Snippet UnitList


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library UnitList requires AutoIndex

struct UnitList

    readonly integer Count = 0
    readonly thistype First = 0
    readonly thistype Next = 0
    readonly thistype Prev = 0
    readonly thistype Last = 0
    implement AutoDestroy
    method clear takes nothing returns nothing
        local thistype s = .First
        set thistype.ignoreDestroy = true
        exitwhen s == 0
            call s.destroy()
            set s = s.Next
        set .Count = 0
        call FlushChildHashtable(thistype.hashT,.whichList)
        set thistype.ignoreDestroy = false
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing

        if thistype.ignoreDestroy then
        if this == .whichList then // the whole group is destroyed
            call .clear()
        set .whichList.Count = .whichList.Count-1
        call RemoveSavedInteger(thistype.hashT,.whichList,GetUnitId(.me))
        if this == .whichList.First then
            set .Prev = 0
            set .whichList.First = .Next
        elseif this == .whichList.Last then
            set .Prev.Next = 0
            set .whichList.Last = .Prev
            set .Prev.Next = .Next
            set .Next.Prev = .Prev
    method addUnit takes unit u returns boolean
        if LoadInteger(thistype.hashT,this,GetUnitId(u)) != 0 then // the unit is already inside the group
            return false
        if .Count == 0 then // the group was empty
            set .First = thistype.allocate()
            set .Last = .First
            set .Last.Next = thistype.allocate()
            set .Last.Next.Prev = .Last
            set .Last = .Last.Next
        set = u
        set .Last.whichList = this
        call SaveInteger(thistype.hashT,this,GetUnitId(u),integer(.Last))
        set .Count = .Count+1
        return true
    //implement AutoDestroy
    method removeUnit takes unit u returns boolean
        if LoadInteger(thistype.hashT,this,GetUnitId(u)) == 0 then // the unit wasn't inside the group
            return false
        call thistype(LoadInteger(thistype.hashT,this,GetUnitId(u))).destroy()
        return true
    method isUnitInList takes unit u returns boolean
        return LoadInteger(thistype.hashT,this,GetUnitId(u)) != 0
    method addUnitList takes UnitList whichUnitList returns nothing
        set whichUnitList = whichUnitList.First
        exitwhen whichUnitList == 0
            call .addUnit(
            set whichUnitList = whichUnitList.Next
    static method wrap takes group g returns UnitList
        if not SaveGroupHandle(thistype.hashT,0,0,g) then // group invalid
            return 0
        set thistype.wrapList = thistype.allocate()
        call ForGroup(g,function thistype.WrapList)

        return thistype.wrapList
    private static method WrapList takes nothing returns nothing
        call thistype.wrapList.addUnit(GetEnumUnit())
    private thistype whichList = 0
    private static hashtable hashT
    private static boolean ignoreDestroy = false
    private static thistype wrapList = 0
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        set thistype.hashT = InitHashtable()


- What is that ?
Ever heard about ghost units ?
Those units which are removed of the game but not inside the group they were.

- What's the problem with ghost units ?
If a group has many ghost units, we can have performance issues, also we can't safely use a FirstOfGroup, exitwhen <unit> == null loop.

This, automatically removes units when they are about to removed, so you can't have ghost units at all.
And that makes group recycling fairly useless.

Also if include a group global, GroupUtils becomes pointless imho.

I don't make comments, because i suppose if it has enough good feedbacks Jesus4Lyf will just make it from scratch using AIDS (needs an update of it though) *shrugs*
So i don't want to lose time, since making English comments is the most annoying part of a submission for me.

Any comments are welcome.


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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I don't understand the purpose of this. Also, there is no documentation, so I do not understand how to use this.


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I will post samples this day or tomorrow.

If you use groups only for an instant enumeration of units you just don't need this.
But if you want to keep a bunch of units during time, this is useful.

The real con is that destroying/clearing a group is O(N) , N == number of units inside the group.
That shouldn't matter that much though, unless for some reasons you want an huge UnitList.

It's usage is like unit group, but slower.
Sure it's slower but not that much, and fix the ghost unit problem at very least.
And again, if you don't need to keep the track of units during time, this is useless.


