Maybe it is for DOTa but there not gonna make you download DOTA for ever or no one will play it.
but.... tbh, for an ORPG that is good, because everyone knows that since the world is so stupid that can't conjure even one good mapper that won't make a crappy RPG, custom models and terrain make 100% of the RPG's. : (
that one is pretty small.
Blizzard wouldn't make the max map size 8mb if it takes too long to dl. They probably will improve the system and speed up dl.
dl speed slow? in Kalimdor there is no problem on that, everything you do is almost instant (even dls are instant as you join you almost instantly got the map even if it's almost 4mb). that should be the same thing in all bnet servers, that just depends on everyone's net speed.
Could use more custom resources to enchance the look (Yeah right, like it could get any better)
Longer download speed (God bless you if your connection was a complete crap)
Map maker add more useless resources like unnecessary music with huge file size.
Map maker probably would simply add whatever resources they deem to fit or awesome without thinking, probably render the quality low.
Map maker probably depends more on custom resources instead of creativity to enchances the map.