[WIP] Unit Physics


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Hmm, this is just a project I'm working on. So far, all I've accomplished is Gravity.

Yes, I know it's not very optimized.

I'm just putting it together, at the moment. I'm planning on heavily optimizing it, so any tips and criticism are welcome.

(Yes, I know GetUnitDatas is used multiple times while unnecessary. I'm getting to addressing optimization still.)

Warning: Currently, all is in cJASS. A vJASS version will be up shortly after the cJASS edition is complete.

Also, one thing I was wondering, is using a key faster than StringHash?

library Uphc initializer Ini
        private hashtable Hash = new hashtable;                 // Data storage
        private timer Timer = new timer;
    define {
        GetUnitDatas( Gud_unit ) = {                            // Automated data gathering!
            unit u = Gud_unit;
            int Id = GetHandleId( u );
            bool G = LoadBoolean( Hash, Id, Gravity );
            real S = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Speed );
            real M = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Mass );
            real T = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Time );
            real D = 0;
            bool F = LoadBoolean( Hash, Id, Friction );
        Gravity = StringHash( "Gravity" );                      // Hash for Gravity
        Group = StringHash( "Group" );                          // Hash for Group
        Speed = StringHash( "Speed" );                          // Hash for Speed
        Mass = StringHash( "Mass" );                            // Hash for Mass
        Time = StringHash( "Time" );                            // Hash for Time
        Friction = StringHash( "Friction" );                    // Hash for Friction
        GInactive = 0;                                          // Index for Inactive
        GActive = 1;                                            // Index for Active
        FInactive = 2;                                          // Index for Inactive
        FActive = 3;                                            // Index for Inactive
        DefaultGravity = 16;                                    // Default Gravity
        DefaultSpeed = DefaultMass * DefaultGravity;            // Default Speed
        DefaultMass = 100.00;                                   // Default Mass
        DefaultDamage = 150.00;                                 // Default Damage
        MaxNoDamageFall = 0.25;                                 // Max fall height for no damage
        MASSPERCENTAGE = 0.05;                                  // Percentage of mass to decrease fall damage
        DefaultFriction = 0.1;                                  // Default Friction
    private void GroupGravity( ) {                              // Group gravity
        GetUnitDatas( GetEnumUnit() );
        if Uchc_GetUnitZ( u ) <= 1 {
            if T > MaxNoDamageFall {
                D = T * DefaultDamage;
                SetUnitState( u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) - D + MASSPERCENTAGE * M );
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GActive), u );
            GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GInactive), u );
            T = 0;
            SaveReal( Hash, Id, Time, T );
        T = T + TimerGetTimeout(Timer);
        SaveReal( Hash, Id, Time, T );
        S = Pow( DefaultMass, T )
        SaveReal( Hash, Id, Speed, S);
        Uchc_SetUnitZ( u, Uchc_GetUnitZ(u) - S);
    private void GravityValidation( ) {                         // Gravity validation
        GetUnitDatas( GetEnumUnit() );
        if G == true {
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GInactive), u );
            GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GActive), u );
        GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GActive), u );
        GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GInactive), u );
    private void GroupFriction( ) {                             // Group friction
    private void FrictionValidation( ) {                        // Friction validation
        GetUnitDatas( GetEnumUnit() );
        if F == true {
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FInactive), u );
            GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FActive), u );
        GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FActive), u );
        GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FInactive), u );
    private void Periodic( ) {                                  // Main periodic
        group GI = LoadGroupHandle( Hash, Group, GInactive );
        group GA = LoadGroupHandle( Hash, Group, GActive );
        group FI = LoadGroupHandle( Hash, Group, FInactive );
        group FA = LoadGroupHandle( Hash, Group, FActive );
        ForGroup( GI, function GravityValidation );
        ForGroup( GA, function GravityValidation );
        ForGroup( GA, function GroupGravity );
        ForGroup( FI, function GravityValidation );
        ForGroup( FA, function GravityValidation );
        ForGroup( FA, function GroupFriction );
    public void SetUnitFriction( unit whichUnit, bool flag ) {  // Friction toggle
        GetUnitDatas( whichUnit );
        if flag != F {
            SaveBoolean( Hash, Id, Friction, flag );
        if flag == false {
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FActive), whichUnit );
            GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FInactive), whichUnit );
        } else {
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FInactive), whichUnit );
            GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FActive), whichUnit );
    public void SetUnitGravity( unit whichUnit, bool flag ) {   // Gravity toggle
        GetUnitDatas( whichUnit );
        if flag != G {
            SaveBoolean( Hash, Id, Gravity, flag );
        if flag == false {
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GActive), whichUnit );
            GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GInactive), whichUnit );
        } else {
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GInactive), whichUnit );
            GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GActive), whichUnit );
    public void SetUnitMass( unit whichUnit, real mass ) {      // Mass config
        GetUnitDatas( whichUnit );
        SaveReal( Hash, Id, Mass, mass );
    public real GetUnitMass( unit whichUnit ) {                 // mass config
        GetUnitDatas( whichUnit );
        return M;
    private bool Leave( ) {                                     // Leave Flush
        GetUnitDatas( GetTriggerUnit() )
        if IsUnitType( u, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD ) {
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GInactive), u );
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GActive), u );
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FInactive), u );
            GroupRemoveUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FActive), u );
            FlushChildHashtable( Hash, Id );
        return false;
    private bool Enter( ) {                                     // Enter Add
        GetUnitDatas( GetFilterUnit() );
        if G == null {
            SaveBoolean( Hash, Id, Gravity, true );
            SaveReal( Hash, Id, Speed, DefaultSpeed );
            SaveReal( Hash, Id, Mass, DefaultMass );
            SaveReal( Hash, Id, Time, 0.00 );
            SaveBoolean( Hash, Id, Friction, true );
        if UnitAddAbility( u, 'Amrf' ) {                        // AutoFly -Azlier
            UnitRemoveAbility( u, 'Amrf' );
        GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, GActive), u );
        GroupAddUnit( LoadGroupHandle(Hash, Group, FActive), u );
        return false;
    private void Ini( ) {
        region r = new region;
        RegionAddRect( r, GetWorldBounds() );
        TriggerRegisterEnterRegion( new trigger, r, Filter(function Enter) );
        TriggerRegisterLeaveRegion( new trigger, r, Filter(function Leave) );
        SaveGroupHandle( Hash, Group, GInactive, new group );
        SaveGroupHandle( Hash, Group, GActive, new group );
        SaveGroupHandle( Hash, Group, FInactive, new group );
        SaveGroupHandle( Hash, Group, FActive, new group );
        TimerStart(Timer, Uchc_defaultTimer, true, function Periodic)