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The linked lists should be circularly linked lists.
Hmm, i know only simple and double linked list, i will take a look about circular linked list and how it could be better here.

ForGroup does not have ghost problems, does it?
It won't enumerate a ghost unit if it's that you want mean.

If we don't use FirstOfGroup, this is completely unnecessary, right?
There is still the performance issue because of ghost units.
Also having a .Count and a double linked list unit is kinda useful.
You don't have to split the code in several functions (i'm talking about the ForGroup alternative)
Note that the units will be kept in order they were added, not like a group.


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How a circular double linked list would be more useful here ?
For me it's more confusing to loop through the list (sure we could use .Count), but why ?


Good Idea™
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How a circular double linked list would be more useful here ?
Cleans this up:
        if this == .whichList.First then
            set .Prev = 0
            set .whichList.First = .Next
        elseif this == .whichList.Last then
            set .Prev.Next = 0
            set .whichList.Last = .Prev
            set .Prev.Next = .Next
            set .Next.Prev = .Prev

set .Prev.Next=.Next
set .Next.Prev=.Prev

[LJASS]group[/LJASS]s seem to internally use a BST or something, so they're actually much more efficient for checking if a unit is in a group. Also, just because the code is native, the destroy functionality is inherently faster. Since there isn't a problem with ForGroup either, I'm not sure that this is useful...


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Cleans this up:
        if this == .whichList.First then
            set .Prev = 0
            set .whichList.First = .Next
        elseif this == .whichList.Last then
            set .Prev.Next = 0
            set .whichList.Last = .Prev
            set .Prev.Next = .Next
            set .Next.Prev = .Prev

set .Prev.Next=.Next
set .Next.Prev=.Prev

[LJASS]group[/LJASS]s seem to internally use a BST or something, so they're actually much more efficient for checking if a unit is in a group. Also, just because the code is native, the destroy functionality is inherently faster. Since there isn't a problem with ForGroup either, I'm not sure that this is useful...

If you do that you won't be able to start to the last unit or i'm missing something.
I hate ForGroup because it splits the code, also even if you can't enum a ghost unit with it, that doesn't mean it doesn't slow all the thing when the group has many ghost units.
Hmm, i will do benchmarks, and if this is slower than a group with 100 ghost unit then i willl admit this is kinda useless, even if i like the syntax and the little other features.


Good Idea™
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If you do that you won't be able to start to the last unit or i'm missing something.

>if this is slower than a group with 100 ghost unit then i willl admit this is kinda useless
The problem further is, if you think about it, this is only used when you need to store units for x seconds. When you store a list of units for x seconds and then use it, you'd usually then destroy it. That means the efficiency, in many or maybe even most cases, will be not just the efficiency of iteration, but destruction.

I suppose a bigger question is why you're using an indexing system. Why not just leave ghost units in there until iteration occurs, anyway... but then you have this "count" variable. And then I wonder why, because in many situations, who cares about count. And then I consider this to be one of the things that users should write themselves for specific applications, and the real issue here is that Romek needs to finish his linked-list tut. ;)

PS. I actually expect the iteration of this to be faster than a [LJASS]group[/LJASS] if properly done. My problem is I think it should be a singularly linked list.


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Be able to loop trough the list and begin with the last unit could be handy sometimes.

Jesus4Lyf said:
The problem further is, if you think about it, this is only used when you need to store units for x seconds.

Exactly, and it's only useful for that, i've said it several times on this thread, else just use a static group like GROUP_ENUM of GroupUtils.

When you store a list of units for x seconds and then use it, you'd usually then destroy it. That means the efficiency, in many or maybe even most cases, will be not just the efficiency of iteration, but destruction.

Not always, especially when you need to keep the track of units during the whole game.
I will post a whole system using it if you don't get this point.

I suppose a bigger question is why you're using an indexing system. Why not just leave ghost units in there until iteration occurs, anyway...
Performance issue ?

but then you have this "count" variable. And then I wonder why, because in many situations, who cares about count. And then I consider this to be one of the things that users should write themselves for specific applications

Meh, it's not something which will slow down all the thing and could be handy sometimes.
Yourself include things that nobody will ever use in your resources.

and the real issue here is that Romek needs to finish his linked-list tut. ;)

Lol, i'm not that noob, but i'm agree i should make benchmarks before post this thing.

