telling me that it's a good idea to stick with piece of shit names like av or ag (compiled to PlayerAllianceAdx__av / PlayerAllianceAdx__ag) when the optimizer renames them into shorter names anyways? I don't care how efficient your system is before someone uses the optimizer on it, nobody releases any maps without that optimizer anyways so what's the point?

So stop the bullshit variable names, if you want people to think you're good at JASS coding (honestly, nobody really cares,) then release a system that's actually complicated, with honest, readable coding.
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