include "cj_types.j"
include "cj_typesEx.j"
include "cj_types_priv.j"
include "cj_typesEx_priv.j"

library Uchc initializer Ini
        public constant real defaultTimer = 0.0325;
        public constant real defaultFast  = 0.01;
        private location heightFixer = Location(0,0);
    define {
        msg(string) = DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, string);
    public void SetUnitZ( unit whichUnit, real height ) {
        call MoveLocation( heightFixer, GetUnitX(whichUnit), GetUnitY(whichUnit) );
        call SetUnitFlyHeight( whichUnit, height-GetLocationZ(heightFixer), 0 );
    public real GetUnitZ( unit whichUnit ) {
        call MoveLocation( heightFixer, GetUnitX(whichUnit), GetUnitY(whichUnit) );
        return GetUnitFlyHeight(whichUnit)-GetLocationZ(heightFixer);
    void Ini( ) {

Note: Hurrah, spoilers don't work (for people with low rep, I presume to decrease the amount of spoiler spam).


Good Idea™
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Mm. Can't read your code, because it's cJass. Maybe others can. Chances are Nestharus will tell you things.

Hm. You seem to be attaching using hashtables instead of unituserdata and arrays.

AIDS/T32 will provide you with a powerful timer system handling everything and unit attachment which kicks the crap out of hashtables. :)

No more unit groups. ;)


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Hmm. To be honest, I don't think cJASS is all that different to read than vJASS :p The only differences are the missing "call" and "[end]function" keywords and the public/private ReturnType then function name, to name a few.

Anyways, Nes will, then I'll talk to him on MSN and he'll just say "Oh. It's you." Yeah.

As for AIDS/T32, I've (We've) used T32 for a projectile system and it was quite nice.

I just liked to use hashtables because in all honesty, I was lazy to setup a bunch of arrays.

Perhaps when I finish this, I'll convert it to AIDS or T32 and kick the crap out of this version.

And my question wasn't answered, which is better: keys (vJASS) or StringHash?


Good Idea™
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Keys. (Sorry for missing the question.)

>I've (We've) used T32 for a projectile system and it was quite nice.
Cool. It is written for such things. :)

Thing with cJass is you have {;}s. I hate them.
    define {
        GetUnitDatas( Gud_unit ) = {                            // Automated data gathering!
            unit u = Gud_unit;
            int Id = GetHandleId( u );
            bool G = LoadBoolean( Hash, Id, Gravity );
            real S = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Speed );
            real M = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Mass );
            real T = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Time );
            real D = 0;
            bool F = LoadBoolean( Hash, Id, Friction );

I have no idea what that means. (I intend to continue to not know, as well.)


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Tis, alright. I learned something. So, other than converting it from hashtables, (if you can read it) what else is there?