PS. I actually expect the iteration of this to be faster than a [LJASS]group[/LJASS] if properly done. My problem is I think it should be a singularly linked list.
But a singulary linked list is lame when you want to remove an index, right ?


Good Idea™
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>Be able to loop trough the list and begin with the last unit could be handy sometimes.
Then start from the other end? Circular lists don't change this..

>Exactly, and it's only useful for that, i've said it several times on this thread, else just use a static group like GROUP_ENUM of GroupUtils.
My point was the statement which followed, excuse that.

>Not always, especially when you need to keep the track of units during the whole game.
Fair enough, but there's so many ways to do this. It can be done with GUI and an array of units (which should be faster to iterate through, I think).

>>I suppose a bigger question is why you're using an indexing system. Why not just leave ghost units in there until iteration occurs, anyway...
>Performance issue ?
No, this:
>But a singulary linked list is lame when you want to remove an index, right ?
If you switch to a singularly linked list, and don't try to remove ghosted units, everything is fine. I'm thinking for example a spell that deals damage after x seconds.

>Lol, i'm not that noob, but i'm agree i should make benchmarks before post this thing.
I meant the tut should make this redundant, because then everyone can write it, exactly the way they need it, in 3 minutes.


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Then start from the other end? Circular lists don't change this..
Hmm, you're probably right i had never use a circular list, i will take a better look for it.

Fair enough, but there's so many ways to do this. It can be done with GUI and an array of units (which should be faster to iterate through, I think).

Again, what about ghost units :D
Other ways you have in mind ?

If you switch to a singularly linked list, and don't try to remove ghosted units, everything is fine. I'm thinking for example a spell that deals damage after x seconds.
No, ghost units are the devil, they revived the return bug, they even invented TriggerSleepAction itself !

Meh, i suppose the next post will be a concrete example of usage with benchmarks included.

Thx for the feedback.


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Just a quick test to show how ghost units are lame :

[LJASS]ForGroup with 100 ghost units[/LJASS] vs [LJASS]ForGroup without ghost units[/LJASS]​

Approximate Results & Conclusions:
  • Tested on Warcraft III Version
  • [LJASS]ForGroup without ghost units[/LJASS] is 53 % faster than [LJASS]ForGroup with 100 ghost units[/LJASS]
  • [LJASS]ForGroup without ghost units[/LJASS] is 18.4 % faster than [LJASS]ForGroup with 32 ghost units[/LJASS] (with ghost units : 7.612 ; without ghost units : 6.429)
    Ofc it will become faster with less ghost units, and slower with more.

Comments & Personal Criticism:
  • So even if a ForGroup doesn't enum ghost units, ghost units affects the performance of the group.
  • That's the same with IsUnitInGroup, you have the same result with X ghost units and Y real units against X+Y real units.

library Benchmark initializer OnInit
    // Native declarations for stopwatch natives //
    //  - Requires no modified common.j import   //
    native StopWatchCreate  takes nothing returns integer
    native StopWatchMark    takes integer stopwatch returns real
    native StopWatchDestroy takes integer stopwatch returns nothing
    // Benchmarking script //
    // Initialisation
        private group Grp1 // with ghost units
        private group Grp2 //  without ghost units
        private UnitList Unt
        private unit U
        private boolean B = false
    private function Callback takes nothing returns nothing
        call DoNothing()
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local unit u

        set Grp1 = CreateGroup()
        set Grp2 = CreateGroup()
        exitwhen i == 100
            set u = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hfoo&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
            call GroupAddUnit(Grp1,u)
            call RemoveUnit(u)
        set i = i+1
        set U = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hfoo&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
        call GroupAddUnit(Grp1,U)
        call GroupAddUnit(Grp2,U)
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;init done&quot;)
    // Tests
    private constant string TITLE_A=&quot;Grp1 with 100 ghost units&quot;
    //! textmacro Benchmark__TestA
        call ForGroup(Grp1,function Callback)
    //! endtextmacro
    private constant string TITLE_B=&quot;Grp2 without ghost units&quot;
    //! textmacro Benchmark__TestB
        call ForGroup(Grp2,function Callback)
    //! endtextmacro
    // execution
    private function TestA1000 takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i=100 // hence 1,000 execs
            exitwhen i==0
            set i=i-1
            // Repeat x10
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 1
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 2
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 3
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 4
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 5
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 6
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 7
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 8
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 9
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 10
    private function TestB1000 takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i=100
            exitwhen i==0 // hence 1,000 execs
            set i=i-1
            // Repeat x10
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 1
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 2
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 3
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 4
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 5
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 6
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 7
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 8
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 9
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 10
    private function OnEsc takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer sw
        local integer i
        set i=0
        set sw=StopWatchCreate()
            set i=i+1
            call TestA1000.evaluate() // x10 - 10,000 executions altogether.
            exitwhen i==10
        call BJDebugMsg(TITLE_A+&quot;: &quot;+R2S(StopWatchMark(sw)*100))
        call StopWatchDestroy(sw)
        set i=0
        set sw=StopWatchCreate()
            set i=i+1
            call TestB1000.evaluate() // x10 - 10,000 executions altogether.
            exitwhen i==10
        call BJDebugMsg(TITLE_B+&quot;: &quot;+R2S(StopWatchMark(sw)*100))
        call StopWatchDestroy(sw)
    // Registers the OnEsc event //
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t,Player(0),EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC)
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function OnEsc)
        call Init()

@ Jesus4Lyf :
I don't see the point of you optimisation suggested (the circular linked list).

For loop through a group instead of doing that :

    local UnitList g = Group.create()
    local unit u1 = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hpea&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
    local unit u2 = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hfoo&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
    local unit u3 = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hkni&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
    local unit u4 = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hspt&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
    local UnitList x
    call g.addUnit(u1)
    call g.addUnit(u2)
    call g.addUnit(u3)
    call g.addUnit(u4)
    set x = g.First // you could just use &#039;g&#039; instead of &#039;x&#039; but then you couldn&#039;t use .Count 
    exitwhen x == 0
        call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(
        set x = x.Next

You should do that :

    local UnitList g = Group.create()
    local unit u1 = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hpea&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
    local unit u2 = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hfoo&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
    local unit u3 = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hkni&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
    local unit u4 = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hspt&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
    local unit u
    local UnitList x
    call g.addUnit(u1)
    call g.addUnit(u2)
    call g.addUnit(u3)
    call g.addUnit(u4)
    set x = g.Next // you could just use &#039;g&#039; instead of &#039;x&#039; but then you couldn&#039;t use .Count 
    set u =
    if u != null then // imagine units were added sooner in the game and not on the top of this function.

           call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(
           set x = x.Next
       exitwhen == u


Or i miss something ?
If not, then it's more lame, i prefer to the speed of list iteration against the speed of unit adding (maybe because of my special need), especially because we are talking about removing an if/then/elseif/else ...


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An other benchmark.

[LJASS]ForGroup[/LJASS] vs [LJASS]UnitList iteration[/LJASS]​

Approximate Results & Conclusions:
  • Tested on Warcraft III Version
  • [LJASS]UnitList iteration[/LJASS] is 320 % faster than [LJASS]ForGroup with 10 units[/LJASS]
  • [lJASS]ForGroup[/lJASS] : 56.664 ; UnitList iteration : 17.732
  • [LJASS]UnitList iteration[/LJASS] is 1350 % faster than [LJASS]ForGroup with 100 units[/LJASS]
  • [lJASS]ForGroup[/lJASS] : 547.865 ; UnitList iteration : 37.749

Comments & Personal Criticism:
  • It would be annoying to test a such loop :

    local unit u = FirstOfGroup(&lt;group&gt;)
    exitwhen u == null
       call GroupRemoveUnit(&lt;group&gt;,u)
       set u = FirstOfGroup(&lt;group&gt;)

    But for ghost units you would need extra checks (GetUnitTypeId(u) != 0), and anyway if you want to keep the group, you have to store the units again, so i don't see how this method could be faster than a ForGroup callback, even in the best scenario.