Good Idea™
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Not using unit groups...
library Uchc initializer Ini
        public constant real defaultTimer = 0.0325;
        public constant real defaultFast  = 0.01;

Following standards... -->
library PhysicsX initializer Ini
        public constant real DEFAULT_TIMER = 0.0325;
        public constant real DEFAULT_FAST  = 0.01;

At the end of the day it doesn't matter, keep updating your code and posting or whatever. I find it difficult to read at the moment, regardless of that I don't know cJass. I think you'd find it easier to write and maintain an AIDS/T32 struct.
struct MyMagic extends array
    //! runtextmacro AIDS()
    real xVelocity
    real yVelocity
    private method periodic takes nothing returns boolean
        // Do some periodic stuff using .members
        return false
    implement T32
    private method AIDS_onCreate takes nothing returns nothing
        set .xVelocity=0
        set .yVelocity=0
    // call .startPeriodic somewhere...

I dunno. Neat and easy kinda... I still need to make T32x. <_<


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Well, I'll keep updating, and some time will convert it to AIDS/T32.

And I'll do something about those groups, I suppose.

Currently, I'm working on a way to make friction. And friction that only affects coded movement. For example, knockback. Which then users won't have to have an acceleration an a deceleration. Just a straight speed and friction will take care of the rest.


Good Idea™
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>Well, I'll keep updating, and some time will convert it to AIDS/T32.
>And I'll do something about those groups, I suppose.
Same thing.

>Currently, I'm working on a way to make friction. And friction that only affects coded movement. For example, knockback. Which then users won't have to have an acceleration an a deceleration. Just a straight speed and friction will take care of the rest.

>_< Is Nestharus your mentor?
You should forget what leaks are and write a map in GUI. :)


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Actually, I'm making a map right now, but not in GUI, though :p. Won't reveal what it is yet, though. This is part of it. Though, I should really work on other aspects of the map. However, this has to get done. Might as well do something. So, I decided to work, ultimately, on the Physics Engine.

>>_< Is Nestharus your mentor?

Why do you say that?


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        Map initialization
        Custom script:   call Nut.evaluate()
        Custom script:   endfunction
        Custom script:   function Doh takes nothing returns nothing
        Custom script:   call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, "Ha, ha! Does this count as crappy GUI?")
        Custom script:   endfunction
        Custom script:   function Nut takes nothing returns nothing
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        True Equal to True
                    Then - Actions
                        Custom script:   call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.0325, true, function Doh)
                    Else - Actions


This is what it looks like in JASS:

function Trig_Crappy_Func007Func001C takes nothing returns boolean
    if ( not ( true == true ) ) then
        return false
    return true

function Trig_Crappy_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    call Nut.evaluate()
    function Doh takes nothing returns nothing
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, &quot;Ha, ha! Does this count as crappy GUI?&quot;)
    function Nut takes nothing returns nothing
    set bj_forLoopAIndex = 1
    set bj_forLoopAIndexEnd = 12
        exitwhen bj_forLoopAIndex &gt; bj_forLoopAIndexEnd
        if ( Trig_Crappy_Func007Func001C() ) then
            call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.0325, true, function Doh)
        set bj_forLoopAIndex = bj_forLoopAIndex + 1

function InitTrig_Crappy takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_Crappy = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Crappy, function Trig_Crappy_Actions )

So awkward looking.


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My eyes burn of unefficienty when I see this, please remove that code! :mad:

And you're declaring functions inside of other functions. ?&?&?HJV


Good Idea™
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>My eyes burn of unefficienty when I see this, please remove that code!
Your eyes burn because you stuck a lit matchstick in them. :p

Nice GUI. :thup:
(Actually I might do that in my maps. It seems like a practical way to code timer system stuff in GUI. o_O :p)

>Why do you say that?
Because well, it seems he's great at coming up with concepts where the practical implementation is irrelevant or unhelpful.

Like for friction: Did you know there is no point? Even if each thing processes friction by itself, it will be more efficient, and if you use T32 it will merge the SetUnitPosition/X/Ys in effect anyway (no chop from having two "slides" acting on one unit).


I keep popping up on this site from time to time.
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> Your eyes burn because you stuck a lit matchstick in them.

> And you're declaring functions inside of other functions.
Look at it, closely.


Code looks good, but I barely understand cJASS, so it could be completely wrong and I couldn't tell.


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Well, I just wanted to do friction because... Damn. I can't come up with a good response unless I tell you I'm working on Physics Wars :-/

Lol, let's use that method for all our timer system stuff then. I was actually surprised I didn't make a dumb mistake and it worked XD I was like "Cool."


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Ok... there are so many issues with your code that o-o...


    define {
        msg(string) = DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, string);


I have no idea what that means. (I intend to continue to not know, as well.)