library Benchmark initializer OnInit requires UnitList
    // Native declarations for stopwatch natives //
    //  - Requires no modified common.j import   //
    native StopWatchCreate  takes nothing returns integer
    native StopWatchMark    takes integer stopwatch returns real
    native StopWatchDestroy takes integer stopwatch returns nothing
    // Benchmarking script //
    // Initialisation
        private unit U
        private group Grp
        private UnitList UnL
        private UnitList X
        private constant integer UNIT_NUMBER = 10
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u
        local integer i = 0
        set Grp = CreateGroup()
        set UnL = UnitList.create()
        exitwhen i == UNIT_NUMBER
            set u = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hfoo&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
            call GroupAddUnit(Grp,u)
            call UnL.addUnit(u)
        set i = i+1
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;init done&quot;)
    // Tests
    private function Callback takes nothing returns nothing
        set U = GetEnumUnit()

    private constant string TITLE_A=&quot;ForGroup&quot;
    //! textmacro Benchmark__TestA
        call ForGroup(Grp,function Callback)
    //! endtextmacro
    private constant string TITLE_B=&quot;UnitList&quot;
    //! textmacro Benchmark__TestB
        set X = UnL.First
        exitwhen X == 0
            set U =
        set X = X.Next
    //! endtextmacro
    // execution
    private function TestA1000 takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i=100 // hence 1,000 execs
            exitwhen i==0
            set i=i-1
            // Repeat x10
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 1
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 2
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 3
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 4
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 5
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 6
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 7
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 8
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 9
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 10
    private function TestB1000 takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i=100
            exitwhen i==0 // hence 1,000 execs
            set i=i-1
            // Repeat x10
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 1
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 2
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 3
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 4
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 5
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 6
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 7
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 8
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 9
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 10
    private function OnEsc takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer sw
        local integer i
        set i=0
        set sw=StopWatchCreate()
            set i=i+1
            call TestA1000.evaluate() // x10 - 10,000 executions altogether.
            exitwhen i==10
        call BJDebugMsg(TITLE_A+&quot;: &quot;+R2S(StopWatchMark(sw)*100))
        call StopWatchDestroy(sw)
        set i=0
        set sw=StopWatchCreate()
            set i=i+1
            call TestB1000.evaluate() // x10 - 10,000 executions altogether.
            exitwhen i==10
        call BJDebugMsg(TITLE_B+&quot;: &quot;+R2S(StopWatchMark(sw)*100))
        call StopWatchDestroy(sw)
    // Registers the OnEsc event //
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t,Player(0),EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC)
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function OnEsc)
        call Init()


Reaction score
Minimize the overhead in your tests.
Use a new local for every enumeration.
Use a new local inside the Callback function. And null it properly.

For your tests with ghost units, use less ghosts. Ive read somewhere that groups are more efficient if theres 64 or less units in them.


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Minimize the overhead in your tests.
Maybe i misunderstood you but there is not unnecessary stuff, compared to the tested stuff itself, or correct me if i'm wrong.

Use a new local for every enumeration.
Use a new local inside the Callback function. And null it properly.

Actually it's the same global variable and i don't see anything wrong with this.

For your tests with ghost units, use less ghosts. Ive read somewhere that groups are more efficient if theres 64 or less units in them.
The point of this test was to show that ghost units affects also ForGroup callbacks (not that obvious).
It's perfectly reasonable to think that a group which contain 10 units have 100 ghost units, if you keep it during a long time, but i will do the test with let's say 32 ghost units and edit the post.


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And now the cons :D

[LJASS]GroupAddUnit[/LJASS] vs [LJASS]UnitList.addUnit[/LJASS]​

Approximate Results & Conclusions:
  • Tested on Warcraft III Version
  • [LJASS]GroupAddUnit[/LJASS] is 166 % faster than [LJASS]UnitList.addUnit with 20 units (added units weren't already inside the group)[/LJASS]
  • [lJASS]GroupAddUnit[/lJASS] : 18.722 ; UnitList.addUnit : 49.493
  • [LJASS]GroupAddUnit[/LJASS] is 78.5 % faster than [LJASS]UnitList.addUnit with 20 units (added units were already inside the group)[/LJASS]
  • [lJASS]GroupAddUnit[/lJASS] : 18.380 ; UnitList.addUnit : 32.802

Comments & Personal Criticism:

I got the same kind of results with 50 units, i think it's kind of a miracle that UnitAddList is only 2.7 times slower than the native GroupAddUnit in the worst scenario, and only 1.8 times slower in the best one.

library Benchmark initializer OnInit requires UnitList
    // Native declarations for stopwatch natives //
    //  - Requires no modified common.j import   //
    native StopWatchCreate  takes nothing returns integer
    native StopWatchMark    takes integer stopwatch returns real
    native StopWatchDestroy takes integer stopwatch returns nothing
    // Benchmarking script //
    // Initialisation
        private unit array U
        private group array Grp
        private UnitList array UnL
        private UnitList X
        private integer I = -1
        private integer J = -1
        private integer Index
        private constant integer UNIT_NUMBER = 20
        private constant integer GROUP_NUMBER = 190 // must be a multiple of 100
        // GROUP_NUMBER * (UNIT_NUMBER + 1) must be &lt;= 8190
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        exitwhen i == UNIT_NUMBER
            set U<i> = CreateUnit(Player(0),&#039;hfoo&#039;,0.,0.,0.)
        set i = i+1
        set i = 0
        exitwhen i == GROUP_NUMBER
            set Grp<i> = CreateGroup()
            set UnL<i> = UnitList.create()
        set i = i+1
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;init done&quot;)
    // Tests
    private constant string TITLE_A=&quot;GroupAddUnit&quot;
    //! textmacro Benchmark__TestA
        set Index = 0
        set I = I+1
        exitwhen Index == UNIT_NUMBER
            call GroupAddUnit(Grp<i>,U[Index])
        set Index = Index+1
    //! endtextmacro
    private constant string TITLE_B=&quot;UnitList.addUnit&quot;
    //! textmacro Benchmark__TestB
        set Index = 0
        set J = J+1
        exitwhen Index == UNIT_NUMBER
            call UnL[J].addUnit(U[Index])
        set Index = Index+1
    //! endtextmacro
    // execution
    private function TestA1000 takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i=10 
            exitwhen i==0
            set i=i-1
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 1
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 2
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 3
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 4
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 5
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 6
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 7
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 8
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 9
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestA() // 10
        //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Test A performed&quot;)
    private function TestB1000 takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i=10
            exitwhen i==0 
            set i=i-1
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 1
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 2
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 3
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 4
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 5
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 6
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 7
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 8
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 9
            //! runtextmacro Benchmark__TestB() // 10
        //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Test B performed&quot;)
    private function OnEsc takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer sw
        local integer i
        set i=0
        set sw=StopWatchCreate()
            set i=i+1
            call TestA1000.evaluate()
            exitwhen i == GROUP_NUMBER/10
        call BJDebugMsg(TITLE_A+&quot;: &quot;+R2S(StopWatchMark(sw)*100))
        call StopWatchDestroy(sw)
        set i=0
        set sw=StopWatchCreate()
            set i=i+1
            call TestB1000.evaluate()
            exitwhen i == GROUP_NUMBER/10
        call BJDebugMsg(TITLE_B+&quot;: &quot;+R2S(StopWatchMark(sw)*100))
        call StopWatchDestroy(sw)
    // Registers the OnEsc event //
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t,Player(0),EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC)
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function OnEsc)
        call Init()


You can change this now in User CP.
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The last benchmark is wrong, i tried to use more than 8190 instances of UnitList, so it was slower because it returned many times the instance "0" and so the private method "remove", part of module AutoDestroy, was called many times when it shoudn't.
GroupAddUnit should be still much faster though.

I've fixed the benchmark code, but i can't use NewGen Warcraft.exe for the moment.

Could someone test and display the values plz ?

Then, i could edit the previous post with the results.

Thx in advance.


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
The previous benchmark GroupAddUnit vs UnitList.addUnit is now valid.
And i love the result to be honest.

I will add the two last benchmarks later (IsUnitIngroup vs isUnitInList and GroupRemoveUnit vs .removeUnit).
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