Jesus4Lyf, don't worry. When I first saw his little GetUnitDatas thing, I scratched my head for a second wondering wth it was ; P.


define {
        GetUnitDatas( Gud_unit ) = {                            // Automated data gathering!
            unit u = Gud_unit;
            int Id = GetHandleId( u );
            bool G = LoadBoolean( Hash, Id, Gravity );
            real S = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Speed );
            real M = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Mass );
            real T = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Time );
            real D = 0;
            bool F = LoadBoolean( Hash, Id, Friction );

zamg at that awful interface unless you planning to keep them private : |.

J4L, that's a function that you call within another function. That define creates that whole list of local vars in the function calling it, but here's the thing.. it bugs if it's used more than once? Why? You can't have 2 vars with the same given name. He's made quite a few mistakes here ><. He either needs to use the var name as part of the local, meaning that he'll even have more issues, or he needs to make it a private define that he uses within his own functions or something ><. How he has it right now is going to make it very difficult to use and "loads" of code. I don't believe the speed gain to the code ratio is worth it at all here.


        Gravity = StringHash( &quot;Gravity&quot; );                      // Hash for Gravity
        Group = StringHash( &quot;Group&quot; );                          // Hash for Group
        Speed = StringHash( &quot;Speed&quot; );                          // Hash for Speed
        Mass = StringHash( &quot;Mass&quot; );                            // Hash for Mass
        Time = StringHash( &quot;Time&quot; );                            // Hash for Time
        Friction = StringHash( &quot;Friction&quot; );                    // Hash for Friction

This was said before, but these should all be keys

Next, you have a mass of groups and timers and it appears that you add all units to the gravity unit group or w/e... Uh... I seriously suggest you use a list because all of these group enumerations are going to literally rape you when you start actually using this in a map, especially if you plan to do them every .03125 seconds.


    void Ini( ) {

Should be private unless you like conflicting with other functions.


define {
        GetUnitDatas( Gud_unit ) = {                            // Automated data gathering!
            unit u = Gud_unit;
            int Id = GetHandleId( u );
            bool G = LoadBoolean( Hash, Id, Gravity );
            real S = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Speed );
            real M = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Mass );
            real T = LoadReal( Hash, Id, Time );
            real D = 0;
            bool F = LoadBoolean( Hash, Id, Friction );
        Gravity = StringHash( &quot;Gravity&quot; );                      // Hash for Gravity
        Group = StringHash( &quot;Group&quot; );                          // Hash for Group
        Speed = StringHash( &quot;Speed&quot; );                          // Hash for Speed
        Mass = StringHash( &quot;Mass&quot; );                            // Hash for Mass
        Time = StringHash( &quot;Time&quot; );                            // Hash for Time
        Friction = StringHash( &quot;Friction&quot; );                    // Hash for Friction
        GInactive = 0;                                          // Index for Inactive
        GActive = 1;                                            // Index for Active
        FInactive = 2;                                          // Index for Inactive
        FActive = 3;                                            // Index for Inactive
        DefaultGravity = 16;                                    // Default Gravity
        DefaultSpeed = DefaultMass * DefaultGravity;            // Default Speed
        DefaultMass = 100.00;                                   // Default Mass
        DefaultDamage = 150.00;                                 // Default Damage
        MaxNoDamageFall = 0.25;                                 // Max fall height for no damage
        MASSPERCENTAGE = 0.05;                                  // Percentage of mass to decrease fall damage
        DefaultFriction = 0.1;                                  // Default Friction

This whole mess needs to either all be private or all needs to be named as so-



Don't care what you do, but atm none of that stuff is at all encapsulated, which is like asking for naming conflicts.

There is a whole other mess of things wrong... but I'd have to start picking away at everything. I'm sure there are a few other glaring things that'd hit me in the face from glancing at code, but those were the biggest ones : ). I'll glance again and even examine it for you if you like : P.


Lerning how to write and read!! Yeah.
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Well, I just wanted to do friction because... Damn. I can't come up with a good response unless I tell you I'm working on Physics Wars :-/

Lol, let's use that method for all our timer system stuff then. I was actually surprised I didn't make a dumb mistake and it worked XD I was like "Cool."

Im sorry but you working on Physics Wars was pretty obvious :D:D:D:D:D:D:D.


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zamg at that awful interface unless you planning to keep them private : |.

'Course I do.

Should be private unless you like conflicting with other functions.

Whoops. I thought I made it private.

There is a whole other mess of things wrong... but I'd have to start picking away at everything. I'm sure there are a few other glaring things that'd hit me in the face from glancing at code, but those were the biggest ones : ). I'll glance again and even examine it for you if you like : P.

Yes, do that please.

And about that encapsulation, I plan on converting it to vJASS, then, when it's converted, all of those defines will have been processed and I'll go through and optimize that way.

As for the list, Linked Lists?
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